
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 14

  "It's hot, Feris. Hot and bright and I stink." He scratched Feris lazily, getting the sensitive spot behind one ear.

  Feris started purring again, eye implacable, the big head not moving.

  "Well, I do. Despite that I am grateful. The skin will make lovely boots." He never knew what Feris was thinking, man or cat.

  Feris' tongue came out, sweeping over his belly and the top of his hip. That tickled, even as it made him tighten, made him twitch. He chuckled, scratching the top of Feris' back. Those golden eyes held his gaze as the motion was repeated, far slower this time, and then again.

  Oh. So good. His Feris was bathing him. Goosebumps rose on his skin, legs sliding open, hips rising. Another swipe of that tongue, Feris moving, tip of the long tongue grazing his nipples. A long moan escaped him, body arching under the rough touch, seeking more of the sensation.

  A couple more licks and then Feris was moving, the touches of tongue becoming more deliberate.

  "Feris..." He could hardly bear it, the impromptu bath making him crazed. The rock was smooth and warm beneath him, and Feris felt good against him, and he forgot his earlier mood, and the heat and anything that was not Feris.

  Feris' tongue slid across his hips, brushing over his shaft.

  Anneal gave a sharp cry, hips snapping up, belly tight. His shaft grew, lengthened, hotter than the sun in the sky.

  The big maw opened, Feris' mouth closing around his hip, hot breath pouring against his skin, sharp teeth resting so carefully. The leashed power in that touch excited him beyond all reason. He had to laugh at that. His father thought his desires were unnatural before. Imagine what he would think if he could see Anneal now, arching into the touch of his Feris.

  A low purr vibrated his skin and then the tongue returned, bathing his hips, lapping at his balls before sliding over his erection.

  "Oh. Feris. Please." He let the pleasure take him, move him, hips rolling. That tongue continued to lick, over and over again. It was unbearable. His prick was so sensitive that even the slightest touch made him quiver, each rough lash of Feris' tongue making him shake. Low in his belly heat bloomed, a tight knot of pleasure. His nipples burned and throbbed, his legs shifted restlessly. "Please."

  The licks came faster, Feris' deep purrs vibrating along his flesh.

  Anneal's balls drew up tight, his hips pumped, the feeling of Feris' purrs making him whimper. Soon, oh, soon. Feris' tongue slid across the tip of his cock, roughly pulling away the drops of liquid that leaked from him. It drew even deeper purrs from his Feris. Yelling his head off, startling the birds into flight, no doubt scaring the fish, Anneal came, hot seed landing on his stomach.

  Feris licked him clean, pulling more sweet shudders from him.

  "Mmm." Boneless and content, he patted Feris gently. "Now I smell of you."

  Feris' head rested on his hip, low purrs coming from the big cat, those golden eyes gazing up at him.

  "Yes. Love you, my Feris."

  The purrs deepened, his Feris looking and sounding content.

  It was still hot. But on their little island in the middle of the cool brook, it was neither dusty, nor miserable. It was just right.


  Lounging. Tree. Sun. Purrs.


  Raise head. Smells. Familiar smells. Good smells. His smells.


  Stop. Ears twitch. Whiskers twitch. Smell deeply.


  An neal.

  Man. His man.

  Muscles stretch. Leap. Run to An neal.

  Knock An neal to ground. Lick.

  It made him purr, An neal made him purr, brought the man to the surface, close, but made the animal want, too. An neal loved both of hims.

  He kept licking, the tattooed cheeks, the red lips, the marked neck, marked with his marks. His. An neal was his.

  He licked An neal.

  "Feris!" An neal laughed, pet him. "What's gotten into you, hmm?"

  He growled. His mine growl. An neal was his. Smelled his.

  He rubbed his cheeks against An neal's cheeks, against An neal's neck.

  He didn't like An neal's clothes. He grabbed the material in his mouth and shook his head. Off.

  Another laugh, and An neal moved, reaching for clothes, taking off. "Yes, you greedy thing! Ooooh."

  Skin. An neal skin. Warm, smooth, good.


  He rubbed cheeks on An neal's flanks and belly.

  "Oh... Feris." Hands against his head, An neal's fingers digging in, pulling him close. Smell was strong, stronger here, less there. Hard for him.

  More stupid clothes.

  He growled. He wanted smell and heat and hard.

  He put his paw down on An neal. Against heat and hard. His.

  Stupid clothes.

  Sounds deep and harsh came from An neal, good sounds, pleasure sounds. "Please. Feris. I need. Let me get out of these."

  An neal pushed at his paw and he backed off. He circled An neal, growling.

  Hurry, An neal. Want.

  His An neal hurried, clothes coming off, hard need bare for him. Hard need, soft belly, long throat open to him.


  He wrapped his mouth around An neal's neck. Accepted An neal as his. Claimed An neal as his.

  Careful. He growled. An neal's skin broke easily. Careful.

  He nosed soft belly, bare for him, bared to him.

  An neal musk stronger here and down, down here, An neal musk very strong. Good.

  He nuzzled the hard and hot, rubbing with his cheek, leaving his musk, taking An neal's musk.

  Now the smell was An neal and him.


  An neal went still, breath fast. Not fear. Need. For him. Then the hard shook jumped, An neal moving up to touch his face once more with that part.

  He rubbed back, purring, happy. An neal and him smell mixing and mixing.

  He rubbed more.

  "Oh, my Feris. It feels... more." Knees came up against him, holding him, An neal rubbing and rubbing.

  He purred. He made An neal make good noises. Good.

  Hard, beneath him. Soft beneath that, so soft, touching there made An neal yell and move.

  He stopped, smelled.

  Want. Need. Not pain yell. He growled, rubbed.

  Soon, his An neal yelled louder, body shaking, hot, wet, good smell beneath him, wetting him.

  He purred, licking, cleaning An neal.


  "Oh... Feris. I... so sensitive." An neal moved, legs and arms around him.

  He wanted. An neal. His. Needed.


  Feris shifted shapes; he ached for his lover.

  "An neal..."

  He could taste An neal in his mouth, smell him in his nose, feel the hot skin against him.

  "Feris. Yes. Need so much..." An neal stroked his skin, his hair, moving against him, opening for him.

  "Want you," he murmured. "Need."

  His need rubbed against An neal's warmth.

  "Mmm. Yes. In. Please Feris." His An neal was not afraid to ask for what he wanted, hands, mouth or body. All of them called to him.

  He found the little hole by instinct, pushing carefully. Careful not to hurt An neal. His lover was fragile.

  A soft, rough sound came from An neal, approval and need and happiness, not hurt. So very hot and tight, and An neal's nails scraped down his back, pulling him closer.

  He moaned, sinking all the way in and pressing his body against An neal's. His skin was sensitive in this form, back arching beneath An neal's fingernails.

  "So big. So good. Love." Long legs came about him, pushing his hips up and in. Deeper into An neal.

  He growled, voice twisted and lost in the pleasure. An neal was hot and tight and good around him.

  Lowering his head, he purred into An neal's neck.

  It made An neal squirm, made his man purr for him almost as well as he did. The skin of An neal's neck was soft and smooth, the scent strong.

"Love," he murmured, moving instinctively. In and out and in again and it was so good. An neal was so good. There was nothing like his man. The pleasure made him forget everything but wanting more.

  The pleasure made An neal happy, took away the sad that showed on his face so much, lent hot blood to An neal's cheeks.

  He nuzzled, the feeling so different in man-form. His lips trailed over An neal's cheeks, tongue tasting, body moving.

  "Faster. Feris." An neal rubbed against him, bearing down, body holding tight.

  He moved faster, he moved harder. So good, the pleasure was in his cock and in his balls and in his back.

  He growled and purred and moved.

  Groaning and panting, An neal moved too, hard and fast beneath him, neck bared to him.

  For him.

  He bent again and licked the soft hot skin there.

  He bit the soft hot skin there. He could do that as man, wouldn't hurt.

  Salt and An neal flavor filled him and with a roar, the pleasure exploded out of him.

  His pleasure filled An neal.

  An neal screamed, the sound primal and free, and An neal's heat and wet fell between them, sliding on his skin.

  He pulled out of Anneal and collapsed beside him, curling around the warm body and petting the soft skin of his An neal.

  "Mmm." Warm hands petted him back, An neal giving as easily as he took. "Love."

  "Yes, love."

  He shifted back to cat.

  Purring. Rubbing. Good.

  ~Chapter Twenty One~

  There was enough of a chill in the air that Anneal hurried his bath along, thinking perhaps it was time to start heating his water over the fire rather than going to the stream.

  Shivering, he picked up his wet clothes and made for the clearing he knew Feris would be stretched out in, sunning himself. Feris would insist on giving him a second bath so he smelled good. That would make him warm. By the time he got there he was nearly blue, and his teeth chattered.

  Feris growled and one golden eye opened, then the other, Feris getting up and coming to him, still growling. Sniffing came first, followed by another growl, this one clearly of complaint and then Feris was licking him, giving him a tongue bath and rubbing warm, furry cheeks against his skin.

  Oh. Oh, much better. Once upon a time he had felt guilt at enjoying such ministrations. Now he felt only the pleasure, knowing that he and Feris were meant to be like this. Anneal curled tight into that warm body, drawing heat from it.

  By the time he was sufficiently "clean" for Feris' nose, he was hard and more than warm.

  Rubbing, he made a sound he thought of as his own purr. "Mmmm. Love."

  Feris purred louder and then shifted, changing from cat to man in his arms. "Love," murmured Feris, golden eyes glowing.

  "Yes." He began a tongue bath of his own, licking at Feris' lips, savoring the wild, spicy taste. They shared a kiss, and then he moved on, licking at Feris' neck, his chest.

  Feris rumbled, hands moving slowly over his skin. "Water's too cold for bathing."

  "I found that out today, love." He grinned against one nipple, blowing across it. "You make me warm."

  Feris shivered and then growled, rolling him onto his back and following. "You make me hot."

  "Good." He let Feris take control, letting his head fall back to bare his throat, leaving his vulnerable belly open to Feris' touch. Feris' growls increased and he could feel the heat of his lover's shaft hard against him. He knew it inflamed Feris, even in man form, when he submitted like this, when he offered himself without reservation.

  Warm lips closed over his neck, Feris pulling up a mark just next to the one from that morning.

  How could he not offer all when he trusted Feris completely? He moaned, hands clutching at Feris' back, legs cradling that lean, heavy body.

  "Love," Feris growled, hands sliding along his sides, his belly, rubbing against his hips.

  "Yes. Love." He was so hot as to feel fevered now, sweat gathering on his brow, even as slick drops gathered on his shaft. So good.

  "You smell best like this," Feris told him, eyes half-closing as he scented the air. "Want you."

  "Anything. Anything you want, love." He meant it, too. Anything Feris required of him, he would do. He spread wide, opening, kissing whatever skin he could reach.

  "Oily stuff?"

  "In my pack. Just over there." Anneal pointed, as impatient as Feris.

  Feris growled and lunged for his pack, tearing it in his hurry to get out the oil.

  He paid it no heed. It would mend. He, on the other hand, would not, should he explode due to the need in him. "Please, love. In me."

  Feris crawled between his legs once more, pushing two slick fingers into him, stroking across his gland. He cried out, hips rolling, eyes rolling back in his head as well. So good. Felt so good. Feris was ferocious in his loving, harsh and needy and it made him swell even more, made him draw up tight.

  Two fingers became three and then the fingers disappeared as quickly as they'd appeared, replaced by the thick heat of Feris' shaft. The stretch and burn of it still amazed him, even after their time together. Big and hot and impossibly large. He felt the impact all through his body, and he clutched Feris close, panting.

  "My An neal." Feris thrust hard, pushing him harder, higher.

  His back scraped along the ground, his hips jolting with every thrust. He moaned. "Yours." Reaching for his own cock, Anneal began stroking in time with Feris' movements.

  His lover growled, bending to take his mouth in a hard kiss. The kiss bruised him, opened him, and he gave into it easily, biting at Feris' lips, slamming up into each thrust.

  "Love. Mine."

  "Yours!" It was a cry, an assertion, an agreement. Hot seed pulsed out of him, landing against Feris' skin, filling the air with scent. Feris roared, pushing hard into him, filling him.

  He went limp under his lover, head falling back once more, wanting more of the touch of Feris' lips and teeth even as they lay together, panting in the after effects of passion.

  Feris slipped from his body, purring and whispering. "Welcome home."

  Then his lover shifted shapes, becoming once again the great cat he loved so. Warm and soft and purring, the heavy body lay against him. Anneal stroked the soft fur of his lover's back, luxuriating in the weight and warmth. Indeed, he was home. For that was wherever Feris was.


  Grinding the fibers that made blue ink was a hard job, one that brought up a sweat, but it would be worth it if he could capture the blue of the sky above, on the first sunny day they'd had in too long. The shine off the snow outside was blinding, but the sky. Oh, it was lovely.

  Anneal worked, ignoring Feris, who prowled back and forth at the opening of the cave, growling occasionally. Feris could wait. The sky could not.

  It was hard to ignore the large head in his face though, or the roar that moved his hair.

  "Feris!" The jump he could not control almost made him spill his precious powder. "What?"

  Feris licked his cheeks, first one and then the other and then leaned the big head against his chest, pushing.

  There was no fighting the strength of a full-grown mountain lion. Anneal only just managed to set his powder aside as he toppled over. He gave it a good push to get it out of the way, and blinked at Feris in question. "You wanted something?"

  Feris growled and licked his cheeks again before settling on him. Before he had a chance to complain about the weight, Feris shifted, the man still growling unhappily.

  "I was trying to get that done." How could one hold onto irritation with a nude Feris upon one?

  "All morning long. I was patient, An neal." A nude and growing hard Feris.

  "Were you?" Now he teased, loving the growl it brought forth in Feris voice, loving the smooth glide of their bodies together.

  "I was!" Feris moved against him, making him hard, too. "All morning, I waited while you... did other things."

  That sweet throb and ache starte
d low in his belly, making the snow and the sky and the ink fade in the face of his warm, hard, real Feris.

  "You were truly admirable, Feris. You should be rewarded."


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