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Believe In Me (Paradise Place Book 7)

Page 10

by Natalie Ann

  She’d been a little surprised to see that, even though he’d said it was happening.

  The big hot sexy guy with a soft spot. Oh yeah, she was weak when she never thought she’d be.

  She threw the covers back and grabbed her bag that was on the floor by the bed and went into the bathroom to shower and change into her scrubs.

  When she came out, Caden was in the bedroom buttoning his shirt up. Another one that was tailored to his frame.

  “If I didn’t say it last night, I’ll say it now. You really do have one hell of a body on you. I thought you were sexy from your modeling days, but that’s nothing to what you’ve matured into.”

  He grinned at her. “So you did find some of my old photos?”

  “I did. I will confess that my sixteen-year-old me might have had a major crush on you.”

  “What about your thirty-year-old you?”

  “Well, she has you so the crush is a reality.” The minute those words were out of her mouth she wanted to slam on the brakes, put it in reverse and hit the gas until her car broke through a wall trying to escape. “Sorry. That came out wrong.”

  “No,” he said, moving toward her, pulling her in for a hug. “I think it came out just right.”


  “For what?”

  “For not making this more awkward than it is.”

  He leaned back and frowned. “Why is it awkward?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m not usually one that lets things slip like that out of my mouth and I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “I think it’s safe to say we are both having that problem, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Glad to know it’s not just me.” She moved out of his arms and went to the kitchen. The Keurig was on, so she found a cup and helped herself. He didn’t seem to mind. He did tell her last night to help herself to anything.

  “Can I make you some breakfast? I’m going to scramble some eggs and toast.”

  “That sounds good, but don’t go out of your way. I normally have coffee and yogurt with a little granola.”

  “I’ll have to give that a try. A good source of protein and carbs there.”

  She found that odd, but did realize he ate pretty healthy. They did split a dessert the one night they were out, but usually he ate well. Even the veggie pizza over pepperoni or sausage. He had a few wings, so it’s not like she thought he was overboard with his diet though.

  “I have to say I find it unusual how well you eat.”

  “There is nothing wrong with liking good food and eating well,” he said when he turned to open the fridge and get some eggs out. “I’d think being a nurse you’d agree with that. But I’ve seen plenty of overweight and unhealthy nurses in my life.”

  She wondered what made him make that comment or where he’s seen them, but since she had too, she just figured it was a statement more than anything. “You’re right. I think it’s just most men I’m around want their meat and potatoes over vegetables. I’m not a fussy eater in the least, so I’m normally okay with anything.”

  “I don’t think I’m fussy,” he said.

  And she wondered why they were talking about this. It always seemed when she found something different about him, or not like another man, she brought it up and then looked like a fool. She was just so used to finding out she was wrong about someone, that she looked for things instead of just letting it happen on its own.

  “I think you’re darn close to perfect and it makes me wonder why you’re single.”

  “I thought you said it was because I was married to my job,” he said, looking over as he poured the eggs in a pan. She grabbed the bread and put it in the toaster.

  “I did say that. But I think you are proving me wrong since you are home at pretty reasonable hours and when we are together you’re not reaching for your phone often.”

  “That’s because when I’m with you, I don’t want to think of anything else.”

  “There is that smoothness again.” She looked around. “Where’s Jet?”

  Sleeping on his bed in the living room. It’s his morning nap before he goes in the crate. He’s been fed and let out.”

  “When is your family coming today?” she asked.

  “They said they’d be here by four. I’m taking a half a day and doing some work from home. Once they get here and get settled, we’ll go get some dinner.”

  She was hoping he didn’t ask her to join them. As much as part of her wanted to, the other part wasn’t sure she was ready for that step.

  And when breakfast was done and cleaned up, he hadn’t asked and she wasn’t bringing it up either. She leaned in to give him a kiss. “I know you’ll be busy tonight and this weekend, so don’t worry too much about reaching out.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want me to?” he asked.

  “Not at all. I’d love you to. But you have company. And why is it when I say something to you, it always comes out wrong?” This was getting frustrating.

  “Or I’m taking it wrong. So I’ll apologize. I guess this is new territory for me.”

  “I want to ask why or what is new, but I’m running late and if I start this conversation, then it’d take too long. So instead I’m going to say enjoy your day. I won’t bug you, but I’ll be around if you want to chat or text. No pressure.”

  He kissed her one more time. “No pressure. But I will talk to you at some point tonight. I promise.”

  “And we know you’re good for your word.”


  Moving Fast

  “When were you going to tell us you were seeing someone?” Harris asked her when she walked into his house on Easter morning.

  Kaelyn was cooking a big dinner for both sides of the family this afternoon, but Sarah wanted to show up earlier for a brunch with her parents and a little time with her niece.

  “I didn’t know I had to announce it to anyone,” she said.

  She turned when her parents came in right after her. She’d seen them turning down the street the same time as her. If she’d detoured to drive past Caden’s first she wasn’t telling anyone. It wasn’t really out of the way since it was the same development.

  She’d seen the SUV in the driveway with Pennsylvania plates on it. Though the two of them hadn’t talked since she’d left his house on Friday morning, they had texted more than she thought they would. Mainly at night when she was in bed.

  That worked for her. She knew he was entertaining his family he hadn’t seen much, but the fact he was reaching out to her when he was alone was good enough.

  “Announce what?” her mother asked.

  “Sarah’s boyfriend,” Kaelyn said, grinning. She figured if anyone would be in her corner about keeping things quiet it’d be her sister-in-law, but she found that might not be happening.

  “You’ve got a boyfriend?” her mother asked, looking a little hurt. “You always tell me when you’re dating someone. Why didn’t you?”

  “How do you guys even know?” she asked.

  “Please,” Kaelyn said. “He lives in Paradise Place. I’ve seen your car there. I mentioned something to Harris. Then of course he had to drive by to check too.”

  “Thanks,” she said to Kaelyn. “I’ll remember that in the future.”

  Kaelyn laughed. “We are just looking out for you. I know the guy that bought Ryan’s house is from out of town.”

  “You hated how your brothers watched over everything you did. I figured you’d have my back.”

  Kaelyn’s brothers Evan and Christian hadn’t been thrilled when they found out Kaelyn was dating Harris. They thought for sure he was just out for fun and using their sister out of boredom. Sarah had been fast to get in Evan’s face and defend her brother when comments were made in front of her.

  Thankfully it all worked out and everyone got along well now.

  “I do have your back, but of course I find that you’re like the sister I never had and I want to watch out for you too. Now I know why my brothe
rs did it. So tell us what is going on.”

  There was no way out of this. Not with her parents and Harris staring at her waiting for information. “Where is Scarlet? I want to give her her Easter basket.”

  “She’s napping and Nicks is upstairs with her.”

  And Nicks made her think of Jet and the puppy that slept curled up against Caden on Thursday night, not letting her get close.

  “Does he always stay by her?” she asked.

  “You’re avoiding answering us,” her father said.

  “Yes,” Harris said. “You know that. When she wakes up, he’ll be right there staring at her. We’ll hear her talking on the monitor to him. So answer the question. Your boyfriend?”

  Might as well get it all out now before the rest of today’s guests showed up. “Caden Finley. As you know, he bought Ryan’s house. He moved here about a month ago for a job promotion.”

  “What does he do?” her mother asked.

  “He’s a partner and Vice President of an investment firm in Latham.”

  “Where did he move from?” her father asked. She could see where this was going and figured she might as well just tell them everything at once or they’d be asking her a question after each statement.

  “Let me say it all,” she said, and proceeded to tell him about his job in Manhattan, how he cut his hand on moving day and they met, even down to helping him pick out Jet.

  “Wow, moving fast in a short period of time,” Kaelyn said. “I think I know a little bit about that.”

  “Are we happy now?” she asked. “Can we eat?”

  “Let me get it all on the table. Most of it is in the warming oven and ready to go,” Kaelyn said.

  When Harris and Kaelyn went into the massive kitchen to get breakfast, her parents stayed with her in the living room. “What is he doing today?” her mother asked. “You said his family isn’t from around here.”

  There was no way she was inviting him for a family dinner nor did she think he’d want to come, so thankfully she was able to say, “His parents and younger sisters drove here on Friday. They are having an early dinner and returning home this afternoon.”

  Her mother nodded her head and Sarah felt she’d handled that well and it would be the end of the conversation.

  But she was wrong because several hours later, Christian Butler brought up Caden. “So the guy that bought Ryan’s house called the office this week. Guess he wants to do some landscaping and wasn’t sure if there were vendors he had to use or specs he had to follow since some of the landscaping looks the same in the development.”

  Harris and Kaelyn turned to look at her, but she kept her lips sealed. “Why did Caden call you?” Kaelyn asked her brother.

  “How did you know his name was Caden?” Evan asked.

  Shit. At least Kaelyn flushed over that, then mouthed, “Sorry,” to her.

  “She knows his name,” Harris said, “because that is Sarah’s new boyfriend.”

  “Sarah has a boyfriend?” Evan said, smirking. “Someone actually wants to be with you.”

  “Ass,” she said to Evan, grinning. He was always sarcastic but funny at the same time. In the beginning he was pretty hard on Kaelyn over her relationship with Harris, but remembered he’d been a huge fan of her brother and turned it around.

  At first it’d bothered her that Evan did that. She wondered if it was being a fan of Harris’s that made him accept him, but then realized how stupid that was. Her brother was a standup guy and he wouldn’t want to be liked for his celebrity status.

  “So tell us about this guy,” Judy, Kaelyn’s mother, said.

  She just wanted to roll her eyes, but she really liked her sister-in-law’s family and told them most of what she’d told her parents. She just kept out the puppy part and more details on their relationship.

  “You met him after an injury,” Christian said. “Funny how that is the same way Harris and Kaelyn met.”

  She hadn’t thought much of it before. “I guess so. Anyway, you started this by saying he called you?”

  She hadn’t known about that, but there was no reason for her to know either.

  “Yeah. Whitney took the call. I was there and heard her telling him he could do what he wanted. I just asked what was going on,” Christian said. “But I’m thrilled to know he’s going to give some outdoor life to the property that Ryan never did.”

  “Ryan is a simple man,” Evan said. “He isn’t into beautifying the outdoors like you.”

  “There is nothing wrong with having the outside look as nice as the inside,” Christian argued. “Just because you like your simple green bushes and hardscaping doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t like some color to pop up during the seasons.”

  “You and your flowers,” Evan said. “I always said you should have been a chick.”

  “Enough, you two,” Michael, Kaelyn’s father, said. “It never ends. And sorry, Evan, but I’m siding with your brother. He’s a hundred percent correct and has a good eye for that. He should have gone into landscaping.”

  “Nah,” Christian said. “It’s a hobby, not a job. I like it better this way.”

  She listened while Kaelyn’s family went back and forth talking about construction and landscaping and wondered what Caden was having done at his place.

  Scarlet had been playing on the floor while they all sat around letting dinner settle before dessert came out and she decided to move over and play too. If she could get away from the adults maybe they’d leave her and her personal life alone.

  It didn’t happen though when Evan said, “So why would this guy move here if his family isn’t from the area? It seems to me he was pretty darn successful where he was and that promotion was coming there at some point.”

  “He said he wanted a change.”

  “He’s never been married or engaged?” her mother asked. “And you said he’s thirty-six.”

  Oh boy, here they go nitpicking. As if she didn’t do that enough with people, others were going to join in. “That’s right.”

  “Sounds like he might be married to his job,” Evan said, laughing. “Good luck changing someone at that age.”

  “He’s only two years older than you,” she said.

  “That’s right, Evan,” Judy said. “Are you saying you’re set in your ways and won’t change for a woman? What if one wants to know why you’re still single?”

  “Yeah, Evan,” she said, winking at Judy.

  “I am set in my ways. And nope, I’m not changing for anyone. What they see is what they get,” Evan said, grinning.

  “Which means you’ll always be single,” Harris said. “Everyone has to compromise at some point. Especially for someone they love.”

  She smiled at her brother. “See.”

  “Are you saying you’re in love?” Harris asked her.

  “It’s been a month. Don’t go jumping to conclusions.” Even if she did feel like it was a strong possibility she was falling hard. That maybe she had been since the first time she’d seen him. More so when she saw his reaction to holding Jet that first time.

  “Again,” Evan said, smirking at her, “I’d ask myself why he’s really single and if he’s going to change.”

  “Which you just said you aren’t,” Christian said. “So you better be prepared to be single forever.”

  Everyone laughed around the room, but it did raise some questions in her mind.

  She knew already he was an overachiever. She’d said it to him multiple times. It was a good thing she didn’t give those details to everyone in this room or they’d agree with Evan.

  But Caden had said it was time for a change and she believed it because he was doing things so much differently than before.

  He owned a house.

  He had a dog.

  He wasn’t working late in the office and even said having a dog was a way to force him out of the office to get Jet on time.

  Why he felt he needed something to force his hand was beyond her, but it seemed like he was m
aking changes like he’d said.

  She just had to wonder the reason why.


  Testing The Waters

  Caden was doing a lot of deflecting himself on Sunday.

  More like he’d been doing it for the past few days, but since it was the last day of his family’s visit, he was pretty sure his sisters weren’t going to give up until they got the answers they were looking for.

  On Friday when everyone arrived, they’d all been distracted by the house and the tour. Comments on things he should change, paint colors, landscaping—that he’d already said he was working on—to furniture he needed.

  He’d sat through it all. Some were good ideas. Others were just the fact they were happy he seemed settled and he knew that.

  Saturday morning he’d gone to the store with his mother and they’d gotten what she needed for dinner today, along with a few things for them this weekend. The weather had been nice and he’d walked with his sisters around the development with Jet.

  He was shocked at how much his sisters loved the area, but happy they were thrilled for him. It’d actually been the first time he’d walked that far and made his way down to the common grounds where he knew there was a summer picnic held each year.

  There was a website on Paradise Place and he’d checked everything out, resources in the area and so on when he was house shopping. He was pretty impressed with the way the Butlers ran everything and that was one of the major reasons he jumped to buy the home through a video tour alone.

  And though his sisters had brought up his date from weeks ago, he’d tried to brush it off. It just wasn’t flying.

  “Morgan said you had a date a few weeks ago,” his mother said. “Any more?”

  He looked at Morgan and saw her smirking at him while she sat in the chair with Jet in her arms. The puppy hadn’t left his sister’s sight for long. Jet even ran to her more than him and he found he was pretty jealous over it.

  Though the dog did want to be in his bed at night, regardless of Morgan wanting to take him into her room.


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