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As Good as the First Time

Page 17

by Altonya Washington

  Chapter 21

  Julia let herself into her parents’ home. They were going to meet her at the airport, but Julia arrived a day earlier than she had planned. She found Tamara and Darius in the dining room. Julia watched them for a long while, enjoying the sight of seeing two people so much in love. The serene look on her face vanished when she realized what they were discussing.

  “Daddy! You know?”

  Tamara and Darius looked up, screaming when they saw their youngest daughter. Julia was showered with hugs and kisses when they reached her.

  “What’s going on? I thought Daddy wasn’t supposed to know about the party?” Julia asked, frowning at her mother, who looked over at Darius.

  “I just decided I wanted to have a hand in it this year.”

  Tamara rolled her eyes. “Girl, your father’s invited everyone he knows, including the Wallaces.”

  Julia’s heart slammed against her chest when she heard the news. “Did I hear that correctly?”

  Darius pressed a kiss to Julia’s temple. “You know how far me and Cortez’s uncle Leon go back. I couldn’t invite him and leave out his nephews.”

  “Why not?” Julia and Tamara asked in unison.

  Darius’s hearty laugh filled the room and he pulled his wife and daughter close. “It’ll be fine, and they probably won’t show anyway. Let’s stop worrying about this and go out to lunch,” he suggested, eyeing the two women hopefully. “I’m paying.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re serious,” Simon Degerrens said, his freckled face red with worry.

  “I am,” Cortez assured his station manager, tossing back the rest of his drink.

  “You can’t do this to me. I’ll be ruined if you quit,” Simon whined.

  “Man, don’t overreact.” Cortez sighed, shaking his head at Simon, who looked about ready to faint.

  “Why would you quit now when you’re on top?”

  Cortez massaged the bridge of his nose. “I can’t think of a better time to go. Plus, with this engagement fiasco, working with Renee is too strange now.”

  “That’s just how it seems,” Simon assured him, signaling the waiter for another drink. “You and Renee are professionals. You’ll get past it.”

  “I doubt it. This was in the works long before this whole thing with Renee ever hit the fan,” he shared, deciding to be fully honest with the man who’d given him his big shot.

  “So that’s what all the sudden trips were about?” Simon realized.

  Cortez tensed, his brown eyes becoming guarded. “Part of it.”

  “Cortez, man, listen—”

  Smiling, Cortez patted the man’s hand. “Thanks, Simon, but the decision has already been made.”

  On the other side of the same restaurant, Julia and her parents enjoyed mixed drinks.

  “Baby girl, are you okay?” Darius asked, noticing the spacey look in Julia’s eyes.

  Julia smiled and patted her father’s hand. “I will be.”

  “Can we help, honey?” Tamara asked.

  “No, it’s up to me to get past this.”

  “Well, what is it?” Darius wanted to know, not liking the defeated sound in his daughter’s voice.

  Julia groaned and took a sip of her daiquiri. “Cortez asked me to marry him.”

  “What?” Darius and Tamara sighed.

  “What did you tell him?” Tamara asked.

  “I told him no, of course. I told him I couldn’t put myself through all the ups and downs again with his family—”

  “Sweetie, don’t let this get you down, you hear?” Tamara said softly, patting her daughter’s cheek.

  “Oh, I’m not,” Julia instantly assured her. “I won’t let this beat me. Not again.”

  Darius leaned back in his chair and regarded his daughter with a thoughtful stare. “You know, baby, if the boy is ready to marry you, maybe you should give him a chance.”



  Darius shrugged. “I’m just saying that you might want to see where the kid’s comin’ from.”

  “Darius, I can’t believe you’re saying this to her when she’s finally got her head on straight.”

  “What if this were me and you, Tam? Wouldn’t you want to give me a chance?”

  Tamara threw one arm across her husband’s shoulders and gave him a tired look. “Darius, at this moment I don’t think you want to hear the answer to that.”

  Julia’s slanting dark eyes darted back and forth between her parents. Suddenly she laughed and her parents followed suit.

  “How’s everybody doing?”

  Julia cut her laughter, thinking she was just hearing things. When she looked up and saw Cortez standing over the table, her heart flew into her throat. Julia knew she missed him, but she had no idea how much until he was right next to her.

  “Hello, Cortez,” Darius and Tamara spoke, noticing their daughter’s silence.

  “Why don’t you join us, man?” Darius offered, earning a glare from his wife and daughter.

  “Thanks, Mr. Kelly,” Cortez accepted, unbuttoning the double-breasted sandalwood suit coat he wore.

  Julia inched her chair away from Cortez, hoping he couldn’t see how affected she was by his presence. Cortez however, was determined to make her aware of how much she wanted him in her life.

  “We just ordered some food, Cortez. Have you already eaten?”

  Cortez smiled at Darius Kelly. “No, sir, I was having a drink with somebody from work.”

  Darius was already signaling for the waiter. “We’ll get you fixed up, then.”

  Cortez turned in time to see Julia watching him closely. His wide, sensual lips curved upwards into a knowing smirk. “It was Simon,” he informed her, propping the side of his face against his palm.

  “Excuse me?” Julia whispered, frowning slightly at his words.

  “Who I met here for a drink. It was the station manager for WPDM, Simon Degerrens.” He clarified, his warm eyes dropping to her parted lips.

  “It’s none of my business.” Julia looked away from him.

  Cortez’s knee brushed her thigh in a soft, rhythmic motion. “Yes, it is.”

  Julia’s legs tingled at the erotic twinge that surged through them. She glanced at her parents, but they were in conversation with the waiter. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Doing what?” Cortez asked, his expression pure innocence. Replacing his knee with his hand, strong fingers teased the inside of her thigh.

  Julia stifled a moan threatening to rise in her throat. Propping her elbow on the table, she massaged the back of her neck.

  “Baby? Are you okay?” Tamara asked, noticing the strained look on her daughter’s face.

  Julia managed a smile for her mother. “Yeah, Ma,” she said, covering Cortez’s roaming hand with her own. She dug her long nails in, effectively halting his movement. “I’m just fine.”

  “So, Cortez, are you going to take me up on my invitation?” Darius called across the table.

  Cortez nodded and raised his glass to the older man. “Mr. Kelly, I wouldn't miss it for the world.”

  Chapter 22

  Julia unwrapped the silk scarf from her hair and checked for any loose strands. Of course the style was as sleek and shiny as always. It required no further maintenance on her part.

  She whispered a curse when the doorbell rang. Slipping into a beige silk robe that rested on the counter, she hurried to the door.

  “Oh no, this is not the night for déjà vu,” she muttered, once she flung the door open to see Cortez standing on the other side.

  Cortez bowed his head as he, too, remembered the night he had come to her hotel room during her last visit. “Can I come in?” he asked.

  Julia waved her hand. “What do you want?”

  “Don’t ask silly questions like that,” Cortez advised, walking past her.

  Julia slammed her door shut. “Can’t you let this go? I have finally done what you wanted and let go. I can’t go back,” she si
ghed, attempting to move past him.

  Cortez caught her easily and pulled her around to face him. “Yes, you can.”

  Julia cleared her throat and stepped away. “You’re crazy if you think I want to put myself through that again. Show yourself out, Cork. I have a party to get ready for.”

  Cortez closed his eyes and asked for the strength to control his temper. Pushing his hands into the deep pockets of his jeans, he followed her into the bedroom.

  Julia had already pulled off her robe and was smoothing lotion onto her skin. She saw Cortez behind her in the mirror and whirled around to face him.

  “Cut the act, Julia.” Cortez moved closer until he was right behind her and pulling her back against him. His caresses were bold as his hands reached around to cup and fondle her breasts. A smile came to his lips when Julia moaned and let her head fall back to his shoulder.

  She shivered beneath the tingle of his beard brushing her bare skin. She wanted so much to order him out, but there was no way she could turn away from the pleasure he gave her.

  His fingers slid down the smooth, flat plane of her stomach. They played in the mound of black curls shielding her sex. Moving on, he massaged the pad of his finger against the velvety petals of her womanhood.

  Julia arched her bare back into the solid wall of Cortez’s chest. Her legs shifted farther apart, silently pleading for more of the caress.

  Cortez buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent. He deepened the wicked caress, pressing two fingers into the moist center of her body. Julia moaned, bracing her hands against the edge of the dresser. She squeezed her eyes shut, her hips moving in slow circles.

  “Julia…” Cortez groaned, his arousal pressing uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans. The strokes of his fingers slowed, becoming more sensual. Unable to ignore the demands of his body, he pulled his belt buckle loose and unzipped his jeans.

  A gust of air rushed from Julia’s throat when she felt the silky, steel length pressed against her back. He cupped her breasts beneath the robe’s silky material and buried his face in the side of her neck when she cried out. Tiny curses mingled with those cries as Julia cursed herself for giving in. When she felt him freeing himself, she ground her bottom against his need. Cortez kept one hand cupped around her breast, while the other rooted around in jean pockets for the protection he’d had the forethought to bring along. Once ready, Cortez pulled his fingers away to grasp her thighs and position her to accept him. He groaned as his throbbing length buried deep inside her.

  Cortez was hunched over Julia’s trembling form. His fists braced on either side of her on the dresser. The force of his thrusts were unyielding, drawing deep moans from them both. Julia raised her arms to encircle Cortez’s neck. Her fingers delved into his soft cut hair as she ground her hips against his. They matched each other move for move until their passion was spent. Then they collapsed against the dresser from exhaustion.

  A short while later, Cortez and Julia were lying in the huge four-poster oak bed. After another round of lovemaking, they were still intimately connected.

  Julia tried to stretch a little beneath the heavy weight of Cortez’s body. He felt her move and instantly responded to the unconsciously seductive action. Julia’s dark eyes widened when she felt him become hard inside her.

  Cortez didn’t give her the chance to dwell on it, though. He grasped her hips tightly and made his thrusts slow and deep. It felt as if they loved each other for hours. Afterward, Cortez only gave Julia a moment to recover before he was nibbling her neck and making it clear that he was far from done.

  When they finished, Julia closed her eyes and fought the urge to let his touch woo her. Instead, she pulled away from Cortez and left the bed.

  “What?” he asked, bracing on his elbow.

  “You know, Cortez, if all you want is sex, you can get that from anybody.”

  Cortez was about to explode when he saw the tears sparkling in Julia’s eyes. “Juli, where’s all this coming from?” he asked softly, watching her drop to the bed.

  “Your family has always been thought of as high society. Someone with a name like that doesn’t marry a girl whose father was an underpaid police detective and whose mother worked as a waitress.”

  “Julia, baby, your mother worked as a waitress to get herself through grad school, and your father now owns a trucking company. He’s very well respected now just as he was a long time before that.”

  Julia turned to face him. “You don’t have to tell me that. I love my parents. I’m very proud of them, and I’m proud of myself.”

  “Then what is this?” Cortez asked, desperately trying to remain calm.

  “You’ll always have doubts about me. You’ll always wonder if I’m worth it. You’ll wind up hating your family, hating me. You have to know that’s why I wouldn’t marry you back then….”

  Closing his eyes in defeat, Cortez rubbed his fingers through his hair.

  “Would you just go? Please?”

  As confused as he was agitated, Cortez decided not to push. He left the bed to get dressed. Meanwhile, Julia maintained her seat on the edge of the bed. Cortez watched her as he donned his clothes. Her back was facing him. Still, he could tell that she was crying.

  Once dressed, he walked over to the bed and bent down to press a kiss to her shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered before leaving.

  “Get down, D!” Tamara called, as she watched the scene on the dance floor.

  Darius and his lovely daughters were burning up the spot cleared in the spacious living room. The handsome man was a great dancer, he delighted his daughters and guests as he performed the latest dance steps.

  Tamara was shaking her head at her family when she heard the front doorbell ring. The graceful, inviting smile on her face vanished when she opened the door.

  “Cortez.” She greeted him coolly, nodding slightly. She only cast a brief glance at the woman to his left. “Cora,” she acknowledged in a flat tone.

  Cortez bowed his head, a smirk tugging at his mouth. “Can you two try getting along for a change?”

  “Why?” both women questioned at once.

  “Because you need to,” Cortez told them, walking on into the house. He was drawn to the crowd in the center of the living room. Seeing Julia there with her father and sister, he couldn’t look away.

  “Well, Cora, are you coming in or staying out here on the porch?” Tamara asked, none too gently.

  Cora sighed and stepped inside. Her eyes roamed the lovely, comfortable interior of the home. Of course, she would never compliment it. “I tell you, Tam, your parties haven’t changed a bit. They’re always so…laid-back.”

  Tamara propped her hands on her hips. She knew the comment wasn’t mean to be flattering. Sighing, she looked out into the party.

  “You know, Cora, I haven’t liked you since high school,” she said, hearing the woman’s sharp gasp at her words. “I know the feeling’s mutual, so there’s no need to pretend.”

  Cora shrugged, acknowledging the statement. “I still wonder why it’s so important to my son, though?”

  Tamara took a deep breath and watched Cortez staring at Julia. “I’ve got an idea,” she said.

  The trio of Kellys finally gave the other guests a chance to flex their dancing legs. Julia headed to the buffet table for a glass of champagne.

  “Y’all looked good out there.”

  Julia’s fingers tightened around the stem of her glass when she heard Correll Wallace’s voice behind her. She turned around slowly. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Correll turned toward Darius, who was talking with his uncle Leon and Cora. “Your pop invited me.”

  “Hmph. Something I’ll never understand.”

  “Look, Julia, I really wanted to come here and apologize.”

  “Save it.”

  “I can’t. This crap has been eating away at me since it happened. I should’ve never gone along with it.”

  “It didn’t take much to convin
ce you, though, did it?”

  “I hate like hell that it happened.”

  Julia rolled her eyes. “Just get away from me, all right?”

  Correll started to walk off but hesitated. “Julia, I hope you can forgive me.”

  Losing what little control she had over her temper, Julia splashed the rest of her champagne in Correll’s face. “You have no idea what I went through because of you! If you did, there is no way in hell you’d ask me to forgive you.”

  Cortez witnessed the scene between his brother and Julia. When he saw her throw the champagne in Correll’s face and turn away he knew he had to act immediately. Scanning the room, he located the DJ booth and headed over.

  Julia’s heels clicked on the hardwood floors as she headed out of the room. I have to get out of here before these people drive me crazy! she almost screamed.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention for a moment, please?” Cortez called into the mic. He waited for Julia to walk back into the room before he continued.

  In a daze, Julia returned. She watched him with great interest, as did everyone else in the room.

  A satisfied smile came to Cortez’s face when he saw Julia. “Thanks, I’ll make this brief. I need to tell you all what’s happened to me. It involves a lady all of you know. She’s beautiful, smart and I love her. Took me a long time to admit that. I love her more than my life. I trust her with my life and my heart. There’s nothing anyone could ever say or do to change that. I was stupid. I know that. I told her time and time again how I felt, but she doesn’t believe me, though I can’t say I blame her. And on top of that, she thinks she doesn’t fit into my world. She thinks she’s not good enough. I don’t know how that can be since she’s the best thing I know. I love you, Julia, and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much. If you’ll let me.” Clearing his throat, Cortez set the mic down and made his way through the silent crowd.

  Julia stood rooted to her spot, waiting for him to close the distance. When he stood before her, she took a moment to raise her eyes to his. Cortez cupped her face in his large hands and brushed his lips across hers.


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