
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 19

  "Yes." He lifted his wrist to his mouth, biting deep enough to bleed, and offered it to his Mate. "You and me."

  Rex whimpered and for a moment he thought the kit was going to refuse and then Rex latched onto his wrist, sucking hard. He arched, seed pulsing from him, staining his jeans as he roared. Rex let his hand go, lay back with his neck stretched out. His.

  He stretched over his Mate, licking from belly to jaw. Mine.

  Rex shuddered and then lay still, purring softly. Lee closed his eyes, that sound filling him. His own purr answered, lower, louder, singing of his pleasure, his warmth, his joy.

  Rex shifted slowly, warm skin giving way to soft, dark fur, the kit curling into him.

  He held his Mate, petting slowly, exploring the strong muscles. Lee eventually wriggled out of his jeans, letting the Beast free to love and groom his mate. Rex returned the touches, tentatively at first, but with growing confidence as his touches were accepted, encouraged.

  Groaning, he stretched, moving into each touch. Bliss. Sheer bliss. Eventually the touches stopped, the kit's purrs softening as his Mate fell into sleep.

  He considered going to tell Jenna all was well, but decided to snuggle a while, enjoy the sunbeams, enjoy his Mate.

  His Mate.

  He purred. His.


  Rex woke up warm and comfortable for the second time.

  He was curled up, Lee wrapped around him.


  His... Pridemate.

  He pulled away, rolling. He knew what mates meant.

  One bright green eye opened, then dropped closed again, Lee stretching lazily.

  He slunk away, changing as he found his bike leathers. He slipped the clothes on, feeling less vulnerable in them, and headed toward where he thought the kitchen was.

  The oldest kitten met him at the bottom of the stairs, vocalizing softly. Her fur was golden and spotted, eyes brown -- strong and well-fed. He scratched her behind the ears, but continued to look for the kitchen on his own.

  He wasn't sure if he wanted to think or wanted to not think.

  He wandered through the house, the place clean, warm, well-lived-in. The rec. room had an old pool table and a battered pinball machine, the overstuffed couches surrounded a big-assed TV. The door to the kitchen was wide open.

  Katrina was stirring spaghetti sauce in a huge pot, heavy on the meatballs. "Hello. There's soda in the fridge, milk too. Just help yourself."

  "Thanks." He opened the fridge and pulled out milk, drinking the entire thing straight from the carton. God, milk. Two days in a row. He could get used to that. "Is this meat for something in particular?" he asked, pointing to the large hank of beef.

  "For eating. There's always meat, but you finish the milk, you put it on the list." She smiled, black braids swinging. She pointed to the paper on the fridge, skin rich and dark against the tan. "That way whoever goes shopping replaces it."

  "Yes, ma'am." He returned her smile and carefully wrote 'lots and lots of milk' on the list.

  Then he took out the meat and considered cutting a piece of it. His stomach growled loudly though, reminding him that he was very hungry. His last meal had been... well he wasn't sure how long ago, but he had a hunch he'd been sleeping the better part of a day and his last meal before the one Lee had fed him... well rats didn't keep a Beast alive for long.

  He unwrapped the meat and found a quiet corner, stripping and changing into the Beast to devour it.

  One of Katrina's tiny kits crawled in, belly low to the floor, asking politely for a bite, completely unafraid, sure. Katrina watched, vibrating with worry. He growled, his initial instinct to grab the meat and run. Instead he tore off a piece and tossed it in the little kit's direction.

  The wee one chirped happily and grabbed the meat, curling around his mother's feet and eating. Katrina nodded, body relaxing. He backed further into his corner, growling softly. He didn't really want to share, his belly was too empty, his nerves too close to the surface. He ate quickly.

  The Alpha padded in before he finished, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, greeting Katrina with a nuzzle before grabbing a soda. "Meatball sandwiches?"

  Katrina nodded. "Yes. With cheese."

  His nostrils flared, body tightening at the scent of his Mate. There was that word again, the feeling of possession that went with it. He knew what mates did. Knew what Lee would be wanting from him. The question was -- would the food and shelter and family be worth it?

  He thought maybe if things were even only almost as good as they appeared to be, then yes, they were worth it. He remembered what happened just before he'd fallen asleep. Maybe even Lee himself was worth it.

  Green eyes flashed at him, Lee giving him a nod. The little kit twined around Lee's ankles, purring and begging attention. When those eyes looked down and Lee rumbled, the kit rolled over, offering his belly. Lee bent and stroked the black belly, then herded the kit out of the kitchen.

  He finished the meat and groomed himself, purring at the sensation of a full belly, at being able to take the time to clean after eating instead of having to move on.

  A strange pair walked in, the female pale and small for one of them, the male huge and scarred, one eye missing. The male smelled strongly of blood and was carrying a huge package of meat. The Alpha greeted them both, murmuring gently to them.

  He let go of the Beast and dressed quickly back up in his leathers, tying the laces with double knots and zipping up the jacket. He stayed where he was, feeling the safety of the walls at his back.

  The new male nodded at him first, speaking slowly and carefully, as if it were an unnatural act. "Welcome. I am Chris."

  "Rex." He nodded back, waiting for the new male to assert himself.

  Chris scented, eyes looking him over, then looked at Lee. "Yours. Does Joseph know?"

  Lee shook his head. "Not yet."

  He growled. "Who's Joseph?"

  He might not have asked for it, but the truth was there, in his instincts, in his reactions -- he and Lee were mates.

  "My lieutenant." Lee met his eyes, square. "He has no mate."

  "What does that mean?" he asked, moving as casually as he could, going to stand by Lee. Lee was his. Even if that meant getting fucked. And he would fight every last one of the Pride if he had to.

  "It means he'll challenge you for dominance. He is a good man, but strong, sure." Lee's voice was flat. "He wishes to be Alpha, when I die."

  Leah and Katrina growled together, heads shaking.

  "He'll have to get through me first," he snarled. He put himself in front of Lee and growled at them all. "He's mine. Lee is mine."

  Lee's purr was proud, rich. "This is my Mate. My heartbeat. My own."

  If he hadn't been wearing his leathers he would have shifted back to the Beast and bared his teeth. Instead he stood tall and growled low.

  The pack backed away, submissive, purring, accepting them without question. Jenna entered the room, meeting them both head-on, growling softly. The Alpha female's eyes flashed, snarling low. "Do not challenge me. I will have your throat."

  Another growl sounded, this one new, dark. "Not if I take it first, Jenna."

  This he was used to. He shook out his arms and squared his shoulders, letting his growls become deeper, eyes watching them both. His focus narrowed, his hurts and worries disappearing as he watched the Alpha female and the newcomer, ready to spring.

  Lee snarled, voice low. "Stop. You both know the rules. Upstairs, on the roof. Jenna, you are Alpha, Rex is Mate."

  The new male gasped. "Mate? Lee?"

  Lee went still, the scent of worry and pain sudden and sharp on the air. "Yes, Joseph. The Moon has chosen. He is mine." Lee nodded, settled behind him.

  Oh, it felt good, to have someone standing behind him, with him. Someone solid, someone he knew wouldn't back down. He growled, eyes on this Joseph.

  Joseph was taller, but thinner, eyes golden. "I am Joseph. We do not have to fight. Submit."

  "I only sub
mit to Lee."

  "I will not bow to you. I am Pride." Joseph snarled low.

  Lee growled, one hand hot on his spine. "Then upstairs and fight to first blood only. I will lose neither lieutenant nor Mate."

  He followed Joseph, the two of them watching each other warily, gauging each other's weak spots.

  Only Lee and Jenna attended, opening the door to climb to the roof. "First blood and then it is decided. I would have you both whole."

  Lee's voice was sure and Jenna nodded. "We are Pride. First blood only."

  "I heard you," he growled, knowing the repetitions were for his sake.

  "He has a temper, your Mate." Jenna arched an eyebrow.

  "He has fire and heart, my Mate." Lee met his eyes.

  "I won't let you down," he told Lee, attention turning back to Joseph.

  The tension was like a ball in the base of his spine, making his focus sharp, his feet light. Joseph leapt for him first, claws reaching for him as those eyes flashed. He rolled out of the way, reaching up with his claws and swiping across Joseph's belly. The smell of blood was sudden and sharp in the air and he held himself back from pressing his advantage with a snarl. He wasn't used to fights where you backed down once first blood was drawn.

  Jenna was on her knees, nuzzling and licking at the other male's belly, purring and rumbling. Lee took his hand, drew him away from them, from where blood was turning to lust. "She's been looking for a way to claim him as hers, fuck him hard. It's about to get messy."

  Lee gave him a wink.

  "Then we should go." It seemed anti-climatic after all the posturing and growling, but he didn't want to see messy. He had pent up energy though, felt growly, hungry, but not for food.

  Lee nodded and led him down the stairs part way before turning to look at him. "You are my Mate."

  He nodded. He was. He could feel it with every fiber of his being.

  He was scented, Lee's cheek brushing against his. "You are second only to me."

  He growled softly. "Not for ever."

  He rubbed back, scenting Lee.

  "No. You are a kit, still. One day you will be Alpha. One day I will die." Lee growled softly. "But it will not be today."

  He bristled. "Not a kit."

  "Kit enough." He was licked, Lee stepping back, playful. The need to prove himself warred with his hunger, with his desire for Lee. He pounced, not even sure himself which way it was going to go until he licked Lee's face and then bounded away. Lee's laughter followed him down the stairs, rich and hot and pure sex. He ran for the room with the pillows, Lee's room. Lee pounced him when he hit the edge of the cushions, rolling them into the softness. "Caught you."

  "But can you keep me?" he asked, keeping the roll going, trying to wriggle away.

  Soft huffs of laughter tickled his jaw, hands keeping him trapped tight beneath Lee. "I will. For as long as I'm strong enough to, I swear by the moon herself."

  It made him purr, made him lie still and lax beneath Lee. His head went back, exposing his neck. "I'm yours," he said, voice quiet but sure.

  "Yes. Mine." Lee lapped the mark. "One day, we will make love and you will feel me deep inside, carry my scent within you." He tightened up, need and want and fear all mixing up together. Green eyes caught his. "One day, Mate. When you desire it. I have no wish to feel you unwilling. I can ease my need elsewhere, 'til you want me."

  "No! Only me!" He couldn't handle the thought of Lee taking pleasure elsewhere.

  Those eyes flashed, a soft purr sounding. "Yes? Only you?"

  "My Mate," he growled. "Mine."

  "Yours?" Lee met him head on. "Prove it."

  With another growl he pushed, rolling them, teeth going for Lee's neck. Lee bucked, snarling low, pushing at him. He put his mark on Lee's neck, sucking hard, pulling the taste into himself.

  A low, steady purr filled the air, Lee hot and hard beneath him. He slid his hands along Lee's body, expecting at any moment to be knocked over.

  "Your Mate, Rex." The words were serious, low. "Yours alone."

  "Mine," he whispered fiercely, hand moving to push against Lee's hot heat.

  "Yes. Mine." Lee pulled his head back, taking a hard, hungry kiss, tongue pressing into his lips. "My Mate."

  He whimpered, opening wide to Lee's kiss. "Yours. Mate."

  The kiss deepened, Lee's fingers tracing his face, stroking his hair. He closed his eyes, pulling the scents and sensations into himself. Lee smelled strongly of Pride, of Mates, of Musk. He pushed his hand inside Lee's jeans, the heat of Lee's shaft threatened to burn him, but he didn't stop touching, stroking.

  A growl pushed into his mouth, Lee's hips pushing up into his hand, tip rubbing his palm. His own cock was so hard, pushing against his leathers. He whimpered, pressing harder against Lee's prick. One strong hand trailed down his belly, tracing the length of his shaft.

  He groaned. Such pleasure. Shared. It was incredible.

  "Good." Lee tempted his tongue into that hot mouth, lips fastening around it, sucking gently. Oh. Oh he could feel that in his cock, each suck around his tongue making him throb. Lee was feeding him, feeding off him, hunger and need growing sharper and heavier in the air.

  The pleasure just kept increasing. Unbelievable. He hadn't known this was what Mates meant. He whimpered hand rubbing against Lee's heat as he pushed his own trapped cock along Lee's thigh.

  "Want skin, Mate." Lee's growl was low, sure. "Yours and mine."

  He nodded. "Yes."

  He couldn't stop though, couldn't stop touching and rubbing and licking. Lee seemed to have the same problem, the heel of that strong hand rocking against his leathers, his cock, his need. He could only feel when Lee did that and he moved against Lee's hand, moved his own hand, breath coming in shallow gasps.

  "Mate." Lee pushed harder, eyes glowing, heat ratcheting up and up.

  He shook. He shuddered. He roared as heat sprayed from him, filling his leathers with the proof of his need. An answering heat filled his hand, the scent and sound of his Mate's pleasure filling the air. He collapsed down against Lee, trembling and whimpering softly, trying to catch his breath. Each time he breathed in though he could smell them and it made the trembling better... worse. It made the trembling harder.

  Hands swept down his spine, petting, soft purring words sounding like a song. "Home. Mate. Pride. Mine."

  The words, like the touches and the purrs felt good, right.


  Lee licked his cheek, watching him closely. He licked back, wondering what he was supposed to do next, what Lee wanted from him. He got a slow smile. "Never thought it would happen fast. Always thought it would be slow, someone I knew. Not a kit."

  Lee winked.

  He growled. "Not a kit."

  He headbutted Lee. Gently.

  His Mate -- his Mate! -- chuffed with laughter, fingers tickling along his ribs. "'s what I said. Not a kit."

  He wriggled at the tickling, trying unsuccessfully not to laugh. Lee lapped at his lips, chuckling hard, tickling harder. He was torn between rolling away to escape the tickling and pushing closer for more licking.

  The tickling eased, the Alpha morphing suddenly, rough tongue sliding over his belly. He pulled off his leathers, desperate for that touch against his skin. The big cat growled, licking at him, tongue lapping at his seed, at the sensitive tip of his cock. He shuddered, cock twitching, trying to firm up again. He reached down, burying his hands in the thick, soft fur, purring. The heavy muscles rippled beneath his fingers, the hot, wet tongue sliding over his pubes, his shaft, his inner thigh.

  He still couldn't quite believe it -- he had never dreamed an Alpha would clean him like this. His Alpha licked down his legs, then turned him with a rumble, working his way up, licking his feet, the backs of his knees. He trembled, excited and scared. Wanting and worried.

  The tongue traced the join of his ass and thigh, then along his crease, before whiskers tickled the small of his back. Slow tears leaked from his eyes, even as he started to purr. H
is spine was explored, then his nape. The Alpha sniffed, tongue sliding out to taste the tears on his cheeks, tail swiping against his calf. He sniffed hard, trying to make them stop, but the Alpha's care and gentleness...

  His Mate curled around him, purring loud, heavy paws lengthening into hands and arms that held him close, wrapped them together in a sheet and rocked him.

  His eyes closed and he soaked up the warmth and comfort until sleep stole over him.

  ~Chapter Three~


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