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Dark Desires

Page 18

by Ray Gordon

'Yes, I believe they were. Anyway, this other story of yours about a sex den.'

  'I was wrong about that. I was given a false lead and... Someone was pissing me about.'

  'Shit. We could have done with something juicy like that.'

  'Two coffees,' Anne said, placing a tray on the table.

  'Thanks,' Samantha murmured. 'Er... close the door on your way out.'

  'Sammy, tell me what's been going on,' Dave said as the girl left the room.

  'Nothing's been going on,' she sighed. 'Apart from wasting my time on duff leads.'

  'I haven't seen you for bloody ages,' he said, sipping his coffee. 'Or heard from you.'

  'I'll be back in the office tomorrow, I promise you. I've wasted enough time.'

  'Yes, you have. Oh, by the way. We've got a new photographer.'

  'Really? What about Derek? Is he still—'

  'Derek's leaving. This new bloke seems OK. His name's Brian.'

  'Brian?' Samantha gasped.

  'What's the matter?'

  'Nothing. So, what's he like?'

  'Youngish, good-looking... He seems very keen, which is good. He's been doing a lot of nude photography.'

  'Yes, I know. I mean, I know that he'll be all right. If he's keen, then he'll be all right. Dave, do you believe in past lives?'

  'I've never really thought about it. Besides, it's the present life I'm interested in. And in particular, the newspaper. So, we need a damned good story.'

  'Dave, have you heard the name Malthadrew?'

  'Yes, it's a paint factory. Why do you ask?'

  'Where is it?'

  'The industrial estate out by Toddington's Farm. Are you onto something?'

  'I... I don't know,' Samantha sighed, wondering whether there was a girl sleeping rough close to the factory.

  'I won't bother to ask you to keep me posted because I know you won't,' he chuckled, finishing his coffee. 'Look, I'd better be going.'

  'Yes, I'll see you tomorrow.'

  'You'd better.'

  As Dave left, Samantha grabbed her car keys and told Anne that she had to go out. The girl was getting used to Samantha coming and going, and seemed happy enough to watch the TV news to learn more about the new era she'd been transported to. Leaving the flat, Samantha drove to the paint factory and parked in what appeared to be a disused yard. She was sure that she'd been dreaming, but the young man's words were haunting her. There's about to be a huge fire. You have to save the girl who's sleeping rough.

  Leaving her car, she looked around the yard at the piles of rubbish and a couple of dumped cars. The factory, with smoke billowing from a tall chimney, was a hundred yards or so away. No one would be sleeping rough in the old yard, she was sure as she peered into one of the scrapped cars. Had she been dreaming? The young man had mentioned the name of the factory, and yet she'd never heard of it. Perhaps she'd heard the name somewhere and it hadn't registered, she concluded as she walked back to her car.

  Noticing a girl hiding behind some wooden boxes, Samantha started the engine and drove back down the track. The girl was obviously frightened, she thought, parking around the corner where her car was obscured by a group of trees. Walking back along the track, Samantha ducked behind some bushes and watched the girl walking towards the factory. Following at a safe distance, she ducked behind a clump of bushes again as the girl slipped into an old shed.

  Looking around her, Samantha realized that if there was a huge fire the girl might not be able to escape. Three sides of the shed were surrounded by a high fence, the only escape route taking her past the back of the factory. Wondering what to do, Samantha walked back to her car. She doubted that the girl would talk to her. She'd probably run off the minute she was confronted, only to return later to the shed. Calling the police would only get the girl into trouble, she mused, sitting in her car. Sure now that she hadn't been dreaming, she finally drove to the main entrance of the factory and wandered into a reception area.

  'Can I help you?' a woman sitting behind a desk asked.

  'Er... well, I'm not sure. The land behind the factory. What's it used for?'

  'Nothing, really. It's become a dumping ground. Why do you ask?'

  'I was out walking and I saw some kids playing around there. I thought it wasn't a safe place for them.'

  'You're right there,' the woman sighed. 'It's a fire hazard. The powers that be won't listen. They've been told to clear the rubbish but... One of these days there'll be a fire, you mark my words. I'd better go and tell the kids to clear off.'

  'I've already done that,' Samantha said. 'They've gone, but they'll probably be back.'

  'Well, thanks for letting me know. I'll keep my eyes open.'

  Leaving the building, Samantha now knew that she hadn't been dreaming. She also knew that her gift of time travel wasn't purely for her own sexual gratification. This was serious, she thought; returning to her car. It was one thing learning the identity of the man she'd eventually marry, but to discover that a young girl was going to lose her life... The fire might not start for several days, or even weeks, she mused. If she chased the girl off she'd only return. Again driving to the back of the building, she parked her car and walked to the shed. She had at least to talk to the girl, she knew, as she yanked the door open.

  'Shit,' she breathed, realizing that the girl must have heard the car and run off. Noticing a sleeping bag on the floor, she decided to come back later. If she could catch the girl in the shed, it might be possible to persuade her to find somewhere else to sleep. And, if that didn't work, she could threaten to call the police. Returning to her car, she drove to the park near her flat to do some thinking.

  'Sitting on a bench in the corner of the park, the afternoon sun warming her, she pondered on her life. She'd discovered too much, she knew as she thought about marrying John. And now she had the girl behind the paint factory to worry about. Wishing she'd never visited the old mansion, she wondered whether the place held the key to her ability to travel through time. It had begun when she'd been in the basement, she reflected, wondering whether there was some kind of paranormal presence in the bowels of the old building.

  'Hi, Sam,' Zak said, walking towards her. 'I saw you park your car. Any chance of having a chat?'

  'Yes, of course,' she replied, smiling as he sat down beside her. 'I'm sorry I've not been in touch but I've been pretty busy at work.'

  'That's OK. So how are you?'

  'I'm fine.'

  'Sam, I thought we might go away for a while. A holiday would do us both good.'

  'Yes, you're right. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. We've always been good together, Zak. When we split up... well, I was devastated. This holiday; have you anywhere in mind?'

  'I thought Spain might be nice. We need some time together, don't you agree?'

  'We certainly do. A month in the sun, just the two of us...'

  'A month?'

  'Why not?'

  'Yes, OK. Shall I book something?'

  'You book a hotel, and then I'll pay my half. Don't tell me where it is. I like surprises, Zak.'

  'Right, I'll book a month in a top-class hotel. Er... I'm pretty short of cash at the moment.'

  'Use your credit card and I'll pay you...'

  'OK. Can you get the time off work?'

  'God, yes. Dave owes me several holidays. Make it a five-star hotel, Zak.'

  'That'll cost a bit, but—'

  'Don't forget that my father gave me plenty of money. While we're away, we'll make the wedding plans.'

  'Great. So, what are you doing here?'

  'Actually, I'm waiting for a woman who works for the council. She wants to spill the beans about something. You'd better make yourself scarce.'

  'How about this evening? Are you doing anything?'

  'No, I'm not. You go and book a holiday and I'll meet you in the wine bar. About eight?'

  'OK, I'll be there. Sam, I—'

  'We'll talk later, Zak. This woman will be here at any minute and I don't want to bl
ow it. Go and book the holiday and we'll talk later.'

  'OK, I'll see you in the wine bar.'

  Concealing a grin as he kissed her cheek and walked away, Samantha knew that he'd go straight to the nearest travel agent and book an expensive holiday. She felt bad about conning him into spending what little money he had, but her guilt quickly faded when she thought about his despicable behaviour with her so-called best friend. She'd discovered too many things about too many people, she reflected. Not least herself. Digging out skeletons had initially been intriguing, but now... now she didn't want to know.

  Watching a young man walking across the park towards her, she knew that she didn't want to travel through time any more. It had been interesting and extremely enlightening. But it wasn't doing her any good. Now that she knew what the future held, she was determined to live her life in the present. No more dark secrets revealed, no more surprises.

  Frowning as the young man hovered a few yards away, she wondered what he was up to.

  Leaving the bench and walking alongside the wooden fence concealing the railway line, she glanced over her shoulder. He was walking slowly behind her, obviously following her. She didn't need this, she mused, quickening her pace. She'd come to the park to be alone to think. First Zak and now... Turning a corner, she slipped through a gap in the fence and waited. Much to her relief, the young man walked past.

  Sitting on the short grass, she looked down at the railway line in the cutting below. The steel rails catching the sunlight, the air still and warm, she felt at one with herself as she lay back on the grass and closed her eyes. Anne, it seemed, had moved into the flat for good, she thought as a train rumbled through the cutting. Kitty, Gerry Andrews... There were too many problems, too many people to worry about.

  'Excuse me,' the young man said, towering over her.

  'Oh, God,' Samantha gasped, sitting upright. 'You made me jump.'

  'I'm sorry. I was—'

  'Following me. Yes, I know.'

  'I wanted to ask you whether you'd seen a girl waiting in the park.'

  'A girl?'

  'I'd arranged to meet her here. I suppose she's not going to turn up,' he sighed.

  'That might not be such a bad thing,' Samantha breathed, eyeing his unruly black hair cascading over his forehead.

  'What do you mean?'

  'She's obviously not making you happy.'

  'No, she... The thing is, my older brother has been after her and I think they're seeing each other.'

  'Nice brother.'

  'He's got money, a car... I suppose that's what she's attracted to. I can't even drive yet. And I don't have much money since I'm still at college.'

  'I'm Samantha, by the way.'

  'Oh, sorry... I'm Chester.'

  'That's an unusual name.'

  'Yes,' he sighed abstractedly, pulling a blade of grass from the ground.

  'How old is this girl?'


  'Forget about her, Chester. As I said, she's obviously not making you happy. What's the point in being with someone who makes you unhappy?'

  'I know, but...'

  'There are no buts. I was with a man for several years. It wasn't so much that he made me unhappy. But I've realized how much happier I am now that he's not around. There are plenty of other girls, Chester. Besides, you're young. You have your whole life ahead. You don't have to get tied up with anyone yet.'

  'No, I suppose not. It's just that Jodie is special.'

  'Yes, she sounds it. Special to you, your brother, and anyone else who takes her fancy.'

  Pondering on happiness, Samantha knew that she was better off without Zak. Before she'd discovered his infidelity, she'd thought she'd found happiness, but all she'd found was someone to share her flat with. Anne was nothing more than a flatmate, she reflected. She was fun, extremely sexual... But she wasn't someone Samantha wanted to spend the rest of her life with. So many marriages were just based on habit, she thought, wondering when her father was going to run off. People thought that they were in love, married, and then discovered that they'd made a mistake.

  'It's good to talk to someone,' Chester murmured, toying with the blade of grass.

  'Yes, it is,' Samantha agreed. 'I don't think people talk to each other enough. They bottle things up, get sucked into the mire of their minds.'

  'Are you seeing anyone at the moment?'

  'Not exactly,' Sam chuckled.

  'I suppose you'll say you're too old for me.'

  'Too old for what?'

  'To see me, go out with me.'

  'Go out with you?' she echoed, realizing he was gazing at the naked flesh of her slender thighs. 'Well, I... I wouldn't mind meeting you here again.'

  'Really?' He beamed. 'I think I need someone older like you. Oh, I didn't mean that you're old.'

  'I know what you meant.'

  Samantha was about to have sex with the young man, she knew, as she eyed the crotch of his jeans. Unable to help herself, to deny her rising arousal, she reclined on the grass and allowed her short skirt to ride up her naked thighs. No one would know what she'd done, she consoled herself. Hidden behind the fence beneath the summer sun, no one would know that she'd seduced a teenage lad. She wondered whether this was really what she wanted, discreetly tugging her short skirt up as he watched a train speeding through the cutting.

  Closing her eyes as she felt Chester's fingers running up the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, she let out a long sigh of pleasure. This was what she wanted, she reflected, as his fingertips pressed into the soft swelling of her tight panties. Sex with a teenager she'd never met before... This had nothing to do with time travel, she mused, grinning as his finger followed the divide between her inflating love lips, running up and down the valley of her vagina. This was here and now, the present.

  As Chester pulled the front of her panties down and stroked the warm flesh of her hairless sex lips, Samantha breathed heavily and arched her back. To allow a teenager to explore her body, examine her vulval flesh, was incredibly arousing she mused as he tugged her panties down her legs. Slipping her shoes off, he removed her panties and parted her legs wide. He seemed to have no qualms, no embarrassment, she thought happily. Perhaps he was desperate for sex. As his young girlfriend hadn't shown up, he was probably stiff, his balls full, his teenage hormones running rampant. Wondering what sort of experience he'd had, Samantha imagined taking his purple cockhead into her wet mouth and sucking out his creamy spunk. Hopefully, he didn't know a great deal about sex. She'd teach him, she decided. Teach him mouth-fucking, cunny-licking, analingus...

  'Don't you mind me doing this?' he asked in his obvious naivety.

  'Mind?' she giggled. 'I love it.'

  'Oh, right. I just thought that...'

  'What did you just think?'

  'That, usually, girls won't allow...'

  'Chester, some sixteen-year-olds might hesitate before allowing you to have sex with them. I'm twenty-two. I've seen it all. I've done it all. You carry on and enjoy yourself because I'm enjoying your attention very much.'

  'I think we're made for each other, Samantha.'

  'Chester, just because... yes, perhaps you're right.' Made for each other? She giggled inwardly as he slipped his finger deep into the hugging sheath of her hot vaginal duct. One glimpse of a fanny, and he thinks he's in love. Spreading her thighs wide, Samantha peeled the fleshy lips of her vulva apart and displayed the intricate inner folds of her creamy-wet sex valley. Chester might have had sex with a sixteen-year-old, but the girl wouldn't have opened her cunt wide and revealed her inner flesh, she was sure as she wondered whether he'd lick and suck her.

  Driving a second finger into her tightening vaginal duct, he began to piston her young body. This was all very well, she mused, but it was his tongue she wanted to feel inside the creamy sheath of her cunt. His tongue, and then his solid cock. Lifting her head, she watched the inner petals of her sex slit dragging back and forth along his thrusting finger. Her flowing vaginal cream lubrica
ting the intimate union, she brought her knees up to her firm breasts and reached behind her thighs.

  'Put your tongue in my hole,' she said, yanking her sex lips wide apart as he slipped his finger out of her drenched vagina. 'Tongue-fuck my hot cunt and make me come. Have you ever tongued a girl before?'

  'No, I haven't,' he confessed sheepishly, his dark eyes transfixed on her gaping vaginal inlet.

  'See my sex cream? I want you to tongue-fuck me and suck my juices. Drink from my cunt, Chester.'

  Without hesitation, he lay on his stomach on the ground and drove his tongue deep into the tight sheath of her pussy. Samantha moved her fingers down and parted the firm cheeks of her buttocks, hoping that he'd lick the sensitive ring of her anus as she felt his wet tongue snaking around the pink funnel of flesh surrounding her vaginal portal. Shuddering as her clitoris swelled, she straightened her legs and unbuttoned her blouse, pulling the garment open and exposing the alluring mounds of her breasts.

  The teenager's tongue sweeping over the solid nub of her sensitive clitoris, Samantha brought her knees up against her breasts again and yanked the entrance to her bottom-hole wide open. Almost naked, she tossed her head from side to side as she imagined his wet tongue slipping into the hot duct of her rectum. He'd never licked a girl's cunt out, she ruminated, her juices just gushing from her spasming vaginal sheath, let alone performed the delightfully crude act of analingus. He had a lot to learn, she knew as his tongue left her ripe clitoris and delved into the gaping hole of her wet cunt once again.

  'My arse,' she breathed in her soaring lust for crude sex. 'Tongue-fuck my tight arse.' Hesitating, the lad finally ran his tongue up and down her gaping anal gully. Wondering what he was thinking, Samantha waited patiently for the feel of his wet tongue deep inside her hot rectum. Her bottom-bole presented an acquired taste, she mused, recalling her own first experience of anal tonguing. Once he'd licked her anus, moistened her there, he was sure to want more and drive his tongue deep into her anal canal.

  His saliva running down her anal crevice, trickling between the splayed hillocks of her vulval lips, Chester finally took the plunge and entered her tight bottom-hole. Gasping as her secret nerve endings came alive, Samantha yanked her anus open wider and exposed her inner flesh to his darting tongue. He was going to be a young man of great sexual experience before the day was out, Samantha reflected. Cunnilingus, analingus, oral sex, vaginal, anal... There'd be nothing he wouldn't have tried before leaving the park.


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