The Earl's Temptation

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The Earl's Temptation Page 10

by Emma V. Leech

  Dinner was a great success, the cook, Mme Bertaud having pulled out all the stops on having discovered there was a comtesse in the house. Consommé, clear and light and delicious and then a mouth watering Saumon avec Sauce Crevette was followed by Poulardes a la Perigourdine with petits pois a la francaise and for dessert a Baba au Rhum so good that Céleste actually moaned with delight, which was at once quite understandable and enough to make him want to cry himself.

  Despite his physical frustrations Alex felt himself relax, lulled by good food, excellent wine, familiar surroundings and the people he liked most in the world. His eyes inevitability strayed back to Céleste, however, no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself. She was in fine form tonight, especially as Lawrence began to tell tales of all the trouble he had got himself into as a lad, and how Alex had always been the one to pull him out of it, often at his own cost.

  Lawrence was as always, amusing and easy company and his stories cast his older brother in a rather heroic light which was something Alex had never been able to see. He had always lacked Lawrence's hail-fellow-well-met nature and combined with a natural tendency to be taciturn and rather cool with people he didn't know well, he was viewed in a very different light by most everyone else. And yet here was Lawrence speaking of him like he admired him and Céleste gazing at him with such adoration that he felt his throat grow tight. It was all nonsense.

  He had caused scandal upon scandal in his personal life, was known to gamble and drink and keep any number of mistresses. Any glory he may have brought down on himself in the course of his naval career was always to be precariously balanced against a litany of complaints against him from other officers who he had in some way offended with his ruthless honesty and hatred of anything that resembled flattery or brown nosing. He had more enemies that he cared to consider and his friends outside of the three people in this room were all smugglers.

  Little by little these black marks against his own character seemed to tally up until his mood had sobered considerably.

  "Forgive me," he said, casting what he hoped was a benign smile at his brother and the ladies. "I find I am feeling rather tired, would you excuse me?"

  He got to his feet, ignoring the puzzled look that Lawrence gave him as he went. Harder to ignore was Céleste who got to her feet also and ran around the table to him.

  "Mais, Alex, you are well? You are not feverish?"

  To his chagrin she reached up and placed her hand to his cheek and it was all he could do not to turn his face into it and close his eyes, instead he removed her hand as though its touch offended him.

  "Quite well, I assure you, please don't make a fuss." The words were rather sharper than he had meant them and he cursed himself for the glimmer of hurt in her eyes. But she dropped her hand and stepped away.

  "Of course, Alex, forgive me. Bonne nuit."

  He felt Henri and Lawrence watching him and said nothing further, but stalked from the room feeling like he had purposely trodden on a kitten.


  Over the next week Lawrence had cause to observe his older brother and Céleste together and the more he saw, the more troubled he became.

  A heartfelt sigh came from beside him, followed by, "What shall we do?"

  He looked up from the comfort of his bed to see the deliciously rumpled picture of his wife staring down at him.

  "Good Lord, woman, you're insatiable. Let me get my breath back at least."

  He was rewarded with a half-hearted clip round the ear. "I don't mean now," Henri said, tutting at him. "I mean what are we to do about Alex and Céleste?"

  Lawrence snorted. "I really don't know."

  "Do you think he knows he's in love with her?" Henri asked, settling herself more comfortably against him and drawing his arm over her shoulder. "I mean you have to admit, you Sinclairs aren't exactly quick on the uptake are you?"

  "Well I like that!" Lawrence huffed. "You know damn well I was trying to protect you, and if I know Alex that's exactly what he's doing. After all it was a new experience for me but he's been doing it all his bloody life."

  "But protect her from what?" Henri demanded, perplexed. "I mean he's wealthy and titled, she couldn't do much better unless she snared a duke, and I'll admit, looking at her tonight I wouldn't say it was impossible even if she is penniless. But she's so obviously in love with him the poor girl. And I know he keeps going on about how young she is, but I'm not that much older. He would have married me if things had gone differently."

  Lawrence scowled, momentarily annoyed to remember his older brother's first claim on his wife, thankfully things had worked out perfectly, for him, and Alex had undoubtedly played a large part in that happening.

  Lawrence nodded. "I know. But you have to remember the deeply honourable part of his nature. Don't take this the wrong way, darling, but your father begged him to marry you to save you both from ruin."

  Henri pursed her lips but said nothing so he carried on. "And you told me yourself what kind of reputation he has back home. He's been tied to everything from murder to adultery, rightly or wrongly, in fact from the things you've said the only thing he's never been accused of is smuggling!"

  She sighed and her warm breath tickled over his chest. "So you think it isn't just her age, he believes he's not good enough?"

  Lawrence shrugged, reaching over and snuffing one of the candles that had begun to gutter before settling back against the pillows. "I think it's all of those things; he feels he is a black hearted character, and she is all innocence. Then he's nearly twenty years her senior, which admittedly is not that unusual but we've both made observations of the kind of men who usually marry very young girls and they weren't very complimentary on the whole. It’s clear he wants to make sure she has everything she has missed out on. He seems to have it in mind to launch her into society in such a way that she'll dazzle everyone."

  Henri snorted.

  "What?" he asked, frowning.

  "Good Lord, Lawrence, she'd dazzle enough if she walked out wearing the clothes she arrived in and you know it. But you’re quite wrong if you think any man would dare approach her with Alex glowering at them over her shoulder. Not to mention the scandal if he paid her too much attention when it is discovered his family is sponsoring her. Besides, you only have to see the two of them together, the air practically sizzles between them."

  Lawrence groaned and rubbed his eyes.

  "Well in that case there is only one thing for it."

  "What?" Henri asked, turning to him with a frown.

  He sat up, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his wife's lips. "You'll just have to speak to him."

  "Me!" Henri exclaimed in alarm, her big brown eyes growing wide with horror. "Why me?"

  Shrugging his shoulders, Lawrence pulled her closer. "Because he won't listen to a word I say. I'm fairly sure he still regards me in the same light he did when I was twelve, and nothing I say will make a mark on him. You, however, can speak to him on Céleste's behalf. You know how she feels and what's best for her. Try and make him see he's being an idiot."

  "Oh is that all," Henri replied, adjusting the bed covers with an air of slight irritation, especially when she found Lawrence hogging the sheets. "Because if he's not going to do the decent thing and marry her there is only one thing left to do - he has to let her go." Finally satisfied with the blankets, she snuggled into Lawrence with a sorrowful sigh. "For she'll never forget him while he's so close, but you know as well as I do, if he sends her away ... he'll break her heart."

  Chapter 13

  "Wherein their happy idyll is brought under threat."

  Henri spent the next few days in a state of extreme agitation as she tried to find the right moment to approach Alex and speak to him about Céleste. The trouble was the two of them were always together. She had noticed the days often followed the same course. Alex would go and secrete himself in the office, no doubt with the best of intentions of keeping out of Céleste's way. But of course Céleste would find som
e reason to go and see him, usually because she had finished a book and the room doubled as a library, or because she was reading in English and the meaning of something had apparently eluded her, and only Alex could explain to her satisfaction.

  Henri had listened in once, hearing Alex trying hard to shut down every conversation to no avail. Eventually Céleste's easy manner had cajoled some small remark that undid all of his previous good work and then his mignonne suggested they get some fresh air. Alex would always agree to accompany her for a walk and most afternoons would take a stroll with her. Henri had suggested various trips out to the girl, thinking that perhaps country life was dull for her and she would like another shopping trip, but Céleste would just laugh and reply that she had more dresses than she'd ever thought possible, and why on earth would she need more? There was really no answer to that and so Henri had let her be.

  It had to be said that the girl wasn't the least bit vain, during the day she was quite happy to wear a plain cambric gown and no adornments, not that she needed them. But of an evening, when Céleste was dressed more formally along with Henri, she would look like she could be equally at home in a royal court, and this was when Alex would begin to scowl and fall silent, excusing himself ridiculously early to retire to bed, or work alone in the study until the early hours. Céleste in turn would try and smile and carry on with the evening out of politeness, though it was clear that it was an effort to do so.

  She had tried to discuss the matter with her maid, Annie, to get her opinion but her usually garrulous abigail just sucked air in through her teeth and shook her head.

  "Disaster lookin' for a place to 'appen that is," she said in her easy cockney accent with a mournful expression and her mouth full of pins as she let the over tight bust line out one of Henri's dresses.

  "Whatever do you mean?" Henri asked in alarm. Although Annie and Céleste liked each other well enough the two of them didn't communicate much at all, each finding the other’s accent totally incomprehensible.

  Annie removed the remaining pins so she could speak and took a deep breath, her pale bosom heaving dramatically. "I mean that 'is lordship is determined to be a martyr to the comtesse's cause and he'll do what's right by 'er, no matter what the consequences be for 'im or for 'er. The fool will go on makin' them both miserable rather than do somethin' 'e thinks is reprehensible and love the chit."

  "Well yes," Henri said, laying aside the book she'd supposed to have been reading but hadn't looked at for over an hour. "That's exactly the conclusion Lawrence and I came to last night. But what to do about it, Annie? How do we stop him?"

  "Can't," Annie replied, with a shrug and what Henri considered a most unhelpful reply. The woman just huffed as she noted her mistress’ look of reproof. "Aint no doin' nuthin' with a fellow like that. Won't listen to sense nor reason. May as well save ye breath, my duck."

  Despite this augury of doom, Henri's chance finally came the next day and she decided she'd best grasp it. Alex had disappeared early that morning and not returned until almost noon. When he did, however, he came bearing a wriggling bundle of cloth, which he uncovered and passed to Céleste.

  "Oh!" The girl squealed with delight as a tiny, glossy red and white spaniel whined and reached up to lick her face. "Oh, Alex, il est adorable!" she said, quite as ecstatic as the puppy appeared to be. "Oh, oui, you are 'andsome, mon brave."

  Alex snorted and shook his head. "And how do you know it's a boy, quite apart from the fact it's clearly besotted by you already?"

  "Oh, well 'e is very 'andsome," she said and then bit her lip, considering. "Perhaps I will call 'im Contrebandier."

  Alex gave her a despairing look and a sharp tut of disapproval, though Henri thought it was all too obvious he was pleased by the remark. "I'd rather you didn't, mignonne, we don't need to give anyone any clues. How about Bandit, is that a disreputable enough name to please you?"

  "Oh, oui, Bandit, I like it very much." She ran to Alex, clutching the puppy under one arm and reaching up on her toes to kiss Alex's cheek. "Mille mercis, Alex, you are very good to me."

  Alex glowered at her for her familiarity but once she turned away Henri caught sight of a look which was all too revealing before he caught her watching him. He cleared his throat. "You're welcome, but I suspect the little devil has fleas so you'd better go and get him bathed before everyone else is cursing me."

  Céleste hurried off to deal with the puppy, leaving Alex alone with Henri. He took off his great coat and handed it to the footman.

  "Is Lawrence not at home?" he asked, as Henri followed him into the study.

  "No, Alex, he's gone to speak to the neighbours about buying that five acre plot near the woods." Henri closed the door behind her, ignoring Alex's look of surprise and nodding when he offered her a drink.

  "What does he want with that?" he asked, frowning and Henri took a breath, steeling herself for an awkward conversation. Alex had always been kind to her, and when required, blunt. It had been embarrassing at the time but she had come to be grateful to him for it. She had now to return the favour, such as it was.

  "I'm sure he'll tell you later," she replied, waving her hand and taking the drink from him with relief. She took a large sip and prayed it gave her courage. "I need to speak with you, though," she added with some force, before she could change her mind.

  "Oh?" Alex looked every bit as wary as he sounded and sat down, crossing his long legs and regarding her with those cool grey eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that he had a fair idea what she was there for and the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees. He really was a dreadfully intimidating man when he put his mind to it and she could just imagine how easily all those rumours got going.

  Henri cleared her throat and nodded, determined not to be cowed. "Yes ... about Céleste."


  There was no doubting his tone now, it had this is none of your business in every nuance. Henri put up her chin and reminded herself that she had faced an angry pirate and his crew by herself. Alex really couldn't be worse. Looking at the stern expression and those dark eyebrows drawn together, she wasn't entirely certain that was true. Nonetheless she cleared her throat and stepped into the fray. "What are your intentions towards the girl, Alex?"

  The eyebrows flew up, his whole posture changed from guarded to one of furious indignation. "I beg your pardon?"

  Henri flushed, and looked at him in horror. "Oh, no, Alex, I didn't mean that ... that you would take advantage of her, not at all!" she replied, wiping her clammy hands on her skirts by pretending she was smoothing out creases. "Quite the opposite in fact," she added, cursing her husband for persuading her to do this at all.

  "Henri," Alex replied with some force, his tone frigid with disapproval. "Either speak your mind or mind your own damn business, but either way, do it quickly. I have no patience for riddles."

  "Very well!" Henri glared at him. If he was going to be rude then she wouldn't soften her words either. "Then I want to know if you are going to marry the girl? It is all too clear that she is in love with you, and no matter what you say next, I happen to believe you feel the same way. However Lawrence is of the opinion that you won't marry her, in which case I must demand that you send the girl away as quickly as possible before you do any more damage."

  For a moment Alex stared at her with such fury she felt a tremor of real fear, but then his expression changed and he got up, walking away to stare out of the window, and her heart bled for him. For there had been real pain in his eyes, and she realised she had been right. Céleste's heart would not be the only one bruised by their parting. He was silent and now her words seemed harsh and she regretted having said them with such force. "Alex, I-I wish you would marry her. You would have married me and really ... there is barely eighteen months between her and I."

  He shook his head and when he spoke his voice was cold and hard. "It is very different, Henri. Although you have not had the easiest life, I can promise you, compared to the hell that gir
l has lived through you have led a charmed existence. I would have married you because your father was known to be in financial trouble, because of it he could not afford to give you a season. Tucked away in that village at the back end of beyond, you would never have found a suitable match. But you were, I believed, a sensible girl and would be able to make a life for yourself without me in it. I had no intention of being a proper husband to you, further than whatever was my duty to give the family an heir. Once that was established you would have been free to live as you wished, to take a lover as long as you were discreet. But with Céleste ..." He stopped and she waited for him to speak again.

  "But with Céleste it is different, because you love her," she said.

  "Don't be so utterly foolish," he replied, his grey eyes as cold and haughty as she had ever seen them. "You are not given to romantic flights of fancy, Henri, so I beg you do not give into them now. What interest you can possibly believe I have in the child is beyond me? I'll admit her beauty is a devilish temptation but even I am not sunk quite so low. She has lived with the rats, been forced to steal food at times, and if I hadn't found her when I did ... " He let out a breath, his eyes closed. "She has no idea of what life can be when it is kind to you. I want her to know it, I want her to experience laughter and fun and all the ridiculousness of youth. To cause mischief with her friends and find merriment where ever it pleases her."


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