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His For More Than One Night

Page 6

by Fiona Murphy

  Forcing my eyes open, I snatch the phone from under my pillow and open up a text message. My hands are trembling so hard it takes multiple times to get the few words out. It’s over, so please stop calling.

  My phone goes quiet. When the knocking starts on my door, I bury my face in the pillow. Turning off my phone, I ignore his demands to answer the door. He doesn’t give up easily. For what feels like a good five minutes, he’s knocking until a neighbor yells they’re calling the cops.


  To my shock and, I tell myself, relief, for almost two weeks there are no more calls or texts.

  This is good, I tell myself every day. It was a storm in a teacup, and these crazy unwanted feelings will fade. Eventually the pain will go away. Having gone through pain before, I know it will. I just have to get through the end of the day.

  Except the nights are the worst. So many times the memories flood and burn brightly, and the tears come. Sleep is short and fitful, and often I spend the night curled up in my oversized chair. Anger lingers, but not at Trey. No, it’s not his fault. It’s my own stupidity that causes the pain.

  Unlocking my door and my purse falls on the floor as I sag against the door. The sight of Trey stretched out on the chair hits me like a smack across the face. Tears come instantly, and he swears long and loud as he pulls me into his arms.

  Trying to get myself under control isn’t working, and after a few minutes I stop trying and simply give in to the sobs that rack my body. His arms tighten around me, and the feel of him is all I’m aware of.

  Finally, the tears stop, and Trey is wiping my face with a handkerchief. “Kate, if I didn’t know how much you liked it, I would turn your bottom red with a spanking. I only left you alone for so long so you would have the time you needed to work it out for yourself. But I can tell you haven’t, and haven’t even been smart enough to take care of yourself.”

  Shaking my head, I want to argue, but am afraid opening my mouth again will start more tears.

  “Yes, damn it. Have you been eating at all?” His voice is harsh, and I cringe. Food has gone the way of sleep, happening only when my body refuses to go on without it. “I didn’t think so. Any excuse, I knew you’d use it and run scared. Time for running is over, Kate. You are stronger than you think.”

  The firmness in his voice causes a shiver to run through me.

  “Don’t, Kate. I’m not letting you go. Not now, not tomorrow, or the day after.”

  Pushing away, I run a hand through my hair. No, I want to say it, but the word is caught in my throat.

  He sighs. “You know why. You’ve known why since almost the beginning. It was why you wouldn’t call me. I had hopes when you said yes to therapy that you understood why I was asking you to put yourself through it. Then I saw your face at the store and I knew I was wrong.

  “It’s okay, Kate. I don’t need you to say it. I love you, and I’m not stupid enough to think my love is all you need. It’s going to take time and patience and probably pain on both of our sides to get there. But I told you before, and I meant it: I’m not going anywhere. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I walk away from you and it’s like I’m not whole anymore.”

  Hearing him say it out loud has me crying all over again. I can’t say those words back to him. I have no point of reference for that emotion. A small part of me fears I will never be able to say those words to anyone. Trey deserves to hear them. He deserves to be loved. What if I can’t?

  He doesn’t say anything for a long time. He simply holds me as I cry.

  Chapter Eight

  Without any memory of falling asleep, I wake up in bed and in Trey’s arms. I tense as I remember everything he said.

  “I want you to stop right now. Stop thinking. You focus on how good you feel. Answer this one question, don’t think, just yes or no. Do I make you feel good?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Then it’s the only thing that really matters. Come on, I’m taking you home with me. Pack a bag and we’ll pack you up on your next day off.” He moves quickly pulling me up, and settles me on my feet. I’m reeling at his instruction, not at all sure I heard him correctly. “Kate, you do not take care of yourself, and that isn’t going to fly anymore. I take care of the things that belong to me.”

  “I don’t belong to you.” The words fly out of my mouth, anything to stop what’s happening.

  Throwing his head back, he laughs. “Of course you do, from the first night you were mine, just like I belong to you.” He smacks me on the ass, hard. “Now get your ass in gear. I’m starving, we’ll pick up something on the way home. If you’re good, I’ll let you come without suffering for too long.”

  Stunned at his humor and easy acceptance of his feelings, I give up. I’m tired of trying to make sense and arguing with him. For now, his instructions sound achingly appealing, to allow someone else to take control of my fumbling, tortured mind and for me to just sit back and enjoy the ride. There’s also the dark promise of pleasure still to come. After two weeks without him, I’m wet and aching at his words.

  I open my large closet and start tossing clothes in a bag.


  Following him up the stairs, I’m surprised by the large house. I pictured him in a sleek and expensive condo. The home in Lincoln Park, only a few blocks from the pub where we first met, is extremely impressive. Homes in this area run over a million easy, and this is a large, detached three-story brick, so I’m guessing three million. Inside, it’s warm and welcoming. Wood gleams everywhere, and even though it looks like something out of a showroom, there’s the feeling of it being lived in.

  He takes my oversized bag and rolling suitcase, he’d tossed into the trunk of his Audi. points me to the kitchen, and hands me the bag of takeout. I’m starving, so I make my way toward the kitchen. Instantly, the kitchen appeals. I would actually want to cook in a kitchen this large and beautiful. Going through the hardwood cabinets, I find plates and set them on the table with the takeout. I’m opening up cartons, ravioli for me and spaghetti with meatballs for Trey, when I look up he’s watching me.


  “I like seeing you here, that’s all. I’ll grab the silverware, and what do you want to drink?”

  Over dinner, our discussion is centered on the house. It’s been in his family for generations. When we finish, he takes me on a tour of the large home. It has six bedrooms and all but one has an en suite bathroom. There’s a wine cellar and movie room in the basement. The tour concludes in a large bedroom at the front of the house. There’s a large picture window that looks down on the quiet street. This is his room. I can smell him here. My eyes run over the huge four-poster king bed, set high off the floor. He takes my hand and pulls me into his arms.

  “You have no idea how often I have imagined you here, tied to the bed for me to enjoy for hours upon hours.”

  The feel of him hard pressing against me tells me it’s been very often. His phone rings, and we both groan. When he reads the display, he sighs. “I have to take this, and it isn’t going to be quick.” He answers and tells the person to give him a minute. “I unpacked for you. Your stuff is in the walk-in closet and bathroom. I need to go down to my office on the main floor. You stay up here, take a bath, and relax. Give me a half-hour or so.”


  I’m curled up on the seat of the picture window when he comes back almost two hours later. Not tired in the slightest, I’m reading on my tablet when I look up at his kiss on my forehead.

  “I’m going to take a shower real quick.”

  I nod and watch as he walks into the bathroom. It’s a large bathroom with two separate vanities and a tub, and a shower the size of the bathroom in my studio.

  I pull off my long tee shirt and climb into bed. The cool sheets feel like silk against my heated naked skin. Burrowing into the pillows, I’m growing wet in anticipation of Trey. Since the night he came to the store, my body has been cold. Looking back, I can see he kept me up and out of my mind with pleasu
re because he was afraid it was our last night together. It’s a little weird how easily he reads me, and I want to be annoyed but why bother when it saves us both time?

  Cool air hits me as he pulls the covers off me. Looking his eyes are eating me alive.

  “Your pussy smells so damn good. I love knowing you’re lying here wet and waiting for me.” When he turns off the overhead lights, I’m surprised, then the lamp on his bedside table goes on. The light is low, yet we can both easily see each other. He’s naked and his cock is hard and leaking. I’m on my knees, and crawl to the edge of the bed.

  “I need you in my mouth,” I whisper against his chest, and run my hand down his body. He grabs my wrist before I make it to what I want. “Trey, please.”

  “Am I going to have to tie you down tonight? Let me know now, so I don’t have to stop and get ties later.” There isn’t a trace of humor in his voice, he’s serious.

  It’s been too long, and I’ll do anything to change his mind. “Trey, every night I would dream of you in my mouth, filling me up with the taste of you. Then I would wake up knowing it was a dream, and I would ache for you. I’m sorry, but I’ve already been paying. Please don’t make me pay any more.”

  His blue eyes darken, and his kiss is hungry and desperate. Rolling us back on the bed, he stops when I’m lying on top of him. He lets me go. “If you want my cock, then you can have it.”

  Swallowing hard, I move off, onto my knees. In all the times before, Trey would take control. My heart pounds fast, memories bubble up, I push them back. No ghosts. The head of his cock is slick, and I lick slowly, savoring the taste of him after so long without. Wrapping my hand around the base of him, I stroke him, and am rewarded by a groan of my name. As I suck the tip, my tongue teases the small slit while I continue to stroke down, and once I reach the base I squeeze the small, tight sac, as he likes me to do. Curses fall from his lips in a groan, and I look up to see him looking as if he’s being tortured. A strange feeling of giddiness sweeps over me. It makes me hungrier, and I take him deeper and deeper.

  I’m lost in him. The taste of him is all I know. Sooner than I’m ready for, his cock begins to jerk in my throat, and I ease him out to taste all of him. Not nearly enough of him is in my mouth, but it’s enough to be satisfied. Milking him gently, knowing he’s sensitive, I allow him to fall from my mouth.

  My name is a sigh of air from him. I lie down on him and listen to the reassuring thumping of his heartbeat.

  “Your mouth is heaven on this earth, second only to being inside your pussy. I want to be annoyed you can talk me out of my plans, now it just means I can last inside you longer. I want you to ride my mouth now, and when you come you’re going to ride my cock.”

  Sliding up his body, I revel in the feeling of his skin against mine. I settle over him as he instructed. His fingers open me wide for him, and his tongue is everywhere. Long, searching strokes intermingle with light flicks, causing me to send my hands in his hair, the need to touch him so strong I can’t fight it. Trey knows my body, knows every spot that causes me to sob in need, and he’s using the knowledge now, keeping me on the edge not letting me fall over. I can’t take any more, and begin rocking on his tongue and chin in desperation. I’m crashing through waves of ecstasy and quaking so strongly I collapse on him.

  Trey lifts me and settles me down on his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around me.

  “The taste of you, baby... I need you like I need air. You said you dreamed of me, it was the same for me. There were times I swear I woke up with the taste of you on my tongue. I would reach for you, and when I came up empty, I promised I would make you pay for the torture of being without you. Now, all I want is to make up for lost time.” Fingers find me wet as he sinks into me. “You’re so hot and swollen. Can you take me now or do you need more time?”

  I answer him by pushing myself up and moving over him. The sight of his thick cock disappearing inside is almost as good as the feel of him entering me. I lay my hands flat on his chest, and my whole body is tuned into the moment when there’s nothing between us and he’s completely inside me, filling me up and making me whole again. For the first time, I’m grateful for the light. Watching him is a high, and when I begin to move on him, we’re both gasping for air. I had yet to ride him without clinging to his chest. Now, I’m moving up and over him, and the new feeling is so good I want to cry for the times I missed feeling this good. His hands on my hips aren’t guiding as he did before; he seems only able to cling to me. Faster I move, my hands on his chest giving me the balance I would never be able to maintain on my own. Close, so close, my pussy is clutching frantically, and I’m whimpering. Trey understands, and takes over now. He’s as frantic as I was, and with only three hard and fast strokes he sends us both into our orgasm.

  My arms give out and he catches me, rolling me onto my side. When he begins to pull out of me, I stop him, murmuring that I want to feel him inside me longer. His chuckle is light, and he simply holds me close. That’s how I fall asleep, happier than I’ve been in a long time.

  Chapter Nine

  Trey is kissing me awake. “Best alarm clock ever,” I whisper.

  His laughter has me smiling. “So, I’m an alarm clock now?”

  “I said the best alarm clock ever. How much time do we have?” I ask as I move against him.

  Groaning, he rolls out of bed, and then his hands are around my wrists, pulling me after him. “Not as long I want, but enough time if we shower together.”

  Following my nose to the kitchen, I find more than just coffee waiting. “You can cook?”

  “For you, yes. I can crack open some eggs and do toast. I would have been happy to cook at your place. I still can’t believe all you have is a single soup pan. I know you love your cereal, but you need something more solid to keep up your strength after last night.

  Sit and eat. I’ll drop you off at the store. I know in this traffic you’d probably get there faster on the El, but I like knowing you get there safely.”

  The eggs are good, and I’m almost embarrassed at how quickly I eat them. “Thanks, that was good. I’ll clean up.”

  “No worries. I have lady who comes in and cleans up after me while I’m out for the day. Then I have a service come in and deep clean twice a week, because she’s not quite up to it at her age.”

  “That must be nice for a housekeeper to have staff.”

  “Miriam’s been with our family for ages. She came with the house. As she’s gotten older, the service became something Alan needed. The thought of letting her go simply never crossed his mind. My mother adores her and would be upset if she was let go. She’ll go when she’s ready to retire.”

  “So Alan used to live here? Is that what you meant the first night?”

  “Yes, my parents and Alan and his fiancée were all staying here. But even if it had been empty I would have come up with an excuse to get to your place. I had no intention of letting you slip away.”

  “Really, even the first night?”

  “Since the first night.”

  I’m having a hard time believing it, he can tell.

  Sighing, he settles his chin on his palm. “Confession time, I watched video of you working the floor for about twenty hours. I wanted to know more about you and why you had put up with so much crap for so long. Alan thought I didn’t trust his decision, it wasn’t that, it was simple curiosity. After watching the tapes, I knew he was right. You were good and you deserved the position. I also thought you had the sweetest ass I had ever seen. It was pretty embarrassing to realize I was turned on watching you. Then, after reading through your file, I admired your hard work, your eagerness to learn, and the people that worked under you and with you spoke highly of you.

  So I was hard for you before I ever met you, but I really didn’t think anything would come of it. When I saw you in the pub that night, I watched you for way too long. I was sure you were waiting on someone. Then when it looked like you had given up, I couldn’t let you walk away
without trying. On the way across the room, I told myself it was crazy, and almost wished there would be something wrong with you that would turn me off.”

  Shock has me frozen, and he smiles and nods at my unspoken question. Then sadness overcomes me. “Too bad you didn’t know something was wrong with me in the pub. It would have saved you time and effort. By the time we were back to my place, it was too late.”

  “Kate.” It’s almost a whisper. I look up, and holy shit, he’s angry. “I do not ever want to hear you talk like that again. There is nothing I would change about that night, especially meeting you.

  It was clear from the tapes you had an aversion to men. I noticed it after only a few hours. You never let them get close, and your smile hides fear if they attempt to touch you in any way. There were hints, then your demand of all night, but it was clear it was just one night. I knew there were issues, and I didn’t care, still don’t care. We’ll get through them.”

  “How are you so completely sure of that?”

  “I am sure because, as far as I’m concerned, failure isn’t an option. It’s not going to be easy on either one of us, but we’ll get through them together.” With that, he takes my hand and leads me down to the garage in the back.

  I follow, for once hopeful he’s right. Right now I’m trusting tomorrow will take care of itself and us.


  The next three days are comfortable and easy. There are times when it seems so easy I wonder if it’s a dream. Trey seems happier than ever, and it’s hard not to feel the same. He laughs often, and sometimes it’s at my outspoken thoughts, but he never makes me feel like it’s to undercut or belittle me. His dry sense of humor makes laugh many times too and I’m truly happy in way I’ve never even thought possible. I’m finally beginning to understand the appeal of being in a real relationship, especially with someone as thoughtful, considerate, and amazing in bed as Trey. To have a person who talks and shares not just the events of his day, but enjoys long talks and very spirited discussions about books and everything under the sun. He doesn’t let me off easily, he also asks questions about my past and holds me close while I answer them. Always, he makes it clear he understands it’s hard for me to talk about it, but the answers are important.


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