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Cherish Her

Page 21

by Johnston, Andrea

  Minnie moves and I miss the feeling of having someone close, but it isn’t long before a bigger, warmer body takes the spot. Home. Grant pulls my legs from where they’re tucked beneath me and tugs my hand, motioning for me to climb onto his lap.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks as I rest my head on his chest. His heartbeat distracts me from the overwhelming scenarios I’ve been processing.

  “Tired. You?”

  “Exhausted. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that today.”

  He’s sorry? It wasn’t his stalker that held a gun to his head. That was mine. I know logically it isn’t my fault, but I still harbor some guilt for his life being in danger.

  “I should be apologizing to you. The entire thing is so bizarre. I didn’t even know him.”

  “He’s sick, honey. In his mind you had a connection, something that was very real to him. I’m relieved to know he’s in custody and you and the girls are safe. I can’t let my mind wander to what may have happened. Even considering that thought kills me.”

  “Same. I was so scared he would hurt you. He almost did. I can’t lose another person I love again. It would break me beyond repair.”

  The finger that was just making lazy circles on my arm stills. Grant doesn’t move immediately nor does he say anything. I’m too tired to question or wonder if I’ve said something wrong.


  He shuffles me on his lap, which lifts me so I’m forced to look at him. My handsome love looks like he’s aged five years in one day. I can’t say I blame him.

  “Honey, I have been waiting to say this for a long time. Truthfully, I think since that night I ran into you at Country Road I’ve known this day would come. I only wish this wasn’t prefaced by such a stressful and negative event.”

  “Dakota Michelle Jennings, you are the greatest surprise of my life. I love you so much. It scares me sometimes how you’ve infiltrated your way into not only my heart but my soul.”

  Tears slide down my cheeks, his words are simple but they are exactly what I need to hear. All I want from him. Honesty and love. The truth and trust he has in us makes my heart soar.

  Leaning forward, I whisper, “I love you more than I thought possible, Grant Ellison.” And I place my lips on his.

  Kissing, sweetly and slowly, we separate when a pair of giggles sound behind me.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask my girls, who are standing holding hands, both with their free hand over their mouth, hiding smiles.

  Instead of responding, they climb up on the couch, and create the perfect family hug. That’s what we are becoming, a family. While there are times I don’t believe I deserve it, I’m going to take this second chance to live my life to the fullest. To love and be loved.

  By the time my sister and Owen leave and I’ve spoken to my parents for the second time, Grant and I crawl into my bed. Unlike every other time, we don’t set an alarm and we don’t lock the door. We aren’t going to be doing anything to horrify my children should they walk in the room. Tonight is for holding one another and sleeping. A lot of sleep.

  The sheets are cool on my skin, a welcome contrast to the heat of Grant’s body. We’re quiet, only our breathing heard. I play with the hair on his chest, gentle tugs making him laugh. Grasping my hand, he lifts it to his mouth and places a kiss on the palm.

  “When does your lease end?”

  “Next year, why?”

  “I want you and the girls to move in with me.”

  Lifting my head, I search his face. It’s dark in the room but my eyes have adjusted enough that I can make out his features. Unsmiling he waits for me to respond. He’s serious.

  “You’re serious.”

  “I am. I love you, Dakota. I love your girls. It may seem fast but we’re going to get there eventually. If I’ve learned anything in the last year, and especially tonight, it’s that life is short and I’m not willing to take anything for granted. I hate to think that sneaking out of your house this morning could have been the last time I saw you. I don’t want that. I want to fall asleep with you every night, wake up with you in the morning. I want to help with bedtime and teach the girls to ride their bikes. I’m not looking to replace Jeff, but I’d like to be there for them, for all of you.”

  “What about my lease?”

  “We’ll talk to the landlord and see if he’ll let you out early. I’m not worried.”

  Am I going to really do this? Move in with my boyfriend of only a few months. Begin to build a life together.

  “You know there will be a lot of pink, glitter, and unicorns, right? Three women moving into your house, are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “We’ll get a dog. A male. Help balance out the estrogen until we have a boy.”

  Laughing loudly and freely, I climb on top of him, my face even with his. “Are you planning to knock me up, Captain?”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”

  “One step at a time. I feel like this is when we should make hot passionate love. Solidify this next phase of our lives and relationship.”

  “Normally I’d roll you onto your back and claim you from head to toe. But, I’m so fucking tired I don’t know if I can make it past your earlobe.”

  Snorting out a laugh, I place a peck to his lips and slide off his body. Curling into my side, I relax into his embrace as he spoons me from behind. Today has been a whirlwind from one of the scariest of my life to easily one of my favorites. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  Closing my eyes, I count my blessings. Three years ago, I stood on a metaphorical cliff, unable to see a way down without falling. Today, if I were to stand before those same rocks and crashing waves, I would see things differently. Gone are the gray clouds and bone-chilling pain, and in their place sunshine and possibilities. I feel cherished and loved. Something I’ll never take for granted.



  Looking at the bright red polish on my toes, I wonder for the third time in ten minutes if I’ve lost my mind. Grant’s hand squeezes my own, and while I know he’s trying to reassure me, the words just spoken echo through my head.

  Neither of us are impulsive. We rarely do much outside of our routine, and at the end of the day we’re boring. That’s why when he proposed this leap of faith I thought he was nuts. But, one look at his face I found myself agreeing. No hesitation.

  “You’re freaking me out. Do you have regrets? We don’t have to tell anyone.”

  Not tell anyone? Is he crazy? I can’t keep something like this to myself. I’m not a child. I can do what I want, but it’s been so fast. We’ve only been living together four months. I still don’t know where half of the light switches are in the house. I still turn the ceiling fan on instead of the lights in the living room at least twice a week.

  “I could never have regrets with you. I love you, Grant. It’s just not like us. We’re more cautious than this. Planning things out is more our style.”

  “Babe, we had to wait seventy-two hours.”

  “I know. And it wasn’t about anything other than us. That’s what I wanted. It’s just—”

  Pulling to the side of the road, Grant kills the engine and unfastens his seatbelt before turning in his seat and facing me. We took my smaller SUV tonight, the center console preventing me from scooting closer to him.

  “You wanted your parents and Minnie there.”

  “No, that’s not it. I don’t want you to have regrets. I’ve had the big wedding once. It isn’t important to me.”

  “Dakota. I want to be married to you.”

  “And us,” Arizona shouts from the backseat. We both smile and turn our heads to the backseat. Both girls are smiling, the necklaces Grant gave them during the ceremony resting on their chests. I wasn’t sure it was possible to love this man more and then he kneeled down to my daughters and pledged his never-ending love and commitment to them just as he had done to me.

  “Yes, Ari, and you girls.”

ed with Grant’s confirmation, Arizona turns her attention back to her tablet and my husband turns to face me. “I don’t need to wear a fancy tux or stand in front of a crowd of people to make this day any more special. I’ve seen what the wedding planning did to Minnie. Was their wedding fun? Absolutely. Do I need that? No. I just want to start our lives. Together.”

  And that’s why when this perfect man who loves me and my children like we are his greatest gift asked me to marry him I said yes. When he suggested we apply for our license and sneak off to an actual Justice of the Peace instead of having a wedding, I didn’t hesitate. This day wasn’t about anyone but the four of us.

  “Thank you, Grant.”

  “For what baby?”

  “Making me feel cherished. Always putting me first.”

  “I will cherish you for the rest of my life, Dakota.”

  Without another word, Grant leans over and gently kisses me before starting the car and pulling back onto the interstate. The drive back to our house is quick. Any worries I held are gone. Thoughts of the night ahead as man and wife have me crossing my legs, desire pooling low in my belly. So much so, I can barely look at my new husband as he helps me out of the car and guides me to the . . . the side of the house. What the hell? Oh, the hot tub. Maybe he’s having ideas of his own.

  Thankfully, I’m not one to strip without thinking it through because the chorus of “Congratulations” and booming music scare the crap out of me, and I scream and jump five feet in the air. Okay, maybe not five feet but it feels like it.

  Grant’s laughter is booming, so much so I can hear it over the whistles and voices surrounding us. I look to my right and watch as my mom tugs her new son-in-law down to eye level, giving him a huge kiss on the cheek.

  “Surprise!” I look to my sister as she shouts and claps her hands in front of my face.

  “Minnesota. What did you do?”

  Hands up in surrender, she smiles wide. “Not me, Sissy. Your new husband. He knew you wanted to have the ceremony be only your family, but he also knows you well enough to plan a little reception for you.”

  Looking around our yard I’m blown away. The entire property has been transformed. It’s no longer just the backyard of a small family. Now, there are round tables decorated with candles, a covered dance floor adorned with white lights, and if I’m not mistaken a few portable bathrooms are set up on the far side of the yard.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  “No way. This is your day. I’m just so happy for you. I can’t believe we both got married this year. Now, if you would just get knocked up too.”

  Eyes wide, I gasp and pull my sister to me. Whispering in her ear I ask, “Are you pregnant?”

  Nodding her head she brings her fingers to her mouth, mimicking closing a lock and tossing away the key. Wow. My baby sister is going to be a mom. I pull her to me and squeeze her tight as I choke down the tears of happiness that overwhelm me. Our lives have changed in so many ways over the last few years but each has led us to this moment. New beginnings and a future of love and happiness.

  When Minnie steps toward Owen, I look around for Grant. He’s standing a few feet away with his phone out. Accepting more congratulations and well wishes, I stop to pull Addison into a hug. I haven’t seen her in weeks and I’ve missed her.

  “I’m so happy to see you, Addy.”

  “Me? I’m happy to see you, Mrs. Ellison. I can’t believe you’re married.”

  The smile on my face feels ridiculously huge and toothy but I don’t care. “How did Mason do?” I ask of her teenage son.

  “Killed it as usual. I’m telling you, when he was little, he could hardly dog paddle. Now he’s a competitive swimmer. It just shows you how much things can change.” She speaks the truth.

  My dad pulls me into a side hug, placing a kiss to my temple before ushering the guests back to the party. Turning my attention back to Grant he catches my eyes, an unspoken request to join him.

  “Relax. Florida is making you more ornery than I thought possible.”

  Laughing, I walk toward Grant. Slipping his arm around my waist, he holds his phone up for me to see Gene’s face on the screen. I’ve never met the man but he’s somehow become part of our family. We’ve talked about taking the girls on a vacation to see Gene soon. I cannot wait to give the man a hug in person.

  “You went and did it, didn’t you, Dakota?”

  Smiling, I ask, “What did I do?”

  “Shackled yourself to this guy for the rest of your life.”

  “I did. Aren’t you happy for us?”

  Gene’s laugh quickly turns to a coughing fit. Grant’s fingers grip my waist a little tighter, and I know we’ll be planning that trip sooner rather than later.

  “I am very happy for you. Dakota, you make sure this man dances with you tonight. Grant, my Gloria would say fate found you.”

  Clearing his throat, my husband’s voice quivers as he finishes his conversation with Gene. When the call ends, he slides the phone in his pocket. Holding me in his arms, we begin to sway. I suppose this is our first dance as husband and wife. In a strange way, it’s perfect as we hold each other.

  Our quiet moment is interrupted but an attempt at whispering that is anything but. Grant and I both turn our attention to Ari and Cali lingering nearby. Ari is bouncing around on her toes like she has a secret while Cali watches and mimics each move.

  “Girls, what are you up to?”

  “Mama, we have a question,” Ari says as she drags her sister closer to us. Glancing from Grant then back to me before tugging my hand to squat to her level. Leaning forward, she holds her hand up to keep anyone from hearing what she asks.

  Tears of pure joy and happiness overwhelm me as she speaks. Her six-year-old heart is so pure and innocent. She has no idea how much her words mean to me and will mean to Grant.

  “I think that would be wonderful. Would you like to ask him now?”

  Nodding her head so fast, I worry she’ll give herself whiplash, I stand and hold my hand out to Grant. Interlacing our fingers, I guide him to the front porch where we sit on the oversized swing he gave me for Mother’s Day. Cali climbs up on my lap while Ari settles on his. We sit and rock, the sounds of a party to celebrate our new life in the distance.

  “What’s going on?”

  “The girls have something they’d like to ask you. Go ahead, Ari.”

  Taking a deep breath, my precocious girl looks Grant in the eyes and gives him the greatest wedding gift anyone possibly could.

  “Will you be our daddy? Not the daddy who went to heaven but our new daddy.”

  Grant’s glistening eyes look to me. Awe and confusion on his face. I tug my upper lip between my teeth, tears falling like a fountain from my eyes, and I shrug. This is between him and the girls.

  “I would love nothing more than to be your daddy. I love you girls.”

  He hugs both of my daughters to him. Their laughter and happiness prove to me that not only will he cherish me, he’ll cherish our family and care for us the rest of our lives.


  I have been waiting what feels like forever to write Dakota’s story. I knew she would not only be funny and kind but deep inside her was a strength like no other. Spending these weeks with her and Grant was very special to me. I loved spending time with them and revisiting everyone in Lexington.

  Megan Addison. You my friend are a gem and bring joy and balance to my life daily. I appreciate your hard work and your organization but more than that, I value your friendship. Thank you for always pushing me and supporting me. Thank you for reminding me to enjoy the journey and always being my cheerleader.

  Alyssa Garcia. Thank you for being in my life. Having you in my corner means the world to me.

  Karen L. Thank you for helping me polish my words and always sharing your wisdom with me.

  M.E. Carter. I shudder to think of where I would be without you. No really. Shuddering. Not shimmying. I wouldn’t dare! Thank you
for keeping me sane. For letting me talk out my blocks and for always pushing me both professionally and personally. #spiritanimal for life

  Jennifer Van Wyk. One day. One day I will tackle hug you and there will be tears. Thank you for knowing when I need you. Thank you for checking on me and supporting me. You are a blessing and gift.

  Misty D. I don’t know that I will ever be able to thank you enough for loving Grant so much! Your notes and comments were invaluable during the writing of this book and I appreciate you so much.

  Ally and Kayla. Thank you for always being there for me to polish the final product.

  To my team. Without you this little engine cannot run. Thank you for keeping me sane and always supporting the crazy characters in my head.

  Sassies, readers, bloggers and group admins. YOU are the Rockstars. I know there are thousands of books to read and promote and I am grateful for each time you choose one of mine. Thank you for supporting indie and always believing in the HEA.

  To my husband – I don’t know what’s for dinner but I’m glad you’re here to wonder along with me. I love you always and a day and am lucky to have you loving me back.

  To my sons and daughter in law to be – Each day is a blank page in the book of life. Fill it with dreams and memories. Never stop.

  Are you curious about Connor’s story? Keep reading for a special sneak peek of Love Her (Military Men of Lexington #3).

  Special Sneak Peek of Love Her

  (Military Men of Lexington 3)

  She never tires. The beat of the music is like a flint, setting her on fire. Boots stomping and kicking in perfect tempo with the rest of the dancers aren’t what has my attention. Neither are the mile long legs I’ve envisioned more than once wrapped around my neck. Surprising even me, I can’t give the credit to her tight tank top stretched across her perfect and perky tits. No, it’s her smile. Painted cherry red, it’s carefree and full of mischief. Beautiful.

  What’s that like? To live a life that is about good times with maybe an opportunity to be a little bad at the end of the night. I wouldn’t know. I’ve carried burdens and responsibilities on my shoulders for most of my life. Until now. Moving to Lexington rid me of a lot of what has weighed me down. Not sharing your location with those who want to suck the life from you will do that.


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