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Motorcycle Master: Bad Boy Angel (Alpha Male Master Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Oh, yeah, lucky, that's me."

  "Very lucky. Other people didn't fare so well."

  Tank frowned.

  "What are you talkin' about? What other people?"

  "Kratos and his girlfriend were killed in an accident on the freeway, and your other partner in crime, Dennis Handley, was shot and stuffed inside the trunk of a junked car."

  "You're shittin' me?" Tank muttered as a cold chill suddenly shivered through his body. "Kratos? Dennis? Fuck."

  "Did you know your bike was tampered with?"

  "Uh, yeah, but..."

  "But what?"

  "It don't make sense."


  "Fuck," he repeated, his eyes shifting from Johnny to stare at the ceiling.

  "What does that mean?"

  "I thought it was Kratos that messed with it, but if he's dead...fuck. What's goin' on?"

  'You've lost me," Johnny said genuinely confused. "Why would Kratos want to hurt you?"

  "He's like that, black and white," Tank grunted, moving his gaze back to Johnny. "He says it all the time. Black and white. Things are black and white."

  "You need to explain what you're talking about?"

  "There's a bad cat, a real bad cat, a cat you can't say no to. He, uh, he got the better of me, and I thought Kratos had found out and screwed with my brakes."

  "I assume you're talking about HH," Johnny offered, throwing it out to test Tank's reaction.

  "You know about HH?"

  "Of course," Johnny said confidently, hiding his delight and surprise that Tank might have information about the elusive drug lord, "and I might be able save your sorry ass from him, but continue."

  "Oh, man, I can't believe this shit is happening."

  "Travis, keep talking," Johnny said impatiently. "I can easily have you transferred to a place far less comfortable than this cozy hospital room, and I'm under no obligation to leave an officer outside your door. If you've crossed HH, I'd suggest some protection."

  "Okay, okay. HH forced me to put a nanny cam in the office at the tavern, and yesterday Kratos sent everyone up to this place where we hunker down, but he told me to stay behind and keep an eye on the bar."

  "I assume you mean the rocks."

  "Fuck me! You know about the rocks too?"

  "Like I said, keep talking."

  "Seemed like Kratos was the only one who could've screwed with my bike, so when I heard the brakes were messed with, I thought he'd found the camera and it was payback, especially since he was actin' weird when he left to pick up Nancy."

  "Weird how?"

  "Just weird. Kept lookin' around the place."

  "Did he tell you his plans before you left?"

  "Yeah. He was goin' home to pick up Nancy, and then they were goin' to the rocks to join the gang."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yeah, course I'm sure. Damn. I can't believe Kratos is dead! Where did you find Dennis?"

  "At Mike's Garage. He'd been there for several days."

  "At Mike's? No, that's crazy."


  "Mike had no beef with Dennis, and if Mike had a problem with someone, everyone knew about it. Mike's a motherfucker, but killin' Dennis and leavin' him in the trunk of a car? No. He'd never do that. Not for days, no way. If he popped a guy you'd never find him."

  Not wanting to forget anything, Johnny pulled a small notebook from his pocket and quickly scribbled down the surprising information. If Mike didn't kill Dennis, who did, and why?

  "Any word on Brooder?" Tank abruptly asked. "Is he okay?"

  "You mean, Marco?"

  "Yeah, Marco."

  "As far as we know, but Travis, it's time for you to make a decision."

  "Whatta ya mean?"

  "Us or HH. We can protect you, but you're going to have to cooperate. HH might be cleaning house so he can take over the club."

  "HH wouldn't want the Kings," he mumbled. "He's all mansions and fancy cars and limos and shit."

  "Maybe, maybe not, but you have to decide which side of the fence you want to be on. I'll be in touch. Meanwhile you'll have a guard outside your door."

  "What would I have to do?"

  "Besides tell me everything you know? I'm still thinking about that. Like I said, I'll be in touch."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  At FBI headquarters, Steve was having a tough time with Mike. When Mike heard about Dennis being found in the trunk of a car in his yard he flew into a rage, swearing he had nothing to do with the man's death, then adamantly refused to answer any further questions. Steve was about to leave the interrogation room when he received word that the gun found in the tool box was probably the weapon used to shoot Dennis, and the only prints on it were Mike's.

  "NO!" Mike exclaimed vehemently. "No fuckin' way. Someone is makin' it look like I did this, but I didn't. I had no beef with Dennis. Ask anyone."

  "The evidence says otherwise."

  "I wanna talk to my lawyer in private."

  "Fine, be my guest. I'll be back in thirty minutes."

  As luck would have it, Johnny arrived a short time later, and after comparing notes, it was the two of them that resumed Mike's interrogation.

  "So, Mike," Johnny said casually, "I understand you had no idea you had a body in the back of your yard. Kind of hard to believe."

  "That's your problem."

  "Uh, no, Mike, actually, it's yours."

  "Shit. Listen! The drugs, the cash, the guns, yeah, they're all mine, but if I shot someone do you think I'd leave the body lying around my yard? Believe me, it'd be long gone."

  "My client has certain information," his lawyer interjected, "information I believe you will find useful, but before he's willing to share it with you we need to talk about a deal."

  "I'm not in a mood to make a deal."

  "Really? You don't want to know anything about a certain dealer distributing high-grade heroin?"

  Steve and Johnny shared a glance. It was an offer they couldn't refuse.

  "Go on," Johnny muttered. "Let's hear it."

  "We'll discuss details of a reduced sentence for the possession of weapons and narcotics, and we must have your assurance that you will thoroughly investigate Dennis Handley's demise. I am confident that man was not murdered by my client."

  "Fine," Steve nodded, "you have my word we'll investigate further."

  "Properly," Mike said gravely. "I wanna know who killed him."

  "Yes, properly, now Mike, start talking."

  "Kratos was doing a bunk," Mike declared. "He didn't tell me, but I knew it. That smack you found, he gave that to me for half its value. No way he would have double-crossed the dealer and stayed in town. Not a chance."

  "The dealer being HH," Steven offered, a statement rather than a question.

  "Yeah, and Kratos had me paint a Harley that just came in from New York. I figured he wanted a bike that'd take some time to track down after he dumped it. I reckon that was a stroke of luck for him."

  "Tell us what you know about HH," Johnny pressed, "and I mean everything."

  "I never met him, no-one has, but he and his gang operate out of this huge house in the hills above Sunset. I was up there once. I sat in this room and talked to the walls. He, or someone, talks through a PA. There's a lotta shit that goes on in that place, and I know Kratos went over there yesterday."

  "What do you mean by a lot of shit?" Steve asked, relieved Mike was finally giving them some decent information.

  "Parties, and I'm talkin' movie stars, celebrities, politicians, and HH supplies them, but..." he said, pausing and lowering his voice, "I hear he's got some kinda basement of horrors. I haven't seen it but I've sure heard about it. You wanna find HH? You wanna find some serious shit? That's where you go. It's a fucking fairyland. All glass and fancy art, but some real nasty shit happens there."

  "Why were you there?"

  "Guns and girls."

  "How did Kratos and HH get together in the first place?"

  "There's an ac
tor who likes hangin' out at the tavern sometimes, and he rides with the Kings now and then. He made the intro."

  "And this actor's name?" Johnny pressed.

  "Jason. Jason Dean."

  "Steve, do you have anything else you'd like to ask?"


  "I've got some reasonin'," Mike volunteered. "Kratos went to see him, and if HH thought Kratos had crossed him, Kratos would never have left that house. An accident on his bike? That's not an HH play. HH makes an example of people who screw with him. I don't think he had anything to do with that accident."

  "Okay, Mike," Steve said as he and Johnny rose from the table. "If you think of anything else you'll let us know, right?"

  "Yeah, sure, I'll have my secretary get in touch," he grunted sarcastically, "and again, I didn't kill Dennis, and I sure as hell would like to know who did. Dennis and I...we were cool."

  As Steve and Johnny left the interrogation room they shared a satisfied glance. They could sense the case was breaking open.

  "We're getting somewhere," Johnny declared opening the door to his office.

  "I've had Marco in that frickin' motorcycle gang for two years. It's about time."

  Moving behind his desk Johnny sat down, opened a drawer, and pulled out a bottle of scotch and two glasses.

  "I think he's telling us the truth about not killing Handley."

  "And it was Kratos who messed with Tank's bike because he'd found that hidden camera," Steve said. "He was settling the score before taking off."

  "What about Dennis?" Johnny asked. "If it wasn't Mike, who killed him and why?

  "Maybe Kratos was pissed at both Mike and Dennis. He probably knew where Mike kept his gun, and with Mike having the missing delivery in his garage, it would appear that Dennis stole it. The logical assumption would be that he and Mike had an issue about it, and Mike shot Dennis and stole it. Both men wrapped up in a nice neat package with a big red bullet hole."

  "But then Kratos gets hit by a semi and..."

  "And instead we're left with a bunch of bodies and question marks."

  "Okay, let's say you're right," Johnny said thoughtfully, "where are we?"

  "HH is still in the dark about his missing heroin, and we have an incredible opportunity here. Marco steps into the power position with the Kings, missing delivery in hand."

  "Or we could just get a warrant and bust into that glass mansion."

  "But we'd be flying blind, and what if we come up empty? If Marco takes over the Kings..."

  "He'll be dealing with HH."

  "Exactly," Steve exclaimed, "but it's one thing for Marco to take over the gang. What about the tavern itself? We know Kratos owned the place, but who inherits?"

  "Good question, but even if he left a will, that will take time. We just have to hope it's enough time for us to make something happen."

  "This is the break we've been waiting for. I'll call them and let them know they're out of danger. We'll give them tonight to relax, and they can come back tomorrow and we can brainstorm."

  "I'll talk to Tank again in the morning." Johnny offered. "He might have decided to join our ranks by then. Looks like we're going to have some interesting days ahead."

  "No shit. I'll drink to that, and to finally uncovering the psychopath known as HH."


  Kat and Marco had enjoyed a relaxing hour on their deck, and were about to call room service for a light dinner when Marco's phone rang.

  "Let's see what else is brewing," Marco said lifting his phone from his pocket. "It's Steve. Buckle up. Hey, Steve. You're on speaker. What's the latest?"

  "Johnny and I want you and Kat to come back tomorrow. It seems HH wasn't behind the body count after all."

  "That's a relief," Kat declared, "but are you sure?"

  "As sure as we can be."

  "Is Johnny with you?"

  "Yep, right here. I'll put you on speaker. Go ahead."

  "Johnny, what do I do about a new bike?"

  "It's already in the works. By the time you're here it will be in your shed. It's identical to the old one. No-one needs to know your bike was hijacked by Mike and Kratos."

  "Great. What about the keys?"

  "I'll give them to you when you get here. We want you both in Steve's office around one-o'clock."

  "What about the gang?" Marco interjected. "Should I tell them about Kratos and Dennis?"

  "If any of them are staying in the village they might hear about the accident on the news. You'd better swing by the rocks right away and let them know their two top dogs are gone. Tell them you're returning to L.A. tomorrow to see what you can find out and you'll let them know when it's safe to return. That will automatically put you in the leadership role."

  "I think I see where you're going with this," Marco said soberly. "Okay. Will do."

  Ending the call he sent his eyes to Kat.

  "What is it?" she asked, seeing worry in his eyes.

  "Steve's going to ask me to take over for Kratos. I'm not sure I want you involved in this. Things were dicey before, now they'll be downright dangerous."

  "Oh, no, you don't! I'm not bailing just when things are about to break. We both know this is about finally uncovering HH and nabbing him. You'll need back-up, besides, I want to be a part of this. I wouldn't have accepted the job in the first place if I wasn't up for it."

  "But the game has changed," he said grimly. "HH isn't like Kratos, or Tank, or Mike, he's a law unto himself, and from everything we've heard, he's a seriously sick bastard. I don't want you anywhere near him."

  "I won't be driving up to the glass palace and asking him to do the jitterbug! Geez!"

  "Kat, I'm serious."

  "So am I, and I'm not changing my mind."

  "Dammit, why must you be so stubborn?"

  "I know how to take care of myself. You saw me handle that big lug at the rocks."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know you're able to--"

  "Listen," she said sharply, cutting him off, "I'm a trained professional and I'm here to do a job."

  Abruptly standing, Marco reached down, grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  "I care about you," he said firmly, a heavy frown crossing his brow, then softening his voice, he added, "I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you."

  "You think I don't feel the same? I need to stick around so I can watch out for you."

  "You need to watch out for me? Are you crazy?"

  "You don't have eyes in the back of your head. That's what I'll be, and you need someone to discuss things with. You'll be stronger and play it smarter if we're in this together."

  "I'm not sure what to say," he muttered, hating to admit that she was right.

  "Then I'll take that as agreement, but I don't know about going to the rocks. It's getting dark. Are you sure we can't do this in the morning on our way out back to L.A.?"

  "I wish we could but Steve's right. If I can deliver the news before anyone else it will make me seem important, like I'm in some kind of loop."

  "Then let's go, but can we make it a fast trip? I don't like the idea of riding through those trees in the dark."

  "The drive is fine, I've done it before, but yeah, I want to get back here quick myself. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying being in this hotel with you."

  "Aw, shucks, big guy," Kat murmured, putting her arms around his neck. "Then I guess we'd best go. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was a quick trip through the village and down the mountain road, but when they entered the almost invisible trail, though Kat had confidence in Marco and didn't doubt his ability to find his way, clinging to his waist she was filled with trepidation. The brilliant rays of sunshine that had cloaked their earlier journey with comforting warm light had long since disappeared, and the wooded area was now dark and foreboding.

  The majestic rocks finally loomed ahead and Kat let out a long breath of relief, but as the motorbike broke into the c
learing and came to a stop, she immediately noticed the boulders were still casting long shadows. As Marco climbed off his bike and began calling out for everyone to gather around, Kat ran into the open area to study the dark fading forms on the ground.

  The elongated eerie shadows had created a unique pattern, and she recalled what she'd learned about Stonehenge. It was believed the ancients had positioned the stones to coincide with the summer and winter solstice. Could the rocks surrounding her have been configured for the same reason? She wished she could study the shadows from above, and ambling into the center, it occurred to her photographing the changing patterns from dawn until dusk, then watching them in time-lapse speed, might offer some answers. Hearing Marco's voice she turned to look in his direction. The gang members were standing around him, and she imagined the tribes from long ago gathering around one of their leaders. A warm shiver rippled through her veins, and suddenly the motorbikes and the presence of the leather-clad Kings seemed wrong...very wrong.

  "This place is sacred," she murmured. "This isn't a camping ground. This is an ancient temple. I have to tell the right people about this. It has to be protected."

  As if underscoring her belief a cool wind rustled around her, and crossing her arms to keep out the chill, she hurried back to join Marco. He was wrapping things up, and she caught the last of his short speech.

  "We'll grieve the passing of our friends together when we're back in the tavern, I'll call in the minute I get things figured out."

  "When do you think you'll know something?" Leo called out. "We wanna find out who pulled this shit and get even."

  "You and me both. I'm riding back L.A. mid-morning so hopefully I'll know something by tomorrow night, maybe sooner."

  "I'm coming with you. We don't need you to be the next dead body, and someone needs to be around in case you find yourself in trouble."

  Marco could hear the anxiety in Leo's voice, and realized he needed to include him. Leo had been Kratos's guard dog, standing outside the office like a Roman sentry. Marco would ask him to do the same.

  "How would you feel about watching over the tavern while I do my thing? With Tank laid up there's only Jim, and he shouldn't be there alone."


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