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Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

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by George, Mellie


  Bad Blooded Rebel Series #3

  By Mellie George

  Text copyright 2014 © Mellie George

  All Rights Reserved

  Edited By D.B./J.W.

  Cover Photo Courtesy of

  Cover Design © 2014 Danielle Taylor

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

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  The Author acknowledges referencing the following people, places, music, bands, sports teams, movies, and all that noise: Creedance Clearwater Revival, The Eagles, KISS, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, and Aerosmith.

  Once again, this book is dedicated to all the readers that have fallen in love with Ryder, Everleigh, Danni, Jessie, and all the boys of Bad Blooded Rebel as much as I have. I love telling their stories and thank you for loving them enough to let me keep doing it!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8




  Chapter 1


  “You’re sure that he’s stayed away from the house since the incident?” I asked Kip, one of our bodyguards, holding my phone to my cheek with my shoulder as I opened the door of the cab. I tossed a few bills at the driver, much more than the ride from the studio cost me, and nodded a goodbye.

  “Eric’s been tailing him night and day. Trust me, that asshole can’t even blink or take a shit without us knowing about it. Trish is being protected, Mr. Matthews, I promise,” said Kip.

  “Okay, well thanks for the update. You and Nate keep watch on the house and call me if anything happens, no matter what. If that fucker even thinks about looking at the house you call me,” I growled through gritted teeth.

  “I will, sir. Goodbye,” he said, and the line went dead. I blew out a frustrated breath and shook my head as I walked to the front door of my building, determined not to let any thoughts of that crazy fucker ruin my night.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Matthews,” said the doorman as I walked into my apartment building out of the snowy January winds. “How has your day been?”

  “Long,” I shrugged, brushing off my coat. The days I’d spent in the recording studio seemed longer and longer to me lately. “Is she back yet?” I asked, shaking freshly fallen snow out of my hair.

  The doorman smiled at me. “Of course she is. I think she mentioned something about having dinner ready for you when you came back tonight.”

  She was cooking for me tonight? My mouth watered and my stomach growled. “Well, on that note, I am getting the fuck up there,” I said, and he laughed. “Have a good night, man.”

  “Same to you, sir,” I heard him say as I jogged to the elevators. I punched the button to my floor and as soon as the doors opened I walked inside and made the long ride to the top floor.

  It had been three weeks since I came to New York with my band brothers Kris, Jude, and Beau to finish recording our band Bad Blooded Rebel’s latest album and we were close to being finished. I had also asked my beautiful girlfriend Everleigh Stone to make the trip with me to New York from her hometown of Muncie, Indiana.

  Shortly after I went to her hometown to find her after we met back stage at one of our concerts, Everleigh had gone through some majorly traumatic life changes. Her father, Max, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer and then shortly after her psychotic ex boyfriend Scott Adams attacked and tried to rape her in a public bathroom of a night club we’d gone to.

  While she was getting checked out at the hospital that night (and my rage toward Scott was barely containable after I’d beaten him half to death) I’d received a call from the band’s manager Steve Roberts informing me that the guys and I were being forced by the label to record the remaining tracks for our album in New York City. Stanley and Rick Isaacs, the two asshole brothers that owned our record label, wanted to be able to “keep an eye on us” and made us come here. I wasn’t about to leave Everleigh there alone and vulnerable after Scott attacked her so I asked her to come with me and thankfully she agreed. Plus, I am a selfish bastard. What man wouldn’t want the girl he loved sleeping beside him night after night?

  I leaned my head back on the wall of the elevator and smiled to myself thinking about her. Everleigh was hands down the most incredible woman I’d ever known. On top of being drop dead gorgeous she was caring, sweet, and amazing in bed. As the lead singer of a rock band I’d had plenty of girls in every conceivable way but none of them held a candle to Everleigh. She was so perfect in every way that every time we slept together was better than the last.

  My dick started to twitch at the thought of her hot curvaceous naked body but my thoughts were interrupted when the elevator dinged, letting me know I’d reached my floor.

  I’d bought my penthouse apartment in New York City years ago while we were recording our third album. I hated living in hotels when we were here and I wanted a place to call home in case we were ever in town. As soon as the penthouse went on the market I snatched it up for a good price and always stayed here when we came back to the city.

  I stepped out of the elevator and walked to my front door. I put the key in the lock and turned it, letting myself inside. The smell of heaven hit my nose when I walked through the door. “Ryder, is that you?” I heard a sweet voice call out.

  “Yeah, gorgeous, it’s me,” I said, taking off my leather jacket and hanging it on the hook by the door.

  “I’m in the kitchen. Dinner’s almost ready,” Everleigh called out. I smiled and walked through the spacious living room into the kitchen.

  Everleigh was standing in front of the stove, stirring a small pot of what looked like gravy. I leaned against the door frame as she put the finishing touches on our dinner. She had her long midnight hair pulled up into a messy bun with a few curls falling down her long neck. She was wearing her “naughty teacher” glasses, had on a pair of jeans that hugged her curvy hips, and one of my Bad Blooded Rebel tee shirts that she loved to wear tied at the waist. She looked so sexy that I almost started drooling.

  Just as she took something out of the oven, she looked up at me and smiled. “What is it, rock star?”

  “Nothing. You just look so fucking adorable in my shirt that I’m having trouble keeping my gun in the holster.”

  She giggled and smiled. “Well, you are going to have to because I made a pot roast, homemade mashed potatoes, asparagus, and fresh yeast rolls. Dinner first, sex later,” she said.

  “You promise?” I asked, closing the distance between us and placing a kiss on her neck.

  She shivered and I grinned. “I promise. Come on, let’s eat.” She gave me a quick kiss and picked up the bowls of potatoes and asparagus and walked into the dining room.

  I picked up the basket of rolls and a chilled bottle of wine that was sitting on the counter and followed her. “Is there anything you want me to do?” I asked, placing everything on the table that was set like we were at a restaurant.

  “Oh n
o, I’ve got this. Just sit down and get comfortable while I go get the roast.”

  I groaned and shook my head. “Everleigh, you aren’t my waitress. You don’t have to do everything, you know. I do have two hands, I can help,” I called out as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  She quickly reappeared carrying the roast, which smelled incredible, and after she placed it on the table, she said, “I know you can, but I like to do this. I cook and you clean. We both win.” I smiled at her and I held out the chair for her to sit in. “Thank you. Besides, it keeps me busy while I’m here since I don’t have a job to go to now.” She looked at me over her glasses and half smiled.

  I took my seat across from her and said, “Everleigh, you still have a job. You know Deuce said your job is safe until you go back to Muncie.”

  “I know that, Ryder. I just get bored here while you’re in the studio all day. Danni’s still back in Muncie for now so I can’t hang out with her and Jessie will be in Cincinnati for a few more days before she comes here so I’m all alone most of the time.”

  “Evie, baby, if you want to get out of the penthouse you can. You can go anywhere you want as long as you-”

  “Take John with me. I know, I know,” she sighed. “It’s just a little embarrassing that I can’t go anywhere without a bodyguard.”

  I frowned at her. I wish that the girls had come to New York with us so Everleigh wouldn’t be alone but I also had my own reason for wanting them here. When we all came to New York we all assumed that Danni would be coming along as well but, surprisingly, she didn’t.

  Danni had told Everleigh that she and Beau had both agreed to keep this a casual thing and she decided to stay in Muncie. Beau was being Beau and was too proud to admit that he’d fallen hard for Danni, and she was apparently doing the same thing. They both were totally into each other but neither wanted to cave and admit their feelings had went any deeper.

  Jessie and Kris’s wedding was a few months away. They were planning on getting married in our hometown and there was a lot to do on that end. Since Kris couldn’t be as involved as he wanted to be the burden fell on Jessie. It was up to her to handle the planning and she had a few things to finalize in Cincinnati before she flew to New York.

  We both added food to our plates and I moaned as I took my first bite. I loved Everleigh’s cooking almost as much as making love to her…almost. “Evie, sweetie, you know you can come with us into the studio. I’d love for you to be there and see us record.”

  “I’d love that too but I am afraid I will be a distraction for you.”

  “No, you will be motivational for me. Not only would I get to impress you with my awesome skills but I’d be motivated to hurry the fuck up, get you back home, and then get your sexy ass naked,” I said, and she giggled. “I hate that you are here alone all day. Promise me you’ll think about it?”

  “I will, I promise. Now eat before I have to punish you,” she said, grinning.

  It took all the self control I had to keep the fork in my hand and not clear off the table and fuck her right then as she winked at me and took a bite of her food. She moaned as she slowly pulled the fork out of her mouth, licking her lips. I narrowed my eyes playfully at her and told her, “You’re in fucking trouble, gorgeous,” and I took another big bite of my food.

  She repeated her slow bite again and said, “I hope so, rock star. So how was your day?” We sat at the table eating our dinner like a normal couple, making conversation and just enjoying being with in each other.

  I loved this…having a nice, quiet dinner with my beautiful Everleigh as the snow fell down on the New York City streets. I was also a little sad because our album was almost finished and we would be leaving the city sometime in the next few weeks. I’d been so busy in the recording studio that I hadn’t gotten to show her the sights and I knew she was bored here in the penthouse all day.

  I knew Scott wasn’t in New York but I still wasn’t taking any chances with Everleigh’s safety so every time she went out she left with John. She felt embarrassed to be out with him. She didn’t think it was necessary so she hadn’t left the penthouse much while we’d been here. Tonight, I was off early enough that I planned on taking her out and showing her a good time.

  Once we were finished eating, Everleigh stood up and started to clear the plates. When she reached for mine, I grabbed her wrist to stop her. “What is it, Ryder?” she asked me.

  “Clean up can wait,” I said. “Dinner’s over so now I want my dessert.” I took the plates from her hand and carelessly set them on the table. I led her around the table to face me.

  “Come on, don’t you want to at least clear the table first?” she asked me, biting her lip to hide her smile.

  I grinned wickedly at her and stood up. I turned to face the table and with a long swipe of my arm I sent all the dishes flying. I heard Everleigh gasp as dishes went soaring through the air before crashing to the floor. I cocked my head to the side and grinned at her. “Table’s clear,” I said and before she could move I picked her up and set her on the table.

  She squealed as I nestled my waist between her legs. “You are so bad, rock star,” she said, playing with the bottom of my tee shirt.

  “But I’m about to be so, so good, gorgeous,” I said. I removed her glasses before I hungrily crashed my lips to hers. She whimpered into my mouth and our tongues met, gliding in perfect unison.

  I broke from her lips for one moment to trail kisses down her neck. “Evie, you look so fucking hot in my shirt. You know what would make it look even better?”

  “Hmm?” she moaned.

  “If it was in a pile on the floor,” I said, right before I stripped the shirt off her body and tossed it to the ground. She smiled as my eyes took in her gorgeous full breasts that were barely contained by an emerald green lacy bra. “Damn you’re beautiful,” I said, then I leaned in, burying my face in between her perfect heaps and began kissing her soft as silk skin.

  She leaned her head back and moved her arms from my shoulders to find the strap on her bra. She quickly unfastened it and her beautiful breasts sprang free as she slid out of the bra. I moved my mouth in search of one of her perfect nipples but she stopped me.

  “Wait,” she stopped me, “I want to try something.”

  I grinned at her. “And what’s that?”

  She shoved against me and stood on the floor. She moved me around to the table and gave me a gentle shove so I was now sitting. “There’s something I’ve always thought was hot and I want to try it. Is that okay?”

  I laughed. “Evie, you can do whatever the fuck you want to me,” I said, and I kissed her for a moment before she broke away from me. I took my shirt off and threw it next to the other shirt on the floor.

  “Lie back,” she whispered, and I did as she asked. I watched her as her hands found my belt buckle and she quickly undid my pants. I growled and balled my fists as she tugged my pants down and grabbed my cock which was already rock solid. Ever since we’d gotten to New York going commando was the only way to go. This way my gun could be locked, loaded and ready to aim at a moment’s notice.

  “Fuck, Evie,” I said as I watched her stroke me up and down with both hands. I watched her with wide eyes as she looked at me and smiled before lowering her mouth to my dick and taking me in as far as she could.

  I leaned up a little and watched her sucking my dick in and out of her mouth…it took all I had now to come right then. She must have felt me start to thicken and she let me go suddenly. Standing before me she slowly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down, taking the emerald green panties she had on with her. She was standing before me completely naked and beautiful and my cock twitched at the sight of her.

  I thought she would climb on top of me, one of my favorite positions since I got to watch her grinding on my cock, but she didn’t. Instead she leaned down in front of my dick and moved her breasts close to me. “Touch me, Ryder,” she whispered, guiding my hands to her breasts.

  “You’re so fuc
king beautiful, Evie,” I said, kissing her for a moment and kneading her soft curves with my hands. She moved from me and guided herself down to my cock again. I watched her with my mouth slightly open as she grabbed her breasts and wrapped them gently around my hard dick. I moaned loudly as I watched her move my erection between them.

  She closed her eyes and moaned as my dick moved up and down between her breasts. I didn’t think I’d been that hard in my life watching her pleasuring me this way. “Do you like this?” she whispered.

  “Fuck yes!” I groaned out, thrusting my hips up and urging her to go faster. I felt a bead of pre come start to seep out of the head of my dick and I felt like I was getting close. I was about to pull away and put her on the table and fuck her hard but before I could move I watched her mouth lower and she took the tip of my dick into her mouth.

  As fucking amazing as it felt, I knew if she kept it up I was going to empty myself inside of her mouth. I gently shoved against her and she leaned up, a pout on her face. “Why do you always stop me, Ryder? Maybe I want to feel you let go…I like how you taste,” she said, a blush creeping across her beautiful face.

  “I know, baby, and we will do that soon, I promise. I just can’t take another minute without being inside you,” I said, scooting off the table and sitting in the chair. “Come here, gorgeous.”

  She moved over to me and I guided her leg over my waist. She moved on top of me, straddling my waist. “Ryder,” she panted, “I want you inside me.”

  “Still taking your pill?” I grunted, wanting to be buried inside her with a desperate need. I knew that sex with her using protection would be just as incredible as it always was, but since we’d been sleeping together Everleigh was always on the pill so I tossed all of my condoms out. I was so hard and ready for her right now that it would kill me to have to stop.


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