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THE EMPRESS OF MYSTH 7: ANGEL'S WAR: (An Alpha Alien Sci-fi Romance & Fallen Angel Paranormal Series)

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by Xuemei X,Meg

  I wasn’t the bearer.

  And I had no idea what the Sky Power was; let alone how to chase it.

  But we would carry on and go against the angels. The whole realm had secretly vowed to follow me to war, to whatever end. We would let Mysth burn rather than let any race rule us. We would let Earth burn or burn it ourselves.

  We Mysthians would never surrender. We would never be slaves.

  To my comfort, the joint air legion of the Dragonian and Mysthians had over a hundred battleships at our disposal. The tech intel I had stolen from the angels’ vault had helped our scientists and engineers solve the key elements to upgrade our weapons and ships.

  I had three days to leave Atlantis. Before I took off, the Dragonian rebels inside the king’s palace and my team would wire bombs in the angels’ vault.

  I had kept all of these plots from Seth.

  I turned my attention back to him. His thick, dark eyelashes fluttered, as if he was dreaming.

  Could an angel dream?

  What did he dream about? Was I included?

  What had he been like when he’d been young, unhardened by battles, political games, and conniving females?

  I reached for him, my fingers tracing his lashes. Time could leave deep marks and wounds on immortals as well as mortals. If I could erase its brutal imprint on him, maybe we could even have a chance to start over.

  A hand struck out, faster than a flash, and clutched my throat.

  I lay very still. I was bare to the toes and defenseless against him. If he decided to end me now, I would be ended.

  Would he want me dead after he had gotten what he wanted?

  He sniffed and scented me. His hand immediately left my throat.

  Seth’s eyes flashed open, power and menace emanating from him, but when his gaze fell on me, the malevolence vanished.

  “I’m sorry, eroma,” he said. “I dreamed of battles.”

  “With me?”

  He regarded me, his face breaking into a wicked grin. “With you, it’s a different battle.”

  He turned toward my nipple and took it into his mouth.

  Hadn’t he had enough?

  The angel suckled my breast greedily.

  Liquid fire licked between my thighs. I was wet all over again.

  He released my nipple and raised his head to gaze down at me, an amused laugh dancing in his eyes.

  He had bragged that he could always scent my arousal and once called me “the most pretentious little thing.”

  My cheeks were flaming since I was indeed insatiable. I didn’t like that he could scent me and see through me, so I pouted. “We should get back, Prince.”

  “We will,” he said. “Just not yet.”

  His mouth slanted over mine to stop me from thinking and talking.

  His large, strong hand palmed my sex, his thumb rubbing my clitoris as two fingers thrust into my heat.

  I was a goner.

  Just one last time, I told myself, and then I would end this affair with the angel.

  Seth and I wouldn’t have tomorrow, but for now, I wanted to burn with him one last time.

  Farewell, my one-time lover and my first, I said silently as he glided into me. May we never meet on the battlefield.


  As I rolled her around to try a different position, I spotted specks of blood on the sheet.

  Cold fear seized me. “Rose, are you hurt?” I asked, turning her around urgently to inspect her.

  “No. Why?” she asked, grabbing my heavy erection and trying to put it in her sex as she lay sideways.

  “I saw blood on the sheet,” I said.

  “Oh, that,” she said. “It’s my virgin blood.”

  I blinked. “Is this your first time?”

  She gave me a bashful, yet defiant look over her shoulder. “Why are you so surprised?”

  “You should have told me,” I said. “I could have been gentler. I could have taken time with you. Prepared you.”

  Regret and guilt chewed me up. I must have hurt her. But judging from the way she had acted, she had appeared experienced to me. And I’d been jealous of all of her past phantom lovers.

  However, there was no excuse for my bad behavior. The simple truth was that I’d been so blinded by my boiling lust that I’d been an inconsiderate, crude bastard.

  All I had thought was to get my cock inside her to claim her.

  I now wanted to crush myself for hurting her.

  “Could you have been gentler?” She regarded me. “Would you have taken time with me if you knew?”

  “I’m not a monster, Rose. I would hurt anyone but you.”

  “Your contract didn’t spell gentle. It said one fuck.”

  I growled. “I nullified it before I brought you here. I told you there’d be no contract between us.”

  “So you do not intend to keep me safe anymore?”

  “Why do you always think the worst of me?” I said in frustration. “I’ll protect you with my every breath!”

  “Do not snap at me,” she snarled, and to my dismay, released my cock. “It might be my first time, but I wasn’t as delicate as you thought, angel. We Mysthians are made of unbreakable materials. I’m an immortal, just as you are.”

  Always proud, the damn fey, but she also spoke the truth.

  I was one of the most powerful angels. When I’d thrust in her, my immense, ancient power had poured out, yet she’d held her own.

  Then the significance hit me.

  Rose had regarded me as her sworn enemy, yet she’d given me her first time. Instinctively, she’d trusted me, because she was my destined mate. Only she hadn’t realized it yet.

  “My bad, eroma,” I said. “But don’t punish my cock.” With that, I helped her shove it inside her heated channel. She moaned and rocked her hips against the base of my shaft.

  I pulled out an inch or so and plunged in, and my mate moved with me. We both panted hard.

  My hand grabbed her bountiful breast; my mouth trailed from her earlobe down to the column of her neck. I could never get enough of her.

  “We’ll have to return to Atlantis after this,” she said breathlessly.

  That was one ugly reality: we had only a few more stolen moments left.

  And that reality enraged me. What I wanted, I always took. I had never needed to sneak around like a thief.

  I thrust into her, fast and hard. “You need to leave tomorrow,” I said. “Make up your mind now.”

  “As you’ve nullified my end of the bargain,” she said, “I’m releasing you from your obligation as well.”

  I stopped moving in her. “You can’t get out without me, Rose. If you stay, you’ll be dead. Don’t you understand what will be waiting for you on your wedding night?”

  “That’s for me to worry about, Prince.”

  “That’s not for you to worry about alone. Not anymore. Like it or not, it’s my job to keep you safe other than fucking you. If you have no concern for your own safety, I’ll force you to leave the city. My deadline for you is tomorrow night. By then, I’ll come to drag you to safety, no matter if you’re willing or not.”

  She stopped moving. Yet neither of us wanted to break our joining. I restrained my need to thrust wildly inside her. We were having a serious disagreement now.

  “King Agro won’t let go if I just disappear,” she said. “He’ll lead his army to Mysth before I’m ready to face him.”

  “I’ll make it look like Victoria kidnapped you. After I frame her, I’ll kill her, so no trail will lead to you. I’m good at things like that. You just need to trust me and let me handle this.”

  “I can’t hide forever.”

  “You won’t hide on Earth. I’m taking you with me to Valhalla. I’ve mapped out our escape route. My ship will be waiting at the other side of the portal.”

  “Mysth is my home. I won’t abandon my people.”

  “It’s just a temporary relocation, darling,” I coaxed. “When things cool down, I’ll accompany
you back to Earth, to Mysth.” I started to move in her again, because I couldn’t help it.

  She responded eagerly with moans of pleasure, which set me ablaze again. I penetrated her harder.

  A future had opened a window and let me peek into it—I would bury my cock deep inside my mate every night before I went to sleep. I would wake up in the morning to find it inside, hard as steel. And then I would ride her mercilessly until she screamed my name with joy and pleasure over and over.

  And after I threw my father off the trail and he stopped bothering me, I would show my female many different worlds. She would appreciate travelling amid the stars and beyond deep space.

  I would keep her forever mine. I would fuck her every minute I got.

  She would enjoy that to no end as well, like how she loved it now.

  “I’ll have none of that,” she said. “I won’t go with you. I have my own plan.”

  “Your plan will lead you to death, female! Your plan is war.”

  “Then war it is,” she said.

  She had finally let the cat out: she would choose to go to war with my race.

  “You think you can defeat us angels?” I asked viciously.

  “We Mysthians weren’t born slaves,” she said. “So mark my word. Your angels won’t have Mysth. We’ll burn it to ashes before you can have it.”

  Now we became enemies again?

  I pulled my cock out, despite its fierce protest, despite the pressure that needed to be relieved. The act was to show the fey female my displeasure, but it seemed that I was punishing myself more than her.

  Yet I had my pride. I couldn’t just stick my dick back into her like nothing had happened, and she would probably insult me anyway.

  Indeed, Rose gave me a contemptuous look and moved a few inches away from me to display her strong disagreement.

  I lay on my back and stared up at the sky, my cock still erect. It begged me to go back to pound the fey princess.

  I sighed. My Rose was all or nothing. If she was an ordinary Mysthian girl, things would be much easier for us. But she was the future Empress of Mysth, and she cared about her people more than herself. Must her burden be mine as well?

  Her safety had become my priority. Despite my threats, I wouldn’t bring myself to kidnap her to my planet. I hadn’t really forced myself on her when every second all I’d wanted was to fuck her, so I wouldn’t force her to go with me if she hated it so much.

  What was I going to do then?

  I probably should help her and give her and her people a fighting chance. The thought unnerved me. Was I really going to betray my own race?

  But if my father and brother realized that they would have too much to lose to chew on Mysth, they might leave the Mysthians alone instead of obliterating the Earth immortals.

  Then Rose would live.

  I needed to work out angles and play good political and war games then.

  I pulled her closer, not for sex, but to tell her a secret.

  I told her how to seal the leyline that breached the magic walls of the twilight realm.


  Seth and I had our first fight after and in between sex. He pulled out of me! I wanted to pull his hardness back in, but I had my pride. If he thought I would beg, then he was seriously mistaken. To show him my displeasure, I edged a few inches away.

  He lay on his back, his hands behind his head instead of exploring my body. The air between us was still charged with dense lust. I already missed his hot touch, and I blamed him for the fallout.

  I thought it would be just hot sex, but when he had first entered me, I had felt magic blooming in me. For a heartbeat, I had almost sobbed at the joy.

  Our mating was more than a passionate fuck.

  And now when he withdrew, I immediately felt lacking and aching. I pretended to ignore him, but I couldn’t help peeking at his groin. His erection remained hard and proud.

  Relief washed over me. He still wanted me. I gave his impressive length another glance and fought my urge to have it in my mouth.

  The prince sighed and pulled me into his arms, so I threw all of the pretense out the window and clung to him, inhaling his scent and knowing regretfully that I wouldn’t have a chance to breathe him in again after we parted.

  “Rose,” he said, “I’ll help you.”

  Then he revealed his race’s most guarded secret: the Forbidden Glory.

  Forbidden Glory was the angels’ power source. It supplied them with endless life energy, like how Earth nourished us. It could open any portal—Seth called it StarGate—to any universe. It had enabled the angels to invade my world.

  I had faced its terrifying power, but somehow it had spared me. Afterwards, I had dreamt the flaming swords that guarded it piercing my heart under Seth’s command.

  Was it merely a nightmare or could I really trust Seth?

  I’d given him my virginity.

  If I could destroy the angels’ Glory, the invaders would have to leave my planet or die here. The Earth environment would become hostile to them and deplete them of their energy. Earth Mother would regain her strength and step in to finish off the trespassers.

  Seth would have to leave my planet as well. We would separate forever. I would never see him again.

  But what kind of future could we have even if he stayed? My people would never accept an angel by my side. The Mysthians didn’t breed with other races, and I was their future empress.

  I shut my eyes as pain clenched my heart. I hadn’t asked for this. I hadn’t expected any emotional entanglement with the angel. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but somehow when I had held his cock in my hand and pretended to cede to his indecent proposal, I had doomed not only the High Prince of All Angels, but also myself.

  How far would he go for me? He was still an angel. If his race found out that he had helped me, they would mark him as a traitor. Not just his lord father, but every angel would come for his blood.

  I’d rather he left Earth, so I would not meet him on the battlefield.

  I had seen it in his eyes when I had woken up in his bed that he would not fight me. He would not harm me.

  I nudged closer to him, and his mouth found mine.

  His cock pressed against me, harder than granite. The angel was ravenous. He wanted me again. But I wanted to show him that it was my turn to claim him. I moved on top of him and lifted my hips. With a quick move, I held his cock against my aching entrance.

  The angel’s eyes glowed silver.

  I glided down, letting his length fill me completely.

  Seth blew out a breath with a string of angelic curses.

  I started moving up and down. Going slow and then going fast.

  As I rode the angel, I hadn’t forgotten to glean more information.

  “Why hasn’t your father had you drain me already if he desperately wanted the Earth’s elemental magic?” I asked.

  He thrust up hard. “I told him you were a dud.”

  I rasped at the depth he went inside me. “You’ve watched my every step. You kept testing me.”

  “That was before,” he said, his voice rough, as he thrust faster. “I won’t harm you. You know that.”

  I met his rhythm. “If the Earth magic had been in me, I’d have blasted off your arrogant ass when you’d constantly insulted me.”

  “What you considered an insult would be honey in other females’ ears.”

  I snorted, then rose and fell, arching my back to take him in deeper. And he slammed into me.

  We stopped talking as pleasure rocked us hard. His eyelids were heavily hooded. His lustful look only made me wetter, and he growled in approval.

  I gave his sensual bottom lip a half-kiss and half-bite. “Since I don’t have the elemental magic he coveted, will he leave me alone?”

  “He wants to make sure,” the prince said, “so he’s ordered my brother to break you on the wedding night.”

  “How sweet of him,” I said coldly while my body burned hotter than eve
r. “So he moved the wedding date a month earlier to speed up my gruesome demise.”

  He grabbed my hips and bounced me up and down on top of him rapidly. “He’s losing patience. You must leave no later than tomorrow night, before he and Agro make a new move. I won’t take any chances.”

  I panted breathlessly. My breasts bumped up and down as he moved me like that. I was going to come soon and hard. “How will he harvest me?”

  “Forbidden Glory will absorb and assimilate the great elemental magic when it manifests in you. It has fed on countless powers, energy, and magic from all worlds.”

  In the hologram, I’d seen it eradicate a whole superior species and suck their essence into itself. And my own encounter with it still chilled me to the bones. I couldn’t help but tremble in cold fear at the prospect that the entity would trap and devour my soul. I froze on top of Seth.

  I could never forget how the angels’ Glory had possessed me and dragged me out of this realm for a full minute when I had faced it. It had torched me in its virtual reality, and every burn had felt real. I now knew why it hadn’t killed me: after it had tested and tasted me, the entity planned to reap my “magic” and drain me only when I was ripe.

  The irony was that I wasn’t the great Earth magic bearer. Maybe I’d felt a tug or a trickle of the elemental magic here and there, but it was nowhere near remarkable.

  I wasn’t the chosen, even though everyone else thought differently.

  But when the Prince of All Angels had entered me, I had felt a different kind of magic—the joy of our union and the bliss of pleasure.

  “Suppose I have the elemental magic,” I asked, resuming rocking slowly atop Seth, “what will happen to me after the Forbidden Glory harvests me? What will happen to my people and my kingdom?”

  Seth traced his fingers along my spine as if to comfort me. “There won’t be an inch of Mysth left, Rose,” he said softly. “The Earth will be a swamp.”

  A chill filled me.

  I had thought that the angels had come to dominate our planet and enslave us. I had worried that only my people would face extinction. It was worse than that. The Lord of All Angels couldn’t care less for the fate of the Earth natives. He wanted only to drain Earth’s energy, so he could be even more powerful.


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