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The Vampires Of Livix Twin Pack (Volumes #1 & #2)

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by Smith, J Gordon

  Once Patent Attorney Anna Arkena meets the handsome and intriguing vampire Garin Ramsburgh, a bold Investment Analyst at Draydon Financial, she quickly learns how her life in the small mid-western town of Livix will change.

  The Vampires of Livix cringe as these two become close – mixing with vampires always ends badly. But the problems escalate in fifty ways as outside interests pressure Garin’s wealthy family to sell their successful military parts business amid faked financial losses while international terrorist and militia groups push their own agendas with deadly effectiveness.

  Who is behind it all? What do they want? Is this a spark of a greater fire to come? Can Anna and Garin achieve happiness before the fall of twilight? Will Anna survive the vampires and find her shades of True Love?

  Find out in One Night Burns, Volume 1 of the Vampires Of Livix trilogy.

  The Night Discovered

  “We have your girl for a trade.”

  “– Trade for what?”

  “We will call you later with the specifics. Make sure you contact Garin Ramsburgh. You will need his help in meeting our demands.”

  The phone went silent.

  Patent Attorney Anna Arkena and the handsome vampire Garin Ramsburgh believe they have finally freed themselves of the vampires intent on destroying them. Garin hopes they can continue their relationship unhindered. But like an approaching twilight, Anna has become unsure about her life with a vampire – even one so intriguing as Garin.

  However, she has little chance to consider her decision. The vampire investigator Branoc seeks their help in solving a mystery of fifty or more random vampire deaths with strange links to Garin’s family business. Soon the shades part and the terrorists and the militia groups become the least of their worries. Friends turn into treacherous enemies. Love is rejected and new love is discovered.

  What happens between Anna and Garin? Has the spark escaped and started an unstoppable blaze? How can an ordinary man complicate her relationships with vampires? Can she ever trust the vampires again? Will True Love prevail?

  Find out in The Night Discovered, Volume 2 of the Vampires Of Livix trilogy.

  Behold This Night

  The assassin grinned wickedly before me as she curtsied, her sword to the side and parallel to the abrasive concrete. Rising easily, she exploded into a wrenching vampire onslaught striking against my feeble sword that I clung to for protection. She expertly beat my weapon from side to side as she strode against me. I fell back. She struck my fainting sword again. Then again. Then she said, “The girl is yours, Jaina.”

  “Danke,” came a voice from behind me, along with the whip of a sword blade through the air. I spun away – my thoughts racing: how could I survive them?

  Patent Attorney Anna Arkena and the vampire Garin Ramsburgh strive to stop the fiery face of evil charging unleashed through the twilight city of Livix. Unexpected community leaders and pillars of economic growth are suspiciously involved.

  Anna’s complicated relationships between the handsome human Brett and the gorgeous vampire Garin are troubling her in fifty ways or more and it could shake not only her own approaching destiny but the uncertain future of Livix and humanity. Will Anna’s love survive the inevitable showdown with the shades of converging evils? Will she bravely choose her path in love and life and succeed? Or will she be one of the many crushed in the catastrophe – food for the vampires?

  Find out in Behold This Night, Volume 3 of the Vampires Of Livix trilogy.

  About the Author

  J Gordon Smith has always had a secret indulgence in reading Vampire stories from the classics like Dracula and Carmilla to more modern interpretations such as Interview With The Vampire and Those Who Hunt The Night while having fun reading the Twilight series. He hopes you find entertainment in his modified Vampires of Livix universe and the characters that struggle and flourish within it.

  Principle outline for the plot of this novel and the series was completed in February 2012. Writing commenced soon after and completed by September 2012. Writing and editing was completed using Linux (10.04 & 12.04) operating system and the productivity suite (3.5). Cover artwork was created with the Gnu Image Manipulation Program, (2.6).

  J Gordon Smith resides in a suburb outside of Detroit, Michigan and runs a successful Engineering and General Business Consulting firm, Velocity Motive LLC, supporting both local and global corporations involved with producing cars and trucks that you probably own and drive every day.

  Other Books Written by J Gordon Smith

  The Gemstone Series

  Book I: The Diamond Coronal

  Book II: The Black Jewel

  Book III: The Fire Gem

  Book IV: The Blue Crystal

  Book V: The Crimson Furl

  These are traditional Epic Swords & Sorcery stories filled with Heroes and Heroines, swords, dragons, and other monsters and magic. The first four books can be read in any order as the events occur along the parallel paths of each main character. Book five occurs at the end of the first four books and it takes all the main characters and all of their growing powers and abilities to save the land from the ancient evil overtaking it in The Crimson Furl.

  The Diamond Coronal – Book I of the Gemstone Series

  “No!” Maurius cried hoarsely as Dorran’s body crumpled to the bloody ground. The lieutenant spun in the crunching gravel path and, with a grin of triumph, he ran toward Maurius – intent upon another kill –

  The wizard Maurius seeks a mysterious staff named the Gnarled Burner, blamed for the demise of the inquisitive Snowy Elves a thousand years ago. What begins as a leisurely academic quest into the snow and ice covered Northern Mountains quickly turns into a sprint through the arctic cold to find the staff before it falls into evil hands. Can Maurius avoid the Rubied Assassins that attack him wherever he goes? Will he prevail against creatures nearly forgotten in myth that eerily haunt him behind every stone and hill? What ancient evil awoke bringing war to the land with the vengeance of old dragons?And what dangerous Destiny lurks in the Diamond he carries, has always carried, yet does not know from where it came?

  Find out in The Diamond Coronal, Book I of the Gemstone Series

  The Black Jewel – Book II of the Gemstone Series

  Sylanna’s jaw scraped against the rough plastered wall, “You cannot be one of the guardsmen.”

  “And how did you guess that? Was it my curt accent or my fashionable attire?” His sweaty arm clamped tighter, grinding into her belly, while his other hand held a long dagger against her throat. Sylanna’s mind scattered. She had not even heard him approach!

  The talented thief Sylanna flees to a remote monastery after she is attacked by the Rubied Assassins. But she learns the quiet monastery is anything but silent; pious monks plot against each other, executions and murder are brushed aside, ancient secrets are buried deep under the fortified structure, while the studious leaders supply the brewing War. Will Sylanna survive the monastery and its suspicious monks? Will she escape the Rubied Assassins or will they surprise her behind the monastery’s thick walls and wide moat? Who can be a friend and who is secretly an enemy? Even the Black Jewel, a comforting talisman she has carried since childhood, clutches a dangerous Destiny that unwinds as the menace approaches. Can she stop the evil?

  Find out in The Black Jewel, Book II of the Gemstone Series

  The Fire Gem - Book III of the Gemstone Series

  Koren stood and slowly turned in the smoky dust from the shattered throne, her swords still ringing from their violence. She growled behind eyes flaming with battlefield ferocity, “We will have no more sitting – We Go To WAR!”

  Victory in the violent Kelvin Arena sowed envy and filled the tribal leaders with contempt against the savage warrior Koren. While scarcely believing a human could best the fearsome eight armed kelvin gladiators, they grudgingly gave her blades uneasy respect.

  But now strange enemies wielding ancient magic murder whole villages of t
he mighty kelvin without a breath of resistance. Koren urgently seeks salvation from the magic with the ancient Sword of Aleron – a broken blade scattered across the dangerous Swamps of Kal at the end of the last Great War – and it must be forged anew in the fires that made it. Attacked by nightmarish creatures and pursued by relentless teams of Rubied Assassins can Koren save the kelvin from slaughter? Will treasonous kelvin leaders betray her when confronted by old emotions, ancient enemies, and a War now unearthed? Can she forge the chaotic tribes into a single force to repel the impending menace? And what are the disturbing visions seething within her Fire Gem – an ancient Destiny she cannot escape?

  Find out in The Fire Gem, Book III of the Gemstone Series.

  The Blue Crystal - Book IV of the Gemstone Series

  Tyric dropped to his knees, his helmet falling from his slackening fingers, “She can’t be dead!”

  The fair elves living in the Enkarian Forests have hidden secrets. A thousand years of secrets that threaten survival of all the races in the land. Evil monsters and magic long thought lost in legend and myth have returned to fight a War left dormant for a thousand years. Will Tyric understand his Destiny in time? Will he find the Dragon’s Egg and unite the fickle elves to help the humans and kelvin repel the impending menace? What did the insane Elf King lead him into?

  Find out in The Blue Crystal, Book IV of the Gemstone Series.




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