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His For More Than One Night

Page 2

by Fiona Murphy

  A hand slides into my hair, and his grip is firm as he pulls me up to look at him. I’m trapped and can’t look away. I don’t dare. “How old were you?”

  “From the time I was ten until I was twelve years old.”

  Closing his eyes, the shudder is visible. I’m tense, wondering if now is the moment he’ll pull away. The hand in my hair is still tense, but the hand at my hip releases me and then slides around to stroke the skin of my ass. My body responds to his touch, and knowing he still wants me allows me to relax. When he opens his eyes, I can see the fury seething through him. I’m surprised his voice is so soft. “How did it end?”

  “My mom took me to the doctor to put me on the pill. Her explanation for why was crazy and convoluted, and the doctor saw through it. The doctor had her leave and asked me what was going on, and I told him. I never saw her again. I was put in foster care the same day. They were both arrested. He pled out and got fifteen years and she got ten years. Why does any of it matter to you?”

  Releasing my hair, he opens the catch of my bra, and a thumb rolls over a painfully tight nipple. “Everything that has to do with you matters to me.”

  It scares me the way he says it, as if I should know already. “No, this is just one night. That’s it, that’s all I want from you.”

  A smile plays on his lips, and my breath catches in my chest. “There’s a difference between want and need, my sweet. Now, you haven’t even asked me my name, did you know that? It’s Trey. Say it.”

  A finger slides down and pushes into me, and I can’t hold back. I moan his name, begging for more with that one word. He chuckles and comes down over me. Without hesitation, my hands go to his chest and I gratefully sigh. Shaking his head, he catches both of my wrists easily in one hand and moves them up above my head. This time his name comes out in frustration, and his mouth comes down on mine. It isn’t a gentle kiss this time, it’s pure hot and hungry sex, his tongue mimicking what I want, need. Forgetting to breathe, my only air is his breath. My head begins to swim, and I wonder if I will pass out only seconds before his mouth leaves mine. Two deep, gulping breaths are all I’m allowed before his mouth is back. He’s doing it again, and I’m so weak I can’t fight him. Gently he’s pulling at me from the inside out. Again and again he entices my response to match his until I give in. As a reward, he lowers himself until he’s brushing against me.

  Even though he’s so big and hard, his skin is velvet soft against my flushed and heated body. I open my legs wide, begging for him to settle into me. Ignoring my pleading, with one last tender kiss on my lips, he moves down to my breasts, and I want to cry with relief at feeling his hot, wet tongue licking around my areola. At last, he takes an aching nipple into his mouth and sucks to the point of pain. When I gasp his name, he allows me to fall from his mouth. Taking me back into his mouth, he’s gentle this time. Lingering flicks of his tongue taste me before he suckles from me, as much of my breast as he can get into his mouth. When I can’t take it anymore, he moves to my other breast and starts all over again. Sobbing his name, I’m hanging on the edge of a climax when he lets me fall from his mouth. Slowly, so slowly, he moves down my body.

  Freeing my hands, his mouth finds the soft skin of my belly, the indention of my belly button, and at last he kisses the soft pelt of hair. Hearing him inhale the scent of me and then sigh, I tremble with fear of what he’s making me feel. Flat against me, he licks from where my juices melt into my ass and up. Over and over, and I want to scream. My hands go into his thick, soft hair, and I try to urge him on, but he only chuckles. His breath against my dripping lips is sending me right over the edge. His fingers part me for him, and at last his tongue is inside me. No, oh no, he isn’t just going down on me to make me come, he’s slowly and expertly learning every inch of me with lingering, achingly gentle strokes of his tongue. Fighting to break his control, I move my hips, but without missing a beat he brings my legs over his shoulders and one large hand pushes me back down, and once again I’m at his mercy. Begging him to fuck me with his fingers, his tongue, his cock, anything. He ignores me and continues his agonizingly slow assault. I have no idea I’m actually crying for release until at last his mouth finds my clit and sucks hard, allowing me to at last find the climax I’ve been begging for. When it happens, it’s so blinding I know nothing but the almost painful quaking of my body.

  Drifting back to earth, I find I’m pressed up against his side, with his arm around my stomach. When I move, attempting to find space from him, he lets me go, and I hear him open a condom. I roll onto my back and watch him roll the condom on. Watching him do it causes fresh moisture to build for him inside me. His entire body is so beautiful. I understand his question about my discomfort, because his cock is impressive. He has to be over nine inches, and so thick I know he’s thicker than any of the toys I have. I want him inside me, buried deep. Grateful for having seen all of his body, now I want the lights off.

  “Turn off the light.”

  “No, I like watching you,” is his only reply as he pulls my legs around his hips and moves down onto me.

  Wanting to argue, I lose my voice entirely when he nudges his way into my body. My head goes back, strength in my neck gone. He’s filling me full, my body slowly giving way to his entry.

  “Jesus, how the hell are you so damn tight?” he hisses in my ear.

  Opening my eyes wide, I find him holding himself from me with one arm clenching with muscle and his other hand on his cock as he guides himself into me. Slowly, he moves until he is completely sheathed inside me, and then he stops. He feels so good. I savor the incredible feeling, unlike anything I’ve known before. He’s so thick he is touching every part of me. Watching him fight for control is enthralling. His face is tight and his body tense. His jaw is clenched. I press my hand up to his cheek, which looks smooth but has the slightest feeling of blond bristles.

  Going still, he presses into my hand and, answering his unspoken enjoyment of my touch, I cannot deny him. I bring up my other hand, and my fingertips make a study of the lines and angles of him, ending in the feel of a finger over his lips. Pulling him down, he moves, and I kiss him, needing the connection in a way I’ve never wanted before. I remember his searching and gentle kiss and do my best to kiss him as he kissed me. His response stuns me, he almost falls on me as he kisses me fiercely, with raw heat. Long, strong strokes of his tongue ravage me until I shake as need claws deep inside me. My hips move but he won’t; trying to move my head to break the kiss has him turning nearly savage. Desperate now, I manage to capture his tongue, and suck with the rhythm of my pounding heartbeat.

  Now he moves, tearing his mouth from mine with a growl that vibrates through the front of my body and has me gushing in response, my pussy clutching to keep him inside me.

  Sliding out with ease, he has me crying in protest, until he slams back into me and I cry out in relief. “This is what you wanted, my cock inside you. Fucking you hard and making you come?”

  The words are guttural, not at all the smooth, rolling vowels of the upper East Coast accent he spoke in before. Graphic and obscene and true. I can only moan yes, urging him on.

  “You want me to fuck you hard, don’t you? Hard makes you wet and tighter. You’re so damn swollen around me. It’s not all night long you need, it’s that no one fucks you like you want, do they? No, you pick the bland, boring ones, and close your eyes even in the dark and pray he lasts long enough to keep you wet. Can you really come with them inside you, or do you wait until they roll off and work your clit in the dark? Was that little moan a yes? You do, don’t you? Do they even notice your heavy breathing and moans, or have you gotten so used to hiding your orgasms they never know?

  “Don’t bite your lip and hide your moan from me. I want to hear you cry for me, beg for my cock to fuck you harder,” he taunts against my neck as he slows his powerful thrusts until he’s barely moving.

  How could he know? “Please.” I’m begging and clutching at his thick cock inside me, urging hi
m on, needing him to move faster.

  It works, and he’s pounding harder into me, pushing me toward a climax. Then when he stops moving, a cry is ripped from my throat. “Trey!”

  “Beg me for my cock. This cock you wanted so badly your pussy soaked your skirt for it.”

  “Please, please don’t stop fucking me. I need your cock,” I beg, my throat tight.

  “You need my cock, baby. How do you want me to fuck you?” He hangs above me, so still only the ragged movements of his muscled chest show he isn’t a statue.

  “Hard, please, fuck me hard,” I shout, angry at him for reducing me to a quivering mass of need.

  “All you have to do is ask and I’ll give you everything you want and need, Kate.” The words are a promise against my neck in the moment before he bites down hard. The pain has me clenching around his cock, and at last he moves with a body-racking force in and out of me that has me splintering apart in seconds.

  The shock of my orgasm leaves me stunned as he continues to move inside me. I haven’t come from a man inside me since I was sixteen. A harsh moan and he sags into me, but not on me. The control he’s able to maintain is a surprise. Sighing, he rolls away, and I can’t take my eyes off him as he pulls off the condom and tosses it in the trash beside the bed. Even soft, his cock has me wet again, with want and I know I want to taste him, all of him.

  Feeling my eyes on him, he smiles and lies down, pulling me into his arms and on his chest. “I need a few minutes, you greedy little thing.”

  I want to pull away, but I don’t dare. I think he feels it, because his arm tightens around me, then his other hand begins to run through my hair almost leisurely. Normally, I don’t do the cuddling and touching thing unless the guy is inside me. Most men are fine with it. However, I have no doubt Trey won’t allow it. Giving up, I relax into him, and when I do his arm around me loosens and he begins running a hand up and down my back. A tiny part of me is worried more questions will come, but he’s silent, and even though I can practically feel him thinking, he says nothing.

  Chapter Three

  Just as my eyes begin to slide shut, his hand roams lower down to my ass. Catching my breath, I don’t move as he slides along the crevice of my ass. Slowly he moves down and, thinking he’s moving toward my pussy, I’m gasping when he slides inside me, just an inch, and then moves back up. “I’ve never done that,” I whisper into his chest.

  “Never?” Surprise is evident in the whispered word.

  “No. He tried but he couldn’t get inside me, and I never wanted anyone there.”

  “Hmm, so when I fuck you there, I’ll be the first to make you come from a cock in your ass.”

  The satisfaction is clear, and I don’t dare think of denying him. What had once left me cold has me wet again.

  “Your nipples get hard quick, baby. You want my cock in your ass too. Good, we’ll get there, but now I want you to ride me. Was that a moan of no? Don’t even think about it.” Hands lock on to my hips, and he’s lifting me over him and settling me down on his stomach. His hard cock is brushing against my ass, open to him.

  Even wet and wanting, I can’t look down at him, and cling to his chest. His muscles are rippling and tensing beneath me, and he moves a hand away. Hearing him tear open a condom has me biting my lip against the moan that wants out at the feel of him rolling it on. His hands brush against me as he does it. The teeth on my shoulder are hard, and will leave a mark. Shuddering under his mouth, I press back against him, and he bites harder, and now I can’t stop moving my hips against him.

  “Not just hard but rough? You like it rough, baby. I can fuck you like you want, but you have to sit on my cock first. Oh yes, you will.”

  I feel weightless as he picks me up and brings me down on him. His cock is so thick and hard, I feel impaled on him. I’m not even all the way on him and my body begins shaking in reaction to this new position. “Trey?”

  “You’re going to take your climax, this time, Kate. On a real-life cock, you’re going to come on me and work for it, and I’ll be watching you, yes. It’s okay, baby. I know you like to come, and you need it. It feels so good, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with wanting to feel good. That’s it, roll your hips. Fuck, that’s it, keep doing that. Kate, look at me. It’s my cock inside you making you feel so good, and you love it. You can’t hide from it. I’m not going to let you. Beautiful breasts, sweet cherry nipples, you taste so good. Bend down and let me taste you.”

  Thought is gone, and I move as he instructs me, and his mouth is hot and greedy on my tight nipple. Sucking hard and deep, his teeth work me and I’m moving harder on him. Lying across him feels so different than sitting astride him, and I’m grinding my pussy against his hard cock, my clit swollen. Close, so close, again and again I move my hips, and then it’s there and I’m shaking and shivering in the afterglow. For long minutes he doesn’t move, but he’s still hard inside me. I begin to move away but he catches me back against his chest.

  “You had a good orgasm, Kate?” It has to be a rhetorical question, and I can only halfheartedly nod. “Tell me, Kate.”

  “Yes, I came,” I whisper.

  “Louder. You came on my cock and it felt good, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I came on your cock and it felt good and there’s nothing wrong with that,” I repeat against his chest, and something eases inside me as I say it.

  “Good girl.” Pulling me so tight I can barely breathe, he begins to thrust up and into me mercilessly. I’m a rag doll on him, only his arms are keeping me from flying off, and it feels so good I’m spinning into another orgasm.

  “More, please more, harder.” The words escape me, and he doesn’t say anything, but reacts by doing as I beg.

  “So fucking tight. Keep squeezing my cock with your pussy. That’s it, Kate.” He groans, and his breathing is harsh as I hit my climax and my pussy begins clenching around him. When he comes, the feeling of his jerking cock travels up my body causing me to shiver in reaction.

  Too soon, he moves me off him, and I protest.

  “Condom,” He grits out as he rolls me off of him.

  Again, I can’t take my eyes off him. The condom is full, and there’s cum all over him. I can’t believe my pussy is reacting with clenching need at the sight. I’m so tired I can barely move. Yet I’m on my knees and moving toward him. A curse escapes him as he disposes of the condom.

  “Wait.” I try to stop him from moving into the bathroom to clean up.

  “No, Kate, not this time. Lie back down. I’ll be right back.” When I try to get closer, his face hardens. “I said no.”

  Mystified by his response, I’m still sitting on the edge of the bed when he comes back from the bathroom.

  “This is about you, not me.” He picks me up as if I weigh nothing, lies back down, and settles me on his chest again.

  “But I want to taste you.”

  “You made the rules.” The words are simple but effective, and I go still on him.

  Fuck, what the hell is happening? I haven’t even finished thinking before Trey rolls me onto my back and lets his body sink into mine, pushing me into the mattress.

  “No, don’t even think about it. Don’t think, Kate, just feel.” His mouth comes down on mine, and he’s ravaging. Fighting for control is a faint and pathetic attempt. I give up so quickly it’s embarrassing.

  My hands are in his hair, urging him on, and he catches them and pulls them away and above my head. I want to touch him, need to touch him. Shock hits me when he tears his mouth from mine and rolls away.

  “Damn it, you touch me and I can’t fucking handle it. All night, it’s what you want, and I’ll give it to you, but my way. On your knees, now.”

  I don’t move. Frustration is so high I moan. He ignores it, and he’s up and on his knees, and as I take in how hard and thick he is so quickly, I long to taste him. I’ve always heard it takes longer for a man to recover, not him. His hands are firm and unyielding as he pulls me up and
then turns me around. When I feel his fingers checking me, I moan and push back against him. Only seconds later, the blunt head of his cock teases my slick lips as he moves up and down outside of me. The sound of a condom wrapper tearing reminds me that he’s unprotected, and I bite my lip to keep from begging him to come inside me without one. I want all of him inside him. The need to feel him inside me without a condom emptying himself inside me has me wet with want.

  I’m so wet he slams home in a single push. “So fucking tight. Your pussy clings to my cock like you don’t want me to let me go. Louder, I want to hear your little whimpers louder. I love the sounds you make when I’m inside you. Harder? You want it harder. Your wish is my command.”

  His hands are on my hips and he begins moving faster. Before his strokes were gentle and slow as he spoke. Now he’s unleashed, and I love the way he moves, as if he can’t get enough, and with each bone-crashing thrust it feels like he’s deeper than he was before, but it’s not enough. I’m begging for more, so close, I need more. A hand tangles in my hair and pulls me back, exposing my neck to him. The feel of his muscled chest on my back is the only warning I have before his teeth find the spot where my neck meets my shoulder and sink in deep. Why it sends me crashing into an orgasm I don’t know, but it does, so hard and so fast I scream from the shock of it.

  Without his arm moving below my stomach to hold me up, for his thrusts I would fall onto the mattress. He’s still pounding into me, drawing out my orgasm, making me shake from the force of it. I feel weightless and at his mercy. He’s so strong, so much bigger than me, but the fear I’ve felt for so long isn’t there. Even as he keeps moving inside me without a second of relief, his body is curled around me, and I feel safe with him. At last he moans his orgasm, and the movement of his cock shuddering inside me sends ripples of pleasure through me. He all but collapses onto the bed on his side, carrying me with him and tucking me into the curve of his body. As he slips from my body, his arm stays around me, and I feel him pull off the condom and twist to toss it in the trash. Before tonight I would have rolled away from him and fought his embrace. Now, as my eyes slide shut, exhausted, I move closer and simply allow sleep to overtake me.


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