
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 15

  Feris purred. "I should be."

  "Yes. Let me up." Not that he wished to lose the close contact, but he had a feeling he knew something that would reward Feris nicely.

  "Let you up?" growled Feris. "But I only just got you down."

  He laughed aloud. "Do not worry, Feris. I will not go back to ignoring you, hmm?"

  His lover did not look happy, but Feris got off him, sitting in his customary crouch. The golden eyes watched him.

  Gently, so as not to alarm Feris, he pushed at the lean body, pressing until Feris lay back, spread before him. Then he leaned down and licked the tip of Feris' hard shaft.

  Feris roared, hips pushing up toward him.

  Oh, yes. That was just the reaction he hoped for. Holding tight to Feris' hips, Anneal went one better and took head of that hot, hard flesh into his mouth, sucking lightly.

  "An neal!" Feris' hands slid into his hair, grasping and pulling, half whimpers, half growls coming from Feris.

  His own shaft ached, balls drawing up at the taste of Feris, wild and spicy and brighter than the sun on the snow. Anneal pushed down, taking more, using all of his previous experience as a means to this end, to making Feris happy.

  Growls and purrs and wild sounds of pleasure came from Feris. He could feel Feris' shaft growing impossibly hard in his mouth. The vein on the underside moved wildly against his tongue with the beat of Feris' heart, and his own heart thumped in time as he reached for Feris sacs, rolling them so gently between his fingers. Feris roared, the sound wanting to be the shape of his name and his mouth was flooded with the taste of Feris' pleasure.

  The taste was like nothing else, fierce and salty and so sharp it also stung the roof of his mouth. Anneal swallowed it all, moving back up to kiss Feris on the mouth.

  Feris' tongue slid into his mouth, hands sliding through his hair. "Oh. An neal. Oh."

  "You liked your reward, Feris?" He pushed hard into the hollow of Feris' hip, creating strong friction.

  Feris growled, hands coming down to cup his buttocks, pulling him tighter against smooth skin. "Yes. I will wait again all morning tomorrow."

  "Oh, good." The words gasped out with his breath, and he thrust once, twice more before crying out, seed spilling on Feris' skin.

  Feris' hands gentled, though they still moved, sliding him along his lover's body, his come rubbing into their skin. Rumbling purrs, not quite as deep as himself's filled the air, vibrated the broad chest beneath him.

  The sky was probably still blue, Anneal thought as he let himself doze. But it could wait. Feris could not.

  ~Chapter Twenty Two~

  Feris used to sleep away the winters.

  Himself could go for days without a meal, weeks even if he'd brought down a big kill right before the snows.

  Now there was someone to share the short, sharp days and long cold nights with. Someone who did not sleep all the time. Someone who curled close for warmth. And for other things.

  Cat or Man, An neal loved him always and was always ready for loving.

  It was good.

  He turned to An neal, watched as his man bathed. He shook his head. Silly custom. Still, it meant An neal was naked and this was good.

  He watched avidly, feeling his prick grow hard.

  An neal turned as he finished and smiled at him. "Why do you always watch so as I bathe?"

  He shook his head. Sometimes his An neal could be as stupid as all men. He walked over to his man, hands sliding over damp skin as he leaned in for a kiss. He let his own hardness press against An neal's thigh.

  "Oh." An neal was breathless, pushing against him. Did you... were you like this before, when we were not... intimate?"


  He purred against An neal's lips, rubbing up and down An neal's arms. "At first it was in amazement that you would do such a thing, but then it became more."

  "Amazement that I would... oh. Wash that way?" An neal kissed him, happy noises coming from his man.

  "Yes! Such a silly thing to do, especially in the winter when you have no fur to keep your skin dry." He laughed. "My strange love."

  "Me! I am not the one who insists that I smell strangely until you rub all over me." An neal put long arms about his neck.

  "Well you do. Even in this form I do not like it if you do not smell like me." He licked at An neal's lips, rubbing their bodies slowly together.

  "You should make sure I smell like you now." Kissing him hard, An neal slid against his skin.

  He growled. "I should."

  He began to touch his An neal, fingers moving over the smooth, warm skin. An neal moaned under his touch, moving into it, shifting and flowing against him.

  "You feel like my man," he murmured.

  "Mmmhmmm. Test everywhere just to make sure?" An neal smiled at him.

  "Yes." He pushed An neal to the ground.

  Holding up his arms, An neal waited for him.

  He chuckled at An neal and dropped to his haunches at An neal's feet, beginning there, touching, smelling, licking.

  "Feris! That tickles." An neal did not kick, but it was a near thing. It made his man laugh, though.

  Oh. Such a good sound that. He repeated his movements, searching more for the sounds. A sound approaching a squeal came from his man, and An neal did kick, body flailing.

  He shifted.





  Man laughed hard, rolling on the ground.

  Nuzzle. Lick. Purr.

  Feet. Knees. Thighs. Heat and hard. Stomach. Heat and hard.

  Lick. Purr.


  Man not laughing now. Moaning. Purring. Happy.


  Lick. Heat and hard. Lick again.

  And again



  An neal squirming, noises loud and strong. Hands on his head.

  Rub. Lick. Purr.

  Rub. Lick. Purr.

  "Feris! Please." Mansmell. Hot, need.

  Rub. Rub harder.


  Rub harder.

  Make man make happy smell.


  An neal yelling, shaking, hot and hard making him wet, making the smell he wanted.

  Clean An neal.

  Lick. Lick. Lick.



  Clean An neal. Clean fur.


  "Oh. Feris." An neal petting him. "The things you do to me."

  Sniff. Good smell. Happy smell.

  Good things.



  Feris was dreaming.

  Obviously it was quite a good dream, the way his lover rubbed against him, hot and hard and purring constantly. Not that Anneal minded. 'Twas not as if Feris would wake calling some dream lover's name. Anneal had been, to the best of his knowledge. Feris' only lover. Though he did sometimes wonder if Feris dreamed of female cats, which in turn made him feel absurd.

  Both Feris the man Himself the cat seemed perfectly content with Anneal. Any worry on that matter was strictly Anneal's problem.

  Once, Anneal would have been profoundly uncomfortable at the idea of Feris the cat using him as a sort of warm place to rub, especially considering the size of the warm, hard cock against his ribs, but now Anneal found himself more... curious.

  Shifting, Anneal turned, sliding down so that he was on level with Feris' back legs, carefully avoiding those huge clawed paws. He simply had to see.

  Gently, trying not to startle Feris from his dream for obvious reasons, Anneal reached out, touching the large phallus before him. Longer than any he had ever seen, darkly colored, and oddly textured, but the scent was so perfectly Feris that he could not be anything but pleased with it.

  Feris purred and pushed the hot shaft into his hand.

  Well, Feris certainly seemed to like it. Determined, Anneal closed his hand about Feris' cock and stroked, gasping as what felt like tiny spines rubbed against h
is palm.

  Feris' purrs got louder, the pushing becoming more insistent, sliding the prick in his hand.

  Oh! So responsive to his every touch. So hot. Every movement of his hands caused Feris' claws to flex, caused a new round of purring, and Anneal could not help but rebuke himself for his own reticence in such matters. He had accepted Feris as his lover. It was high time he accepted all of Feris. For all that Feris distinguished between the man and the cat, they were one and the same.

  With that in mind, and with curiosity so strong he could not resist, Anneal leaned forward and licked lightly at Feris' large balls.

  Feris' made a sound like a roar, prick jerking.

  The fur about Feris' privates was dense and almost white, the balls large. The taste was wilder than Feris the man, gamey and sharp, but good. Avoiding the barbs, Anneal took the tip of Feris' cock next, lips and tongue closing about it.

  Another roar and Feris pushed the large cock into his mouth.

  Fighting not to gag, Anneal wrapped both hands about Feris' prick to shorten the thrusts, then began to lick and suck, carefully loosening when Feris pulled back. He knew somehow he should most likely feel this was wrong, but he did not. How could he? This was Feris. The taste was Feris, only more, darker, more rich.

  Feris' roars and purrs were coming constantly, the cat humping hard.

  He wanted to purr himself. So good, being able to give Feris pleasure. So right. His own prick was hard as stone, but he could not free a hand to rub it, nor could he reach Feris to rub against. Anneal moaned around the flesh in his mouth, sucking hard.

  Feris' prick got impossibly harder and throbbed, his only warning before his mouth was filled to overflowing with strongly bitter seed.

  The taste was unexpected but not unpleasant, and Anneal took it into himself, licking Feris clean before rising to cover Feris' body with his, humping strongly against the big cat's body. Feris was purring again, pushing back against him, helping him along. The feeling in his belly was hot and urgent, the taste of Feris strong in his mouth, and Anneal did not last long. Soon he cried out, he seed spilling from him, wetting Feris' fur.

  Feris curled back, licking his face and then licking the soft fur and his prick clean.

  Anneal curled close for warmth, letting the drowsy feeling steal over him, letting Feris' purring lull him. Maybe that's what Feris had dreamed about. Surely it would make his own dreams more pleasant.


  Practically bouncing, Anneal made his way back to the temporary camp he and Feris had made, feeling the pleasure of a good day's trade. He had written three letters and a marriage contract, and his bag bulged with parchment, ink, foodstuffs and a can of black leaves to make tea.

  Best of all, he had a bag of the lemon sweets that Feris so adored. He could not wait to share them. "Feris? Feris, I have something for you!"

  Feris bounded into the clearing, the big cat running on all fours, straight for him.

  He braced himself as Feris leapt up, front paws on his shoulders, tongue scraping across his cheeks. He laughed, arms wrapping about the big body, happily tussling with Feris until they were both on the ground, and he was winded.

  Feris immediately went for his pack, nose working like crazy, one big paw batting it around.

  "No! You must ask nicely." He wrested the pack from beneath that huge paw, holding it to his chest, grinning like mad.

  Feris stared at him for a moment and then roared loudly, trying to intimidate him. It did not work on him any longer, that roar, for he knew better. He simply laughed, waggling the pack. Feris walked in a circle, pacing almost, sulking. Finally Feris came near and shook himself, morphing from cat into man.

  "Are you going to ask nicely, love?" Oh, how he loved to look at Feris, man or cat. He was simply stunning, all golden glory.

  Another growl and then Feris' deep, husky voice cut across the air. "Please."

  He could not refuse his cat anything. Rummaging in the bag, Anneal pulled out three of the treats, handing two of them over.

  Oh, the purr he got for that.

  Feris snatched the sweets from his hand, opening them and popping them into his mouth. Then Feris came and sat next to him, sucking vigorously and smiling, purring. "Thank you."

  "You are most welcome. I love to see that smile, hmm?" He opened the third sweet and popped it into his own mouth, savoring the sweet tart flavor.

  "The men are near," Feris said. "Tomorrow we leave."

  "If you wish." He trusted Feris' instincts. If he said it was time to move on, then it was.

  "I'd go tonight, but you like sleeping in dark." The golden eyes looked into his. "Soft," teased his lover.

  "I do not have your fine eyes or sure feet, that is true." He carefully set his bag aside before he leapt at Feris, rolling them both. "But there is nothing soft about me right now, and there are better things to do in the dark than sleep."

  Feris growled, shifting into his cat form as they rolled, the move almost an automatic response.

  As soon as he was on top Feris shifted again, human face grinning down at him.

  "No, not all soft," said Feris, rubbing them together.

  He smiled back, pulling Feris down to share a kiss, tasting lemon over the wild flavor of his lover. Feris' mouth opened wide to him, thick fingers sliding beneath his layers to find his skin. Much easier for his own hands to find flesh, with Feris' dislike for clothing. He slid his hands down Feris' back, cupping his ass, pulling them tight together.

  Feris growled, the sound caught between wanton and frustrated. "Stupid clothes."

  "Here, let me." Now he was pushing away, pulling at his clothes, soon as nude as Feris was, drawing him close once more.

  "Better," muttered Ferris, mouth closing over his with urgency.

  Much better. He was almost as unused to the formal clothes as Feris, wearing them only when he had to go among people for any length of time. Skin against skin, he and Feris rubbed together, kisses hard and needy passing between them.

  Feris was all growls and purrs, his lover always letting him know what was good, what was better. Oh, those sounds drove him, hardened him unbearably, made him tilt his head back to bare his throat. The scent of Feris in his passion was hot, musky, arousing beyond belief. Feris made a noise that might have been a whimper and then suddenly he was holding the great cat, sharp teeth against his throat as Feris' growls vibrated through them both.

  It was all he could do not to scream, such sudden transformations as awe inspiring as ever, if more arousing now that frightening. He gave Feris more skin, utterly lost to him. Those teeth were so sharp, but Feris was so gentle, not breaking the skin. Then, just as suddenly, Feris was a man again, licking at his skin.

  "Love!" He leaned up, bit into the skin of Feris' shoulder, sharing the sting of teeth with him, reaching for more pleasure, more sensation.

  Feris roared and moved against him eagerly, rubbing their heat together.

  Faster, harder, they moved together, and there was no time for oil, or preparation, or one of them inside another. The friction between their bodies was enough, and Anneal could not hold his passion in for long. With a cry on his lips and the sting of Feris' teeth at his throat, he shuddered and shook, spilling hard. The scent of his come made Feris roar -- it always did -- and his lover came for him, spreading more heat between them.

  He relaxed beneath his lover, petting his back gently, mind blank of anything but the pleasure of their touch.

  Feris brought their mouths together, kissing him gently but thoroughly, tongue sweeping everywhere in his mouth.

  Then his lover raised his head and looked at him with those almost glowing yellow eyes. "You got anymore lemon-candy?"


  Feris was driving him utterly mad.

  The previous week had seen Anneal slip off the side of a hill he was picking fruit on, and slide for a goodly distance, making him stiff and sore. Which meant, in turn that Feris treated him as though he were made of glass.

was all good and well while he was still uncomfortable, but he was quite recovered, and ready for some of Feris' less gentle touching.

  Now he just had to convince Feris of the same.

  Anneal tried the sitting close and brushing bodies subtle route. Feris shifted and curled around him to be used as a pillow for his sore body. Then he tried the scratching of Feris' back, just above the base of the tail, where it would stimulate the big cat. Feris purred, but then shifted and warned him not to exert himself.


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