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Werewolf Magic & Mayhem (Book Two, Magic & Mayhem Series)

Page 10

by Wilkinson, Stella

  But the date was tomorrow and I hadn’t even looked through my wardrobe, let alone made time to buy something especially for the occasion.

  “I haven’t decided,” I wrote back; “what are you wearing?”

  “Jeans, boots, a black cashmere jumper, and hair in a ponytail,” Kate sent straight back. I smiled; she was obviously trying to create the look that she wasn’t dressing up too much so he didn’t think she was particularly interested in him, yet she knew full well that her cashmere jumper was one of her most flattering items – she only pulled it out of the cupboard when she wanted to impress with her curviest asset. Poor Duncan, he didn’t stand a chance.

  I chewed my nails again, thinking through my own clothes. I wrote back, “Green lace top, red kilt, black tights and ankle boots?”

  “Green lace top, skinny black jeans and your killer knee-high boots.”

  I sighed; those boots were killer alright, but not in the sexy way she meant it. The heel was at least three inches, and I couldn’t walk for more than about two minutes in them. But I supposed I should get some use out of them; they’d cost me a fortune last winter and I’d hardly worn them. At least they would make me look taller and slimmer. I usually avoided my skinny jeans too because I thought my hips were too big, but perhaps with the killer boots they would balance out. Yes, I decided it was a good call, plus the practically unworn boots might give me the feeling of having something kind of new on.

  “Okay, my hair up or down?” I scribbled back.

  “Definitely down.” Kate had added a smiley face to her comment. So I simply sent back a few kisses.

  How would any of us be sane without good girlfriends? I wondered, as I walked home.

  By dinnertime, I was once more going back and forth on my Sean v. Fletcher internal monologue. It was hard to keep two separate lives going. I wanted to be teenage girl Emily Rand, fretting about kissing the cute boy, but I also wanted to be Natural Witch Emily Rand, who runs with werewolves and does amazing spells.

  I felt totally pulled in two directions. I knew I should embrace my powers, just like Fletch had to embrace his wolf, but I also spent a lot of my evening wondering if a lipstick called Red or Bed was just a bit too trashy for my date. I put it on and took it off several times. In reality I knew I wouldn’t wear it. But I liked the idea of it. It made me feel sultry and grown-up. It’s as if my lips knew when I had lipstick on and were just that bit more pouty. Usually I think they are kind of thin, and I have a secret trick of biting my bottom lip to try to make it appear slightly swollen when I’m around Sean.

  In the end I threw it back into my make-up drawer, and wondered when I might find the time before the following night to get a new deeper gloss instead. Gloss is my old standby for making my lips seem fuller. Most of my glosses seemed to be in a rose-brown shade, but I was feeling more of a red vibe. Why hadn’t I considered this earlier in the week? Maybe if I hightailed it into town on my lunch hour?

  I shook my head. Maybe I was just looking for stupid things to care about instead of dealing with the weighty reality of Fletch’s life being in my hands!

  I dedicated a fair amount of time to worrying about whether Fletch’s parents were going to show up at my door with pitchforks, but I guess Penny had managed to stave them off, because they didn’t come.

  As soon as dinner was over I called for Bob.

  “Hi, sweetie. Would you mind very much going over to the wizard and checking on Fletch?”

  Bob looked comically annoyed but agreed. He was back in half an hour.

  I opened the window with a smile, but I felt waves of concern coming off him and quickly changed my expression. “What? What’s happened?”

  “Fletch is AWOL. After dinner with the wizard last night he went back into the woods. He said his wolf wanted to run. He didn’t come back and he’s still not back.”

  I sat on my bed feeling almost dizzy with anxiety. How could I have spent my evening trying on lipstick when Fletch needed me?

  Bob cocked his head at me. “The wizard doesn’t know if it’s good or bad, Mistress. You must not lose hope. It could be a good thing, that he is accepting his wolf and being one with it?” His head tilted to the other side. “Or it could be that the wolf is taking him over and he’s a goner.”

  “Don’t say that! He cares too much about his family to just disappear into the woods forever.”

  “Does he?” Bob didn’t meet my eye. “Didn’t he just disappear in the woods before and leave them wondering where he was for months on end?”

  “Oh, shut up.” I felt all tearful again, but determined not to cry. “I’m sure it’s a good thing. Can’t you see if any of the other animals have seen him?”

  Bob looked resigned. “Yes, Mistress, I’ll ask around.” He hopped back onto the windowsill, prepared to go back out in to the dark.

  “It’s okay, Bob, don’t go tonight. But could you check tomorrow?” As worried as I was, I didn’t want my Familiar to spend his night trying to find Fletch sightings; what would they confirm anyway? Only that he was still in the area, and somehow I already knew that he was.

  Bob looked relieved and flew across the room to his cushion. “There’s one more thing. The wizard says you must contact your aunt and tell her not to come on Saturday.”

  “What? Why?” I needed Iris there; I needed her to tell me the spell would work, and as back-up. Plus I didn’t think she would agree to stay away; the whole thing could put me in danger and I didn’t see Iris just leaving me to it.

  “The wizard says that he hopes Fletch will have reached an understanding with his wolf by then – and you are not to repeat this to Fletch – but actually he has made no progress in doing so, and the wolf just seems to be getting stronger as we get closer to full moon, and could take control of Fletch. He says that every human, apart from you, should stay away, and there can be no exceptions.” Bob paused and lowered his voice, “Basically he’s saying that Fletch may well be much too dangerous for your aunt to be present. He is even unsure if the wolf will bother to show up.”

  “He’s not the wolf,” I said. “He’s Fletch. He’ll be there.”

  I pulled out my phone and noticed guiltily that it had been on silent all evening. Iris had tried to contact me several times.

  I rang her straight away and relayed everything that had happened so far and what Bob had just told me.

  “There’s not a blue moon explosion that would keep me away, Emily,” Iris said, when I’d finished. “I’ll take the risk. I think it’s about time I paid another visit to the wizard. I’ll drive over there tomorrow after I close the shop; shall I pick you up on the way?”

  I exhaled slowly. “I can’t, I have a date.” I waited with gritted teeth for the expected raving, and she didn’t disappoint. I had to listen for several minutes as she ranted about my priorities, but I wasn’t going to change my plans. I’d already written my spell, and I knew what equipment I needed, which wasn’t much. But I still had to go on being a normal sixteen-year-old the rest of the time, otherwise I would become as crazy as she sounded at that moment.

  In the end I fobbed her off. “Talk to the wizard, Iris, and we’ll catch up in work on Saturday morning.” She was still grumbling as I gently rang off.

  I got ready for bed still feeling guilty about Iris and about Fletch too. I put back on his favourite pyjamas, even though I knew he wasn’t coming.

  I did check out of the window several times though, just in case, but there was no sign of him. The moon, on the other hand, was getting all too bright and rounded.

  As I lay in bed I was convinced I heard a howl in the night.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Friday is my best school day. Well, it’s everyone’s best school day. Lessons always feel a bit easier on a Friday, and the teachers seem just as happy as the pupils to have the week almost over.

  Kate and I breezed through the afternoon, getting excited about our date night. That is to say, I was excited, and Kate was pretending not to care that
much, but clearly she was a little bit excited too.

  Duncan had been really funny that morning. He’d actually been up and out of bed eating breakfast when I came downstairs, but when we left for school twenty minutes later, I noticed that he’d changed his shirt from the one he had been originally wearing. Did that mean that boys got nervous about their outfits too? I thought they just threw something on, but if that was true then why had Duncan changed a perfectly good shirt for another one just before we left?

  Bryony and Tamsin seemed to have made friends again, I wasn’t sure how. But with Bryony now back at her usual seat by the window with Tamsin, at least it meant that Kate and I could talk freely about our date. She was still keeping her part in it a secret from Bryony, which I didn’t understand, but had to respect her wishes on it. Maybe we hadn’t come as far as I’d thought in letting Duncan out of the loser squad and into the “normal boy” stream. I would have to work harder at it, and I would have to get Kate to start seeing him as reasonably cool if I was going to get him upgraded to possible boyfriend material status.

  After an early dinner, Duncan and I were both dressed and ready by seven. I gave Duncan a once-over, and undid the top button on his shirt. He looked a bit horrified but left it that way. His mum, Clare, drove us to the cinema, picking up Kate on the way. Duncan and I sat in awkward silence as Clare quizzed Kate about her family, and we all heaved a sigh of relief when she finally drove away.

  We entered the cinema, and I waved as I spotted Sean by the popcorn. He came over and pecked me on the cheek. Then, stepping back, he took in my outfit.

  “Wowzer, you look delicious.” He gave me a warm smile and all my mushy feelings about him came back in spades. He always really made me feel special. Not special because I was a witch or anything, but just like I might actually be attractive and nice, and he was genuinely pleased to see me.

  I gave him a big smile back, so glad I’d made it to the date despite everything else going on. I pushed all thoughts of Fletch to the back of my mind. I deserved a normal date night.

  Sean shook hands with Duncan and even gave Kate one of his sexy appreciative smiles too.

  Kate clearly thought Sean was great. She gave me a wink and a smile, and then pulled Duncan away saying, “Let’s get some popcorn and drinks, shall we?” She gave us a final wave and a strong hint: “We might see you guys in there, but don’t worry if we find seats somewhere near the front instead; I have terrible eyesight.”

  I laughed, because Kate could spot a flea on a dog at a hundred yards, but didn’t question it.

  Sean found us some seats near the back, and though I raised my eyebrows knowingly at him, I slid down the aisle he picked without comment.

  The film was actually pretty good, and I forgot that I was supposed to be on a boy-girl thing. It wasn’t exactly the sort of film for creating a romantic atmosphere, lots of guns and loud car chases, so we were almost at the end of the film when I noticed that Sean had his arm around the back of my chair and was twirling my hair around one finger.

  I got suddenly nervous and put my drink in the armrest before I spilled it.

  The truth was that I was completely inexperienced on the date etiquette, as well as totally inexperienced in most other ways too.

  I had only been kissed twice in my life. Real kisses, that is. Once by Sean at a party, and most recently by Fletch just before I accidentally turned him into a wolf.

  My mouth got all dry and I wished I could reapply my lips gloss without being noticed, but I didn’t think that was going to happen.

  I took another long slurp of my drink, then returned it to the holder again.

  I pretended to still be focused on the film, but my nerve endings were going a bit haywire from his playing with my hair. Have you ever noticed how even the lightest touch on your hair makes you aware of it? It was almost sensual, but it also made me edgy. The film was still going strong but I had lost the thread of it.

  Sean’s hand moved through my hair to caress the back of my neck. I stiffened, poker-straight in my seat, refusing to look away from the screen.

  “Emily?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Hmm?” I tried to give him a side glance, and must have looked like an idiot.

  “Do you think you might kiss me at any point tonight?” His voice was teasing, and I relaxed slightly, glad that he was asking rather than assuming.

  “I might.” I tried for a flirtatious tone.

  “Any time soon?” he pressed.

  I swallowed. Why didn’t I feel ready for this? What on earth was wrong with me? I thought about putting him off and saying I was watching the film, but I’d stopped caring about the plot completely.

  I was being an idiot. Okay, his touch didn’t pleasantly burn me, but it was still quite nice. If there were no Fletch I would have been kissing Sean already, I was sure. So what was really stopping me?

  I turned my head slowly and leaned towards him with my eyes closed.

  His lips touched mine and he kissed me very gently, no pressure at all.

  I wondered if he was genuinely really that sweet, or if it was an act to get further with me.

  Whichever it was, it worked. I dropped my guard and opened my mouth for another more intimate kiss.

  This time he kissed me properly. The kind of kiss you expect on a date in the back row of the cinema, in the dark, where no one can see you.

  No sparks happened. I told myself it was a good thing.

  He pulled me even closer, and his hands roamed over my back. Uh oh – then he was following the outline of my bra strap with his fingers; it could only end in his getting a handful.

  I stomped on my doubts. Surely at sixteen I should be excited at going a bit further than just kissing? Most of my friends had gone way further, some of them very publicly so. But then they saw their boyfriends every day; they went to the same school. Sean and I had only met four times in total. I wished I had more experience; perhaps this was my chance to get it.

  I put my hands on Sean’s shoulders, continuing the kiss, and waited to see if he was going to try it.

  He didn’t. His hands stayed on my back.

  I couldn’t help but think that maybe I liked him even more for doing that. Maybe he knew I wasn’t ready to be rushed, but he broke the kiss and stroked my face instead.

  Yup, there was no question. Sean was the perfect boyfriend.

  He was smiling at me with a look that clearly said, “It’s okay, maybe we’ll do more next time; I really like you.”

  If he was a player then he was a true artist. I was totally won over by his restraint. So I decided to trust that he wouldn’t take advantage, and slid out of my seat and into his lap.

  He put his arms around me and we played tongue wars until the credits rolled on the film. By the time the lights came on I was feeling like quite an experienced kisser.

  Other people in our row began to try to get round us to exit, so we reluctantly separated and picked up our coats.

  I promptly knocked all my remaining popcorn over the seat and some of it went in the hair of the girl in front of me. For a second I looked on in horror as she turned, but she collected her coat without noticing her hair was full of popcorn, and she left with it sticking out all over her head.

  We were still giggling together as we found Duncan and Kate down near the front. They were smiling too, and I got the feeling it had been a huge success all round.

  We made our way outside to the car park, and moved away from the bright lights to a more quiet area at one side.

  Duncan took Kate’s hand and began to speak quietly, so Sean and I moved away slightly to give them more privacy.

  He slid his hands under my coat and back around my waist, pulling me close against his body. He was warm and I snuggled even closer.

  “I had a good time,” he murmured.

  “Me too.” I lifted my lips up for another kiss, and then the growling started.

  Not ten feet away, an enormous wolf with green eyes stood staring
at us, and he looked really pissed off.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Oh my god!” Sean pulled me backwards away from Fletch. “Is that a wolf?”

  “I don’t think so,” I said, glaring at Fletch. “Just a very grumpy, big dog. He should know better than to be here,” I said pointedly.

  Sean raised his voice, “Duncan? Do you have a moment? I might need some help over here.” Sean began to inch towards Fletch with his hand out. “Good dog, there you go, nice dog, it’s okay,” he said soothingly.

  Fletch growled ominously.

  It suddenly occurred to me that Fletch wasn’t saying anything. Why wasn’t he? It wasn’t as though anyone but me would have heard him.

  I grabbed Sean’s coat and pulled him back a bit. “Be careful, he might bite.”

  I was totally serious. What if the wolf had taken over Fletch? What if he was acting on pure instinct now and he bit Sean in anger? Sean would become a werewolf too.

  “I know this dog,” I said assertively. “Stay behind me, he won’t hurt me. Will you, Fletch?” I addressed him sharply.

  Fletch’s voice was so deep I barely recognised it. “His smell is all over you,” he said, practically quivering with anger.

  “That’s none of your business!” I felt my own voice rise in anger too. Sean looked startled, as I suppose one would if your girlfriend started having a seemingly one-way conversation with a massive dog.

  But I was too mad at him for turning up on my date to think straight. “Go back to Brian, Fletcher, we’ll talk later!”

  Fletch looked from me to Sean again, and his growling just got louder.

  Duncan came up and put his hand on my arm. “Careful, Em, he looks pretty angry.” He got down on one knee and stretched his hand towards Fletch. “Hi, remember me?”

  I had to give Duncan a lot of credit for bravery. Fletch looked ready to kill.


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