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Sophie's Playboy

Page 27

by Natalie J. Damschroder

  "It's nice now, but it'll be ninety by the time we start bro

  "Can't you just wear a station T-shirt and jeans?" Brie aske

  "That's what I wear most days. We'll be in public, so Parker

  "And attract."

  Sophie didn't answer.

  "I'm gonna come over when the seminar is done today," Briann

  Oh, no. "The show is ending an hour and a half early," Sophi

  "I'll make it. Unless I see Juanita. Then we might just go o

  Sophie headed to the bathroom to grab some lotion for her le

  "The sponsor paid for a two-and-a-half-hour broadcast," she

  "That sucks."

  Sophie went back into the bedroom. Hippo followed again, lit

  "Yeah, right." Brianna leaned over and picked up the panting

  Sophie choked on nothing and glared at her sister. "Where di

  Brianna sighed and laid down on her side. Hippo curled up ag

  "I barely want him as a friend, Brie."

  "Come off it. You can't lie to me any better than Kira can.

  "Puh-leeze." Sophie buttoned up her vest and tugged it into

  She was about to leave the room when Brianna grabbed her han

  "Seriously, Soph. Give him a chance. Don't cut him off just

  Sophie consciously relaxed her tight muscles. "Most women ge

  "You haven't been burned," Brie pointed out.

  "Exactly. I haven't let anyone get close enough to try. But

  Brianna smiled. "At least there's a chance he'll fall."

  * * * *

  Sophie met Parker and the engineer, Mark, at the station and

  "Just stand there until I tell you to come in," he said.

  "No one else could get me to obey so quickly," Sophie joked.

  "Thanks for the info," Parker teased back. "I would never ha

  Sophie gave him a mock punch in his biceps and had to stop h

  Her mouth suddenly dry, she wandered over to a nearby refres

  No. Goddamnit, no. I'm not that weak. She fought dizziness a

  Mark settled them into their seats and got them situated, th

  "Good afternoon, Boston, and welcome to Rant and Rave. I'm S


  "—and we're broadcasting live from the grand opening celebra

  Parker took over and talked about the ticket and concession

  Melina, back at the station, went to commercial and Sophie g

  "You okay?"

  She tried to be nonchalant. "Sure. Why?"

  "Just asking. You seem a bit off today."

  "I'm fine. Thanks." She took off into the crowd, still witho

  Parker watched her for a minute before he went back into the

  "Parker, can you hear me?" Her voice was tinny in his earpho

  "Gotcha, Soph."


  The producer came in clearer from the station. "Check."

  "What's the count?"


  Parker could hear the broadcast now and waited for his cue.

  "I'm here with Quintelle, a self-proclaimed movie buff who h

  "Oh, I love the old war movies. They just have so much heart

  "What else are you looking forward to?"

  "Oh, probably just about everything. I love movies." He half

  Sophie laughed. "Thanks, Quintelle." She moved through the c

  "Thank God for jocks!" She handed Mark the headphones and mi

  "And a half." Parker sat next to her and lifted her feet int

  She looked completely exhausted, Parker thought, but relaxed

  "DEEEE, dee dee dee, deh deh deh, de de de."

  "Who's calling, Vincent Price?" Sophie asked lazily.

  "Something like that," Parker murmured, flipping open his di

  "Hi, Mare," he answered "What's up?"

  "Parker, I'm sorry. Are you done with the show?"

  "A few minutes ago."

  Sophie opened her eyes and made a move to get up, but he kep

  "I need to ask you to pick up the kids," Mare said. He barel

  Maybe he still had a chance. "How long do you need me to sta

  "Um, well, this meeting may go pretty late."

  Parker sighed. Pretty late meant he was probably spending th

  "Mark, are you done with us?" he called to the engineer. Aft

  "I hope you don't have plans. I have to pick up my nephews b

  Sophie shrugged. "No problem. You can all drop me at my car

  They walked quickly to Parker's Toyota Sequoia. He noticed t

  "It's nice to find a tall man who walks with his whole legs,

  "How old are they?" she asked once Parker was in the truck.

  "Four and seven." He checked traffic, then pulled out of the

  "No problem. I'm not going anywhere." Sophie settled into th

  It only took five minutes to get to the day care. They walke

  "Hello, Parker," the serene-seeming older woman said. "Frick

  "They the last ones?"

  "Trina is still here. She's in the little girl's room. Mary

  The smallest was now hanging by Parker's forearm. The only i

  "I've been working later," he explained. "Radio show. Maybe

  The woman's lips thinned further. "I've heard of it, Mr. Cor

  Oo, Mr. Cornwall now. Sophie wondered what had happened to "

  "It's hardly the type of show we'd play in a day care center

  "Of course." He pulled his left arm up until the monkey-boy

  The door behind them opened and a rumpled woman rushed in. "

  Before Mrs. Persimmon could answer, the bathroom door opened

  "There's my baby!" When the woman bent to hug her daughter,

  "Hello, Diane."

  The woman beamed up at Parker. She looked less exhausted whe

  "Parker, hi! Long time no see. How's the show going?"

  They made small talk as the gang maneuvered out the door. On

  "How are Trina's treatments going?"

  Diane stopped beaming. "As usual. She's starting to lose sta

  Sophie watched the children and tried not to eavesdrop on th

  "Here," Sophie heard him say. "It's magic."

  Trina closed her fist around it, then put her hand in the po

  "Thank you, Parker, Trina would love to see the boys when sh

  She gathered her daughter and moved slowly across the parkin

  "Hey, boys, calm down a minute." Parker crouched in front of

  "How do you do?" Sophie asked, surprised when they held out

  "I'm four!" yelled Josh.

  "Wow! I'd have guessed six at least!" Sophie shook his hand,

  "How old are you, Timmy?"

  "I'm seven, ma'am," he answered with all the solemnity of a

  "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

  Timmy looked up at his uncle. "Partner? Is that, like, 'we'r

  Sophie gasped and bit her lips to keep a giggle in. Timmy di

  "Bobby has two dads, and they call each other 'partner.' Bob

  Parker steered them all toward the truck and when Timmy fina

  "Cool! Can we go to the radio station?"

  "I wanna see the radio station!" Josh yelled. Sophie wondere

  Parker looked at her apologetically and she lifted a shoulde

  "You have to drop me off anyway. Might as well show them ins

  The boys cheered and Parker shook his head as he climbed int

  "If you guys are good and promise not to touch anything," So


  Sophie adored the wide-eyed looks the kids gave her, and gri

  He looked the way Jake looked when he watched Kira nurse his

  Sophie turned away to cover up the rush of emotion she felt.

  Parker was turning out to be everything she wanted in a man.


  The boys were even more hyper by the time they left the stat

  "Who's hungry?" Parker called out when they exited th
e build

  "Me! Me!"


  Sophie reluctantly backed away. The boys were delightful, an

  "Where are you going, Sophie?" Josh rushed up and grabbed he

  Sophie looked at her watch. It was past seven, but she had n

  "Come on, Soph. I could use your help," Parker pleaded softl

  "Where are we going?"

  "Hooters," Parker said, laughing at Sophie's jaw drop. "I'm

  "Hmph." She turned to the boys. "Where do you guys want to g

  "Fire and Ice! Fire and Ice!"

  "You game?" Parker asked.

  "They like stir fry?"

  "They get to pick their own food."

  She shrugged. "Okay, then. Fire and Ice."

  They piled back into the truck and soon were at the restaura

  "Too hot for me," Sophie commented.

  "You haven't tried it," Parker murmured, much too close to h

  They gave their food to the cook, got their number, and retu

  "She has a heart condition," he said, keeping his own voice

  "Oh, no," Sophie said, hating to think that tiny little girl

  Parker lifted a shoulder. "They've tried medication, and a h

  Sophie's eyelids tingled and she blinked, not wanting to cry

  "Uncle Parker, I gotta go." Josh stood next to Parker, holdi

  "I'll take him." Timmy slid out of his seat and ushered his

  Sophie watched them until they went into the men's room, the

  "I know this is none of my business," she murmured fiercely.

  Parker took a swig of his O'Doul's to hide the flash of ange

  "What makes you think I'm not?"

  She pulled back a little. "Well, you said how she's struggli

  "Where are you, socially, Sophie? Middle class? Never had to

  She frowned at him. "When I was growing up, yes, that was th

  "Did you know many poor people?"

  "A few."

  "People who work hard but earn enough money to barely surviv

  Sophie looked properly chagrined, but didn't give up. "Why c

  Parker's anger drifted away. Sophie was thinking like a moth

  Parker spotted the boys making their way back across the res

  The waiter deposited bowls of rice and a tortilla warmer on

  "You guys wash your hands?"

  "Yep." Josh reached for the tortillas. Timmy only rolled his

  They kept to kid topics after that, as both boys had a tende

  "Okay, boys," Parker said when they'd finished and gotten ba


  "Pleeeeaaasse, Sophie, come home and tuck us in!"

  Sophie looked at Parker. He shrugged. "Mare is likely to be

  "I'm sorry, guys, I have a puppy at home who is probably dyi

  "Awwww!" Josh slumped back into his booster seat, but Timmy

  "We can bring you home to feed the puppy and let him out, ca

  "Yeah, and stay up later. I'm wise to you, smart guy."

  Timmy snickered but turned begging eyes on Sophie. "We'd lov

  Sophie snorted her laughter. "You're teaching him kind of ea

  Parker just flipped his turn signal and pulled into traffic.

  "Okay, if you guys don't mind taking me home to feed Hippo,

  "Gosh, your dog is named Hippo? He must be huge!"

  "You'll see." Sophie chuckled and realized how long it had b

  Parker drove without direction to her condo. Sophie wondered

  Beeeep. "Soph, it's Brie. The seminar actually ran over, and

  Sophie felt her face flame and erased the message. She didn'

  "Aren't you going to honor your sister's wishes?" he asked f

  "Do you have a Charlie bar for this?" He examined the track

  "I know how to live securely, Parker." She handed Timmy an o

  "I thought they have one of these?" She pointed at the dog a

  "They have one, and love everyone else's more. I always doub

  Sophie tried to work some saliva into her mouth. She didn't

  He moved closer. "Do you do what your heart tells you to do?

  "Of course. Or I wouldn't be on the radio." She darted a loo

  "What's your heart telling you now?" He was so close. Sophie

  She eased back and opened her eyes. He looked at her with de

  She was in serious trouble.

  * * * *

  Getting the boys bathed and into bed was no mean feat. Sophi

  "Thanks, Sophie. You were great about this."

  "Mare does this every night? The woman must be a saint." Sop

  "They behave a lot better for her. For me, too, usually. The

  "Parker, this isn't the time."

  He picked up her hand. "No, but it will be. Won't it?"

  Uncertainty finally found its way into his voice and Sophie

  She slipped her hand away and twisted to face him. Leaning a

  "Tell me how you know so much about poor people," she said.

  Parker smiled his acknowledgement of her message and sat bac

  "So, do you want to be a real father someday?"

  Just like that, Parker's face closed up. He turned cold, col

  "I don't expect to be a father. Ever. Or a husband."

  It was a clear warning, one Sophie would have expected, thou

  She stood. "I need to get going." Then she remembered her ca

  "Mare's home." Parker briefly touched her elbow as he moved

  "To my car."

  "Home. It's late." He frowned at her when she would have pro

  The door opened before Sophie could argue. The woman who ent

  "Hello!" She leaned her attaché against the wall and set her

  "I am." Sophie shook her hand and cast an amused glance at P

  "Great, Mare, get me in trouble."

  She unbuttoned her jacket and sank onto the recliner that wa

  Parker gave her a rundown of the evening while she shook off

  Mare suddenly looked up at Sophie. "I'm sorry. I'm practical

  "Don't be ridiculous!" Sophie stepped forward with her hands

  "I need to take you home," he corrected. He grabbed his keys

  "Really?" Her face lit up and Sophie saw true beauty behind

  "Really," he answered his sister. "Sophie's rescuing me."

  "What?" was out of Sophie's mouth before she could stop it.

  "You did say you'd come with me," he reminded her.

  Sophie tried to think of a way to back out. After his pronou

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you! This damned 'picnic' would

  "I'd have remembered," Parker complained. "We'll see you in

  "It was a pleasure meeting you," she assured Mare, then hurr

  They drove in silence halfway to Sophie's condo. "How did yo

  "You're listed, Sophie."

  "Not in the new book, I'm not." His lack of response told he

  "Looks like your sister's back," he said, looking ahead.

  Lights were on in the condo and Brianna's Cabriolet was park

  "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you Monday."


  Sophie paused. At least he hadn't gotten out to "walk her to

  "What about your car?"

  "Brie can drive me over tomorrow. She wants to see the stati

  He studied her face a minute, as if he had something else he

  She didn't know if she was glad or disappointed when he didn

  * * * *

  Parker rubbed at the tension in the back of his neck as he c

  He'd gotten a frantic call from Josh this morning. His nephe

  Hence, an early Saturday morning trip to work. That used to

  He entered the mostly silent building and made sure the door

  "So this is where you brainstorm." The unfamiliar voice was

  "You missed your chance." Sophie's voice, as familiar to him

  "Well, Juanita met this guy who wanted to go dancing,
and I

  "I know. It doesn't really matter."

  "Sure it does." Parker stepped into the doorway and startled

  The woman with Sophie was about three inches shorter, her ha

  "Parker, this is my sister, Brianna. Brie, Parker. There, yo

  Maybe Brianna could help him.

  "Can I take you beautiful ladies to lunch?"

  Sophie rolled her eyes and let her arms drop. "Can the charm

  Oh, no? Parker offered Brie his arm and they followed Sophie

  "The one about looping in public schools. I actually used so

  "Really." How amusing. Parker had taken a stance simply to r

  He really wanted to watch Sophie burn. And not just verbally

  "Are you on the school board, then?" he asked Brianna.

  "Oh, no, I'm on the faculty. I'm a first grade teacher."

  He studied her as they paused on the outer steps to wait for

  Sophie stomped past them. "I said can it, Parker. Brie's not

  "What is my type, then?"

  She whirled. "Rich widows with too much time on their hands

  Parker took the hit, allowing the pain only because he saw t

  "I'll see you Monday, Parker," Sophie finally said, pulling

  "Nice to meet you!" Brianna called over her shoulder, stumbl

  Parker watched them go, bracing his hands on his hips. A sha

  Still, he thought, all was not lost. He had the power to hur

  Hope for what, he still had to determine.


  Monday came, as it always did. Instead of getting up early a

  "Thanks, Betty. You're a doll." He reached for the coffee an

  "You're a nutcase, if you ask me." She bustled about, organi

  Pretending he didn't feel guilty, Parker picked up the messa

  Her back went rigid. "I'm not concerned about my job, Biff.

  "It's not work that has me looking like this." He pulled the


  "It's a woman. A woman has you haggard and worried. Fabulous

  "Ridiculous," he scoffed, keeping his head down as if he was

  He pushed that thought away and wished he could push Betty a

  "Just what you need. A woman who means more to you than a li

  Parker sat back in his chair, stunned. "What are you talking

  Betty shook her finger at him and picked up his empty coffee


  "Don't interrupt." She strode to the coffee pot next to the

  He couldn't help but smile. "Not all the women I date are fl

  "But not a one seems to realize what you're doing." She set

  He winced. "My cousin Chip. They have a big real estate deal

  "Mm-hm." She gave him a case-resting look and swept toward t

  She shut the door on that compliment. Parker shook his head


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