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Kink's Way

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  The kiss was fierce, hard, and unforgiving. They pressed their tongues against the other, moving them together in an act that was erotic, and so sexually charged that every part of her body tingled in awareness. She had her hands in his hair, tugging at the strands, and trying to bring him closer. He growled and nipped at her lips, had his hands in her hair as well, and tilted her head back so he could deepen the kiss. She couldn’t seem get close enough to him, and was pressing herself against him like she was trying to crawl into his body.

  “I want you right now, baby,” he murmured, and then opened his mouth and pressed his tongue deeper into her. For several seconds he fucked her with his lips and tongue, delved in and out, faster and harder, and groaned against her so fiercely she felt the vibrations all the way to her clit.

  “Take me back to your room, Kink.” She couldn’t believe she was being so brash and forward with him. This was a first for her, but she wasn’t backing down. Placing her hands on his chest, she felt his body heat pulse outward. The crisp, leather scent of his cut filled her nose. The feeling of his hard, bulging muscles under his smooth shirt felt so good under her palms. He slipped his hand down her leg, lifted it up and over his waist, and dipped low enough that he now pressed his cock against her pussy. But then the kitchen door banged open. Kink didn’t move, and in fact kept kissing her, but she felt someone watching her, and heat flared to her face.

  She had her hands flat on his pecs, and she pushed him back. He retreated an inch, and this cocky grin spread across his face when he looked at who stood at the doorway. Tatum watched them, her scowl fierce and her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Kink, I said to talk to her, not,” she waved her hand up and down toward them, “do whatever the hell it is you’re doing with her back here.”

  “I’m sorry, Tatum.” Cookie was so damn humiliated. She couldn’t control herself long it seemed. She had nearly screwed Kink right here, in the kitchen of the clubhouse with people right on the other side of the wall.

  “Honey, don’t be sorry. When Kink sets his mind to something Superman couldn’t even stop him from getting it.” Tatum rolled her eyes and walked over to the stove. “But I could use some help preparing dinner for everyone. I think a nice home cooked meal will help ease people a little after everything that happened.” Tatum turned her back on them to grab supplies.

  Cookie tried to move past Kink, but he caged her in again, leaned in close to her ear, and said in a voice low enough only she could hear, “I want you tonight, Cookie. I want to make you bite your lip hard enough you cry out and bleed for me.”

  He was making her hot all over again, but no, she couldn’t succumb. She wouldn’t.

  “Later tonight, baby, I want you to come to me.” He leaned back and stared at her. “And when you come to my room, all ready and wet for me to take you, I’m going to make you come. Hard.” And then he winked, grinned once more, and tuned to leave her alone in the kitchen. She was wet, needy, and stunned.

  “Girl, you better be prepared for a whole lot of trouble getting involved with one of these boys,” Tatum said and looked over her shoulder. But there wasn’t any reprimanding on the woman’s face. In fact, Tatum actually smiled.

  “Are you telling me this is a bad idea?” Cookie was only half teasing, but she did respect what the older woman had to say. She had been involved with this lifestyle for years, and she knew her shit.

  Tatum turned around and shook her head. “No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that if you think this will only be a moment of getting it on with a bad boy, you might be surprised at the lengths a biker will go to claim a woman.”

  Now it was Cookie’s turn to shake her head. “I don’t need a boyfriend.”

  Tatum chuckled. “Honey, there is no such thing as a boyfriend in this lifestyle. If one of these guys wants you, like really wants you, than they will not stop until they have every part of you.” Tatum stared at her for a few seconds. “And that’s the truth, Cookie. Kink wants you, and it isn’t going to be for a few hours in his bed, that you can guarantee.”

  Chapter Eight

  The dinner had been nice, if noisy, but it was very family oriented. People were laughing and smiling despite the shit that had happened. And even though the members of the club tried to keep this easygoing attitude, more than likely to make things more comfortable for everyone, she could tell they were tense and on alert. They probably had so many violent things on their mind it would make the entire room dark with the cloud.

  But they had finished dinner hours go, things were cleaned up, and everyone was settling in for the night. The clubhouse was a big lodge style cabin. With everyone crammed inside, there were people spread out all over—the couches, the chairs, and all of the rooms on the first and second level were taken. But now here she was, standing by the bar and staring at the hallway that Kink had just walked down. It was now quiet, aside from the low murmurs she picked up from the rooms closest to the bar, and the ones sleeping on the couches.

  “You doing okay?” Tatum asked from beside her. The other woman had a stack of blankets in her arms and bags under her eyes.

  Cookie nodded. “Just tired and overwhelmed.”

  “I know, hun. We all are.” Tatum smiled. “I’m going to sleep in the same room with Callie, Molly, and Dakota, so if you need me you know where I’m at.”

  “Okay, and thanks. Get some rest.”

  Tatum nodded and turned to head upstairs. Cookie watched her disappear down the loft and then turned her attention back to the hallway. Kink’s room was the last door down the long expanse, and her pulse increased at the thought of actually doing what he said and going to him. He had stared at her all through dinner, and even when the guys had been sitting around drinking he had watched her still. It was this connection she felt when their eyes met, and she felt kind of silly for feeling it. Even at twenty-one she was young, but she had lived a hard life and felt far older than that.

  She dried the last dish, put it away, and set the dishrag on the counter. She was going to do it, push everything else away, and not take into account that Tatum had been warning her about the type of man Kink was. She knew who and what he was, because she had been watching him this whole time. But she didn’t care about any of that, even if she should, and found herself moving away from the bar. Cookie walked down the hallway, and stopped right in front of Kink’s bedroom door. Did he know that she’d cave and come to him like a hormonal teenager? She took a deep breath, lifted her hand to knock, but before she could bring her knuckles down on the wood, it opened and she stood face-to-face staring right at Kink.

  “Hey, baby,” he said low, in that husky voice that slid along her like he was actually reaching out and stroking her.

  He was shirtless, and the patch tattoo that was inked on his pec stood out in stark contrast to his tanned, firm flesh. He didn’t say anything else, and neither did she, but he did step back, opened the door wider, and curled the corner of his mouth up. She stepped inside, hearing nothing but her beating heart as she glanced around his room. It was pretty much barren aside from a bed and dresser, and of course some posters that showed half-naked women straddling motorcycles. Right above his bed and hanging on the wall was a giant flag of The Brothers of Menace patch logo. The heat of his body penetrated her back, and she closed her eyes and felt herself grow soft for him.

  “Look at me, Cookie.”

  She slowly turned around and stared at him.

  “You want this?”

  She nodded, not even hesitating. “I don’t think I’ve wanted a man as much as I’ve wanted you.” Honestly, the only thing she had ever wanted more than Kink was to live her life on her own, but choosing to be with Kink of her own free will was certainly something she was doing for herself.

  They stared at each other for a moment, and then they clashed together in a tangle of limbs, hands, teeth, and lips. He held onto her hips and walked her backward until she was pressed to the wall, right beside his bed. It was a massiv
e one at that, king sized, with rumpled sheets, and his clothing scattered on it. He smelled of fresh soap, and she lifted her hands and ran them over his damp flesh. The wall was made up of thick logs, and they scraped along her back unevenly, but that only seemed to inflame her desire even harder.

  “I want this for myself.” She was the one to murmur against his mouth now. She broke away from him and lifted her gaze so she was staring into his face. Kink used one hand to cup her cheek and moved his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip. “I don’t care that this will probably only be for tonight, and that I’ll just be another piece of ass to you.”

  He shook his head. “You’re not just a piece of ass to me, but I don’t think I can be the kind of man you need, baby.” He looked down at her mouth. “But then again I don’t think I can just walk away from you either.” He cupped the other side of her face and slanted his mouth on hers. He was gentle, not forcing or rushing, but letting her know that he wanted her, of that she was sure.

  Cookie gripped onto the loops of his jeans and pulled him forward so she could feel his erection against her belly again. “I want this, Kink. God, I want this so bad.” She had never said those words, and it felt liberating and free to say them.

  He slipped his tongue between her lips, and another guttural groan left him. And then she moved hers along his like he had done back in the kitchen. It was like her actions broke something inside of him. He kissed her deeper, more possessively, and she relinquished herself to him.

  “My cock is so hard for you, baby.”

  “Make me yours tonight, Kink.”

  He leaned in again until their lips were brushing together in the softest of ways. “Baby, you’re already mine.” He placed his hands by her head on the wall and looked into her face. “You’re not just club pussy to me, Cookie.” He pushed her hair off her shoulder. “I want you for more than just a few hours, baby.” He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, and then the top, and a surge pleasure moved through her. “You’re safe with me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and thrust her chest out so it pressed against his. Her breasts felt full, and her nipples ached. She wanted to be naked with him above her, thrusting deep into her body, and making her see nothing but the two of them together. She wanted to feel the heavy weight in his hands holding her down, keeping her stationary so he could devour her. Cookie grabbed his hair again and said in a more desperate voice, “Make me forget about everything that doesn’t have to do with right now.” She didn’t need to ask him twice.

  Kink gripped her ass and squeezed hard. He lifted her easily off the ground and claimed her mouth at the same time she wrapped her legs around his waist. He turned them around and immediately set her on the edge of the bed.

  She stared up at him, and watched as he pushed down his jeans. He hadn’t had them buttoned to begin with, and because he didn’t wear a shirt, when he pushed his jeans down and took them off, he was totally nude. Kink took hold of his dick and started stroking himself as he watched her. He was already rock hard, and she swore as she stared at his erection, it grew harder right before her eyes.

  “You keep staring at my cock like that and I’ll come before I’m even balls deep in your pussy, baby.”

  Her breath hitched at his erotic words. Cookie didn’t want to go slow, and she wasn’t about to be timid either. She took of her shirt, and tossed it on the ground, and then reached behind and unlatched her bra. Her heart was pounding fast and hard, and never had she wanted something as much as she wanted him. She tossed her bra to the ground, and the movement had her breasts shaking.

  Kink’s abdomen had ripples and indentations of muscle, and that defined V that was like an arrow right down to his erection. Cookie probably stared at him a little longer than she should have, but she honestly couldn’t help it. She looked down at his cock again, and watched as he moved his palm up and down his huge shaft. His focus was on her breasts, and she wanted to titillate him like he was doing to her. Cookie gripped her breasts and started squeezing the mounds.

  “That’s it, baby.” He was breathing harder and stroking himself harder, faster. His muscles clenched and hardened. The man was built, and his dick was no exception, long, thick, and with a crown that was wider than the shaft. A fresh wave of moisture left her. She was wet, almost embarrassingly so, but she wasn’t going to stop this.

  “Take the pants off, baby,” he said in that harsh, almost animalistic voice of his.

  Letting go of her sensitive breasts, she slid her hands down her belly, and stopped at the button of her pants. Once it was undone and the zipper down, her arousal started to mix with apprehension.

  “I should go slow with you, make love to you, Cookie,” he said on a groan.

  “If I wanted to be made love to I would have told you,” she said as she breathed through her arousal. “I want you to claim me.”

  He made this low, guttural sound. “Push the pants off, Cookie.” He lifted his gaze from her breasts, and looked at her face. “Let me see all of you.”

  She stood, pushed the pants down, and then did the same with her panties. She wasn’t embarrassed of how she looked, even if she knew there was scarring from Morris’s attentions. They were small, white raised lines, ones she had gotten when he beat her with his belt when she disappointed him, or when he was turned on. God, he beat her just for the hell of it sometimes. This was her body, her life, and she wasn’t ashamed of it. It was that strength that made her a survivor. Cookie saw the way Kink scanned her body with his gaze, watched as he stopped on the few scars she had on her thighs and hips, but fortunately he didn’t comment on them. He did, however, clench his jaw tight, and she was pretty sure she heard him growl low in his throat.

  “I don’t want to go there, and I don’t want your mind there either,” she said with determination.

  He swallowed, closed his eyes, but nodded eventually. He stared at her for several seconds, and then in a low, deep and deadly voice, he said, “Place your feet flat on the bed, baby, and spread them wide.” He slowly trailed his gaze up her body, stopped on her breasts for a suspended moment, and then looked at her face. “I want to eat your pussy out until you come all over my face. I want my lips covered in your cream, Cookie.”

  Her heart felt like it was going to burst right through her chest. She did as he asked, placed her feet on the bed and spread her legs wide enough that she felt her thigh muscles protest from the act. For several seconds he looked at her face, and then moved his gaze back down her body and right between her legs.

  “Look at that, baby, all pink, wet, and needy for me.” He took a step forward and then dropped to his knees in front of her. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, and he exerted a little bit of pressure, opening her up one more inch, and leaning in forward. His hot breath moved along her pussy, and her inner muscles clenched.

  “Lay back for me, Cookie, and let me make you feel good.”

  Cookie didn’t take her eyes off him as she slowly lay back on the bed. She curled her hands into the sheets and felt perspiration start to dot her body in anticipation. He rubbed his thumbs along her inner thighs, moving closer and closer until she felt him gently brush the edge of her pussy. The blood moved right below the surface of her skin, and she heated further. But he didn’t put his mouth on her like she thought he would … like she desperately wanted him to do. Instead, he lifted her legs up, pressed them to her chest so she was obscenely opened for him, and lightly blew a stream of air along her body. A shiver worked through her. Closing her eyes and curling her hands into the sheets even harder, she tried to steady her breathing.

  Cookie lifted her head and forced herself to look at him. His focus was right between her legs, and this fierce, look covered his face. “Goddamn, baby, I am going to tear your pussy up until you won’t even be able to sit down without thinking of me.”

  “You have such a dirty mouth.” She gasped out and let her head fall back against the bed.

  He didn’t respond, just used
his thumbs to spread her even wider, and then placed his open mouth right on her pussy. Over and over he moved his tongue from her clit, flattened it all the way down her slit, and then moved it around her opening before pressing his tongue into her body. The sounds that left him vibrated against her clit, and it didn’t take much for her orgasm to start to rise.

  “Don’t think, baby. Just let go for me.” Kink started renewing his efforts. He licked and sucked, rubbed and nipped at her until she couldn’t stop the shaking that soon took over her entire body. “Oh, yeah, baby. I fucking love seeing you like this.” He muttered the words right on her clit, and that little bundle of nerves swelled even further. And right when she started to come he moved his hands lower to grip her flesh in a pleasure/agony filled action. A startled gasp left her, but it wasn’t to stop him.

  Her orgasm crashed through her like a strike of lightning, stealing her vision, her mind, and her very comprehension of what was happening. She might have cried out, but all she could hear was the blood rushing through her veins.

  “You doing okay?” Kink said in between running his tongue along either side of her pussy lips. She opened her eyes, lifted her head, and watched as Kink pressed his hips into the mattress continuously. He was dry-humping the bed, so lost in his own haze that he couldn’t even control himself, obviously.

  “You want more, Bailey?” He curled his fingers into her flesh, and a gasp of pain and pleasure left her. “You want me to give you it until you think you can’t take anymore?” It was like he spoke in riddles, but she found herself nodding, muttering incoherent things, because she couldn’t even form a word. “Tell me, Bailey, tell me you want more.” He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she opened her mouth on a silent cry.

  “I want more.” She breathed out that word, not even sure if he heard her.

  “Christ, baby. I am so fucking hard for you that I could come right on this mattress, just soak the fucking sheets.” He still had his hands around each of her thighs, clenching and unclenching her. He lifted his head and looked at her. “I want to be inside of you so damn badly.”


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