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Trojan Slaves

Page 16

by Syra Bond

  Sappho looked around. She and Eva had both been tied to the poles hours ago. She bit her lip to help contain the discomfort. She was alarmed by the sight of Ajax standing blindfolded. She quivered when she saw the ring of women holding their shields and spears.

  Ajax spun around, his arms outstretched, reaching out blindly.

  'What is it you have, Praxis? Reveal it to me.'

  'My lord, have patience. I need to prepare your quarry. You have two fawns to capture. But first I need to bring them out of the undergrowth.'

  Ajax waited impatiently as Praxis had Sappho and Eva untied from the poles. The naked girls worked diligently to remove their bonds. When finally they were released the girls lifted them down and cradled them in their arms. Sappho relaxed as she felt the warm limbs of the girls holding her. For a moment she thought she was back in Troy with Chryseis, enfolded in her arms, delighting in the silkiness of her skin, luxuriating in the softness of her lips.

  Master Wang grabbed her arm. The leather straps that had bound her to the pole dangled from her wrists. He pulled Eva over and forced the two of them back to back. He grabbed the thongs and bound their wrists together. He wound them around so that they were bound tightly from wrist to elbow. They both twisted and turned; anxious, unable to properly see the other, stumbling, frightened.

  'Can you hear your little fawns, my lord?' asked Praxis. 'Can you hear them panting in anticipation of the chase?'

  Ajax cocked his head to the side and listened. He smiled, intrigued by the scene Praxis was painting for him. 'Yes, I can,' he said eagerly. 'They sound afraid of me. When will the chase begin?'

  'Soon, my lord, soon.'

  Praxis stood close to Sappho and Eva. He touched Sappho's breasts, squeezing them cruelly, massaging them roughly. He pinched her nipples. She dropped her head, suddenly aware of the exposure to the girls and the women who surrounded them. A flush of shame ran through her. She felt her nipples throb as they hardened even more between Praxis' vicelike thumb and forefinger. She pulled at her arms and felt the tension in Eva. She felt Eva's buttocks rubbing against her own.

  Praxis nodded approvingly. Wang took some long leather tapes, thin as thread, and halved them in his hands. At about the middle point of its length he wound the first around one of Sappho's nipples. She rose against the pain as he tied and pulled it into a knot. He did the same with the other, pulling the tape sideways to get it as tight as possible before knotting it. The thong pulled taut between her breasts. Wang took the spare ends around Sappho and Eva's shoulders and led them both across Eva's mouth. She kept it closed. He forced her to open it and slipped the thongs between her lips. He pulled them tight, forcing Eva to hold her head inclined back against Sappho's. He tied off the leather tapes and knotted them. Eva stood with the ligature between her teeth, the corners of her mouth and her cheeks indented by its cutting pressure. She gulped and tried to swallow. When she moved her head forward the tapes pulled harshly against the knots around Sappho's nipples. She cried out, filled with pain.

  Sappho did not know what Master Wang had done with the loose ends of the threadlike leather. All she could tell was that whenever Eva moved the pain in her nipples increased. She cried out again as Eva stumbled and tried to regain her balance. Sappho's eyes filled with tears. She breathed hard and clenched her teeth in a vain effort to keep the pain at bay.

  Wang took some more thin thongs and tied them around Eva's nipples. Before knotting them in place he led them first around Eva's shoulders and then Sappho's. He held the ends in front of Sappho, dangling them before her eyes, showing her what was in store. Suddenly he tugged, and Sappho grimaced as Eva reacted to the tension of the thongs on her nipples. Eva dropped her head to try and stave it off. As she did the strip between her teeth pulled relentlessly on Sappho's bound flesh.

  As Sappho opened her mouth to groan Wang forced the thin straps between her teeth. He pulled both ends tightly sideways, cutting into the sides of her mouth, notching into her pale cheeks. He tied them off at the tightest point. Eva strained against the pain and the more she pulled the more Sappho was filled with her own agony. The two of them gasped loudly, bound together in an unbreakable loop of mutual pain and suffering.

  Sappho's nostrils flared as she struggled with it. She knew she was hurting Eva by her movements, but she could not stop herself. Her nipples pulsed. She bit into the thong in her mouth, as though clenching her teeth would somehow relieve her. She tried to be still, to allow the pain to ease, to bring to an end the common suffering they imposed on each other. But it was impossible. Both of them gasped for breath. Both of them shivered with the tremors of their own agony. Both of them panted in an effort to calm their pounding hearts, but they could not be still. They were trapped. Neither could prevent inflicting her own fate on the other.

  'What is happening, Praxis?' demanded Ajax. 'I am eager. What is happening?'

  'A few moments more, my lord. That is all, a few moments.'

  Sappho's eyes flashed from side to side. Master Wang held up a soft deerskin with leather thongs hanging from each corner. He tied it around her neck, allowing the supple skin to hang down across her breasts to the base of her stomach. He tied the bottom strings around her hips. She felt the silky smoothness of the pelt against her. Where it touched her agonised nipples it inflamed them more. Where it hung against her stomach, pulled against her hips, it sent shivers of pleasure deep inside her. She wriggled again, as if having the soft skin on her body would somehow release her from suffering, but all that was released was more pain and more anxiety.

  'The quarry is ready, my lord,' announced Praxis. 'Come, touch the little fawn. Know what it is you have to hunt. Know what it is you will enjoy if you are successful in the chase. Come, feel the soft pelt of her skin. Run your hands over the smooth lines of her delectable form.'

  Ajax stepped unsteadily towards Praxis' voice. He reached out towards Sappho. Wang pushed her forward. She gasped with pain as Eva tightened in her own agony and sent back to Sappho as much suffering as she received. Ajax touched the pelt that covered her. He stroked it, moving his hand first across her breasts, then down her stomach until he felt the gentle mound that announced the opening of her luscious slit.

  He felt her through the deerskin. He moved it aside, teasing her flesh. Sappho rose on his caress. It was the covering of the skin that inflamed her, the tightness of it, the disguise of it, and the sense of Ajax's arousal because of it. She bit the leather strap in her mouth. She tightened her buttocks and felt Eva's against them. A finger probed her sex, opening it, pressing the supple deer skin against it, absorbing her moisture into it. The pains in her nipples gave way to the pleasure that began swelling the flesh of her wet cunt.

  Master Wang snatched her forward, removing her from Ajax's touch. The pain drove her pleasure away. She widened her eyes, pleading with the blindfolded Ajax. All she wanted was to feel his hand again. She wanted it massaging her through the deerskin. She wanted him pressing his fingers against her hungry sex - opening it, finding the softness of its interior, delving into it, penetrating, inflaming.

  She stumbled and was wracked with spasms of pain in her breasts. She looked at Ajax stumbling forward blindly. She wanted to set herself in his path. She wanted to drive herself against his hand, to relieve herself of the pain, to fill herself with pleasure. She needed the feel of the skin pressed against her flesh. She wanted to be filled with his probing fingers.

  Ajax did not know which way to turn. He reached out, holding his hands wide and turning around, hoping to touch the girl again. Sappho pulled against Eva, against her pain, against the thong fixed tightly in her mouth. She felt the pelt against her skin. It set her on fire. She wanted Ajax to chase her. To run her into a corner. To set her at bay. To prevent her escape. To close in on her and take her in any way he wished. Eva pulled against her and she pulled back. They both cried out in anguish.

  Ajax swung his arms around wildly. He stepped to the side and did the same. He glanced Sappho with one h
and. He knew it was her. He gripped the skin. She strained towards him, drawing herself towards his grasp, yearning to be captured. He realised he had her. He stopped for a moment, sniffing the air, planning his move, then in a rush he turned and grabbed both women in his powerful hands.

  In one move he flung them over, forcing Sappho onto her knees with Eva laid on her back. Sappho gasped with the strain of Eva's weight and the pain caused by her struggling. But there was no delay. Ajax dropped to his knees behind Sappho. He forced Eva's legs up high, exposing the soft pink flesh of her cunt and the darker circle of her anus. He held her legs up with the pressure of his body, then encircled Sappho's waist with one hand. He moved it down across the deerskin and gripped her sex through the supple pelt. He clutched the flesh hard, parting it, opening it and forcing his fingers to reach inside. Sappho gasped again, fighting for breath, confused, overcome. She felt the shock as he drove his cock into Eva. She felt the shuddering pains in her nipples as he pounded deep inside her. But more than that, she felt his hand on her sex. She felt the deerskin between her flesh and his fingers. She succumbed to the feeling of him riding behind her in his animal passion, like a beast driving himself to satisfaction. Sappho whinnied and whined, purred and sobbed.

  His testicles pressed against her upturned buttocks as he continued to push his stiff cock harder into Eva. She felt their heat, their potency. She lifted her buttocks as much as she could against his weight. She opened them slightly, exposing herself. She felt the draught from his movement, the heat from his body, the wetness that ran from Eva. She felt the moisture between her buttocks, running down. She felt the delightful wetness encircling her anus before entering her fleshy, open sex. She lifted herself higher and the dew ran freely inside her. Ajax probed at her, pulling her swollen labia wide with his fingers, delving into her, all the time driving his massive cock into gasping Eva.

  Sappho panted with the strain, biting the thongs in her mouth, gasping for breath, struggling with both the pain and the pleasure that rose within her. Her anus dilated as she lifted higher and the moisture from Eva's plugged sex ran more freely, lubricating her, making her ready. She pleaded to be filled, sobbing for his cock.

  Ajax stiffened as he pushed for a last time inside Eva. His erection pulsated with running semen. He filled her with it, gasping, letting it empty inside her. Eva struggled for breath and jerked in ecstasy, but Sappho was unfulfilled. As he pulled his cock out of Eva his bubbling semen ran down onto Sappho's anus. She felt its stickiness, its heat. She lifted herself more, wanting Ajax to fill her, to press his semen-covered penis into her wet anus. She wanted him to press hard and thrust his fingers deep into her vagina as he drenched her rectum with a flood of his semen.

  She heard Praxis calling out. It sounded as though in the distance, like an echo. She felt Ajax turn his attention. She felt the loss of him. He was not there. He had been distracted from her. A wave of loss built up inside her. She could not bear to hold her need for release. She did not know what to do. She was lost. She needed Ajax.

  She cried out, begging him to return, trying to help him find his way back to her. But she could not support Eva on her back and she fell onto her side. The two struggled on the ground, each generating pain for the other, each receiving pain created by the other. But Sappho could think of only one thing. She thrust a hand down to her sex, drove her fingers inside and strummed them up and down frantically. But this was not enough. She lifted her legs and filled her anus in the same way, thrusting three fingers inside, twisting them, desperately seeking satisfaction. But still she could not find it.

  She called again to Ajax, hopeless, driven to distraction by her desire for fulfilment, craving only for the pent-up needs to be released. She watched him, his hands wide, his eyes unseeing, stumbling within the circle of women, unable to find his way to her, unable to give her the satisfaction she needed.

  Suddenly Praxis stood forward and held both his hands high. One of the women in the circle around them stepped forward. Her lithe body glistened in the flickering light. She held her shield across her breasts. Her eyes darted towards Praxis, and then to Wang. A glance passed between them. The woman threw herself to the ground, crouching on all fours in front of Ajax as he fumbled in unseeing pursuit of his prey.

  He could not avoid tripping over her and was thrown forward with the full force of his own weight. His covered eyes met the twin spears held by one of the women ahead. The tips pierced them and drove deep into the sockets. He hung, pinned on the spears, the red ribbon dripping with his flowing blood. He was unable to move, unable to cry out, unable to recover. His arms hung loosely by his sides.

  Sappho pulled herself towards him, dragging Eva with her, unaware of the pain. She rolled onto her knees, this time Eva helping, no longer fighting against her. Sappho knelt on all fours, Eva draped over her back, her feet on the ground. Sappho lifted her buttocks and pushed back against Ajax's dangling hand. She felt it twitch against her, and as she felt his fingertips touch her anus she went rigid with a convulsion of ecstasy which, at last, released the flood contained inside her. When she dropped back to the ground Eva jerked with a sudden mutual orgasm.

  The two girls lay on the ground. They no longer fought against their bonds, they no longer had a need to get free. Their pain had become consumed in their pleasure. They were both conquered by delight.

  Sappho looked around at the confused scene. Some of the women in the circle had dropped their shields and spears. The naked girls were on their knees with their hands clasped together in frantic prayer. Praxis was reaching out in all directions but finding no one to give him assistance. Master Wang came to his aid. He led him to the woman Ajax had tripped over. She was still crouching. Wang passed Praxis' hand to her. Praxis helped her up. She removed her headdress. It was Calliope.

  Soldiers pulled Ajax off the twin-headed spear and carried him away. Praxis, preening himself with his victory, was led out. This time it was not Master Wang who helped him, it was Calliope. Wang walked behind them as she clung to her new ally's arm. She turned back for a moment, looked at Sappho and Eva, and smiled. The golden ring in her clitoris glinted for a second. She tossed her head back and was gone.

  The soldiers came for Eva as usual and found her bound to Sappho. They untied and removed the thongs from their mouths but left them knotted and dangling from their nipples. They unbound their arms on one side but kept them both tied tightly by the other. The two females did not struggle as they were pulled out of the tent.

  Chapter 18

  Escape to Troy

  It was a stormy night. The dark cloudy sky was filled with heavy rain and the flashing fire of lightning. Sappho and Eva were dragged from the confusion of Ajax's blinding by several soldiers. They pulled them out into the storm and hauled them off into the darkness. As Eva had promised, the soldiers took them to the edge of the Greek encampment, where more soldiers waited eagerly to use them for their private pleasure. Sappho did not know what to expect, and hung back nervously. Eva knew what to expect. She had been subjected to their humiliating treatment too many times before. Her fear was etched into the mysterious pools of her wide green eyes.

  The soldiers had a huge spar - the mast from a boat - set up against a tripod made from smaller spars. It reared up at a steep angle from the ground into which it had been buried so that it did not twist or turn. On the top of the tripod soldiers sat with buckets and containers. They cheered when Sappho and Eva arrived; pleased that their entertainment was about to begin, pleased that they had two victims instead of their usual one.

  Alongside the heavy spar a long ditch had been dug in the soil that prevailed in the area away from the beach. Sappho and Eva were brought to one end of the ditch and made to stand still. They had the leather strapping removed from their arms. Both went to rub where the leather had been so tightly bound. When they did a burly soldier caught them both a sharp cut with a long single-tailed whip. They both shrieked. Sappho winced as the biting smart on her skin, held back for a
few moments by the surprise finally penetrated her buttocks. She squeezed them together. She turned back and stood still, hoping she had done nothing else to bring about a second stroke.

  One of the soldiers grabbed her arms and pulled her back. At the same time Eva was pushed forward and made to go down on all fours. She did as she was told; she knew that disobedience would only bring more suffering. Sappho stared at the delightful curve of Eva's upturned buttocks; their smoothness, the tightness of the valley between them, the sight of the delectable oval of pink that was her fleshy slit.

  Two soldiers stood behind her, one on each side. Each held a cane. One tested its flexibility by whipping it through the air, the other smacked it repeatedly against the side of his leather boots. They lifted their canes and held them high - waiting, expecting, holding on to the moment of anticipation.

  One of them brought his cane down across Eva's buttocks. She tightened and arched her back, as the smarting thwack laid a thin red stripe across her skin. She edged forward. As she moved her legs her sex was exposed more, its shape altering as it was squeezed by the pressure on either side. The other cane came down, from the other side. It struck at a different angle, laying down a different strip of red, stinging in a new way, sensitising a new area of Eva's skin. She tightened again and moved forward. Sappho watched in fear, sharing her pain and humiliation, knowing that whatever happened to Eva would also happen to her.

  They drove Eva down into the end of the muddy ditch, repeatedly bringing the cane down on her buttocks to guide her and force her on. When they stopped Eva stopped as well. Sappho felt hands on her shoulders and she was forced down onto her knees behind Eva. She stared at her buttocks, covered in angry red stripes from the vicious strokes of the canes. She saw the swelling oval of Eva's flesh, split delectably down the centre, a glistening of moisture following the line that parted the succulent pink mounds.


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