The Earl's Temptation

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The Earl's Temptation Page 9

by Emma V. Leech

  "It is ... magnifique, Alex," she breathed, and he saw the effort she made to try and smile at him though her terrible fear was obvious.

  Though he should know better he leaned forward and took her hand in his, squeezing it gently.

  "Do not be afraid, ma mie," he said, hoping she would continue to trust him, when she was about to discover so much of what he said was a lie. "There is nothing and no one here to hurt you."

  She hesitated and he could see the anxiety in her eyes. "B-but your brother ..." she began, but was cut off by a familiar voice yelling at him from outside the carriage.

  "Alex?" He looked out to see Lawrence striding towards them and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile before getting out and greeting his brother.

  "Lawrence," he replied, smiling at his brother whose jaw hit the floor at the sight of him. Of course he had decided not to send for his own belongings, aware that his normal clothing would have given them away on their journey. However he had forgotten quite how disreputable he must look, though the raised eyebrows from some of the inns they stayed at should have alerted him. Now, however, his appearance was quite obviously shocking as reflected in the gaze of his younger brother.

  "Good God," Lawrence exclaimed, shaking his hand and looking him over in astonishment. "What in the blue blazes happened to you? You look like one of my crew."

  Alex snorted and shook his head. "It is rather a long story, but I will regale you with it later." He turned back to the carriage to see Céleste regarding Lawrence with a frown. He gave her a hand down and saw his brother's eyes widen further as he set sights on Céleste. For even dressed in the shabby garments which comprised everything she owned in the world, it was clear she was a diamond clad in rags. He felt a pride in presenting her that he had no right to own and Lawrence gaped, quite clearly lost for words.

  "Lawrence, this is Célestine de Lavelle, La Comtesse de Valrey. Céleste, may I introduce my brother, Mr. Lawrence Sinclair."

  To his relief Lawrence never questioned the introduction; he didn't even blink, but bowed with great deference and kissed her hand.

  "I am honoured to make your acquaintance, Comtesse," he said with a welcoming smile, and Alex felt a swell of gratitude and affection for his brother, for accepting Céleste so immediately and without question.

  "The 'onour is mine, monsieur," Céleste replied, though her gaze turned from him to Alex, and he could see the many questions in her eyes.

  "Please, we have no formality here at Longueville and I think perhaps circumstances will allow that I ask you to call me Lawrence," his brother said.

  "And then you must call me Céleste."

  "With pleasure," Lawrence said, beaming at her and Alex was relieved that his brother could always be relied upon to break the ice in awkward social situations. "I hope you will forgive us," Lawrence added. "But my wife will be with us in just a moment, she was feeling a little under the weather this afternoon and ... went for a lie down."

  Alex caught his brother's eyes and raised an eyebrow and Lawrence smirked a little, but Céleste was apparently too lost in thought to notice. She turned to Alex.

  "Lawrence is your brother?" she clarified, clearly puzzled.

  He nodded, knowing that that she would have assumed his rich brother was older, that the family wealth had been passed to him leaving Alex to make his own way, but now ...

  "Yes, though I'm sure he'd rather disown me," Lawrence remarked with his usual cheer and forthright attitude. "As I'm afraid I am a terrible burden and no end of trouble to the fourth Earl of Falmouth."

  Alex stiffened and he glanced back at Céleste who looked like she might do something terribly out of character and swoon, but all the colour had left her cheeks and she was staring at Alex in horror.

  "C'est vrai? You ... you are ..."

  "Oh dear," Lawrence said, looking aghast. "I've put my foot in something haven't I?"

  Alex sighed. "Yes, Lawrence, but it is entirely my fault I assure you. Perhaps ..."

  Lawrence didn't need another word and held out his hands. "I'll leave you to it, please come in as soon as you wish." And with that he beat a hasty retreat.

  Alex held his hand out, feeling anxiety crawling down his back at the horror in her expression. "Céleste, will you walk with me please?"

  She was just staring at him, apparently too shocked to reply, so he took her hand and laid it carefully on his arm before leading her into the garden. They walked for a few minutes until he reached a bench in a secluded corner where they could speak without fear of interruption. "Are you angry with me, mignonne?" he asked, hardly daring to hear the answer.

  Those wide blue eyes blinked, looking at him with bewilderment.

  "I don't know," she said, sounding so lost that Alex wanted to pull her into his arms and reassure her that she had nothing to fear, but he knew he couldn't do that. "You are really ..."

  He nodded. "I am Alexander Sinclair, the Earl of Falmouth."

  She nodded and to his horror her eyes filled with tears. "And ... you will send me away now?" she said, the truth of her words apparently a foregone conclusion from the fatalistic tone with which they had been uttered.

  "What?" he exclaimed, horrified even though this was exactly what he needed to do, what he had planned to do. "No!" he said, desperate to take the misery from her eyes. "Of course I'm not going to send you away." The words were out before he could stop them, if he had only thought for a moment he would have couched them in such a way that would make her understand she would have to live elsewhere eventually. It wouldn't be seemly, for a young girl to live with an unmarried man. But he had spoken from his heart because he couldn't bear the idea of letting her go. But now the damage was done, her cheeks flushed with pleasure and the sparkle returned to her eyes.

  "Oh," she breathed, and the relief was only too clear. "I was so frightened."

  Alex felt his chest grow tight. He knew he had not done the girl any good deed, for though she was reassured for the moment, at some point she would have to see the truth. He only hoped he could make her understand. But for now at least she was happy, and he was only too pleased to bask in the glow of her pleasure, for as long as it lasted.

  "You are not too angry with me then?" he asked, still wondering if he had lost some of the lustre she had painted him with as her contrebandier.

  She shrugged, and looked up at him as her lips pursed. "I am a little angry," she said eventually, with a sigh. "I wish that you 'ad told me the truth, but ... I didn't tell you I was a comtesse right away, so ... I understand."

  It was Alex's turn to let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding.

  "And after all ..." she added. "You are also a contrebandier, I think?" Her expression was one of such seriousness that he couldn't help but laugh.

  "Yes, ma mie, I am also a contrebandier, and just as wicked as you supposed."

  She smiled at him, delighted and he felt his heart ease as he saw he had been settled once more upon the pedestal she had so obviously placed him on. "Bon," she said. "Well then, it is not so very bad, hein?"


  Lawrence and Henrietta were waiting for them when they entered the parlour and Alex could see Henri was bursting to discover what was going on.

  "Henri, you are looking as lovely as ever," he said sincerely, greeting his brother's beautiful wife with genuine pleasure. He liked Henri very much and knew that she would take Céleste under her wing, in fact she looked like she couldn't wait to get her hands on the poor girl. Alex made the introductions and Lawrence raised an eyebrow at him, clearly alluding to the shock of Céleste finding out he was in fact an earl.

  Alex smiled. "It's alright, Lawrence, I came clean and explained to Céleste that I am not just a smuggler as she believed. She is rather disappointed I fear, but has been so kind as to forgive me." Lawrence looked utterly bewildered and at a loss for words which was an event of such rarity it was rather amusing, so Alex carried on. "It is not so bad after all, is it, mignonne?" The endearme
nt slipped far too easily from his lips and revealed rather more than he had hoped to in front of his family.

  Céleste rolled her eyes at him. "Bah!" she said

  Everyone laughed, but there was a light of speculation in his brother’s and Henri's eyes which he did not relish.

  Chapter 12

  "Wherein loved ones conspire for the best, and the worst of outcomes."

  Céleste looked around the room that Henri showed her to with awe.

  "Mon Dieu, it is so beautiful, I am afraid to touch anything! The 'ouse is just ... perfect."

  "Yes, isn't it?" Henri agreed, beaming at her. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. We are so grateful to Alex for letting us live here. Oh," she continued, as though Céleste was a dear friend, and not some stranger thrust upon her just hours before. "But wait until you see Tregothnan."

  "Tregoznan," Céleste repeated, stumbling over the strange word. "That is Alex's 'ome?"

  Henri nodded. "Yes, it's vast, far, far bigger than this and very beautiful." The young woman looked guilty as she saw Céleste's reaction and the way the colour leached from her face and she ran to take her hand, steering her to sit down on the bed. "You really had no idea did you?"

  Céleste shook her head. "Non."

  "I didn't mean to frighten you," Henri said, looking mortified. "And really there is no need. Alex is just the same as you believed him to be I'm sure. He's really not one for formality among his friends and family."

  Céleste nodded but knew she didn't look reassured. "Oui, but ... I 'ave nothing." Somehow the words didn't convey what it was she wanted to say. She knew Alex didn't care if she had a fortune or not, but what on earth was he supposed to do with her? They were silent for a while and Céleste looked at her stained grey dress against the beautiful light blue silk, figured weave that Henri wore, the woman's charming and stylish coiffure, the dark blue silk fichu over her shoulders, all of it seemed to cast her into a world very far removed from anything Céleste had ever known.

  "Are you very much in love with him?"

  Céleste started and looked at Henri in shock.

  "Oh, don't worry," Henri soothed, taking her hand and squeezing it. "I won't say anything, and really it's hardly surprising is it? I mean, I may be married but I do have eyes in my head and Alex is hard to ignore."

  Céleste let out a little huff of laughter, torn between mortification that she had been so obvious and relief that finally she could speak to someone.

  "So then," Henri prompted, her warm smile inviting an intimacy that Céleste was desperate to accept. "You do love him?"

  "Oui," she replied, colour flooding her cheeks as she nodded. "But 'e thinks I am just a silly child," she added, looking away before the emotion of the day tripped her up and made her cry. "Alex ... 'e does not want me this way," she said, her voice halting and excruciatingly embarrassed.

  She turned in time to see Henri give her a curious look but it was quickly gone.

  "Come, you must be exhausted," her new friend said, moving onto more comfortable topics. "I have put some things of mine in here for you that you are welcome to borrow for the moment and tomorrow I will take you shopping for things of your own." Céleste opened her mouth to object that she couldn't possibly go shopping, when Henri reached forward and put a finger to her mouth. "Dear Céleste, I cannot tell you how happy I am to have you here. I have only my maid for female company and whilst I love her dearly she is ... well you'll meet Annie. Anyway, I am thrilled to have you and I won't have the pleasure of shopping with you stolen from me. And further than that - to put your mind quite at ease - you must understand that Alex is quite disgustingly rich, and if you don't go and spend some of his money for him I assure you he will be quite put out of countenance with both of us."

  Céleste laughed and found Henri quite impossible to resist, so she just nodded and meekly accepted a sisterly kiss on the cheek before Henri left her alone to sleep.


  The next morning, after the undreamt of luxury of beginning the day with a cup of hot chocolate with sweet biscuits whilst still in bed, delivered by a maid who was as solicitous as she was incomprehensible, Céleste found herself in a carriage bound for Bordeaux. She hadn't even caught a glimpse of Alex that morning, much to her frustration. Henri had informed her that he had urgent business to take care of with his notaire but he would see them both later for dinner. For the hundredth time in the space of a few minutes Céleste smoothed her fingers over the material of the pelisse that Henri had leant her. It was a deep, rich, plum velvet and she had never worn anything so fine in all her life.

  "Do you like it?" Henri asked with a smile.

  "I 'ave never ..." Céleste began, only to feel her throat grow tight and stopped abruptly.

  "Oh, poor child," Henri exclaimed and moved to sit beside her, pulling her into an embrace. "I am so sorry, Céleste. I hope you don't mind but Alex explained a little of your circumstances to us last night."

  Céleste shrugged. "I don't mind," she said, and then added with a little heat. "But I am not a child."

  Henri smiled at her and nodded. "Forgive me, of course you're not. In fact I am only about eighteen months older than you I think."

  Céleste looked up at her, wondering at that, Henri appeared to be everything that spoke of good breeding and quiet English sophistication. Once more the picture of elegance, she was dressed in a sea green pelisse with a broad collar and with matching kid gloves and a charming straw hat, also in the same shade and lined with gold satin that made her face glow as though the sun was shining upon it. In fact she seemed to be everything that Céleste was not. She swallowed down a revolting wave of jealousy, scolding herself for being so ungrateful when Henri had been nothing but kind. She tried to return to the conversation and grasped a point of interest. "And Lawrence, 'e is older than you, yes?" she asked.

  Henri nodded. "A little, yes, just over eight years I think."

  Céleste sighed and then looked up as Henri clasped her hand. "I think part of the problem was your situation and ... well the clothes you see, they made you look so terribly young and fragile, in need of saving. Do you see?" she asked, clearly afraid she'd caused offence. "Alex ... well, he doesn't usually save women ..." She stopped abruptly and Céleste could easily finish her train of thought. She could too well imagine what Alex usually did. "But don't worry, by the time we've finished with you today he won't know what's hit him." The young woman winked at her in a conspiratorial fashion and Céleste laughed despite her misgivings that she could ever carry off anything like Henri's elegance and assurance. But she was more than happy to give it a go.


  Alex returned to Longueville later that same day with a lighter heart. He had taken the paperwork Céleste had given him and as he had suspected it was all quite right and proper. The firm of notaires had served his family for many generations and he trusted them to do the right thing and help him to return to Céleste everything that she'd lost, though they had impressed on him that it would not be something that happened quickly, no matter how much he wanted it to.

  It was the first day in some time he had spend without her company, however, and he was disturbed to note how acutely he'd missed her. This was something he must overcome. Somehow she had become a part of his life without him even realising it and now ... he tried to dismiss the anticipation he felt as Longueville came into sight. He was just tired and hungry and glad to be home, that was all. He washed and dressed, and if he did it with a little more care than usual, it was only that it was a luxury after so many days with the same clothes and the begging of the loan of a blunt razor from the various inns they'd stayed at. There was no other reason that he lingered in front of the mirror, or changed his waistcoat three times. None at all.

  He joined Lawrence for a drink in the study and they both looked up as first Henri and then Céleste walked through the door.

  Alex knew that he should say something, that everyone was waiting for him to say something, curse it. B
ut he was damned if there was a single thought that could be heard over the pulse of desire that was ringing in his ears. Good God, he really was damned.

  "Revenge is a dish best served ... at body temperature?" his brother whispered to him with undisguised amusement.

  "Bastard," Alex replied, sounding terse and extremely unamused and remembering well that he had dealt Lawrence a similar blow. He should perhaps be grateful that the dress was a little more modest than Henri's had been that night. But damn it all, didn't they realise what he was up against? Here he was trying to be a gentleman and they ... they conspire to present the girl to him like the most succulent dish that he had ever seen in his life, and was it any wonder that his mouth watered at the sight of her. With a great effort and strength of will he pulled himself together and crossed the room, taking Céleste's hand and raising it to his lips.

  "May I say, how very lovely you look tonight, Comtesse."

  He at least managed to keep his tone cool and with all of his usual reserve but nonetheless he was rewarded with a pleased smile and a slight blush of colour that tinged her flawless skin. The dress was stunning in its own right, but on Céleste it became a masterpiece. A gold crape petticoat over ivory satin, ornamented at the feet with a deep border of tulle, trimmed with gold lace and bronze-coloured ribband and festooned and decorated with roses it was at once sophisticated and tantalising without being in any way shocking.

  The warm gold highlighted the colour in her hair and accentuated her porcelain skin; it also showed off her many other attributes to great advantage. All in all she looked exquisite, and when she was finally able to come out in society, with all of the fanfare that her parents would have wanted for her, she would indeed set the ton on their ears.

  She would have every man eating out of her hand in no time and, much as it made him grit his teeth with jealousy, it wasn't for him to take that from her. He could obviously offer her carte-blanche and keep her under his protection as his Mistress, but something about the notion repulsed him. It was unlike him to suffer so much sensibility over a woman but there it was. So much had been taken from her in her short life; her home, her parents, her title, good God she'd nearly been forced to sell her own body in order to survive and it had only been her own sheer determination and courage that had prevented it. No. Though it made his chest ache he would not take her future too, not before she even knew what it was. He would have to make it clear to her that they could have no future together, no matter what foolish ideas she had in her head. He would have to shatter any romantic dreams she might be harbouring and show her reality, show her the kind of man he really was; and why she'd been so very wrong to put him up on that ridiculous pedestal like some kind of knight-errant. But damn, it was a hard thing to do.


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