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Twelve Quickies Of Christmas 4: Just A Little Magic

Page 2

by Kate Douglas

  “At the North Pole?” No, Beth thought. I am not having this conversation.

  Dominic smiled. His lips were full, his teeth perfect. Everything about him was perfect, except for the fact he was nuts. “Actually, no,” he said. “I live in Akron. That’s where Reindeer Toys is headquartered.”

  “Right.” Beth wanted to rely on her gut. She really wanted him to be telling the truth, but of course that was impossible. Still, he didn’t appear dangerous. He’d been more than sympathetic when she’d explained her break-up with Steve. He’d agreed completely with Beth’s decision to end the relationship.

  He might be absolutely nuts, but he was also sincere and warm and funny. Beth nodded, wondering if she was preparing to make the biggest mistake of her life. “You can stay,” she said. “No funny business.”

  Head spinning, heart pounding, she went directly to her bedroom and locked the door behind her.

  Chapter 3

  It was the most delicious dream she’d ever had. Dom was there, his dark hair mussed as if from sleep, that serious half-smile on his face that somehow felt achingly familiar. He leaned over her, his big hands splayed out on either side of her head, his long fingers tangled in her hair. He was naked, his body taut with barely contained passion, the huge head of his cock barely pressing between her legs, teasing her, sweeping through the tangle of auburn curls.

  He practically vibrated against her and she felt him deep inside.

  Impossible. Her door was locked and the man in her bed was pure fantasy.

  Writhing against her tangled bedding, Beth felt her climax building, felt the deep vibrations against her womb, the low thrum of passion climbing to a crescendo, an earth-shattering, mind-numbing, toe-tingling…


  The vibrations stopped. Beth hung there, suspended between lust and incredulity.

  The egg! The damned egg was still inside her!

  But that meant…

  A tentative knock on her bedroom door snapped her fully awake.

  “Beth? Are you awake yet?”


  “Um, yes. I’m awake.” Brushing her tangled hair back from her eyes, Beth grabbed her bathrobe off the floor. “Just a minute.”

  She opened the door just enough to peek around the edge. Dom waited on the other side, hair slightly mussed, his dark eyes looking warm and seductive, the red velvet Santa pants riding low on his hips. His chest was bare, the dark whorl of hair spinning over taut muscles and arrowing down a narrow trail to disappear beneath the waistband of his pants. He held a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, the damned control for the vibrating egg in the other.

  “Merry Christmas and good morning, sleepyhead. I wondered if you were ever going to wake up.” He chuckled, the sound deep and as seductive as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. “I hope you don’t mind my snooping around your kitchen, but I saw the coffee grinder on the counter and figured you liked your cup in the morning as much as I do. Here.” He held the steaming mug out to her. “I hope you like it black.”

  Beth opened the door just enough to grab the coffee. She couldn’t take her eyes off the little plastic remote he held in his left hand. “What are you doing with that?”

  Dom looked down at the remote. “Oh, I was trying to get the TV to work. Battery must be dead.” He negligently flipped the switch.

  The egg went back to vibrating against Beth’s already sensitive womb. She gritted her teeth and clutched the handle of her coffee cup so hard her knuckles turned white.

  “Uh, Dom…that’s not actually the remote for the TV.”

  Dom continued to fiddle with the controls for a moment. The vibrations revved up a few notches. Beth felt the first stirrings of her delayed climax, the shivers and rhythmic clenching deep inside. She stared helplessly at Dom’s big hands, the long fingers playing with the buttons on the remote. The egg vibrated faster.

  Dom turned his attention from the remote in his hand to smile directly at Beth.

  “I know it’s not the TV remote,” he said, grinning devilishly. “This is one of my creations. We make these at Rudolph Toys.” He brushed a wisp of hair back from Beth’s forehead. His voice was low, conspiratorial. “They’re very popular in our adult toys section. One of our best sellers.” He held the remote up for her inspection. “See this little button? The red one? Heat.”

  He pressed it with his thumb. Within seconds, the vibrating egg began to grow warmer inside Beth. Helplessly, she watched him work his fingers across the buttons, as if he played a computer game.

  “This one increases vibrations…”

  The egg practically buzzed inside her. She felt her teeth start to vibrate.

  “But this is the most popular feature.” Grinning even wider, Dom pressed another little button.

  The hot little egg began to slowly tumble back and forth, vibrating and moving about inside Beth’s pussy like a thing alive.

  Her lungs expanded but she couldn’t draw enough air. She grabbed the door frame as lights danced behind her eyes, her field of vision narrowed to Dom’s eyes, his lips, no longer smiling now, but slightly parted as if he, too, shared her building climax.

  The cup of hot coffee would have tipped from her fingers but Dom caught the cup and deftly set it on a table in the hallway. Beth screamed, her knees buckled and Dom caught her up in his strong embrace, his mouth finding hers, his tongue thrusting deep between her lips as she shuddered and pulsed with the rhythmic vibrations deep inside.

  Dom fingered the controls and the egg slowed to a gentle vibration, just enough to ease Beth down from a mind numbing orgasm. He kissed her once more, gently, then carried her into her room, laying her out on her bed. He leaned over her and brushed her sweat-dampened hair back from her eyes and kissed her once more on the mouth.

  Waves of pure pleasure gave way to the hot and cold wash of absolute humiliation. Turning away from Dom’s sweet smile, Beth tried to decide the best way out of what had to be the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her in her life.

  She had no control over the tears that squeezed from beneath her tightly closed eyelids. Just go away, she begged silently. Just go away so I can pretend this never happened.

  “My God. That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  Dom’s voice sounded reverent, almost awestruck.

  Beth opened her eyes just enough to see through tear-clumped lashes. His face was mere inches from hers. She hadn’t really noticed the color of his eyes last night. Now she saw they were a deep gray, lost somewhere between green and blue. “What?”

  “Your climax.” His voice was barely a whisper, rough around the edges, emotional. “That was the most amazing… I mean, when I created the egg, I thought of it as a great thing for couples to play with at parties and such. I never thought beyond the social aspects of it as a silly sex toy. Watching you come just now, knowing I had control over you, knowing what was happening inside you with each button I pushed… We don’t know each other, Beth, but I have never, not in my entire life, felt such a connection to another person. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a woman as much as I want you right now.”

  He sat back and held his hand up. “No. Please. Don’t be frightened. I would never do anything you don’t want.” He shook his head, apologetically. “Well, beyond pushing your buttons.” He reached playfully for the remote.

  Beth giggled and swatted his hand away.

  “I should probably call a cab,” he said, turning to sit on the edge of the bed. “I doubt anyone’s at the office this morning, and I’ve imposed on you more than enough.”

  “It’s Christmas Day.” Beth scooted back and leaned against her headboard. “What will you do?”

  “Go back to work. In a way, I’m glad the Santa selection process is over for this generation. It means I can concentrate on what I do best.”

  “Thinking up sex toys?” She giggled again, aware on a visceral level of the little egg, still now, that was resting inside her pussy.
  “Among other things.” He smiled, touched the side of her face. “What are your plans?”

  Beth sighed. “I don’t know. Like I told you last night, I expected to be planning my wedding. I don’t know what I’m going to do today.”

  “Wanna do whatever it is, together?”

  Dom glanced sideways at her out of hooded eyes. His look conjured up all kinds of thoughts in Beth, most of the carnal variety.

  She didn’t know him. Didn’t believe half of what he said.

  She wanted to know him. Wanted to believe.

  “Yeah,” she said, putting her heart in his hands. “Let’s do it together.”

  Chapter 4

  Beth wasn’t quite sure what she’d expected, but ice skating in the park wasn’t on her list, at least not until Dominic suggested it. She noticed there was no sign of the limp that had convinced her to let him in the night before. He wore the Santa suit, along with the flowing white wig and beard, and stayed in character throughout the day. The children trying out their new ice skates loved it.

  Not nearly as much as Beth, though. She kept looking for flaws. There weren’t any, once you got past the fact Dom still believed in Santa, in fact believed he could have been Santa. Dom was funny and sweet, he loved little kids and was polite to their mothers. He found candy canes in his pockets for each child he saw, and helped one little girl learn to skate when her very pregnant mother begged off.

  They found a hot dog stand under a snow covered cedar and ate polish sausages and sipped hot chocolate. Dom held her hand as if he’d known her forever, twirled her on the ice like a ballerina and kissed her nose to warm her up.

  She wanted him to kiss even more, but he was the perfect gentleman. They walked hand in hand down Main Street as the short day turned to night, gazing at the lighted displays in each store window. At dinnertime they ate the roast dinner Beth had fixed the night before, sitting in front of the fire in their stocking feet, toes pointed toward the warming flames.

  She could hardly recall the reason she’d prepared such a feast.

  Later, they cleaned up the kitchen, the conversation between them light and fun, the tension simmering between them hot enough to steam the windows.

  “I don’t want to leave, but I’ve imposed on you long enough.” Dom dried his hands on the dishtowel and wiped down the counters as Beth put the last of the dishes away. “It’s been an amazing day, Beth. Absolutely amazing.”

  He hadn’t kissed her all day. Hadn’t made a move of any kind. Still, Beth knew he felt the same desire shimmering and pulsing just beneath the surface. The tension between them had about it a lovely, expectant sort of feeling.

  One she wasn’t about to waste.

  She opened her mouth, closed it, swallowed and tried again. “It could be an amazing night, I think. Dom, will you stay with me tonight?”

  He didn’t say a word, just smiled at her with that half-expectant smile she’d grown to love over the course of one day. Smiled and touched the side of her face, then slowly leaned over and kissed her.

  This was the kind of kiss Beth had dreamed of, the searching, touching, tasting kind of kiss that parted her lips and drew her tongue into play, a dance of the senses as they slowly but thoroughly explored each other’s mouths. Dom cupped her shoulders with his big hands, drawing her closer, molding her body to his.

  “Mmpf!” Beth tilted her hips away from the heavy brass buckle on Dom’s Santa suit belt. Without breaking the kiss, Dom unbuttoned the red velvet jacket, undid the belt and slipped out of the Santa coat.

  Beth traced the heavy pectoral muscles across his chest with her fingernails, dragging them across Dom’s nipples. He moaned into her mouth, his fingers searching for the hem of her sweater.

  Gasping, he stepped back just far enough to tug the sweater over her head. Her long braid caught in the knit. Dom pulled the band off the end of her thick rope of hair, slipped the sweater off of her and flung it across the room. Then he stepped back, gazing at her breasts with frank admiration.

  “Oh my.” His hands came up to cup them on either side, tracing the pale lavender colored lace on her bra. He reached for the front closure and carefully released the snap, then eased the straps over Beth’s shoulders.

  Her breasts spilled free, large enough to fill his large hands, the rosy tips already puckering with need. Dominick stared at them transfixed, holding the smooth globes in his palms, running his thumbs over the sensitive tips.

  This time Beth moaned, arching her back into his touch. Reverently, Dom leaned over and drew one taut nipple between his lips, biting down just hard enough to send a piercing stab of need arrowing straight between her legs.

  Her knees almost buckled. Dom caught her up in his arms and carried Beth into her bedroom where he lay her down on the bed. Standing over her, he slipped out of the red velvet pants, pushing his socks off at the same time.

  Beth watched, fascinated, as the pants slid down past his thighs, uncovering a pair of very brief, bright red silk underwear.

  Tented underwear. Dom’s cock stretched the fabric to its max.

  She giggled. “Wow, to think I never imagined what Santa wore beneath his suit!” She reached out and stroked him through the smooth silk. Dom closed his eyes and groaned, thrusting his hips forward, forcing his ready cock into her hand.

  She stroked him again, then leaned over and tasted him through the silk. A drop of fluid darkened the red silk at the very tip. Suddenly, Dom pulled away and leaned over Beth, tugging her jeans and panties quickly down over her knees. She raised up to help him, parting her knees and lifting her hips to give him a better view of the secrets between her legs.

  He paused, swallowed deeply, then reached down and ran his finger through the juices spilling from her pussy. Beth sighed and pressed herself against his hand.

  She had no shame with this man. None. No worries that he might find her too big, too short, too round, too anything. The look of pure adoration in his eyes removed any inhibitions she might have found.

  She lay in front of him, completely naked, her unbound hair spilling over her chest in an auburn mass of shining silk. Her breasts practically tingled with desire. She felt the thick fluid between her legs, felt the pressure building as she waited for Dom to touch her, to fill her with the hot, hard thrusts she needed.

  Instead, he worshipped her. Kneeling between her legs, still covered in the red silk briefs, he touched her belly, her mons, ran his fingers through the tight curls between her legs. Almost hesitantly he leaned over and kissed her stomach, running his tongue around her navel, dipping lower to lick at the tuft of auburn hair between her legs.

  Sighing, she let him part her knees, opening her secrets to his curious eyes. He knelt there for a moment, watching her, then leaned over and gently suckled her clit between his lips. Beth felt the shock of contact, the bone shuddering current when Dom scraped the sensitive nub oh, so gently, with his teeth, then laved her with his tongue.

  He spread her legs wide, giving himself access to her heat. Nibbling at the fleshy lips, he drew first one and then the other into his mouth, sucking and licking at the sensitive flesh until Beth squirmed beneath his touch. She raised her hips and he speared her with his tongue, licking and suckling at the juices flowing freely between her legs.

  She was helpless, caught there in the sensual caress of his mouth, hanging on the very edge of ecstasy. Dom grasped her buttocks in his hands, lifting her to his mouth, filling her with his tongue while his fingers made furtive explorations over her flesh, tickling her ass, pressing at the sensitive ring of flesh as his tongue probed her pussy deeper, hotter.

  Suddenly his finger gained entrance to her ass just as his tongue flicked quickly over her clit. Without warning, Beth exploded, clamping her legs tightly against his head, arching into his mouth, screaming out in wanton ecstasy. His finger probed deeper, harder, finding nerves and sensations Beth had never even suspected.

  Slowly, so slowly she felt herself coming down from her climax wh
en Dom suddenly found her clit once more, drawing it between his lips, tonguing it with rapid flicks as his finger moved in delicious circles within her ass.

  Barely able to breathe, Beth screamed again, riding this climax to the very end as her body finally subsided in shuddering, shivering release.

  Dom sat back on his heels, a big grin on his handsome face. His chin was shiny with the fluids from her climax, his cock was rock hard and jutting forth in red silken splendor.

  Beth struggled for breath, her mind working at a feverish rate. Dom looked much too self-satisfied for a man who still hadn’t had his turn. The least she could do was make his wait worthwhile.

  Sitting up, she gently pushed Dom to the bed. He offered absolutely no resistance. She spread his legs out, then his arms, so that he lay there in a most helpless position. “Close your eyes,” she whispered.

  He did.

  “Keep them closed,” she said, reaching for the silk scarves she kept in the bedside table. She’d never once used them on Steve, but there was no hesitation with Dom. She tied one around his eyes, effectively blindfolding him. “You’ll like this,” she promised, mentally crossing her fingers. Quickly, Beth secured his hands to the bedposts, then slipped his red silk underwear down his long legs.

  Dom played along, blissfully unaware of what was going on in Beth’s mind. She was absolutely certain he didn’t have a clue.

  Damn but he was gorgeous! His cock waved unfettered, finally free of the restraining briefs. It bobbed in the cool air, surrounded by a nest of dark hair. Beth paused a moment, hoping her plan would work. Dom was huge, his penis almost twice the size of Steve’s, and Steve was the only lover Beth had ever had.

  She swallowed back a momentary stab of fear, leaned over and kissed the purple tip, then backed off when Dom thrust his hips forward.


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