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Code Name: Kayla's Fire (A Warrior's Challenge)

Page 2

by Natasza Waters

  “Yeah, help me get out of here.” She shimmied over the console, and Mace pulled her the rest of the way out.

  Standing outside the vehicle, she surveyed the damage. Mace was on his phone for a couple seconds, and then hung up. The wail of police sirens echoed off the buildings. Twisting her neck, she kept the moan inside as the stiffness set in. Ultra-fine pieces of glass stuck to her shirt, glittering under the sun, and she plucked at the fabric, shaking them off her. Mace checked her right arm, peppered with bloody nicks, but nothing to worry about, in her opinion. “Where’s the other vehicle, Mace?”

  “Don’t know, let’s find out.” They approached the mob on the street who stared at them.

  A young couple, holding hands approached. “Are you guys okay?” the girl asked.

  “We’re good,” Mace assured them. “Did you see it happen?”

  They both nodded. “That truck was huge, one of those jacked-up deals. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was aiming for you. He picked up speed going into the intersection,” the girl said.

  “Can you give me a description,” Mace asked.

  “Think that’s my job.”

  They turned to see two cops standing behind them.

  “You can hear it at the same time,” Mace fired back.

  Three cars came screeching to a halt. The Captain and the rest of the team vaulted from the vehicles.

  “Jesus, what happened?” Thane roared, giving the car a quick once-over. With two more steps, he was in front of her, examining every square inch. “Stitch?”

  Caleb touched her arm. “I’m fine, Stitch.” Of course, he didn’t listen, and worked his way up from her ankles, squeezing and prodding. It wasn’t until he got to her right shoulder that he hit a tender spot.

  “Where’s the vehicle that hit you, Mace?” Thane asked, keeping his eyes on her.

  “Just trying to figure that out, sir,” Mace responded quickly.

  The rest of the team circled them. The younger cop surveyed the group. The older cop, maybe in his forties, took an authoritative step forward. “How about if everyone backs off for a second so we can investigate?”

  Thane ignored him. “Sweetheart, maybe you should sit down.”

  “I’m okay, a little shaken, but good.”

  A huge intake of breath expanded his chest, and he leaned his forehead against hers. Being a Captain never leaves a man just because he steps off the base. His domineering presence had everyone waiting on him. Not caring that everyone looked on, he dipped his head and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “Kayla, you need to go to the hospital,” Stitch said.

  “What?” she and Thane said at the same time.

  Caleb prodded her right shoulder. “It got twisted a little, it’ll be fine.”

  A spurt of laughter erupted from him. “You know, if we had guys with your pain threshold, we’d be a super race of SEALs.” He glanced at the Captain and back at her. “Kayla, your right shoulder is completely dislocated.”

  She tried to tilt her head to see it, but a sharp jab caused her to stop. “Aw, dammit, not again.” The shock of the accident had her adrenaline pumping, but the nerve endings were starting to come alive with the familiar aching pulse.

  “Not—again,” Thane said, lowering his chin, giving her a stern look.

  “Lost count,” she sighed. “Fine, put it back in, Caleb.”

  Caleb shook his head sharply. “No, Kayla, you’re going to the hospital for X-rays, and then the doc can reset it.”

  “Nooo,” she bleated. “You know how to put it back. Do it.” Cranky Kayla was making an appearance. “I’m hungry. I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

  Caleb shrugged. “Don’t you dare,” Thane warned.

  “We’ll go see the paramedics,” she said, inching away. Thane clamped onto her left arm. “No, you won’t. Stay here where I can watch you.”

  “Need to go to the hospital, right?”

  “Stay.” Thane was still in his uniform, and the cop eyed him. “Give me a SITREP, Mace, what happened?”

  The cop raised his hand, but Thane ignored him.

  “Came at us from the right side of the intersection. This woman says she thinks the truck picked up speed instead of braking.”

  Thane turned his attention to the couple. “Ma’am, can you tell us what he looked like?”

  She took a step closer with her boyfriend in tow. “Sorry, the windows were tinted. I couldn’t see who was driving.”

  “What about a plate?”

  “Didn’t see it,” the boyfriend said, finding his voice. “I looked. He backed up as soon as he hit them, and headed west.”

  “What type of truck, son?” the cop asked, seeing he was going to have to join in versus take control.

  “Dodge Ram,” the boyfriend said, “Black, two-door, short box on the back.”

  “Any previous damage, identifying marks?” the cop asked, writing in his pad. “Was he alone in the vehicle?”

  “Don’t remember any other marks. I only saw one shadow inside the vehicle,” the boyfriend added.

  The ambulance attendants wandered up, one with a kit in his hand. “Ma’am, can I have a look at your arm?” he asked, seeing her support it.

  She didn’t need him yanking on her. “I know it’s dislocated.”

  “Okay, sir, can I get in there?” He put a hand on Thane, and got a frightening glare in return.

  “Take her to the hospital. Mace, how’re you doing?” Thane asked, giving him a once-over.

  “Going to be sore tomorrow, that’s about it.”

  “Ma’am, it looks like you can walk. Come with me, and we’ll take you to the hospital,” the attendant said.

  “I don’t need to go,” she protested, taking a step away from him.

  Thane gently grasped her. “Kayla, you’re going to the hospital.”

  “I hate hospitals,” she said, raising her voice, since the Captain obviously had a hearing problem. “Caleb can take care of it, and a couple pain killers will do the rest.”


  “Yes,” she barked back.

  The cops and paramedics heads ping-ponged between them.

  Mace sighed, and walked around Thane, putting a hand to her back. “They do this all the time. Come on, you stubborn mule. Let’s go.”

  “I’m not going.” She rooted her feet to one spot.

  The Captain leaned over her with his “I’m the boss” look blazing in his eyes. “If you don’t get moving, I will give you a spanking right here, right now, in front of everyone. Get in the damn ambulance.”

  There’s no way he’d do it. She narrowed her eyes to mirror his. “This is not a big deal. Stop acting like an overbearing asshat.”

  Chapter Two

  His fists clenched trying to stop the shake, but it wasn’t frustration, it was the delayed reaction of fear from seeing the car’s destruction on the passenger side before he saw Kayla. As usual, his mouth was going to take it out on her. “Woman, you’re going to the fucking hospital,” he roared. Kayla’s ears grew longer, and her skin grayed with the mule showing itself.

  “Why can’t Caleb fix this?”

  “Because we’re not in the middle of the desert. There’s a perfectly good hospital five minutes away.”

  “Caleb,” she pleaded.

  “No way.” He raised his hands and stepped back.

  “Come on, Snow White,” Lieutenant Cobbs said in a gruff voice. “Move it.” When she didn’t budge, his silver-gray eyes set on her. “Now.” He didn’t shout at her, but there was no option in his expression or the way he said, “Now.”

  Kayla’s nose twitched, and one stubborn foot became unglued from the pavement. “Fine.”

  Thane watched Mace and Cobbs guide her away. How the hell did Pat do that? His brow curled tight, and he darted a look at Nathan.

  Nathan shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

  Caleb smirked. “Married,” he explained.

  Thane scratched his neck. “But—”r />
  “There’s a fine unspoken line, Captain,” Caleb explained. “The Lieutenant drew it. Kayla knew it.”

  He shook his head, astounded. “He’s going to have to teach me that,” he said, watching the three of them reach the ambulance.

  Walking into the hospital, Thane slowed his step seeing Mace and Pat halfway down the long row of beds on emergency alley.

  The doc had Kayla’s arm in an ‘L’ formation. “This is going to hurt. Take a big breath and…”

  She tilted her head at him. “Just do it, would ya.” Mace and Cobbs screwed up their faces with the crunch and snap of bone falling into place. Kayla barely reflected a thing on hers, except maybe relief. She sighed. “Thank you.” Covering herself with the thin sheet, the doc helped her lay back.

  Mace leaned over, and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Good girl,” he teased.

  “I can still hit you with my good arm,” she warned.

  Pat saw him and waved. “Hi, Doc, how is she?” he asked, stepping around his lieutenant.

  “Thane, hey man, how goes it?” Markus Letterman said, grinning up at him. “Keeping our country safe?”

  He and Markus had done senior year together, both of them on the football team. “See any terrorists in your back yard?”

  Markus laughed. “Is she one of yours? Didn’t think they let ladies into the SEALs.”

  He leaned over her, and pursed his lips. Kayla’s expression was all sorts of mad. “Yup, she’s mine. Aren’t you, sweetheart?” he teased.

  “Kiss me, and I promise I will bite you,” she hissed under her breath.

  He chuckled, raising his head to grin at Markus. “Got a cranky pill handy, Doc?” The smack on his arm felt like butterfly wings.

  Markus crossed his arms, and gave him an inquiring tilt of his head. “We gave her a good dose of morphine, but it hasn’t kicked in yet. She’s got amazing resistance to pain, and to the opiates, but it should start working in a couple seconds. She’s going to be fine.”

  “Good, I’ve kinda gotten used to her being around. Think I’ll keep her,” he said, seeing her gaze soften.

  “Think again, Captain Asshat,” she answered, laughing at her own joke.

  He chuckled, and ran his finger across her collarbone. “Feeling better, sweetheart?”

  “Uh, Thane, this is a G-rated hospital,” Markus said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Huh?” He looked up, “Oh, yeah.” He held his hand out. “Thanks for taking care of her Markus. Appreciate it.”

  Markus stepped up to the bed and said, “Kayla, remember you need to be diligent with the physio to strengthen the ligaments and muscles then it won’t be as easily displaced again.”

  “Physio?” He ran a comforting stroke across her shoulder. “What kind of physio?”

  “Never mind,” she cut in, her words moseying out of her mouth.

  “Sweetheart, can you keep those beautiful lips shut, and let me take care of things just once?”

  Mace flapped a mitt full of paper. “Got it here, Captain. She’s looking forward to an entire year of strengthening exercises. I’d be glad to torture her.”

  “Not,” she grumbled.

  “Oh, yes you are. Let’s see those, Mace.” He handed them over.

  “Can I leave now?” she said, her words beginning to slur. “I’m hungry, and no one cares.”

  He gave a jerk of his head so Mace and Pat would give them some privacy, and pulled the curtain. “I care,” he growled into her neck, and kissed her pulse. A small purr escaped her. As usual, her reaction quickened his pulse, leaving little room in his pants.

  “Thane, stop. This is a….”

  “Mm-hmm.” He brushed her peaked nipple through the thin gown, giving it the attention it deserved. The ache in his pants was just about killing him as he kissed the pillowy edge of her breast, and then devoured her full lips, taking advantage of her weakness. “I’m going to take you home. You can sleep in my arms.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Her eyes closed briefly, and then popped open.

  “The cops put out an APB for the damaged truck, but I doubt they’ll find it.”

  She gave him a little nudge to make him back off. “Do you think it was the Shark?”

  “No, I don’t. I think it was just an accident. Maybe the guy was drunk or high. He didn’t want to get a DUI, and took off.”

  “Why’d he speed up?”

  “I don’t know. Mace said you had a solid green light.” He kissed her forehead. “It was an accident, sweetheart, nothing else. Come on sit up. I’ll help you dress.” Instead of sitting up, she nestled into the pillow, her eyes wandering. “Pain killers are doing their job, huh?” Her lids blinked lazily, and she gave him a sweet little smile. Sweeping his knuckles across her cheek, he released the fear clogging his heart, and sat down next to her. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  Her brow rippled. “I’m sorry.” Her head flopped to the side. “Don’t worry. This isn’t anything. Save it for when I die.”

  “Kayla,” his guts rolled over. “You’re not going to die.”

  “Nothing to worry about, you’ve got Miss Sweater-too-tight and aalllll the women you can possibly want.” Kayla’s hand wound behind her pillow, and she stretched. “She’s such a bitch.”

  “Am I hearing jealousy coming out of your mouth?” he asked, threading his fingers through her soft curls. Their new admin assistant, Carrie Watson, had been transmitting her signals loud and clear. Often in front of Kayla. Ignoring her wasn’t working, and he knew it bothered Kayla, which meant he’d put an abrupt end to it now that he had the information from Carrie he’d been looking for. Kayla suspected Carrie hadn’t been upfront with her family history, and he trusted her instincts.

  “She’s beautiful, and I’m all scarred,” her voice weakened, and her eyes closed with long lazy blinks. “I hate her. She knows Thane thinks she’s hot, and she’s going to have him.”

  “Sweetheart.” He turned her chin so she’d look at him. “Not going to happen. Thane thinks you’re hotter,” he added, talking in third person, like she was.

  She nodded once. “Yeahhh, she will.” Puckering her lips, she blew out a long breath. “It makes me sad.”

  Too adorable. He’d never seen her so sweet and vulnerable, and he loved it. The wall of smoke and mirrors evaporated, and the woman behind them was so docile and incredibly beautiful. “Does that mean you like him?” he asked, not able to keep the grin from his lips.

  A little giggle escaped her, something as rare as the Dresden diamond. “Have you ever seen him? He’s funny. He thinks he’s all big and scary, but he’s not.” She flipped her hand. “God, I love it when he holds me in his arms.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Hey, you’re trying to trick me. Don’t tell him I said that.”

  A sublime smile touched her lips, and he wanted to kiss her so badly, but he didn’t want her to stop talking. These were secret thoughts about him, and he hadn’t heard enough. “So you kinda like the guy, hey?”

  “No,” she sighed out.

  Not the answer he wanted.

  “I love him more than I even loved my husband…and that was a lot.” Her hand drifted in the air then halted mid-sway. “Do you think he loves Miss Sweater-too-tight?” Her hand flopped against his shoulder. “She’s so pretty.”

  The air staggered to a halt in his throat, and his chest squeezed tight. “You really do love him, don’t you?”

  Her lids slipped closed. “I’m so lonely when he leaves me, and he always leaves me. Never show…how bad it…hurts.”

  His throat grew thick. “Why?”

  “Cuz,” she said, barely above a whisper.

  He pulled her hand into his. “Why, sweetheart?”

  “Because,” her lids were so heavy she couldn’t focus. “The Shark is going to kill me, but Thane won’t admit it. Don’t want him to be hurt trying….” Kayla licked her lips. “Doesn’t matter. I’m broken, all broken like Humpty Dumpty. He’ll be happy with Carrie.” She s
trained to open her eyes. “Kayla’s finally going to die. I can’t wait....”

  Her lids dropped, and he watched his beautiful mermaid sleep. He sat back, his heart thumping with slow, painful beats. Twisting a silky piece of her hair around his finger, her words reverberated through him.

  “Thane, it’s just the drugs. She doesn’t mean that,” Pat said, appearing beside him. Mace stood on the other side of the bed, and gently stroked her hand.

  He bit his lip. “Yes, she does. Kayla shows us her brave side, but the hidden side gave up on hope long ago.” He shook his head to ward off the tears choking his throat. “She doesn’t believe anything I’ve told her. She doesn’t think she has a reason to live.”

  “Does she?” Pat asked quietly.

  He bent over, her warm breath caressed his cheek. “Kayla, can you hear me?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured weakly, nodding her head a little.

  “Thane loves you, sweetheart, he loves you so much. He wants—” Her little snore made him pause. He kissed her forehead. “I want to see hope in your eyes again, Kayla. I want to see it when you look at me.”

  * * * *

  The bedroom was dark, and Kayla slept soundly between his legs, her back pressed against his chest as he sat propped up against the headboard, listening to the night. It was probably a dangerous move, but he’d brought her home with him. He hadn’t let go of her since they’d left the hospital. He couldn’t.

  Moonlight filtered in and illuminated the bed. He stretched to snag a tube of muscle ointment on his bedside table. Rubbing in gentle circles around her shoulder, the smell of mint filled the air. Her words swirled around in his thoughts as he worked in the cream. Kayla was the only woman who never asked him for attention, but to find out she was lonely when he wasn’t with her, burned him.

  He’d been spending too many hours with Manchester, and not enough with her, but she didn’t complain. In her mind, he wasn’t hers. She just accepted it, and now he knew why.

  She sighed deeply, and her cheek rubbed his chest.

  “Are you awake?” he whispered next to her ear.


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