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Working Romance

Page 19

by Susan Kohler

  “Go take a quick shower before you open this.” He kissed her and told her firmly, “You still have traces of teargas on you. It’s making me cry.”

  “You should feel it from my side,” she quipped.

  She had changed into a pair of scrubs at the hospital, but without a shower Bob was right, the gas was clinging to her. She went upstairs to take a quick shower while Bob went into the kitchen and fed the puppies. He mashed up some puppy food and puppy formula into a soggy mess, then he shut the two older dogs outside so the little guys could eat. They ate sloppily, climbing right into the shallow pan with the tiny amount of food. When they seemed finished, he used a slightly damp paper towel to clean them off. When he let the proud parents in, they licked the pan dry and then started licking and cleaning the puppies.

  He poured a couple of sodas and took them into the den. Soon Kate came back downstairs. She was in an extra-long T-shirt, one that hung almost to her knees, and her hair was still damp. There was a faint bruise on one cheek, a bit of rug burn on the other, and her eyes were still red. She sat beside him on the sofa and reached for her gift. When she had the box opened and looked at the contents, she sat there speechless looking at Bob. There were tears in her eyes and she was swallowing hard.

  “God, I love you. I can’t think of another man who would do something like this for me.” She kissed him tenderly.

  “I wanted to give you back your memories.” Bob hugged her. “And, I had a lot of help. Your parents, Ida and Laura were all in on this.”

  There were two photo albums in the box. The first one, the top one, was filled with pictures of her kids as babies. There were pictures of Joe with the kids. There were even some of Joe and her alone. The second album was almost an exact recreation of her wedding album.

  “How . . .” Her voice failed.

  “I’ve been calling everyone for at least a week nagging them to look through their old pictures for some of you and Joe, or old pictures of your kids. Your mother had quite a few, and so did Ida. We had some of the torn pictures restored by a photo studio that the Ad Company uses. Then we were really lucky when we found out where your wedding photographer had his office now. Laura knew his name but he’d moved. We called him. He had copies of all these in storage.”

  “Thank you.” She met his eyes, her gratitude shining in hers.

  “I also had the pictures put on a photo disc and had the disc copied so that one set could be put in a safety deposit box. That way they can never be lost again.” He smiled at her. “Now, can I see them? I can’t wait to look at them with you.”

  They sat side by side on the sofa. Kate showed him the pictures and somehow along the way, introduced him to Joe. Bob got a feeling for the kind of man he was: handsome, loving and laughing, but also a bit gruff. They looked at her wedding pictures. It had been a large formal wedding with all the trimmings.

  “Would you want another fancy wedding like that if you ever got married again?” Bob asked her, trying to sound casual.

  “I don’t think so. It was beautiful, but it was frankly a pain in the behind to pull it all together.” She cuddled up to him. “By the time my wedding day finally arrived, I was too tired to really enjoy it. The important the thing is having the people you love around you and marrying the right person. The ceremony is sacred of course, but the wedding stuff itself is all flash and fancy trappings. Who cares about the flowers, limos, and reception food, not to mention little details like napkins imprinted with your names and fancy place settings? Ugh! We even had matchbooks with our names on them and neither one of us smoked! The marriage is the important part, and that comes after the ceremony and the party ends.”

  “That makes sense,” Bob agreed. “I never realized weddings were so much work.”

  “You should read one of those books on how to plan a wedding.” She shivered. “They have pages and pages of lists and little calendars that tell you how long before the wedding you should have each item on each list completed.”

  In response Bob gave a low whistle and said, “Sounds like a mess.”

  “So,” she gave him a saucy grin, “why are you so interested in my opinion of weddings?”

  “No special reason, just making conversation, my love.” He kissed her. “Let’s get the puppies, I want to play.”

  “You used to like to play with me.” Her lower lip stuck out.

  “We can do that too, if you want,” Bob kissed her, “but I thought you might still be feeling a little queasy.”

  “You’re right, bring on the little guys.” She smiled.

  “Hey, by the way, I called your mom. She’s bringing the kids home tomorrow,” Bob told her casually, turning back to see her pleased expression.

  He brought the puppies in, along with Teddy and Charger. Kate and Bob got down on the floor and played with the little family until the puppies were tired. Then they put the litter back in the kitchen and made themselves a light dinner of soup and sandwiches. Finally, hand in hand, they went up to bed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The week following Jerry’s capture turned out to be very busy and happy for both Kate and Bob. Kate’s mother and grandmother flew home with the kids as soon as Bob called them, arriving early the next day. It seemed strange for Kate to realize that Bob had not met her mother. Introductions took second place, however, to the excitement of her kids when they saw the puppies. All the adults were kept busy rescuing the little black and white bundles of love from overzealous little fingers. Watching them, Kate knew she was right to keep the kids away from the puppies for a couple of weeks. If the kids had been just a bit older, she would have handled it differently, but this time it seemed the right thing to do.

  Kate’s mother and grandmother seemed to take to Bob really well. They remarked on his manners and his patience with the kids. They asked him about his family, his job, and his plans for the future.

  Kate’s grandmother took Kate aside. “Katie girl, that man is as nice as he can be, and he loves you. I want you to think about one thing though: Do you want to wind up with a man like that?”

  “Yes, Grandma. I want him. What’s wrong with him?” Kate asked, disappointed that her grandma seemed to have reservations about Bob.

  “Nothing at all is wrong with him, Dearie. Not one damn thing.” Her grandma winked and continued, “I just thought if you didn’t want him, I’d make a play for him myself. That man is tasty.”

  “Granny!” Kate almost choked laughing.

  “Hey!” She hugged Kate and said, “I’m old, not senile.”

  While Kate and Bob were at work each day, Kate’s mother and grandma helped her finish up the last minute details of redecorating Bob’s house and getting it ready for the family reunion which was set for the following weekend. There was almost no time to plan everything, but Bob’s family was eager to meet Kate. Kate’s mom and grandma did massive amounts of shopping, both for home decor and for food, and they spent hours cooking. Kate’s father spent a lot of time at Bob’s that week; he had to, it was where his wife, his daughter and the food were.

  Kate was a hero when she returned to work that week. The office girls were very concerned and upset about her kidnapping. So concerned that it was overwhelming. By midday Tuesday she was already tired of the constant pampering and attention. She just wanted to dig into her workload. Her paperwork was piled sky high on her desk and she had two women to interview for the Accounts Payable position.

  Then to top it off, the company president flew in from corporate headquarters in Texas for an unexpected business. The rumor around the office was that his visit involved the company thefts and also company policies regarding romance between fellow employees.

  The president ensconced himself in Bob’s office with Bob. It seemed like hours before anyone went in or came out. Kate tried to concentrate on her work but it was extremely difficult to avoid staring at the office door and wondering what was being said in that office.

  The president finally came over to Kate’s smal
l cubicle and introduced himself. He was a gruff man, mid-fifties, portly and handsome, dressed in a formal charcoal gray business suit. He looked over everything Kate had done. He questioned her about working at home investigating the thefts, and the backlog in Accounts Payable. With an unsmiling face, he asked her bluntly about her relationship with Bob, how it started and whether she felt it affected her job performance. After she answered his questions, he abruptly stood and left her cubicle. Kate shivered as she watched him walk back to Bob’s office. Once inside Bob’s office, he sat on the plush sofa without saying a word.

  Finally he said, “Damn it Bob, I know you have some bourbon in here. I put in the bar myself. Pour me a drink!” Bob poured him bourbon from the bottle he kept just for him.

  When it was in his hand, he drank some and sighed, “You know what the company policy is on dating between employees.”

  “Yes, I do.” Bob was reserved and cautious.

  “God knows what the policy is on marriage between employees. I don’t.” He sipped his drink. “What a mess! I don’t want to lose you; you’re damn good at this job and well liked by the staff. I also don’t want to lose her, she has a lot on the ball and I wasn’t easy on her out there. Looks good, too.”

  “So?” Bob asked.

  “So, if you two marry, I can guarantee that your jobs will not be threatened in any way.” He smiled, “You’d be a damn fool to pass up a woman like that, and who wants a damn fool working for them? I certainly don’t!”

  “Can you stay for the weekend?” Bob asked, feeling like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. “We’re having a party and I have a surprise for everyone, including Kate.”

  “I can’t, my wife’s birthday is coming and if I miss it, I’m a dead man.” He sipped again. “So what’s your surprise? I won’t tell.”

  Bob told him everything. The president laughed and said, “Maybe I’ll fly the wife out here, I’ve got to see this!” He sobered and asked in wonder, “But what’ll you do if she says no?”

  Bob had a very busy week ahead of him, but no one else knew it. He spent almost every second on the phone, to the point of making Kate feel almost neglected. He also spent massive amounts of money trying to get everything done in record time.

  Except for his mother, even his own family wasn’t aware of his plan.

  Her response when she heard was a concerned, “What’ll you do if she says no?”

  Kate, unaware of Bob’s plotting, barely had time to feel neglected since she was also very busy. She had hired a professional cleaning crew to come in and finish cleaning out her house, shampoo her carpets and clean her windows and drapes. Then she had some very basic furniture delivered, beds and mattresses, a kitchen table, a sofa and television, just enough to make the house livable. Kate and Bob would stay in the house from Thursday night throughout the reunion, leaving his house for his parents and his brother and his family.

  Bob’s family began to gather for the reunion the following Thursday. His parent’s flight in from Reno landed Thursday afternoon, and Kate and Bob had dinner with them that evening. Bob’s parents were warm, friendly people. His brother, Jeff, and his family arrived Friday evening. There was a spaghetti dinner with Bob, Kate, her kids, Bob’s parents, his brother and his family Friday night. To Kate’s surprise, Bob had also invited Ida. Together with George, they were both made to feel like part of the family.

  By Saturday morning Bob’s house was a zoo, filled with Bob’s family. Kate’s parents, along with Bob and Kate were there much of the time, and of course, the dogs and puppies, too. Bob’s sisters and both their families drove in. One sister lived to the south, near San Diego. The other sister and her family lived to the north, near San Bernardino. They were just far enough apart to make it a special occasion for everyone to get together.

  Once the group had assembled and Kate’s kids were included, there were thirteen kids, all under eleven.

  All the parents involved had a nightmare trying to keep both kids and dogs out of the swimming pool, even though there was an adult appointed to act as lifeguard at all times and a separate locked fence was around the pool. For the barbecue on Saturday night, friends and co-workers and their families had been invited, too. The barbecue was started late in the afternoon, and it was in use for the rest of the day; plus there were salads, breads, pies, cakes and homemade ice cream, all kinds of delicious food.

  They had a stereo system set up on the patio, so Bob invited his neighbors. He was copying Laura’s idea, attempting to keep them from complaining about the noise. With Bob’s neighbors it worked like a charm. As long as there was food and fun and they were invited to join in, they were willing to put up with the noise. He even invited Kate’s neighbor, Tim, but she wasn’t too disappointed when he declined. She was shocked that the corporate president showed up with his wife, even more so that he was cordial and charming. In fact, the man seemed outright happy. She was speechless when she later found out that he’d flown his wife in just for the event.

  The most common topic of conversation, after horror tales about Kate’s short-lived kidnapping, was marriage. Specifically, when were Kate and Bob getting married? Every time he was asked about it, Bob told the person to ask him again, later. Or ask him tomorrow. Kate’s answer was simpler. “He hasn’t asked me, and I haven’t asked him.”

  Before the night was over, Ida asked her when the wedding would be. She told Kate she had her blessing as long as she was still considered part of the family.

  Kate hugged her and said simply, “You will always be part of my family. You gave me Joe.”

  Later even her kids had asked if she was going to marry Bob. She talked to them, trying to reassure herself that they liked Bob, and would be happy to have him as a new daddy. She also wanted to avoid getting their hopes up because there wasn’t an engagement, yet.

  Saturday night, after everyone but family had gone home, Kate and Bob went back to her house. Bob’s brother and his family were staying in his house. With the few pieces of furniture Kate had bought, they had fixed things up at her house just enough to make it nice and comfortable for the night. Although Kate was still excited to have her kids home, they left them at Bob’s house to play with his brother’s kids. The privacy was wasted though in terms of lovemaking because between their heavy workloads, arranging the parties, following up with the insurance companies and police, and Kate’s bruised ribs, they only slept that night.

  Sunday was another beautiful late summer day. Everyone could tell Bob had something special set up. There was something about him, both tense and excited at once. Somehow, even though it was a last minute affair he had managed to rent the banquet hall at a nearby hotel, complete with a catered meal, and invited everyone, family, friends and even co-workers.

  He had also rented an extra suite near the banquet room and hired two members of the hotel staff to act as babysitters. In that suite they had games and toys for all the kids, plus videos and some special refreshments. There was also a place for tired kids to go and rest; and after a hefty bribe paid to the hotel manager, even a place for the dogs and puppies.

  The banquet room was filled to overflowing with flowers, all in shades of pink, yellow and peach. The setting was beautiful and the appetizers were fantastic. But the prime rib dinner was delayed. No one really minded since there was an open bar and a good live band. The whole party was extravagant, but all the guests, friends and family alike were puzzled.

  Weren’t family reunions supposed to be noisy affairs held outdoors? Picnics and barbecues, with games and laughter? Bob kept insisting it was perfectly normal to have a fancy dinner for friends and family. He said over and over that he just wanted everyone to have a wonderful time, to be totally comfortable and relaxed. He explained that he didn’t want the women to have to spend the day cooking or looking after kids.

  Besides, he went on, seeming just a little nervous, this party gave everyone a chance to get dressed up. The new family pictures would be beautiful. Most of the friend
s and family just drank the champagne and kept their thoughts to themselves but the word was out, this had all the earmarks of an engagement party. A surprise engagement party.

  Kate made her way around the room greeting everyone. She stopped to speak with Lanie. Although they barely knew each other, she had made a special effort to get Lanie to attend. Partly, of course, because of her matchmaking efforts with Frank.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Kate greeted the woman. “Please have some champagne and here’s some cider for your daughter.” She handed them matching champagne flutes. She spoke with Lanie’s daughter, Cassie and told her about the kids’ room. She offered to take Cassie there herself and suggested that Lanie go over and talk to Frank.

  When she returned from the kids’ room, she walked over to the bar for some champagne and found a quiet seat to relax for a second. Seeing her sitting there, Laura came over to Kate; for once she was subtle as she tried to pump her friend for the inside story.

  “You look beautiful, Kate.” She hugged her best friend. “Is that a new dress?”

  Kate looked down at what was indeed a new dress; a soft tangerine-colored cocktail dress cut with a rounded scooped neck. It was highlighted with subtle beading on the bodice, and the skirt was full and swirled as she walked. She had set her hair then left it loose and free, curling almost down to her waist.

  “Thanks, Laura. Bob bought it for me.” Kate smiled at the thought. “Let’s walk over to that open doorway, it’s hot in here.”

  The two women strolled over to the open French doors. There was a lull in the conversation until finally Laura asked Kate outright, “Is this an engagement party or what?”

  “Beats me.” Kate shrugged.

  “I do not!” Bob came up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist.


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