Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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Vycon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) Page 100

by Maia Starr

  "You would not understand. But I think I am drunk. You were right, it is very strong," I laughed. He looked at me and sighed as though he was annoyed, and that was fine with me. I did not care what he thought of me any longer.

  "If you are done, we must get some sleep. I do not want to be asleep when they come for us. I think that will be at first light."

  "I will try, but this dress is very cold. I am not used to your cold planet," I said as I lay down on my side in front of the fire. I rubbed my bare arms with my hands. Then Korin shocked me as he lay down behind me and molded his body against mine. I gasped. His body was strong against mine, and although his skin was cold at first contact, the warmth from my body immediately became trapped between us, warming me. I felt my body once again betraying me as I became aroused and my nipples grew hard.

  "Close your eyes and dream," Korin said. I thought it was a strange thing to say, but perhaps it was what the Kalazaron said before going to sleep. I lay there on my side with his body wrapped around mine, and I fought the urge to turn my face toward his and kiss him. Then somewhere in the night, as I lay asleep, he began to kiss me.

  As I slept, I felt his hard cock rubbing against my backside. That’s when I turned to face him and he kissed me. I moaned into his mouth and he turned me completely toward him. I was still tied to him, and for some reason that turned me on even more. I kissed his lips and then I moved down to his neck. I had no control over myself as my hands pushed into his long, blond hair. I kissed down his strong shoulders and licked and sucked on his skin. He moaned loudly, and for the first time he said my actual name: “Silver,” he moaned. I gasped as I kissed him; I loved hearing his name on my lips. “Yes, Korin. I want you. I want you so badly,” I whispered.

  “Yes, I know you do.”

  “You want me. You want to put my cock in your mouth. Go ahead, do it,” he whispered to me. He was right. I was a virgin and I was not ready just yet for sex, but it was like he was reading my mind. I did want to put his cock in my mouth.

  I licked his hard abs, going down lower and lower. The rope between my wrist and his waist was very much in my vision and it only turned me on more. For this night, I was enjoying being his sex slave. I moved lower and lower and lifted the leather over his crotch. He was bare underneath and I knew then that it was his hard cock I felt rubbing on me earlier when he pinned me to the ground and not a piece of rolled-up leather. His cock was long and thick and tinted blue. It was beautiful, and I licked it from the base all the way up to the tip in one, long stroke.

  He groaned at me as he pushed his hands through my red hair. I pressed my tongue against the tip of his cock, putting pressure on it, and I wasn’t even sure how I knew how to do this. I had never done it before. But I was doing it and seemed to be doing well because he was moaning and squirming against me. Then I slid my mouth on the tip and pushed it into my mouth a little and sucked on it. “Oh fuck,” he moaned.

  I pulled my mouth up and down on it over and over, slow and then fast and then slow again. I pressed my hands flat against his muscular thighs and enjoyed every bit of tasting him in my mouth. I took it out of my mouth and kissed his lower stomach teasing him. He groaned again as I allowed my hand to circle around his long, hard staff and play with it. I tugged on it gently, then a bit roughly before I put my mouth on it and licked it up and down again. He was practically shaking against me as I did so. Then I put it in my mouth again and moved up and down the shaft once more, allowing my tongue to play with it as I did so. I didn’t know that I had these skills and I shocked myself, but I was enjoying it so much that I could not stop. This was wild. I was tied to an attractive alien and I had him in my mouth. Then he tensed and said,

  “I am going to release.”

  “Good; release. I want you to release inside my mouth,” I moaned. Then I felt a bit of the warm juice flow and my eyes shot open. I found that I was facing the fire. Korin was sound asleep behind me. It had all been a dream! But how? It was so damn real! I felt the wetness between my legs as I squeezed my thighs together and realized that I had released into orgasm during the dream.

  “Everything all right, Silver?” Korin asked me in a low, husky voice. It was full of lust and it made me feel like perhaps he’d had the same dream.

  “Yes. Everything is fine,” I said abruptly. He cleared his throat and pushed away from me a bit. I was so riled up by the dream that I could not fall back to sleep for a long time. I could not believe that I would even dream of such a naughty thing. Yet thinking about it made me feel very excited.

  Chapter 4


  I was disappointed that she woke from the projection before I was finished, or so I thought. As she woke up, I realized that I had indeed had a release, a real release. I pulled my body away from hers so that she would not know. I had never done a projection before and I did not do it on purpose. It just sort of happened, and once it began I could not stop it. I did not want to stop it. Now we both lay awake in the cave in front of the fire, and I wondered if she knew that I had made her have that dream. I wanted to take her into my arms and kiss her the way I did in the grass and I wanted to take her. But now that I had already had some release, the urge was a bit easier to restrain.

  I purposely made her please me in that projection once I had control over it. It was sort of a punishment for running away from me. I wanted her to suck on my cock and to like it. I wanted to make her feel a bit demeaned so that she would know her place as the slave. So I guided the projection in that way, her mouth on my cock and her enjoying it. With her not able to get enough of it. I smiled as I thought about that. I thought I had done enough to her for the time being, so when we both fell back asleep, I forced myself to not throw another projection into her mind no matter how badly I wanted too.

  Now I understood why the Kalazaron males enjoyed the human female slaves so much. I had only heard about the projections, but had never cared to experience it myself. But now that I had, I wanted to do it again and again. It was addicting. It was a better sensual experience that I had ever had with Lukah, nor could ever have because what made this so exciting was the fact that Silver was different. She was a human, and a filthy part of me liked knowing that. It was exotic, and something that a female Kalazaron could never give me.

  I was awoken by familiar sound. As soon as I heard it, I knew that it was the Kalazaron in search of us, and not the rebel speeders. I quickly untied the rope from my waist and ran outside of the cave with my projection tool. I beamed the red light up and down in the air, scanning against the sky. Soon there was a ship hovering over the red light. It landed on the rocks beside me and I waved my arms in the air, signaling that I had seen them. I moved back inside the cave and woke up the sleeping human female. But before I did, I took one good look at her sleeping face. She was beautiful. I knew that things would be vastly different as soon as we arrived in the capital city. I wanted to take this moment to enjoy the time of looking at her beautiful face. For all I knew, Master Bresh would be taking her from me as soon as we arrived.

  That thought made me feel very angry, as I did not want her taken from me. I was shocked at how quickly I had changed simply by spending this time with her. When I first saw her as she was escorted from the Earth ship as a dirty, human female, I did not expect that this attachment would grow. Yet it had.

  "Wake up, human," I said as I pushed her awake. She sleepily stirred and her eyes grew wide as she looked at me; I think for a moment she did not remember where she was.

  "I forgot. For a second there I thought I was back on Merton Loy," she said with a sad voice.

  "You are on Kaethon and they have come for us. Come," I said as I tied the rope back onto my waist and led her out of the cave toward the ship. The door opened and we climbed aboard. Soon we were making our way toward the capital city of Konthos.

  We were both silent as we sat there and it flew over the blue ground. Silver leaned forward and looked out the window with her eyes wide. I enjoy
ed watching her still. I enjoyed the way she found my planet fascinating. She took pleasure in something so small that we all took for granted. I had never heard anyone speak of the beauty of my planet the way she did, and that touched me deep inside, though I would not admit it.

  As we came closer to the city, our ship slowed. "Is that the city where we are going? It is beautiful and grand," Silver said with that same excitement.

  "It is. This is the capital city of Konthos. It is where we are going and shall stay. I will speak to the master as to what is to be done with you, if he has new orders. Then you will know where your permanent home will be," I said to her. She looked at me with fright and her eyes and said, "You mean I am not staying with you? Am I not yours?"

  Her words hit me hard, and the pilot looked at me strangely. "Human female slave, do not speak back. You will go where you were ordered to go. Is that understood?" I said with a stern tone.


  As we sat in silence, I tried not to look over at her, the human female slave known as Silver. I could not stop thinking about pinning her in the tall grass, with my body on top of hers. It was something that I could not stop thinking about, not just because it felt good, but because of the way she responded to it. She did not struggle; in fact, she kissed me back and was moaning underneath me wanting more. She was giving me an invitation, and I wanted to take it. I wanted to take it when we slept in the cave, and I released myself through the projection.

  But I did not, and I did not know why. She was a human female slave after all, and that is what we did with the human female slaves, it was the Kalazaron way. She was all mine by order of the master, so why did I not do it? That thought troubled me. Why was I feeling respect toward this human female that I had seen as dirty and disgusting when she first met my sight?

  I wanted to treat this human female well; was it simply because of the way she had words of beauty about my home planet? Was it the sense of wonder and awe that she displayed? Was it the way her beauty had been transformed when the filth was washed off of her? I found these questions going around and around in my mind until I had to push them out. We were approaching the capital city, and I needed to get back to my agenda of dealing with Lukah and becoming a general.

  We were silent as the ship landed in the training grounds landing path. Then I took Silver to my home, and as we walked through the city she smiled and was happy with everything that she saw. I was secretly watching her and enjoying it, though I did not want to show that to her. I needed to be rid of her.

  Now that I was back in the city, I was back to thinking of my career first. I was there for two reasons. The first reason was the Vycon, and the second was my betrothed, Lukah. Both reasons were to advance my career and become the general. It surprised me that I had not thought about that career advancement in the last day or so in dealing with the human female slave. What had she done to me?

  "This is my home. It is your home for now. This is my servant, Swifta, she will be taking care of you. You will help her with whatever work she needs help with. I will scarcely be here as I have many duties to attend to. Is that understood, human female slave?"

  She nodded her head yes, and I could tell that there was water gathering in her eyes. I would not let it affect me. Now she was no concern of mine. I had fun with her while I could when we were together, and now I had bigger things to think of.

  "My father said you have a human female?" I heard the familiar voice behind me. It was Lukah.

  "Lukah, it is good to see you. You look well," I said as I kissed her deeply on the lips. I could see Silver shift her stance as she looked at me.

  "This is she? I have never seen one like this. My, she is an ugly thing with the red hair and spots on her face, is she not?" Lukah said.

  "She is different," was all that I said for I did not agree with her assessment of Silver, but I did know that it was a strange thing for a human to have red hair and spots on her face.

  "You must let me dress her and take her to the Vycon tomorrow night. She will be such a conversation piece for my circle and I. It would please me greatly," she said pleading with me.

  I did not want her to have her way. I did not want Silver paraded in front of the Kalazaron with Lukah telling everyone how ugly she was and showing her off like some sort of toy. But I could not displease her. Her father was my ticket to the rank that I wanted. If I had to allow her to play with Silver, then that is what I would do.

  "Anything you want, Lukah. Dress her, use her, take her to the Vycon. It is your father that put this human female under my care, so if it is to your liking to take her tomorrow night, then you shall have your wish," I said kissing her on the cheek.

  "Yes, it is my wish. And you do know how I get when I do not have my wish. I will have a dress made for her today," she said, clapping her hands together in excitement.

  "My house is yours," I said bowing to her. As I did so, I got in a quick glance at Silver. Her eyes were narrowed in hatred at me and I could tell that she was restraining herself from shouting at me.

  I left Silver in Lukah's hands as I made my way to the Buildings of Order where I reconvened with the master and gave a report about our crash. I told him I suspected that the launch pod was tampered with and whom I suspected, but I had no proof. I told him that I had to pull the commander off of Silver.

  However, the master did not see fit to punish the commander since the commander did not have knowledge of the master’s direct order about the human female slave. But he would speak with him about taking matters into his own hands. That was all. He was not going to question him about the launch pod. I simply nodded my head in obedience and kept my mouth shut because I could not argue with the man that held my future career in his hands. I simply obeyed like a good warrior Kalazaron would.

  The next day it was time for the Vycon. I sat in the main room of my home, waiting for Lukah to appear with Silver. This would be an interesting night. But I would not let myself get tangled up in the affairs of the females, as I had my own agenda. I was going to the Vycon in order to show myself as the betrothed of the daughter of Master Bresh. I was going in order to converse with the political hierarchies that could help me in my rise up the ranks. It was a very single-minded agenda, and at the center of it was myself and nothing else.

  "Here I am. What do you think? Am I not stunning to look at, Korin?" I looked and saw Lukah standing in front of me in a red, muslin dress that fit her tall body well. Her silver and blue hair was pulled up high upon her head and her body was adorned with paint and gems. She did look stunning.

  "Yes, you are stunning. You are beautiful. I have never seen another like you. I am glad that you have chosen me as your warrior Kalazaron," I said trying to appease her.

  "Yes, you should be glad that I chose you. I can choose anyone; don't forget that," she said in her spoiled manner. Then she continued. "Shall we?" she said as she pulled on a gem-studded chain that was in her hand.

  As she tugged on it, Silver appeared from behind the wall. The chain was tied around her neck. My teeth clenched hard together as I saw the treatment that Lukah was giving her. Although, it was not any different than any other human slave on our planet. I myself had her tied to me, but that was out of necessity. Lukah was doing it out of disrespect.

  This is how the humans were treated, though, and I should not feel anything while looking at her, yet I did. I should not have even given it another thought. Yet as she tugged on it and Silver appeared, I wanted to move to her.

  She wore a two-piece gown. The top of it stretched across her breasts and half of her torso, leaving her shoulders bare and leaving much of her belly bare. The bottom part of the gown was a long skirt with a very long slit up her thigh. She wore sandals and nothing else. She looked absolutely beautiful, and almost naked. I felt a stirring and my cock began to harden as I looked her up-and-down. I had to quickly look away and look at Lukah, because I was sure that she would see my lust for the human female if I stared at her any longer.
  "Oh, do you like my design? I designed it so that you could see the spots on this human slave’s body. Look she has them on her belly, on her shoulders, even on her thigh. It is very strange. I cannot wait to show to my acquaintances," Lukah said.

  I held myself back from wanting to push her against the wall and free Silver from her grasp. I simply said, "That is clever. Let us go."

  Soon we were entering the Vycon and I had Lukah at my side as everyone turned to see that I, Sergeant Korin Hafah, was with the daughter of the master. All eyes were on us and I felt great respect as they looked at me with the rank that I thought I deserved. Lukah dragged Silver behind us and no one thought anything of it. This was a normal sight.

  After Lukah and I had made the rounds and Silver remained quiet behind us, it was time for me to take my agenda to the next level and speak politics and rank with those that I saw fit to speak with.

  "Lukah, I will leave you with your acquaintances. I am off to speak with your father and the other ranks; it would be boring for you," I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

  "Don't be gone too long. I don't like to get lonely," she said as she walked Silver over to a group of female Kalazaron. They immediately began talking loudly and poking and prodding at Silver as they looked at her body and pulled on her red hair.


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