Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 99

by Maia Starr

  “What? What do you mean?” I asked, terrified and wanting more of an explanation. I had just begun to get used to the moon base they called Tyla Wen. For some reason, I felt like that if I stayed there, I would have a better chance of getting to Earth.

  “I did not say you could speak! Ask no questions and do what you are told! Or would you rather stay here with the commander to let him finish what he started?”

  When he ordered me about and I stood up, he took a few seconds to look at me, his eyes scanning over my body. I took this time to look over his as well. His Viking-like body with blond hair and blue eyes stood out in stark contrast to his blue-tinted skin, and his muscles were very evident from the fighting. He was sweating and breathing heavily, and I only saw him as my rescuer in that moment. But he was still mean on the inside, and I knew that from the way he had spoken to me during our brief interactions. He was probably no better than the Commander Yun and something to be feared, but for now he was the better of the two.

  Because he had questioned me about who dressed me, I knew that he cared about it, that it affected him. I liked knowing that. He was such a hard and egotistical warrior and I liked knowing that there must be some human-like heart to him in there somewhere.

  Minutes later, I was once again in space on my way to some unknown planet. I felt very strange sitting next to this alien. His scent was masculine. He still refused to pay much attention to me. He did not speak to me until…

  Dring! Dring! A loud noise over took and I had no idea what it meant, but I knew that it was not good. I panicked.

  “Hold on. There seems to be a malfunction!” Korin shouted, and then he tried to reach someone over communications; there was no response. I was so terrified. I did not want this to be the end for me. There was so much that I had not experienced. Not only would I never see Earth, but I would never feel the touch of a man that I wanted to touch me. I began to cry in pity of myself.

  “Are we going to die?!”

  “Be quiet! Let me think! I have to turn on manual controls. We are freefalling into Kaethon! We will crash unless I gain control!”

  “Oh God!” I shouted as I cried harder; I knew this was going to be the end as we spiraled out of control and the blue planet below us became bigger and bigger, until I saw nothing but blue in the window. As I thought about everything, a sense of calm came over me and I looked at Korin beside me, desperately trying to fix the problem. I don’t know why I said it, but I did.

  “Thank you.”


  “Thank you for saving me from that evil alien; he would have done things to him that I have not experienced in life and I do not want it to be that way. Thank you for saving me.” I did not know if he was listening or if he cared, but I wanted my last moments to be of gratitude and kindness, not panic and fear. I closed my eyes and thought about images of Earth that I had seen in my school books. I became calm and waited for the end.

  Boom! “Hold on! Just hold on!” he shouted as I screamed; I could not control the fear that came when I heard that loud sound.

  “We are fine. Are you hurt?” he asked as we finally stopped.

  I simply shook my head no and then he kicked at the pod door to open it.

  After he crawled up and looked around, I could not believe that we were alive. I thought for sure we would have perished. Instead, he had managed to do something to save us. In less than an hour, this sergeant had saved me twice from peril.

  “Come on, we must move, now.” I grabbed his hand and I felt something stir within me as he touched me. He pulled me up and close to him. I wanted him to kiss me. Even though he was a jerk, he had saved me twice now and I wanted to kiss him as a reward. He pushed me away and helped me down onto the blue dirt. It was then that I fully looked around and it took my breath away.

  The planet surrounding me was absolutely stunning. I had never seen anything like it with my own eyes. I felt like it was almost like Earth, only almost everything was a shade of blue, and it was very calming and wonderful to look at. I could not help myself ; I began to cry tears of joy.

  Korin questioned me about those tears and I told him what I thought in this moment and how beautiful this place was. He seemed to agree, as he grew silent. Then I took it upon myself to smell each plant around me and touch it. I had never touched plants growing in the wild. I only touched the crops in the greenhouses on Merton Loy, and that was only in school, as we were not allowed in their any other time.

  I frolicked around like a child as I experienced as much as I could as quickly as I could. Then I turned to look at him, as I was sure that he would be scolding me as he had been since I first met him, but he was not. In fact, my knees grew weak when I saw a brilliant, pleasant smile on his face. I had never seen him smile before and it was captivating. I smiled in return as I said, “I have never seen you smile like that, or at all. You are always so angry.”

  The smile fell from his face and I thought I caught a sense of embarrassment as he went back into sergeant mode. “I am just happy to be alive is all. You see the Blue Mountains? The rebel base is there, and it is my enemy. We need to get away from the pod in case they come for it. Come this way,” he said, leading me into the thickness of the trees.

  I followed him, and as I did I wondered about this rebel base. Did they do things differently there? Did they take humans as slaves? If they were rebels, then they must be different in some way. I thought about the rebels capturing us and me actually having a chance on this planet. I could live in these woods alone for years, just feeling fascinated and happy with these types of surroundings. It was later that I actually got a chance to make that thought a reality.

  As we walked deeper into the lushness, I noticed that Korin was preoccupied. He was on a straight path, muttering to himself. I followed behind, but not too closely. Then I stopped. I was surprised that he kept going. After a few moments, I started following again, but with much greater distance between us. He did not notice when I had stopped walking, and that was a good thing.

  As we entered into a ravine of sorts with high, rock walls, the beauty astounded me again. Then I noticed that in these high, rock walls were various caves and crevices. I wanted to hide in one and perhaps escape this jerk and make it to the rebels. Or perhaps try to make it on my own. Once again, I stopped walking and Korin did not turn around. I quietly walked toward the tall grass until it was over my head, and made my way toward the rock wall. Then I heard, “Human!”

  I quickly squatted down and began to panic. If he caught me, he would be very angry that I tried to run away. I had to move. I got on all fours and began to crawl along the blue dirt, but it was hard in the muslin dress. I suddenly longed for my wool pants and not this beautiful gown that was not cut out for this type of experience.

  “Human! Come back here!” he shouted again. I began to crawl faster and faster. Then bam! His heavy body was on top of mine. He flipped me over and lay on top of me, pinning my hands above my head. “What are you doing? Where do you think you are going?!” he shouted.

  “Get off me, you brute!” I shouted as I wiggled underneath him, but it only made him settle in harder. I felt his strong hips between my thighs and I was angry with my body for betraying me in this moment. I felt my nipples grow hard through the dress and I felt him growing hard. I was turned on by his close proximity as his chest brushed back and forth across my nipples with my struggling.

  His face was close to mine and he looked me in the eyes with a hard look. “Where did you think you would go if you escaped me? You can’t last out here on your own,” he said in a hard quiet whisper.

  “I could try. I could join the rebels you spoke of. Maybe they will treat me better. I would rather live out here alone in the wild than to be a slave for you, or anyone!” I shouted with my chin out and rebelliousness in my heart. I knew that my lips were trembling because I was feeling a mix of fear and lust and I could not control it. Then he shocked me.

  He pressed his lips against mine. I st
ruggled, but not for long. I kissed him back. It was not my first kiss, but it was my first kiss with an alien. It felt very naughty and I gave in. I accidently let out a moan and he pressed his hard rod against me, rubbing his body between my thighs back and forth. His tongue pushed into my mouth and his hand ran down my arm slowly. Goosebumps appeared all over me. Then his hand ran further down over my nipple as his hand caressed it.

  “Oh, oh God,” I whispered in his mouth. His massaging grew more rigorous and I felt myself becoming wet. Korin moaned as he touched me, and then a whirring sound grew louder and louder. He pulled away from me and slowly raised his head. Then he ducked down. He covered my mouth with his hand and said, “It’s the rebels. Be quiet and do not move.” He laid flat on top of me again. My eyes grew wide. I tried to shout into his hand and he only pressed harder. He looked at me with an angry look. He was pissed. He lifted his head looking past my head and said, “Stay low.”

  He lifted me keeping his hand over my mouth and turned me around as he pressed his body behind me. Now we were on our feet and he pushed me forward, keeping low in the tall grass. He was heading straight for the crevice cave that I was heading for to begin with. He pushed me into the dark and held me close as his hand remained over my mouth to keep me from shouting. Soon the whirring sound faded until we could not hear it at all. Only then did he let go of me.

  "Never do that again, is that understood?" he said to me in a stern voice.

  I narrowed my eyes at him in hate, "It is understood, but that does not mean I will follow your orders. What will you do to me out here? Throw me in prison?" I said to him. This only seemed to make him angrier, but at this point I did not care. I was feeling a strong mixture of emotions for this alien being. I felt strong desire, as only moments before he was between my legs and kissing me. Only to switch from desire to fear and torment as he kept me quiet and pulled me in such a rough way toward the cave.

  He let out a growl that was almost beast like and he opened the bag that he carried with him across his strong chest. He pulled out a long length of leather-like braided rope and tied one onto his waist and the other onto my wrist. I sneered at him and hated every moment of this. He was securing me to him like a prisoner, and I knew that I was in fact a Kalazaron captive.

  "Let's go," he said as he began to move out of the cave cautiously.

  "We will get to the end of this ravine and make camp. It will soon be complete darkness as nightfall is almost upon us. The rebels have already scanned this area, so it is unlikely that they will be back. But we need to be out in an area where I can signal when the Kalazaron from the capital city come for us."

  He tugged on the rope that held me and I moved forward along with him as he dragged me out of the cave. Then he turned to me and said, "You will walk in front of me where I can see you. I made the mistake of letting you out of my sight before. I will not make that mistake again," he pulled on the rope until I was in front of him and he was behind me. Then he said, "Go forward, human female slave."

  I walked forward in the tall grass, making our way down the ravine. I was still very angry, but I could not help but to look at the beauty surrounding me. I looked up, I looked down, I looked sideways—everywhere I looked there was complete beauty and it still shocked me with every breath I took.

  "So beautiful," I whispered again and again as we continued to walk down the ravine toward the end. As it grew darker and darker, I noticed that the sky had two moons. They were both stunning, and it blew my mind to think that I was on one of them only hours before. This was turning into such an adventure, even though I hated the company and what would eventually be my fate with the Kalazaron. For now, I could at least enjoy the beauty that was the night on this planet as the stars came out and showed bright, like glittering silver in the sky.

  The sounds of animals that owned the night became more and more prominent in the thick sweet air. In this lush environment, surrounded by plants, the air felt wet, and I welcomed it. It was unlike the dry, barren land of Merton Loy. Beads of sweat formed on my skin, causing the dress to stick to me. It was now a dirty dress and it was torn around my thighs, making me look like some sort of banshee in the wild. I liked it. I would be happy to live in the wild forever, even if alone. It was just too beautiful; I could enjoy it forever in solitude.

  "Halt here," he said as he yanked on the rope and I stopped. We had reached the end of the ravine, and before us lay flat land with a rocky terrain and flowing water. The moons glittered off the water flowing between the rocks and I once again gasped at the beauty.

  "This is unbelievable. I never thought I would see anything like this. Please, you must allow me to touch the water," I said to Korin.

  "Yes, come along. You are once again filthy. It will do you good to wash that off of you, and take a drink of water," he said angrily as he pulled on the rope and led me over to the rocks. He was being a jerk again, and I would give him a piece of my mind, but I did not want to jeopardize my chance to play in the flowing water.

  As soon as we reached it, I jumped down into a depression that let the water go up to my knees. I laughed and played in the icy water. It seemed to annoy Korin, but I did not care; I would have my fun. I cupped the water into my hands and drank it and it was the most delicious, clean water I had ever had in my entire life. I drank again and again as I could not get enough.

  Finally, he looked at me and said, "That's enough. It is time to set up camp."

  He pulled on the rope, and I crawled out of the water and followed him toward the rock wall. He once again found a cave and led me inside. "This will have to do for the night," he said as he led me back outside. I watched him as he untied the rope from his waist and led me to a tree. He tied me to it.

  "Are you just going to leave me here?" I asked angrily.

  "Enough out of you. I do not wish to have a conversation; just let me do my work or you will starve and be cold in the night," he roared at me.

  I said nothing else as I watched him gather wood and take it into the cave. Minutes later, there was a yellow glow coming from the cave and I knew that he had lit a warm fire. Then he returned near me and began to gather fruits off of the tree and take them into the cave. Then he came back out with a pouch and filled it with water and brought it into the cave. Finally, he came to untie me and I felt silly for asking him before if he was going to leave me there. I said nothing as he untied me and tied me back to his waist and then led me inside the cave. It was warm, and food was cooking on the fire. I was impressed.

  "Sit and rest. There will be food soon. Here is water," he said as he gave me the pouch. Then I watched as he pulled a different pouch out of his bag and drank from that.

  "What is that?" I asked him.

  "It is not of your concern," he said as he drank from it.

  "May I have some?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled and then handed me the pouch. I smelled it, and it was sweet. It smelled a lot like the wine that we were allowed to have during holidays on Merton Loy. I drank from it, and then squeezed my eyes tight as I swallowed the strong liquid.

  "What is it?" I asked him again.

  "It is what we drink here on our planet of Kaethon. It is Icannet from the Icannis plant. It helps calm us," he said.

  I took another swig, knowing exactly what he meant. It was fermented and alcoholic and I wanted more of it. If I was going to be in this unknown situation, I might as well get drunk. I took another swig and another, and he looked at me with arched eyebrows and seemed somewhat amused.

  "That is enough. It is stronger than you think. Only it takes a while to hit you," he said as he took the pouch from me and took a drink from it himself. Then he put it away and stood up to put the cooking fruits on a big leaf. Then he carried it over in front of me and sat down beside me. He began to eat. I followed his lead. Some of the fruits were familiar from my short time on the moon base and I had liked them very much. I was surprised that they were this good made out in the wild.

  Now that I had seen
which plants he gathered the fruit from, I could really see myself living out there on my own. There was drinking water and there was food. There was even a shelter in the form of these caves. I knew that I could only pretend that I could live there on my own, so for this night, I was going to pretend that it was actually happening, and that I would be happy there. For I did not know what the next day would bring.

  So I drank the water and ate the fruit and felt the Icannet juice hitting me as I began to feel tipsy. Then for no reason at all, I began to giggle. I could not stop. I thought about how absurd it was that I was even there. Only days before I was on Merton Loy, plotting my escape to earth. Now I was in a cave with some alien being that wanted to ravage me and treat me badly at the same time, and I was drunk with him. You could not get more absurd than that, and the more I thought about it, the more I laughed.

  "What is it, human female?" he asked me in an angry tone.


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