
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 18

  He nodded and gave the kit a smile, making sure to order two more glasses when the waitress brought their food. Rex gave him a smile in return, small and shy, but honest.

  The kit picked up his knife and fork, eyes on him, waiting for permission, practically drooling. He took his bite first, as was his due, giving the kit space to eat, not pressuring or watching. The hunger would drive them insane, would drive the Beast to acts of madness, ached deep within.

  The kit had both steaks gone before he'd finished his own, eggs going down quickly after. The glass of milk went down slower this time, the kit breathing in between mouthfuls.

  He finished his own meal in short order, wanting to get the kit up and moving before the need to sleep deep and long took over, wanting to get the kit safe inside. "You ready to go home?"

  Rex nodded, eyes already heavy lidded, the kit fighting sleep with everything he had left, which couldn't be that much.

  Lee threw money on the table and stood, helping the kit up. "Come on. It's three blocks. I walked."

  They stumbled out of the restaurant and down the street towards the red brick building they called home. It looked normal, but he could feel the kit tensing as the Pride's scent grew strong. He stopped and scented the kit again, rumbling. "See? Home. Come home."

  Rex nodded, nuzzling against him.

  He opened the door, the male there rumbling curiously at the kit's presence. He growled, bared his teeth in a show of dominance and drew the kit upstairs. He would explain tomorrow. Late tomorrow.

  His place was soft with cushions, quickly warmed in the morning sun. He started stripping the kit with easy motions, his own clothes following behind. Sleep. Time to sleep.

  As soon as Rex was naked the man became cat, powerful, ropey muscles covered in dark fur. The dark green eyes blinked at him and the kit curled up among his cushions. He yawned, morphing as he did and leaping up next to the kit. Settling, he groomed the newcomer, erasing the scents of the others, licking until the kit purred, falling asleep.

  Then, once the Pride was whole and home, Lee slept.

  ~Chapter Two~

  Rex dreamed of lying in a nest of pillows in the sunshine, wrapped within a warm embrace, the smell of the Pride all around him. He dreamed and he dreamed and he dreamed and he didn't want to ever wake up. Except. Well, when was the last time he had dreamed for so long? When was the last time he had dreamed at all, sleep so broken by fear and fighting?

  He opened his eyes, growling and leaping up and back as he realized it had been no dream. There were pillows and dying sunshine and a Pride and he was in the middle of it. His fur stood up on end and he growled, baring his teeth.

  Green eyes opened, fastened onto him, unafraid. A kit mewled softly from beside him, a female drawing close to tempt it away. The Alpha purred, called for him. Called him Pride.

  It came back to him in a flood, triggered by the bright green eyes. The coming to Edgetown, the fight, the marking -- he could feel the bruise throbbing with his heartbeat. He stopped growling, went to the Alpha, rubbed against the Alpha's hind legs. Strong and feral, the Alpha's scent filled his nose. Then the big male turned and nudged him down upon the cushions and began licking, grooming. Soon, the Pride came crawling up, smelling and nuzzling, licking and welcoming him. Making him theirs.

  He was soon purring, boneless, stretched out beneath their tongues. He could remember... a long long time ago, belonging somewhere, grooming with another, perhaps his dame or a sibling, but this... this was sheer bliss.

  The big male was watching, tail sliding over the cushions for the two smallest kits to chase, tumbling one over the other. Fat and safe and happy. Loved. Pride. This was how it should have been in Centreville, but wasn't.

  He began to lick back, bringing their scent and taste into himself -- so that he would know who belonged. Four females and one adolescent male purred for him, the three older kittens unafraid, trusting in their Alpha's scent. Even the oldest kit, almost old enough for her first change, a trying, terrifying time, shared her scent with him. After a time he returned to the Alpha, lying on his back in front of the big cat. He would not taste without permission -- the Alpha had proven himself stronger.

  The big male purred, rubbing a soft cheek against his belly, licking the mark hidden beneath his fur, warm and welcoming. He licked back, learning the scent, the taste of Strength and Pride.

  The Alpha relaxed, loose-limbed and easy. Sure of his place.

  At length he morphed, lying among the cats, the pillows soft against his skin.

  The Alpha female morphed, settling beside him. She was pale, blond, her Beast spotted and golden. "I am Jenna. Welcome."

  "Rex. Thank you. It is a good Pride."

  "Yes. Leah, Chris and Joseph are at work, but you've met the rest of us." She purred softly, chuckling as the two mid-sized kits crawled into her arms. "These are my children -- Anna and Micah. Triny and the wee ones were born to Katrina."

  He smiled and scratched behind their ears, feeling more at home now that they'd all scented each other.

  "The kitchen is downstairs. Please keep the gate closed for the little ones. Lee will give you your space," She chuckled, teeth flashing. "Not that it matters. We all sprawl, yes, nosso leopardo?"

  The Alpha rumbled softly, still sleek and black and regal.

  His stomach rumbled at the mention of a kitchen. Only with them one night and already he was spoiled -- he usually went several days between feedings.

  "I will show you the way, if you have need." A small male untwined himself from the other female -- Katrina -- and padded over. "I am Samuel, mate of Katrina." To Rex's surprise, the male did not attempt to claim dominance over him, meeting him as an equal in the pack.

  "The Alpha does not sire all the kits?" One surprise on top of another.

  Jenna shook her head. "Each female's first time is shared with her mate and the Alpha, to bring the Pride strength, but Lee is..."

  Samuel chuckled. "Queer as a three-dollar bill?"

  The Alpha snarled and pounced, knocking Samuel to the ground, the adults laughing. He growled, backing off a bit, his Beast ready to take over and pounce. They rolled together, wrestling playfully, before the Alpha leapt toward the window box, cleaning himself. Samuel stood, dark hair flying everywhere. "Right. Kitchen?"

  Eyes wide he looked from the Alpha to Samuel and back again. Diego would have killed Samuel for that.

  Jenna rumbled softly. "Are you okay? They are family, Pride. Samuel owes Lee his allegiance. They were playing."

  "Where I come from such playing would see one of them badly injured."

  "Where you come from, the Pride is ruled by fear." Lee leapt down, naked and proud, dark hair sleek. He greeted Samuel with a hug, nuzzling the mane of hair. "Samuel is my kin, my friend, my Pride."

  A yearning went through him. He had no kin. Diego didn't run things that way.

  Jenna purred, nudging his hand, and Lee stalked towards him, licking the black mark on his throat. "My kin. My Pride."

  He whimpered, torn between the wanting and his own knee-jerk instincts. Finally he let his head drop back, trusting. Warmth and skin surrounded him, scented him. Claimed him. He whimpered again, feeling home and Pride for the first time.

  "Mine." The rumble was low, sweet, vibrating through him.

  A tremor went through him. "Yours," he whispered.

  The sound that brushed his skin was triumphant, beautiful. Happy. He wrapped one hand around Lee's back, touching the warm skin of the Alpha male. His throat was caressed, Lee moving closer, body hot and hard, naked against him. He gasped, another tremor going through him as his body responded to Lee's. A soft, questioning purr sounded, even as the press of the Pride faded away, offering them privacy. He took a step back, eyes wide, body trembling, needy and scared.

  The Alpha followed, stroking his belly, petting him. "No one will hurt you. You are home."

  He pushed instinctively into the touches, whimpering. He'd never... no one had ever caressed... not a
nother male and Diego didn't allow anyone else to mate with the females. Lee purred, tongue soft upon his throat, hands sliding over his skin. He trembled harder, breath growing short, sharp. Waiting for the sharp bite, the pounce, the swipe.

  The Alpha rubbed their cheeks together, scenting him. "Home. You are Pride. Safe. Mine." The words were low rumbles, ringing in the air.

  He closed his eyes, forced himself to believe, to trust. Lee had not harmed him yet, beyond the fight to prove dominance. He wanted to be home, wanted to be safe. He took deep breaths, pressing close to the Alpha's warmth.

  Lee held him, purring low, drawing him into the cushions. The Alpha took on the Beast, slowly licking him, grooming him, constantly touching him.

  There was no pain, no fight; it wasn't a trick.

  He slowly relaxed, released his hold on his form, letting the Beast take him and press him into the Alpha with soft purrs. He was explored, laved. Touched and nuzzled and loved. Accepted without hesitation. It was so strange, but good. Overwhelming. He sighed softly, purrs growing volume in his throat as he felt sleep take him.


  "Is he broken?"

  The words startled him and Lee looked up into Jenna's golden eyes, shaking his head. "No. No. Hurt. Hurt deep, but so strong."

  The kit was sleeping, purring for him, nestled in his arms. He would kill Diego, if he could. Kill the bastard for Lupa and Rex and all the others, wet his muzzle with the traitor's blood.

  "Will he stay?" Jenna crawled up, stroking the kit gently. Lee fought the urge to snap, to snarl. His. His Pridemate. His.

  Lee nodded, struggling with the Beast. "He will stay."

  The man may not want to, but the Beast was one of them now. Pride. The Beast would stay.

  Rex whimpered at Jenna's touch, pushing into him.

  "Shh..." He rocked, purring low, hands running over the fine skin.

  Jenna's eyes flashed and her nostrils flared. "Mates? I smell... Mates. Already. How?"

  Lee shrugged. "Perhaps Lupa sensed it. He is mine, Jenna. Let the others know. He wears my mark."

  "Yours," muttered the kit, pushing closer still, rubbing soft cheeks against him.

  He nodded, petting. "Mine."

  Jenna smiled, pleasure and excitement lighting her eyes. "I will let the others know." She leaned forward, nuzzling him. "Congratulations, nosso leopardo."

  The kit growled, still mostly asleep.

  He licked her jaw. "Thank you, nossa rainha."

  Growling again, the kit's eyes blinked open.

  Lee purred, hands sliding over the soft skin, Jenna forgotten as he watched his Mate. "Hey. Hungry? You never did see the kitchen."

  Rex stretched, body sliding along his until the kit suddenly shook himself and put a little space between them. "Hungry. Yes."

  He nodded, stretching himself out tall. "Food, then. And finding you a place to keep your things out of the kits' claws."

  He found a pair of jeans and tugged them on, Jenna bringing a brush over, grooming his hair with gentle strokes.

  "I don't have much more than the clothes I came in," Rex admitted, eyes watching Jenna closely.

  "We won't let you freeze, Rex." Lee let his eyes trail over the kit, enjoying the heat in those dark eyes. So, this was what mating felt like. "You are welcome to my shirts and Joseph will have some old jeans that will fit."

  "With each hour I spend with the Pride, I owe you more."

  He frowned. "We are Pride. There is nothing to owe."

  The kit ducked his head. "It still feels strange. To belong."

  "Yes. You will become used to it, to being home."

  Jenna giggled, the sound happy, familiar. "To watching the kits and running patrols and sleeping in a huge pile."

  The kit nodded. "Is that what you want from me then, to look after the kits and patrol?"

  "If it's needed." He shrugged. "We all take turns, depending on our work schedules, our plans. Leah doesn't patrol -- she's our doctor and we can't risk her. The kittens are scared of Chris, so he doesn't ever watch them."

  "You've got a doc?" The kid sounded surprised again. He had a lot to learn and the first thing needed to be that this wasn't Diego's Pride and things were run differently here.

  "We do. This is a family, a Pride. We can't go to the ER and expect to get treated. Leah takes care of that." Lee grinned, shook his head. "Downstairs there's a kitchen and a rec. room with cable. There's two baths on each floor. We have lives, Rex."

  "Sounds really nice."

  Jenna put the brush away, nodding. "My kits will thrive here, be happy, healthy. Loved. Diego will not offer that."

  "Diego doesn't offer much," growled Rex.

  "No, he doesn't." He met those dark green eyes, possessive need rising within him. "I do. You wear my mark. You are my Pride. He cannot have you back."

  Rex's nostrils flared, eyes wide. "I have no interest in going back to Centreville."

  "Good. I have no interest in losing you." Might as well make that crystal clear.

  A low growl sounded. "That's up to me."

  "Are you challenging me, kit?" Jenna backed out of the room, closing the big doors behind her. At this rate they were never going to get to the kitchen.

  "Not as Alpha of the Pride, no." Rex tossed his head. "That doesn't mean I won't leave if I want to."

  "Where do you have to go?" Poor kit, so busy fighting that he couldn't accept where he was.

  "I... well you never know." The kit snapped, eyes flashing, the show of strength not enough to cover the scent of confusion, fear.

  "I do know." He took a step closer, making a show of scenting the air. "You smell like mine. Any other would know it."

  The kit took a couple of steps back, nostrils flaring again. "I've only been here one night."

  "And you're terrified of waking up and finding out it's not real." The words tasted like truth on his tongue.

  The kit snarled at him. "I'm not afraid of anything."

  "Liar. I can smell it on you." His shoulders were tense, body hard and chafing in the clothes.

  The kit tensed and pounced, growling and snarling at him. He took the kit down easily. This was his place, his lair and the kit was wounded. He didn't hurt Rex, didn't open the quickly fading slashes. Just brought him down and held him there. The kit fought, kicking and clawing, but Rex couldn't get enough purchase to cause any real damage and eventually just tired himself out.

  Panting, Rex lay beneath him, head going slowly back.

  Lee touched his mouth to the dark mark, lips and tongue gentle. Maybe this would make it easier, maybe the fights eased the kit's pride. There was a soft whimper and he could smell the kit's arousal and confusion.

  "You are Pride, Rex. My kin. My own." He nuzzled, lapped the dark mark again and again. "We want you here. I want you here."

  The kit was trembling again, body trying to shift beneath him. "Why?"

  "I know your scent, the taste of your blood. You are strong, hungry." Lee purred, stroked the kit's belly. "We will be Pridemates. I can feel it."

  The kit's eyes widened, Rex shaking his head even as his body pushed into the touches, shaft firm, the scent of arousal and need growing stronger. He let his hand trail down, cup the kit's need, giving Rex something to push against. The kit's eyes got wider, shock warring with hunger. In the end wanting won out, Rex humping up against his hand, breath coming short and fast.

  Lee purred, eyes glowing, nuzzling and licking, so sweet. So fine. He let his own arousal, his need out, not pushing it on the kit, just letting it show. Rex whimpered, body moving harder, faster, eyes wild.

  "It's okay, you're okay." He took a soft kiss, tasting the sweet mouth, purr increasing. "Just feel."

  The kit gasped, lips following his. He kissed Rex again, tongue sliding deep. His. Oh, his Mate. His own. Rex cried out into his mouth, heat spilling over his hand.

  Breathing deep, he almost shuddered with arousal. The scent was rich, male, enough to make him take another kiss, entire body vibrating.
Rex was shuddering, whimpering, eyes still wide.

  "Shh... easy, Mate. It's okay. You're okay." He brought his come-slick hand up, licking it clean. Oh. Good. Yes.

  Rex's eyes watched him, watched as his hand and tongue. "Mate?"

  "Mate." He nodded, rubbing their cheeks together. "Can you not smell it?"

  Rex took a deep breath. "All I can smell is you and me."


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