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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 3

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by Ursula Lovelace

  I started by putting on my new set of lingerie. It was dark and lacy with an easy hooking mechanism. I didn’t struggle to put it on. The strap itself was firm with a little give to it. I loved how it felt against my bare skin. A pair of matching panties completed the look.

  I put on some stockings that came with the lingerie. They felt more comfortable than that pantyhose I wore earlier. The whole thing was rather snug. I didn’t feel much pressure against my cock under my panties.

  The dress itself was a tasteful one piece. There was a slit to the side that revealed a bit of my thigh. It was a bit showy but the price I got it at was a complete steal.

  The high heels I purchased took some time to get used to. They were opened toed and you could see my painted toenails under the foot of my stockings. Everything looked perfect from my clothes to my wig and makeup.

  Well, not everything.

  The bra didn’t fit me on account of me not having any breasts. Thankfully, there was an easy solution for that. The lingerie package came with a set of gel molds to rest the bra on when not in use. It was similar to shoe inserts that kept the shape of footwear when you weren’t using them. I just placed the gel molds under my bra and gave myself a nice C-cup.

  I moved around with the padded bra and got used to the feel of them. It was pretty damn believable. They shook and moved like the real thing. Even my cock was unnoticeable under my panties. The tight fabric conformed to the curves of my body.

  In fact, I could barely recognize my body. I hadn’t done much too it. I just always had a slender, womanly build to begin with. The dress really brought out my natural shape.

  As a teenager, people always said I could pass for a girl. I never had the square jaw of the macho guys. With a skillful use of makeup, I had finally transformed myself into a woman.

  My face had a fresh batch of makeup on it. Gloss, foundation, and lipstick added another level of believability to my appearance. A new coat of eye shadow brought out the shape of my eyes. My rosy cheeks burned with a quiet heat.

  Finally, I covered my barely visible Adam’s apple with a choker. Altogether, I looked rather stylish for someone who was supposed to keep a low profile. Perhaps, that wasn’t the best strategy but you need to dress up when going to a bar.

  As much as I marveled at my new look in the mirror, I knew this wasn’t just for fun and games. This was a matter of survival. I needed to earn money as Erika if Edward wanted to live.

  I couldn’t just be seen as some cross-dresser. I needed to be mistaken for the genuine article. I couldn’t afford people to look at me twice, especially the mobsters hunting me. These bad people were on the search for a man to make an example of.

  Not a woman.

  After strutting around in high heels for practice, I decided it was time to get the show on the road. I needed to find a client to give illegal accounting advice to. I only had to fear the mob if they suspected that I was Edward and checked under my dress. If nothing else, a night of drinking would take the edge off.

  Chapter 3

  Later that night, I took a taxi to the bar in question. The driver didn’t have the slightest suspicion that I was actually a guy. In fact, he couldn’t help flirting with me all the way to my destination. I had to stop myself from laughing. Thankfully, it was a short ride to the bar.

  “Anytime, miss,” he said, handing me a calling card. When I took out some bills to pay him, the taxi driver stopped me. “Free of charge.”

  “Thanks,” I laughed, pocketing my money and the card. Maybe being a woman had its fair share of perks. “I’ll keep you in mind.”

  When I approached the bar, I saw a long line waiting to be let in. Thankfully, women were on the fast track. The tall, imposing bouncers waved me in. “Have a nice night, ma’am.”

  I could get used to this kind of treatment.

  I sat at the bar and ordered a drink to look fashionable. I placed my handbag over my crotch. I was so self-conscious of myself. I knew the mob was looking for me. They made examples out of people who didn’t pay back their debts.

  I scanned around for an easy mark. I still had my skills as an accountant and tax season was a few months away. I just needed to make enough money to get a ticket out of this country.

  For better or for worse, men were starting to eye me. I felt my skin turn hot under their gaze. I knew they weren’t interested in financial help. They wanted something more carnal from me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t give it to them.

  I needed a drink to steady myself. Thankfully, the bartender finished servicing someone else and came to me. “Anything for you, madam?”

  “A gin and tonic,” I answered with a sigh. I didn’t want to spend too much on drinks. I was here to make money rather than spend what little I had on booze. “Here you go.”

  However, the bartender stopped me from paying. “Keep it. Someone already paid for your drink.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

  He smiled as he handed me my drink. “A secret admirer.”

  My heart thundered at that answer. I feared that it was a mobster who had recognized me. It was a paranoid thought but it never hurt to be careful. I took a long sip of my drink to calm myself down. The liquid burned softly down my mouth.

  Technically, I should have been dead by now. If I had agreed to meet with the mob, then they would’ve likely killed me. I didn’t have nowhere near the cash to pay off the loans and interest. They would’ve harvested my organs and tossed my sorry carcass into the city dump.

  It would be even worse if they found me now. I was dressing up as a woman in a seedy bar. They would think I was some pervert. Talk about adding insult to injury.

  “Another one?” the bartender offered. “It’s also on the house. I think your admirer really wants to win you over.”

  It seemed this guy was genuinely interested in me. I giggled and asked. “Just who is my secret admirer?”

  “That guy’s been staring at you for hours,” he answered, pointing to a man in the distance. The bartender then gestured for him to take a seat beside me. “Why don’t you have a chat with him?”

  I saw the man approach me from the distance like a specter. Something about him was all too familiar. He wore a dark three piece suit with shoes that cost more than my entire outfit.

  This man was rather handsome with dark hair and darker eyes. He looked to be in great shape. I could see the muscles under his suit. There was something about him that made me feel as though we had met before…

  That’s when I recognized who he was.

  It was Gerald. the mob’s head of security.

  I was too paralyzed to get up and run. I didn’t know how this mobster had found me. He had been staring at me for hours like some predator hunting his prey. I tried to look elsewhere but it was too late.

  I didn’t know how the hell I was going to get out of this one.

  “Hey there babe,” Gerald said warmly, sitting down next to me. “I hope you enjoyed your drink. I can get you another one if you like. Whenever I see a lovely lady drinking alone, the drink is always on me.”

  I couldn’t believe it. This guy actually thought I was a woman. I must have really done a home run with my makeup. Gerald must have been checking me out instead of stalking me. I forced a smile and said. “Thanks a lot…”

  However, it opened up another problem. I could see the look on his face. Gerald wanted one thing and one thing only. A part of me couldn’t blame him for wanting to fuck me. I had put on a rather beautiful disguise. My clothing wasn’t much but my natural curves made most of it.

  Nonetheless, I had to be cautious with my next move. If I upset Gerald, then it could easily blow my cover. I needed to let him down gently and get out of here.

  “My name’s Gerald by the way,” he began, smiling at me. His tone was playful rather than deadly. “Are you new to Las Vegas?”

  I decided to play along. “My name’s Erika. No, I’ve been here for some time. I’m actually thinking about leaving it soon.” />
  Gerald chuckled. “Well, don’t run off so soon, Erika. Las Vegas is a nice place if you know where to go.”

  Mobsters didn’t move up the ranks of their organization by playing nice. They killed and maimed others to get ahead. These men took what they wanted without thinking twice about it. I needed to be careful around a man like him. “And you know where to take a girl like me?”

  He nodded and gestured to the bartender for another drink. “I know this place like the back of my head.”

  “That’s useful.”

  “You must be new around here,” he continued, giving me a flirtatious look. “Most people around these parts are a bit intimidated by me. You, on the other hand, seem to enjoy having a pleasant conversation with me.”

  “Maybe I just enjoy pleasant conversations,” I replied. I tried not to betray too much interest. I needed to act casual. “What do you do around these parts, Gerald?”

  He leaned in and said. “Are you poking your nose into my business?”

  I nearly gulped. “I understand if your job is government related.”

  Gerald laugh and placed his hand on my thigh. “Relax, my job’s the complete opposite of something in the private sector.”

  I saw an opportunity to get something out of him. Perhaps, I could get Gerald to give me information about the search for me. It would give me more to work with when planning my escape out of Las Vegas. I sipped my drink and asked. “What do you do for a living, Gerald?”

  “You can think of me as a hunter,” he explained, his hand still on my thigh. His skin was warm against my stocking clad leg. Gerald seemed to be really taken in by me. “I search for people who have wronged my boss. They might have insulted him and ran out of town. Or they tried to weasel out of a deal. Whatever the case, I find them and bring them in.”

  “I see…”

  “I never let my prey get away,” he laughed, flashing a smile at me. “This is true for both my work and my personal affairs.”

  I resisted the urge to shudder. “That’s very professional of you.”

  He was telling me too much. Perhaps, he was drunk. Or maybe he was trying to impress me and get inside my panties. Whatever the case, I got a dangerous vibe from this man.

  Gerald’s hand moved up my thigh. I needed to stop him before he went somewhere he wasn’t supposed to go. I decided to cut him off with a kiss.

  My heart fluttered as our lips melded. It was surprisingly gentle and warm. Gerald kissed me back with his hand moving up to grip my hip.

  Our kiss was surprisingly passionate for a pair of strangers. I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying this. The panic I felt earlier seemed to fade into the back of my head. After a moment, we broke apart.

  “You have quite a pair of lips on you,” he said, experiencing similar emotions about that kiss. I knew I had him hooked. I just wasn’t sure if this was necessarily a good thing. “How much for a private session with you? I have a private room upstairs. We can get to know each other better there.”

  I knew what he had in mind. Unfortunately, I wasn’t as keen on giving it to him. “Are you sure we can do that?”

  Gerald nodded and hinted at his criminal ties. “I’m good friends… with the manager of this establishment. He lets me and my colleagues have a few perks in exchange for the business we do with him. So what do you say?”

  The man seemed to think I was some kind of prostitute. They were a common sight in Las Vegas. I decided to push my luck. “How about five thousand for a very special… kiss?”

  I figured it would dissuade him and get the mobster out of my hair. However, Gerald contemplated the amount and glanced at his groin. “Five grand is a lot of money for a kiss down there.”

  It was too late to back down now. I needed to negotiate with him. “I’m worth it.”

  “I’ll give you a lot more than two thousand if you’re as good as you say,” he offered. It sounded more like a demand. I couldn’t believe I had let myself get trapped in this situation. “Why don’t we go upstairs for some privacy, Erika?”

  It didn’t look like Gerald would take no for an answer. “Of course.”

  Chapter 4

  I hopped off the barstool and followed him up the stairs. A large bouncer blocked the way but he immediately stepped aside for us. I guessed Gerald had some clout in these parts. The mob had its fingers in a lot of different businesses. This adventure to make a quick buck was turning into a misfire.

  Gerald opened the door and revealed a rather nice lounge. There was a large couch that could easily double as a bed. I knew that this room was for more than having a polite conversation.

  When the door closed behind us, it dawned on me what I had to do. My heart sank at the idea of going on my knees and sucking Gerald’s cock. Worse, a man like him would want more than just that. I wouldn’t be able to please him with my non-existent pussy.

  At the same time, I saw this as an opportunity. Gerald had a lot of money and wasn’t afraid to part with it at the right price. Maybe, I could turn the tables on the casino. A few thousand dollars would be enough for me to fly out of the country and disappear.

  Gerald sat down on the couch and patted it. “Join me.”

  It felt more like a threat. It didn’t help that I could see the holstered handgun under his jacket. Nevertheless, I had to play the part of the sexy bar patron. “Do you bring up every girl you meet, Gerald?”

  “Only the ones I like,” he chuckled as I sat next to him. His hand moved on to rub my knees before cupping one of my calves. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I would be all over your sexy body if I wasn’t such a gentleman.”

  I tried to hide the terror I felt. “You’re just teasing me, Gerald.”

  His hand moved up to caress my breast. Thankfully, the mold felt like the real thing. “Don’t sell yourself so short.”

  The tension of being caught was making my cock rock hard. I was afraid it would spring up from the side of my panties. Thankfully, Gerald was more interesting in kissing me.

  His tongue delved deep into my mouth as his hands groped me. I sensed his fingers move down to my crotch. I guided his hands onto my back where he began taking off my dress. I didn’t want him to strip me but I felt powerless to stop him.

  I felt my body betray me and give into his touch. It didn’t help that my cock rasped against the friction of my panties. It was getting unbelievably tight down there.

  My heart beat like a tripwire as he took off my dress. I only wore my bra and panties. Nonetheless, Gerald marveled at my body. “So beautiful…”

  I felt a strange burst of confidence at his words. He may have been the ruthless mobster here but I was the person in charge. Gerald looked like he was madly in love with me. The man was practically putty in my hands. I could take advantage of him and get the money I needed.

  “Wait,” I said, stopping him by placing a hand on his chest. I didn’t have a pussy but I did have something else. “I’ve got the best ass in town. But if you want it, you have to pay.”

  “I’ll pay you whatever,” he said, fishing out his wallet. The man’s balls were doing all the thinking for him. “I’ve got four grand on me right now. I can get the rest wired to you once we’re done.”

  I figured a high-ranking mob enforcer like him made a pretty penny over the years. “Fifty thousand dollars. All of it in cash.”

  Gerald didn’t even think twice about it. “Deal.”

  I almost wished I had held out for more. “Let’s get started.”

  This turn of events was unbelievable. A few hours ago, I was thousands of dollars in debt to the mob. Now, I was going to milk the man they sent to catch me for over twice the money I owed. Nonetheless, I had to give Gerald the fuck of his life.

  I began by wrapping my arms around him as he undressed. Soon, his bare chest was pressed up against my clothed breasts. His breath was hot against my cheek.

  He began kissing the side of my neck. The skin there was especially sensitive. The man may h
ave been a hired killer but he knew how to kiss.

  I almost felt a little bad for Gerald. It didn’t feel completely right to take advantage of him. Of course, ‘almost’ was the operative word. The mob had tricked me into taking on debt. Now, they were out for my blood. People like him really had it coming.

  Gerald brought a finger to my chin and said. “God, you’re so beautiful. I knew I wanted you the moment I saw that sexy body of yours. I want that tight ass of yours…”

  Although I would get in a lot of hot water if caught, Gerald wouldn’t be much better off. Even if he didn’t mean to, the man was practically going to pay for my escape from Las Vegas. He would be in trouble with his mob boss for consorting with a debt runner like me. It didn’t help that I was a man in drag. The punishment for that offense could be a death sentence for the both of us.


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