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Working Romance

Page 15

by Susan Kohler

  “Well, I wouldn’t want you to feel obligated, but if you insist.” He stood up and lifted her, carrying her to the bed. “I guess I could let you even the score. Maybe we’ll even start a whole new ball game after that.”

  “As long as you’re not late for work tomorrow. I wouldn’t want to make you late two mornings in a row.” She lay back on the wide bed and reached for him.

  “Then you’ll just have to get me up early.” He moaned as she trailed soft exploring kisses down his chest.

  “No problem, I’ve got you up right now.” She lowered her mouth to him.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next afternoon Kate was cleaning her house when she heard a knock at the front door. She found find a delivery boy on her front steps holding a large box. He handed her an envelope with a card in it.

  The card said, “Be sure to send the delivery boy away before you open this. Love, Bob.”

  She gave the boy a generous tip, sending him on his way before she opened the box. There was a single, perfect red rose bud on top of the lilac tissue paper. Under the tissue paper was a couple of dozen pairs of soft, lacy panties and at least a dozen teddies, in all colors imaginable. Even a few lacy bras. As she explored her gift she found an envelope with something lumpy in it. She opened it to find a key and a note.

  The note read: I wish it was a key to my heart, but it’s only the spare key to my house. Also, don’t panic but my mother now has your phone number, and the reunion is definitely going to be at our house. I hope this makes up for the pair I ripped off your gorgeous, sexy body. I even bought extras in case some of these get “accidentally” torn, too. I love you. Bob.

  She called Bob at the office. “What a sappy, sentimental thing to do.”

  “You didn’t like it?” he asked.

  “I liked it so much it made me cry,” she admitted.

  “Women are weird, wonderful, but weird.” He was laughing.

  “Bob, one thing, you already gave me a key to your house. Remember the other night?” she asked softly.

  “I remember that night very well. I know I told you to keep the key but I still want my neighbor to have a spare,” he told her, leaning back in his office chair as he spoke to her, “and it seemed more romantic to give you a key than to give one to her. Symbolic somehow.”

  When he got home that evening, he was the only audience to a very short fashion show featuring female intimate apparel. However the planned show was cut short due to the audience’s inability to keep his hands off the model.

  They spent the weekend together quietly. A good portion of the time was really spent working. Bob brought home some of the paperwork that had been building up around the office while things were so unsettled. Shelly was in the hospital and Diana had moved into the now open cash room position, replacing Tonya. Diana was still able to keep up with the bank reconciliations even with her new cash room duties, but there were too many outstanding invoices piling up in Accounts Payable.

  Bob and Kate worked online at her house. They entered data into a file and sent it to the office. They spent most of Friday evening posting invoices, then choosing and setting aside the bills that were due to be paid first.

  They took a couple of short breaks from their work to eat dinner and play with the dogs. When they finally had the majority of the work brought up to date; they went upstairs to play in the shower before going to bed. On Saturday morning they actually decided to go into the office for a while. There was a ton of filing to do. They worked slowly, savoring the slightly naughty feeling of wearing T-shirts and shorts at work and fooling around in the office.

  They also did a quick but careful search of Jerry’s office. The unanswered questions were plaguing both of them. How did he know he was about to be caught? Did he know who had found the paper trail that led the police to him? Who were his accomplices? Where was he? Why had he needed the money? And, most important of all, was he bent on revenge or dangerous in any way? There were no answers to be found.

  They ended the working morning on the sofa in Bob’s office making slow, passionate love, finally fulfilling a mutual but unspoken fantasy they had shared since she first walked into his office.

  Finally, the conversation returned to work. “When Shelly is able to return to work, she’ll take over Accounts Payable with a new girl, and you’ll act as assistant controller, level with Laura. You’ll focus more on Cost Accounting and Auditing. She’ll cover Payables, Receivables and Bank Reconciliations. We’ll need to hire the new girl right away to keep up the work in AP.” Bob planned as they relaxed in his big, plush office.

  “Is there enough work for you to have two assistant controllers?” Kate asked. “I mean, you’ve been doing just fine with one before now.”

  “True, but soon we’ll be opening four more stores, taking over some of the regional work from Arizona, plus adding an in-house store credit card and a regional catalog sales office. The workload will go up quite a lot.” Bob reminded her, “And Laura will have to cut back, sooner or later, because of her pregnancy. Our eventual forecast calls for four clerks handling AP and three handling Receivables, in addition to a new section dealing with credit and collections.”

  “So we hire?” she questioned.

  “Yes, and we start now, so we have plenty of time to check references and do background checks. We want to have everyone in place and trained when the new stores open,” he replied.

  “Will you advertise or go through an agency?” She wanted to know.

  “I thought I’d just leave it up to my new assistant controller,” Bob whispered against her hair.

  “Fine with me, but you realize that all the women I hire are going to be homely. Good, well-qualified workers, but homely,” she threatened.

  “That’s okay, homely women need jobs, too. But is there really any such thing as a homely woman? I thought beauty was only skin deep,” he kissed her, “that’s what they say on all the talk shows.”

  “It is, and you’re right.” She kissed his nose lightly. “How politically correct of you, and I know you really mean it.” Kate sighed, “But you can’t blame me for trying, can you?”

  “As long as the same code of appearance applies to the men you hire,” he warned sternly.

  “Of course not! I want handsome, well-built, single, muscular stud-muffins,” she declared strongly. “I think Laura will back me up on this point, one hundred percent! Maybe we can go to the cove to recruit . . .”

  Bob put a finger over her lips, “I have an idea, why don’t we work together on the hiring? I’ll pick the women and you pick the men?” Bob suggested.

  “Or I could just drive you so crazy in bed that you won’t even know what the female applicants look like,” Kate teased.

  “Now that sounds like a plan.” Bob pushed her back into the deep cushions of the sofa again. “Kate, you aren’t really jealous are you? Thinking that I might hire someone for their looks or make a play for them?”

  “Of course not. You’ve never done it before me, and you sure won’t now. Remember, trust is part of love? I’m just pulling your leg,” she admitted.

  “There’s more of me for you to pull,” he leered.

  “Why boss man, how you talk.” She pulled him down to her. “You’ll have me blushing.”

  “As long as I have you, I don’t care if you’re blushing or not.” He kissed her.

  They spent early Saturday afternoon relaxing by Bob’s pool before getting ready for Laura’s party. Like most of the parties in Southern California at the hottest time of the year, it was to be a casual affair, a backyard barbecue with lots of hanging lanterns, loud music, and tables piled high with food. Unlike most parties, the main feature was a genuine pit barbecue.

  Bob and Jack had dug the pit the day before and buried the meat. They used a corner of their backyard where a garden was soon going to be planted. Bob and Kate’s relaxing afternoon was cut short when he had to go over to Laura’s and help Jack dig up the beef. Kate went with him to see if
she could help Laura with anything. Laura made a barbecue sauce from scratch that made Kate’s head swim, but it was really terrific, and the meat was perfect, tender, juicy and had a great smoky flavor.

  Once the food was ready they went home to dress up for the casual party. Kate fussed over her appearance, something Bob claimed must be a woman’s thing. He was happy as long as he could grab a quick shower and put on clean denim shorts and a polo shirt. Kate, however, had more to do than shower and change into a party dress. She washed her hair and dried it, then she brushed her hair, used her curling iron to give it some body, and piled it on top of her head. Then she started putting on make-up.

  “What exactly is the difference between dressing up for a casual party and dressing up for a formal one?” Bob asked as he watched her, fascinated.

  “When you dress up for a casual party, you use a tad less make-up, do your hair yourself, and wear a dress that’s perfect but casual,” Kate explained. “For a formal affair, you have your hair and nails done, use more dramatic make-up and buy a dress that’s to die for.”

  “Makes sense to me.” Bob grinned indulgently, “Are you going to wear my favorite sundress?”

  “If you’d like.” she laughed at him. “I do have other dresses, you know.”

  “But I like the way that one shows off your, um . . . assets.”

  “Pig.” She grinned, reaching for the dress.

  At the party, aside from the two of them and Laura and Jack, there was quite an expected guest list: Frank and John, some of Jack and Laura’s friends, and almost everyone from the office accounting department, and their dates or spouses, even a few of their kids. Laura even invited most of the neighborhood so that they wouldn’t call the cops if it got too noisy.

  Shortly before leaving to go to Laura’s, Bob told Kate, “All the women from the office will be there. John approved it because they’ve all been completely cleared. I held a short meeting and told them you were investigating the thefts. They understand that you were only dismissed as a ploy to make the real thief relax and show himself or herself. What they don’t know is that you were involved in catching Tonya. All I told them was about your investigation of Jerry’s embezzling.”

  “Do they see me as a snitch?” She put down her mascara and turned away from the mirror to face him, worried.

  “No, most of them realized that their jobs were at stake and you saved those jobs.” He grinned and kissed her before handing the lipstick to her. “At least that’s how I told it.”

  “But there is some resentment?” she asked with concern still in her eyes.

  “Rita and Mary are a little upset because they stood up for you when you didn’t need it.” He told her, “Remember, both of them went after me at one time or another. Laura too.”

  “I’ll have to smooth some ruffled feathers,” she smiled a bit sadly, “and thank them; I really appreciated their support and sympathy even if it wasn’t totally necessary.”

  “If you give me a romantic kiss me in front of them it may go a long, long way towards soothing those feelings. Both of them have been trying to get me fixed up with someone as long as I’ve known them.” Bob suggested, “Give them credit for playing cupid.”

  “No problem, I’ll give you a romantic kiss wherever you’d like, and as often as you’d like. Maybe I’ll enlist the two of them in our plan to get Cheryl and John together. Then, of course, Laura and I have to go to work on Frank.” She smiled. “I promised to find him a shrew.”

  “A shrew?” Bob was puzzled. “Why do you want to find him a shrew?”

  “So I can watch her tame him, of course, it should be a wonderful match.” She sighed dreamily, “He’ll run and fight. There should be some wild and interesting battles, but if we find the right woman, he’ll lose, big time.”

  “I thought you were his friend.” Bob was still trying to figure it out.

  “Bob, my love, get a move on, we’ll be late.” As they went to the door, she explained, “In the case of love, if he loses the fight, he’ll really win the war. You’d better understand that, darling, or you’re in big hairy trouble.”

  “Yes dear. I’m glad you’re here to straighten me out.” Bob faked a sheepish expression.

  “Darn right, Bozo, my love.” She kissed him before she got into the car, reaching down to give him a friendly pat on the zippered front of his slacks. “And parts of you straighten out really well.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He went around and got into the driver’s side. “How long do we have to stay at this party anyway?”

  “Not long, just until John has caught Cheryl’s interest, the accounting staff is back to their usual happy selves, and Laura and I have formulated a plan to get Petruchio, I mean Frank, a shrew.” She smiled and snapped her fingers. “We should be home and asleep by midnight.”

  “Correction Kate, we’ll be in bed by midnight. Sleep will take a little longer.” Bob smiled in anticipation.

  When they arrived at the party, most of the office staff came over to greet them. Frank caught her in a big hug, all the while grinning defiantly at Bob. He released her, kissing her cheek and she turned away to be greeted by the others.

  Cheryl gave her a quick hug. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re going to be coming back.”

  Rita was the next closest staff member, but she made no move over to Kate, so Kate walked over to her and hugged her.

  “Rita, I have to thank you for being my friend and comforter, even though I really wasn’t in any trouble.” Kate said softly, “Will you forgive me for deceiving you?”

  “Sure. I’m just glad to know that Laura and Bob aren’t really turning into slave drivers,” Rita said in a grudging manner.

  “Oh, Bob’s okay. He helped Laura with the cost of the food. Besides, I think he’s kinda cute.” Kate’s eyes flashed. “Do you think I should make a play for him?”

  “I think you probably already did.” Rita looked at her shrewdly.

  “Darn right, I’m not dumb. So who’s this handsome man?” She turned to Rita’s escort, a short man of about sixty with an interesting, but homely face.

  “That’s Fred, my husband. After thirty years, I guess I’m stuck with him.” Kate and Fred shook hands.

  Kate turned to give Mary a hug. “Thank you so much for being my defender. I hear you told Laura off in no uncertain terms. I hope you realize now that she was just playing a part, she’s been my best friend for more years than I want to even think about.” She was introduced to Mary’s husband, a tall good-looking Hispanic man. She also turned to greet Jennifer, Diana and Sherry and their boyfriends. Hugging each woman briefly and talking to each one individually, she made peace with them all.

  Sherry drew her away from the group. “Did you have anything to do with Tonya being fired?” she asked Kate pointedly.

  “Yes, I’m afraid I did. I’m sorry but I found out there was money being stolen by someone in the cash room. I didn’t know which one of you was behind it, so I left it to Bob and John from Loss Prevention.” Kate paused. “They both went out of their way to make sure you were never falsely accused or made to feel like you were under suspicion. They didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. They really care about your feelings.”

  “I see.” Sherry smiled weakly, “I have to think about that awhile. I guess you had no choice once you found the problem, you had to report it. I’ll admit I was feeling betrayed, like they were spying on me, but it would have been worse to be accused and questioned. Thank you for explaining that.”

  Kate left the women and went in search of Bob. She took the wineglass out of his hand and sipped it before handing it back to him. Then she reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers, kissing him firmly and possessively on the mouth.

  “I don’t think the natives are restless anymore,” she told him, “and I’m going to party. How many glasses of wine have you had?”

  “This is my first, why?” he wondered.

  “You are hereby designated to be the s
ober driver, that was your last glass of wine,” she told him firmly.

  “Yes, Ma’am. But can I still dance?” he asked dutifully.

  “Of course, but you are only allowed to enjoy it when you’re dancing with me.” Kate saw the door opening. “Oh good. Here’s John.”

  She went over to greet him and led him over to the buffet table where Cheryl was filling her plate.

  “John, here’s the food, help yourself.” She smiled. “Oh! Have you met Cheryl?”

  “Pleased to meet you.” He smiled at Cheryl, holding out his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” She watched as Kate walked away. “Something seemed funny about that introduction. It seemed sort of pointed. What was it? Do you think she made a point of introducing us because we’re the only African Americans here? Or am I nuts?”

  “Let’s sit over there,” he said, pointing to a bench at the side of the yard, “and I’ll tell you about it.”

  They walked over and sat down, their plates balanced carefully on their laps. “So, what’s up?” Cheryl asked.

  “I hope this doesn’t upset you but Kate made a point of introducing us because I asked about you when I saw you at the office, and she thought I wanted to get to know you,” John admitted.

  He smiled and continued, “In fact, Laura planned this party about three seconds after Kate shared that bit of information with her. They’re matchmaking and that short, pointed introduction was the reason why Laura threw this party.”

  “I knew Laura was ruthless, but Kate too?” Cheryl gulped her drink down. She studied John’s face for a minute, noting his warm humor and quick intelligence. It also didn’t hurt that he was handsome and well dressed in a white polo shirt and black pants. Not bad, she thought to herself.

  She smiled, “Well in that case you’d better at least dance with me since this kind of effort should be rewarded.”

  “Or else Laura will drag you down to the nude beach,” John agreed. At Cheryl’s questioning gaze he told her what he knew about how Bob and Kate really met.


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