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In Sickness and Health : BWWM Interracial Billionaire Romance

Page 3

by Emily Rose

  “Shhh, you’ll wake up Gina!” Mia smiled widely as he put a finger to her lips and gently sunk her teeth into it, batting her eyes in mock flirtation.

  “Who cares!” She laughed.

  He slowly unzipped the back of the gold dress, revealing an expanse of luminous skin. He slowly trailed his fingers down between her shoulders, leaving her shivering. She turned around and peeled off his jacket, fingers fumbling on the buttons of his shirt.

  Mia brushed her lips down his neck, trailing kisses over his collarbones, and when his shirt was off, she ran her hands over the firm lines of his abs. He slid her dress down over her shoulders and let it collapse into a pool of gold on the ground. He caressed the curves of her body and his hands found her breasts, cupping and squeezing them in his hands. He moved his mouth down to taste her nipple and she groaned in pleasure.

  They moved to the bed, arms and legs tangling together. His hand reached between her legs and she exhaled sharply. She feverishly reached for his belt, undoing his pants and unleashing his erection. She stroked him, slowly. He was bigger than she had expected, and he felt smooth, velvety and rock hard beneath her fingers.

  He let out a guttural groan and pushed her onto her back, climbing on top of her. He pressed his lips against hers, his teeth sinking into her bottom lip and with one hand, spread her legs apart. In one swift move, he was inside her. She gasped into his mouth, feeling him fill her inside. He moved slowly, purposefully. With each thrust, he slid along every inch of her, her nerve endings firing.

  The night grew long as they were lost in each other. Touching and whispering about forever, they became like one person, and as they reached their climax, they reached for each other, their moans blending into one.

  Chapter 5

  Sunlight poured in through the window as Mia woke. She was confused—this wasn’t her room. She also had a pounding headache. Mia sat up, noticing a glass of water and two headache pills sitting on the table beside her. Gratefully, she drank the water and took the pills. It was Lawrence’s room, she now recognized.

  At that moment she also realized that she was naked and reached for the sheet to cover herself up. She saw on the chair in the room that there was a pair of jeans and a sweater belonging to Gina and she stood up, already getting dressed. Her dress from the night before was still on the floor and her muscles ached from the lovemaking.

  It all came back in flashes, the things he’d whispered to her in the dark and the way his body felt on hers. She smiled to herself, humming as she got dressed. She wondered how things would change now that she was dating the great Lawrence King.

  There was a knock on the door, and she answered it. Lawrence was standing there, looking delicious in grey sweatpants and tight white T shirt. She leaned up to kiss him, but he was as cold as ice and completely unresponsive to her.

  He ran a hand through his dark hair and looked troubled. She reached for his hand, but he kept his limp. Hurt, she stepped back.

  “What’s wrong? Is Gina okay?” Her voice was filled with worry.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. Listen, we need to talk.” He sat down on the bed and stared at the floor, dejected. “Last night, it was great. But we can’t do it again. I can’t do this right now, I have too much on my plate. It’s just a fling. You know that, right?”

  Mia’s heart sank into her stomach.

  “I... I didn’t know that. I guess I do now. Last night seemed... different. I thought you wanted this.” Her voice cracked.

  “I thought I did but, just... you’re not the one for me. I won’t do this. We should just go back to doing our jobs. I’m sorry, it’s better this way.” Frustration was written on his face. Mia stared at him, feeling sick.

  “You’re screwed up. I hope you know that.” She left without saying another word, leaving the dress a puddle on the floor.

  Life went on as usual. Mia showed up and helped Gina every day, but she didn’t seem to ever get better. If fact, as time went on she was getting weaker and weaker. Still, Mia did her job and Lawrence continued keeping his distance.

  One day in the beginning of February, Mia was browsing the internet when she saw an advertisement for King Pharmaceuticals, asking for people suffering from Somunal Disease. They were testing a new medication that could potentially cure the illness.

  Mia immediately called the number and made an appointment for a doctor to come see Gina to test to see if she was eligible. She got in her car and raced over to Gina’s house to tell her. Pulling into the driveway, she headed upstairs.

  Knocking on Gina’s door, she paused a moment before letting herself in. Gina seemed so frail, she’d lost a lot of weight in the last months and was just a tiny ball in the bed, surrounded by medical devices. Gina stirred a little, smiling at the sight of Mia.

  “Hey, sweetheart. It’s your day off, what are you doing here?”

  Mia reached for Gina’s hand. “I had something important to tell you. Your brother’s company is doing a study for your illness, and they may have found a treatment. Someone from the study is coming by in two days to speak to you and see if you’re eligible. I thought you’d be so excited!” Mia gushed. Gina’s eyes lit up.

  “That’s amazing, I can’t believe it!”

  “Well, you better believe it, sister! We’re going to make this happen for you. We’re going to save your life.

  Mia was emptying Gina’s bedpan when she heard the maid answering the door. The person from the study was here to talk to Gina. She heard a familiar, male voice and she tried to figure out who it could be that she recognized. She heard steps coming up the stairs and came face-to-face with Craig, whose expression broke into a nasty smile as soon as he saw her.

  “Oh, good! Miss Jefferson. My favorite person,” he drawled. He made her skin crawl with the way he spoke and looked at her, hatred burning in his pale, cold eyes.

  “Gina’s in this room. I think she’s awake.” She opened the door and ushered Craig into the room. He sat on the chair near the bed.

  “Hello Gina. I hear you’d like to join our little study. Now, what makes you think that you deserve this more than anyone else? I mean, your family has lots of money for treatments. Do you think that because you’re related to the owner that you should get preferential treatment?”

  “Now, hold on—” Mia tried to interrupt. “That’s not professional.”

  “I’m just asking questions. It’s what I’m here for, after all, isn’t that right, Gina?” His tone was all satin and venom. He had a way of saying things so they sounded kind but were actually incredibly antagonizing.

  “So, I see in your file that you have a private nurse. Isn’t that more than most people with your illness have? Aren’t you just privileged?” Gina stared at him in surprise, not sure what to say. Then, as quickly as he’d sat down, he got up again. “Honestly, I think I’ve asked everything I need to. Thanks for your cooperation in this, ladies. We’ll, uh… we’ll let you know. Sound good?” His smile was wry as he strode out of the room. The whole exchange had taken less than five minutes and left both women flabbergasted.

  Mia turned to Gina. “I’m calling Lawrence. This is outrageous.”

  Gina shook her head. “No, don’t call him. That man was right. I don’t deserve it. Give the spot to someone worse off than me, I have everything I need. After all, I have you, right?” She then broke into a coughing fit so severe that she couldn’t catch her breath.

  Mia grabbed a handkerchief and handed it to her. When she was done coughing there were bright red patches of blood all over the fabric. They exchanged looks. Mia plastered on a fake smile.

  “You ready for your bath, honey?”

  Chapter 6

  Mia walked through the door of her apartment, slamming her purse down on the entryway table. How dare he! She was still angry about the way Craig had treated her and Gina and heartbroken that she wouldn’t be able to get Gina into that study. She knew there had to be a way around it, but for the life of her she couldn’t sort out how to do it

  As she was changing out of her work clothes into her pajamas, a thought struck her. A thought that made her blood run cold—but she knew it was the only way. She swallowed hard, the idea making her sick to her stomach, but she would do it. For Gina. It was the only way to try to save her.

  Hands shaking, she reached for her phone. She texted Lawrence.

  “I quit.”

  Her phone buzzed moments later.

  “What do you mean? Quit what?”

  “I quit. I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. You’ll have to find someone else to take care of Gina. Please call Craig and tell him not to worry about me and that he should let Gina into the study.”

  “What does this have to do with Craig? Please tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’m sorry, Lawrence. You’re right. It’s better this way. Goodbye.”

  Mia carefully placed her phone in the nightstand beside her bed and laid on the bed, hot tears stinging her eyes. In one month, she’d lost the man who lit her on fire and the only job she’d ever truly wanted. She was alone again. No hopes, no dreams. It was over.

  A week had passed. Takeout trays littered her living room and she was wearing the same old grey sweats she had been wearing since the night she had texted Lawrence. She’d blocked his number because he wouldn’t stop calling and she knew she couldn’t go back. An old black and white movie played on the TV and Charlie was curled up next to her. He hadn’t left her side in days; he knew how depressed she was.

  A knock sounded at the door. Oh good, my Chinese food is here. She stood up, noticing a stain on the tank top she was wearing and shrugging. She didn’t have anybody to impress. She opened the door and Lawrence was standing there, looking tall, handsome and cut in a gorgeous black suit. She stared at him for a moment and then slammed the door in his face, locking it.

  She leaned up against the door, her heart racing. What was he doing here? He knocked again.

  “Mia, please let me in. I need to talk to you. Please.”

  “Go away!” She shouted. “I have nothing to say to you, just leave me alone. Please.”

  “If you don’t let me in, Mia, God help me, I will bust this door down. Let me in. Now.” His voice was muffled from the other side of the door, but she could tell he was angry.

  Knowing that he just might follow through on his threat, she unlocked the door and gestured him inside. “Be my guest,” she said dramatically.

  “Listen, Mia—wow, it smells horrible in here. What died?” He pinched his nose together. Mia smiled at him.

  “Just my dignity. What do you want? Make it fast, my food is going to be here soon.” He stared at her.

  “I... I, uh, talked to Craig.”


  “He admitted to all of it. To being jealous that you were going to be head of the department, when he’s already been there for years. To purposefully trying to keep Gina out of the study to get back at me. He was so proud. So, I fired him.” Lawrence said this last bit matter-of-factly. Mia stared at him.

  “You... fired him? Did you get Gina into the study?”

  “I did. She wants to see you. She wants you to come back.” He shuffled awkwardly before sitting on her couch, moving the cat.

  “And you? What do you want? Do you even know anymore?” Her voice was cold, filled with hurt and sadness.

  “Sit down.” Mia raised an eyebrow and sat down on the couch beside him. “Listen, Mia. I’m so sorry I flaked out on you. I don’t know what I was thinking...” he began. “I was so overwhelmed with work and Gina being sick that I just couldn’t process how I felt about you. How I feel about you. I don’t know how to tell you...”

  Mia stayed silent as he spoke.

  “I didn’t know how to cope with the fact that I’ve been falling in love with you all this time. I want to be with you, only you and nobody else. I love you, Mia. I didn’t realize it until I found out that you’d given up your dream job to save my sister. Nobody else would have done that. Only you.” His hands trembled and he bit his lip.

  “Please forgive me, please tell me you’ll be with me. Even if it’s not forever, I’d be happy with just a little while. We could try it out. I just need you. So badly. You’re all I can think about.”

  Mia softened. She could tell he really meant what he was saying but he’d ghosted her twice. How could she trust him? How could she trust anyone again?

  “How do I know you won’t do it again? Get scared and run away?”

  “You’ll just have to have faith in me. It’ll be hard but I’ll do anything I can to prove to you that you’re the one I want to be with—forever, if you’ll have me.” He leaned closer to her. “I would do anything for you, be anything for you. Just... please. Give me another chance.”

  She smiled. She couldn’t stay mad at him and he was saying all of the things she truly longed to hear. Without another thought, she threw her hands around his neck and kissed him.

  “Fine. But one wrong move like that and I’m gone again, this time for good. I’ll even move so you can’t find me!” Mia joked. He smiled at her and stroked her hair.

  “Okay, deal. But first, can we take a shower? I don’t mean to be rude, but you really need one.” She laughed and took his hand, pulling him up off the couch.

  “We can definitely take a shower. You’re gonna have to get out of that fancy suit and come with me.” Her tone was light and teasing. They made their way down the hallway and into the bathroom. She stripped out of her old clothes; her body luminous in the low light of the bathroom. He got out of his suit and she marveled at every inch of him.

  His body was hard and lean and looked delicious. She leaned up against him, kissing him slowly, savoring the taste of his lips. This time felt different, the passion was still there but it was tempered with excitement and connection, knowing that this beautiful, complicated man was all hers.

  Lawrence kissed her back, tenderly and then ramping up in intensity. She gasped and pulled him into the shower, a spray of cold water hitting them. They both laughed and she adjusted the temperature until it was comfortably warm. She went to kiss him again and he shook his head.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up first.” He smiled softly at her, reaching for her shampoo bottle. He poured a little into his hand and tenderly scrubbed her head, working the suds down the roots of her hair. She moaned despite herself, feeling the grime of the last few days working its way down the drain.

  He then grabbed her loofah and slowly, languorously scrubbed every inch of her body, spending extra time on her breasts and the space between her legs. She stayed very still while he worked on her and when he’d finished, she rinsed off.

  Taking the loofah from him, she grinned devilishly.

  “My turn.” She soaped up the loofah again and ran it over his body, her hands trailing after the sponge. When she reached his shaft, she slowly began to stroke him. He groaned and leaned back, bracing himself against the wall. Between the soap, the water and the friction of her hands, he hardened immediately.

  With a low growl, he grabbed her, pressing his lips into the soft skin of her neck. She tilted her head back to allow him easier access, digging her fingernails into his shoulder. He reached for her breast, grabbing it roughly before moving his lips down to taste her nipple. Shocks of pleasure ran through her, coursing up her spine.

  With one smooth motion, he picked her up and she immediately wrapped her legs around him. As he effortlessly slid into her, he pressed her against the wall of the shower as the water beat down around them and for this moment, for the first time, they were truly together.

  …One Year Later…

  “Hurry up, Lawr, we’re going to be late!” Mia shouted from the foyer of their apartment. They had only moved in together a month before and not everything was truly unpacked since she had insisted that they take care of it themselves, even though Lawrence had desperately wanted to hire someone to do it.

  He appeared in the hallway, smiling at her coyly while buttoning up his
dress shirt.

  “Listen, we’re not going to be late. And besides, nobody cares if we are.” He shook his head, trying to humor her but feeling a ball of anxiety inside him, knowing he had something planned just for her.

  “But it’s Gina’s birthday and I’m so excited to see her!” Mia gushed, adjusting the flared white dress she was wearing. He wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed the top of her head.

  “It’s gonna be a great time, late or not. A party you won’t ever forget,” Lawrence promised. She tilted her head up to kiss his lips.

  “Oh, probably. I’m really excited to finally be meeting the rest of your family. A little nervous though, I’ll be honest.”

  “Oh, they’ll love you. You’re absolutely perfect. There’s no way they couldn’t.”

  They headed out to the car and drove to the big house where Gina and Lawrence had lived together, blasting the kind of pop that made Mia feel like she was flying high, even though she knew Lawrence not-so-secretly hated it. He did love the smile on her face though, so he stayed quiet and turned up the music.

  They pulled into the driveway. There were a bunch of cars there already and Mia felt herself getting nervous. He sensed her mood and reached over to give her hand a gentle squeeze and smile reassuringly at her.

  “It’s gonna be okay. I promise you.”

  He walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened to reveal Gina, smiling widely, her blonde hair done in dramatic curls. Lawrence and Mia both stared at her.

  “Gina! You’re walking!” Mia exclaimed. Gina did a little twirl, her rose pink dress flaring out around her.

  “I am! I’ve been doing physical therapy. The medication has really changed my life! I can’t believe I used to be confined to a bed. I still need a walker if I’m going to be up for a while, but I can stand for a bit and it’s just so wild. Thank you for everything you did for me, you saved my life.” Gina teared up and reached out to hug Mia tightly.


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