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Werewolf Magic & Mayhem (Book Two, Magic & Mayhem Series)

Page 14

by Wilkinson, Stella

  “Sshh, Em. It’s okay.” My dad stroked my arm up and down a few times. “People will always have a hard time understanding. But I agree that you and Aaron shouldn’t see each other again. Personally I blame him for dragging you into all this.” He looked over at Fletch. “I’m sorry for your troubles, Aaron, but you’ve put my daughter in danger and exposed her to people outside of our family. I lost my wife because of someone like you, and I don’t want you to come near Emily again.”

  Fletch and I looked at each other. Yet another hurdle trying to keep us apart.

  “You can’t stop me,” I said in a small voice.

  “While you live under my roof, yes, I can,” he said, raising his voice.

  “Mr Rand. It’s none of my business,” Penny piped up, “But it’s that kind of threat that meant we nearly lost my brother. If my parents had been more understanding then Aaron might not have run away in the first place.”

  There was a long silence while everyone digested her words. Then Fletch suddenly groaned and slumped forward.

  I was across the room before anyone could move. He fell into my lap and then smiled and opened his eyes again.

  “My sweet Emily,” he said, then his eyes closed once more.

  I glared at everyone, “Hasn’t he gone through enough? Can we please discuss how much you all hate me later?”

  David Fletcher stood up. “She’s right. Let’s get him to hospital.”

  “You must promise.” Fletch spoke without opening his eyes.

  “Yes, yes, we promise,” his father said, then he picked Fletch up like he weighed nothing, and he carried him out of the room.

  I stood to go with them, but my dad put a firm hand on my shoulder. “No, Emily. You’re coming home with me.”

  One look at his face told me not to try to argue. In silence we locked up Iris’ flat and went downstairs. Clare had taken the car, so we walked back to our house.

  “Dad?” I asked, tentatively.

  “Yes?” His voice didn’t invite conversation.

  “What did you mean about mum? What happened?”

  He didn’t look at me. “That’s a story for another day, Emily.”

  I felt tears well up in my eyes. My father put an arm around me. “Come on, love, you’re done in. Clearly you haven’t been to bed; none of the beds at Iris’ had been slept in. We’ll talk more, but not until you’ve had a decent rest, okay?”

  I nodded. He was right; I needed sleep badly.

  I went straight up to my room when we got in and flung myself face down on my bed. I didn’t even have the energy to get under the covers. But I truly didn’t think I’d sleep. So much had happened. And how was Fletch?

  Thoughts of him filled my mind. Then I fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  The tap-tapping on my window woke me up around lunchtime. I got up groggily and opened it to let Bob in.

  “I’m so sorry sweetie.” I stroked his head. “I completely forgot about you in the shock of having Fletch’s parents turn up. Where have you been?”

  He gave me a little head-butt. “I do have a life outside of you, y’know. But actually I went with Iris, back to the wizard; I thought you’d want to keep updated?”

  I bit my lip. I should have thought of that before I went to sleep. “I do. Is he any better?”

  “Yeah, your aunt is a marvel with her herbs. She made some kind of stinky goo and put it on his chest and then warmed it with her magic. It was amazing. He looks good as new.”

  “That’s fantastic. I know Fletch will be worrying. Do you think you could let him know as well?”

  Bob cocked his head. “And how am I gonner do that, Mistress? He’s human now, and can’t understand a word I say.”

  I slapped my forehead. “Of course, sorry. I need more sleep! I don’t even know where he is now, or how to contact him if he’s not still at the hospital.” I slumped back down on my bed.

  What if he didn’t call me? What if he just went home and I never heard from him again?

  There were so many reasons to stay away from each other. His parents and my dad had made their feelings clear. Plus Fletch was a werewolf and I was a witch, which was a no-no. We could never have a normal relationship, that might one day lead to something more physical, without accidentally bonding. All in all, there was no point in staying in contact… Except… How could I not?

  I was fairly sure I was in love with him. But what was I supposed to do with that?

  I couldn’t do nothing at all.

  In the end I rang the hospital. They confirmed that he had been officially released an hour ago. So where was he now?

  I wondered around my room aimlessly for a while, marvelling at how my ankle seemed almost completely healed, and then figured I had better face the music and go downstairs.

  In the kitchen I found my dad.

  He folded the newspaper he was reading and poured me an orange juice.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked.

  “Clare’s taken Duncan out to the museum. I thought it best if we were uninterrupted.”

  I hid a smile. “I bet he’s thrilled about that.”

  “Not so as you’d notice.” My dad returned my smile. Then he looked serious. “I think you’d better tell me the whole story.”

  So I did. I told him about my sixteenth birthday and getting my powers. I told him about the spells I’d done and how wrong they had gone. I told him about Bob, and I told him about Fletch approaching me at work and everything that had happened that night. I didn’t tell him about the kissing though. Then I told him about the wizard, and the week leading up to the night before, and finished with a brief rundown of the spell to reunite Fletch with his body. Again, I didn’t mention our second kiss either. But I tried to be totally honest about everything else.

  My dad listened patiently, not commenting until I got to the moment when we pulled up at the shop.

  “And that’s where you came in,” I finished, staring at the table and waiting for his reaction.

  I was so glad to be able to get it all off my chest. My dad had been the centre of my world for most of my life, and it had been awful not telling him what was going on with me. Most of the time I really wanted him to back off and let me live my life, but times like now I just wanted to be his little girl and for him to make it all better again.

  “Well,” he said at last, “you certainly have been through a lot these last few days.”

  I nodded.

  “And this boy, he’s still a werewolf?”

  “Yes. The whole point was to make him not be one, but he’s just back where he started now.” I hadn’t really thought of that before, but everything we had both been through had been for nothing. Nothing had changed; he was still a werewolf and I had totally failed to help him.

  “You did one big thing for him, Emily, you reunited him with his family.”

  I shrugged. “I guess.”

  “Family is important,” my father persisted. “I realise you’re growing up, but this is too big a burden for you to carry alone. For either of you.” He was silent for a moment. “This isn’t what I wanted for you, Emily. I wanted you to have a normal life. I grew up with magic and I married magic, and so I’m not as clueless as you might think to what it means for you. My mistake was that I hoped you wouldn’t ever find out. I can see now that it was unavoidable anyway. I wish I’d been there for you more recently.”

  Without thinking about it, I threw my arms round my dad in a big hug. I think he was taken aback, but he hugged me tightly in return.

  I just couldn’t believe he was being so cool. I thought he’d shout at me and lock me in my room for the rest of my life. Instead he was saying he should have helped me. I wished I’d confided in him earlier. He obviously knew a lot more about all this stuff than I’d realised.

  “Please can I go and see the wizard?” I asked. “I just want to know that he’s okay and stuff.”

  “Hmm.” My dad stroked his chin. “It’s the ‘and stuff’ t
hat worries me, Emily. But I suppose we can’t get away from the fact that you are involved.” He gave in graciously. “I’ll drive you over to see him, but I insist on coming in with you.”

  I nodded. I would have agreed to anything. I didn’t tell him that I was secretly hoping that Fletch would be there. It was a slim chance, but if I knew Fletch, then I knew he would want to visit the wizard before going home.

  I quickly showered and dressed, and then Dad made me eat a late lunch before we could go.

  I could have screamed with frustration. We arrived at the wizard’s camper van about half an hour after Fletch had left.

  The wizard told us how Fletch had come to check on him. How exciting it was for him to meet Fletch as a human. His parents had been there too, asking lots of questions; so maybe it was a good thing I’d missed them. But my heart just about literally ached with the need for Fletch.

  We’d only been apart for a few hours and yet it seemed to physically hurt. I could only assume that it was some kind of connection that we’d formed when we’d kissed. That would make sense. Not a full bonding but maybe a sort of link? Otherwise why was it so painful not to be near him? I couldn’t sense him in the area. I had no tingles down my spine and no spark to warm me. It was depressing.

  “Brian?” I still felt weird calling him that.

  “Yes, Emily?” The wizard smiled at me kindly.

  “What happened to make Fletch wake up? I mean, the spell didn’t work, so how come he became human again?” The question had been niggling at the back of my mind, but I’d been so glad just that he had become human again that I hadn’t properly considered it until now.

  “I’ve been thinking about that.” The wizard steepled his fingers and leaned forward thoughtfully. “I think the spell did work, but it couldn’t be completed until the dawn. Fletcher couldn’t go back to his human body while the moon was out. So when the dawn came the spell was complete. He was just an ordinary werewolf returning to his body.”

  I laughed at his use of the term ordinary werewolf. As if!

  Part of me felt a bit miffed that it hadn’t been my calling to him that had done it, but another part of me felt quietly thrilled that my spell had actually worked. I remember the bright light I had seen at dawn. At the time I had written it off as the sun, but maybe it was the spell after all.

  “So, he must have made peace with his wolf?” I frowned, trying to work it out.

  The wizard beamed at me. “Yes. For some reason he suddenly did. Isn’t that great? Now he can learn to cope with the change, and he won’t be a danger to anyone.”

  My dad cleared his throat. “Em, sweetie. This doesn’t change anything. I still think the boy could be dangerous to you personally.” He held up his hand at my outraged expression. “I’m sorry, pumpkin. I know you think you’re in love, and that it feels very intense when you’re young.”

  How embarrassing! How did he know what I was feeling?

  “But I don’t want you to see this boy again. Believe me, he is dangerous.”

  I glared at him for a moment, but he just looked so sad.

  “Is this about Mum?” I asked suspiciously, unwilling to start a fight when he looked like that.

  He nodded.

  “What happened?”

  He sighed. He seemed to be doing that a lot around this subject.

  “Not now, Emily, okay?”

  I debated pushing it further, but he was right, this wasn’t the time.

  I felt the wizard in my head. “Emily, I’m going to give you a book. Don’t question it and don’t open it until you are alone. I can hear your father’s thoughts and he is not going to change his mind.”

  I was about to nod, when I thought the better of it and answered “Okay” in my head instead.

  The wizard jumped up. “Well, it was lovely that you both came to visit, and if you don’t have any more questions, then I have quite a long drive back to Wales.”

  My dad and I stood up and prepared to leave.

  The wizard shook hands with my father. “You have a very special daughter. Don’t worry about Clare; if she does become family then she will accept it.”

  My dad looked completely taken aback, but just nodded in a bemused fashion. Perhaps he had figured out the wizard’s gifts. I had to remember that my dad knew a lot more about all this than I had previously thought.

  Then Brian clasped my hand. “Little witchling. It’s not an easy path, but I think you will find the way. I have a feeling we’ll meet again.” His smile twinkled. “Oh, I nearly forgot, that book I said I would give you.”

  He went into the kitchen for a moment and returned with a book on edible mushrooms. I looked at it in surprise, but then I remembered to act nonchalant.

  “Thank you, I’m sure it will be very informative,” I said, as if I was actually interested.

  We said goodbye and then walked back to the car.

  “So what will you tell Clare?” I asked my dad as we drove home.

  “I don’t really know. But I can’t tell her about your powers. I’ll think of something to explain away last night. But it would be helpful if that sort of thing didn’t happen too often, hmm?”

  I smiled and nodded. “Do you think you might marry her one day?” I asked curiously.

  “Would you be okay with it if I did?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, I guess.”

  He didn’t say anything, just reached over and ruffled my hair – which I hate, but I let him.

  I went straight to my room when we got home, leaving Dad to tell Clare and Duncan whatever he wanted.

  I sat on my bed and opened the book the wizard had given me.

  It was a really boring, and rather gross, book on fungus. Full of pictures of mushrooms that looked like they had awful skin diseases and were horribly discoloured and disfigured. I flicked through it in total confusion. Why had he wanted me to have this?

  It wasn’t until I threw it down on my bedside table that the piece of paper fluttered out from between the pages.

  Bending to retrieve it, I saw immediately what the one line written on it was, and clutched it to my heart.

  It was Aaron Fletcher’s email address.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  I paced around my room waiting for my laptop to boot up. I had a lot of questions and I wondered if I would have the guts to ask them all.

  As it took forever, I flopped my head on my desk and thought about Fletch and me. He’d made it clear he liked me. He knew I liked him. But one of us had to be sensible. We couldn’t date. We couldn’t even kiss without sparking off some serious magic that I couldn’t control.

  I tried to remember what the wizard had told us. Fletch would become bonded to me for life and could never be with anyone else. And I would become more powerful than I could handle.

  Yeah, I was pretty sure it was all true.

  It would be me that would be the real danger. I’d messed up the majority of my spells, and that was just the simple stuff. I caused magical mayhem every time. People could get seriously hurt. My family, my friends, the whole town, maybe even the whole country could get turned upside down in the chaos I might cause if I bonded with Fletch.

  Definitely not what I’d signed up for. Plus, he was a werewolf, for goodness’ sake. There was a chance he could bite me; after all, he nearly had once. I knew he’d made peace with his wolf, but what if he was really angry or something?

  I raised my head as my laptop finished whirring, and tried to think how on earth to put all that. Then I wondered if Fletch had thought it all through already and come to the same conclusion?

  And what if he didn’t answer? What if he’d never intended me to get his email and the wizard had passed it on without Fletch’s knowing?

  I examined the writing. It was kind of spidery, and though I had never seen either of their handwriting, I just knew it was the wizard’s and not Fletch’s.

  And was it a bit desperate to email him the moment I got home? Too bad. I had to
at least make sure he was okay.

  Hi Fletch,

  I know I should have been cool, and at least waited a few days to mail you, but I just wanted to know that you are alright, and what the hospital said and stuff.

  I went to see the wizard today and he gave me your email. Did you give it to him to give to me? He had to do it in secret because my dad is still really against us having any contact; I guess your parents are too?

  Anyway, just let me know you’re okay.

  Best wishes


  His reply came less than a minute later.

  Darling Emily,

  Thank god. I’ve been dozing in my bed waiting for you to email me for what feels like hours now!

  I was worried you wouldn’t be able to go and see Brian before he left, but I hoped that you might at least send Bob over.

  The wizard read my parent’s minds and warned me that they were prepared to do whatever it took to stop us from seeing each other. Not that there is anything they can do, but I thought they’d probably got enough to handle for now, what with me being what I am, so I didn’t say anything. I had to give Brian my email address mentally and I haven’t used it in so long that I kept getting it wrong. I’m amazed he managed to remember it, actually.

  I think he’s really rooting for us, despite all his doom and death stories.

  He was brilliant with my parents too. Really soothed them, told them about wolves he knew and how well adapted they were. He actually managed to convince them that I should go and stay with him for every full moon. He was so excited about it, and is going to introduce me to his local “pack”. I think my parents were secretly quite relieved that I wouldn’t be around for “the change”; I guess they don’t trust me yet. But I feel very differently now than I used to. I know I won’t hurt anyone now. Anyway, my parents have actually offered to buy me a car, so that I can drive myself over to Wales every month, which is a total bonus! I was thinking that maybe I could drop in on you on the way back? Maybe spend and hour or two together without anyone knowing? Or maybe that’s a really bad idea. What do you think?


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