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The Surrender of Lady Charlotte

Page 18

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “If you are Sir Guy’s descendent, why didn’t I just arrive as your slave months ago when Mountbane sent me there?”

  “You would have been, but I sent my two fools away too quickly. I could not have them arrive at my father’s fortress only to see the truth about this purchase. But though I believed they were loyal to me and instructed them not to return to the castle, one of them did return while we were still traveling and he let the truth slip. That truth wound its way around to Gwnyth’s devilish ear and we were hunted down.” He shook his head. “I regret that I was so foolish.”

  “But not so much a fool, you have me now,” she stroked his furrowed brow.

  “Indeed, and forever. It took some schemes but I have finally won the prize.” He seemed almost happy now.

  “What schemes were those?” she asked.

  “To reinstate the sale of you as property. With some assistance of my own countrymen this time, I ensured your purchase—although I’ve only paid half the price.”

  “How so?”

  He chuckled, his face coming alive with a rare glee. “Spies, loyalty and a keen eye. I have spent more time in Ilusia than I have not these last few months—arranging my plans in secret.”

  “And why didn’t I know this?”

  “You were too scared, my sweet. Fear is a dangerous companion, and I couldn’t afford to have you know my whereabouts. Did you not try to shun me when I finally spoke with you?”

  Indeed, she had.

  “My job was a risky one, Charlotte. I sent my emissaries to arrange the deal. Mountbane wanted more money this second time, since the arrangement would be a permanent sale. But money was becoming scarce. My passion for you and my revenge has depleted my coffers. I paid the initial installment for your purchase. The second was to be delivered once you were safely in my care—handed over to his aides as soon as you were surrendered to me. Two of the party who brought you to this fortress were Mountbane’s aides. They were, however, rerouted, shall we say.” There was a heady glint in his eye. “Mountbane believes you were kidnapped and taken too far beyond his reach to find. I paid no more for your purchase, and am, even now, trying to wrest my first payment from the scoundrel. I’ll probably never see that gold, but remaining a thorn in his side is enough to please me. It completes my revenge. I’ll have my prize, and Mountbane will have no clue who owns his discarded bride.”

  “I have cost you much. Am I worth the price?” The question came from the meek and surrendering side of her.

  “We’ll soon see,” he replied. “But don’t worry about the gold; my stores will replenish as soon as I’m here to pay attention to my business again. Tomorrow, we’ll quit this fortress and head for home.”

  Charlotte was content enough to be held by him and allow her mind to absorb the truth. And yet, there was one question that still burned in her and wouldn’t go away, “I must ask, my love…” she finally spoke, “why did you keep the truth from me these four days?”

  “I needed to know the nature of your surrender. Was it an honest passion? Or only one for show. You have exhibited such disparity between independence and surrender that I couldn’t tell for sure while we were in Ilusia. Some of that country’s customs have become mine, some have grown on you. I needed to know what kind of beast would be in my bed. Would you be the shrewish bitch that Gwnyth was, or the humble slave?”

  “And you received your answer?”

  “That I did.”

  “And you will test me more?”

  “I won’t have to. You are indeed my slave, and will remain so.”

  “And should I balk?”

  “Then I’ll punish you.”

  “And I’ll be happy with that,” she said with a smile.

  “That I know.”

  Charlotte peered into his eyes as a sly grin broke out on her face. “You are a cunning man, milord, to have arranged this plot. I think I should fear you.”

  “Always fear your master—and especially if you misbehave.”

  “You’re sure you won’t sell me?

  “Sell you? If you’re that contentious no one will offer me a penny for your pretty shape,” he declared, laughing. “But, don’t worry, ma’am, I’ll keep you tame.” Even as his eyes narrowed, he spoke lightly. “You disregard me, Lady Charlotte, you can be sure I’ll spank your naughty ass until it’s blistered raw. Then I’ll turn you into a footstool until you do behave.”

  “Ooo my,” Charlotte giggled. “I will fear you, milord.” A delicious thrill moved through her body and with a smile of contentment on her face, she nestled into Sir Tristan side and rested for a while.

  The End d




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