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Page 27

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  "Not there. I... She was my twin, my sister. I... I hurt. I don't know how not to be the Alpha. I don't know where I fit."

  "Then fight me. Take it back from me." He backed off, opening his arms, offering Lee a target.

  "You don't understand. I... You are Alpha, Rex. You defeated Diego. You have been able to best me for months now. We both know it. Now the Pride knows." Lee shook his head. "I won't take what is yours."

  "I don't want it," he growled. "You're good at being Alpha. All I'm good at is fighting and playing."

  "Then learn." Lee growled back, eyes flashing. "This house is yours now, the Pride needs you."

  "The Pride needs you."

  "The Pride needs strength, Rex. They need strength and youth and power. Things I can't offer anymore." Lee opened his arms. "What am I supposed to do? Pretend? Lie about the fact that you can best me? I have honor, Rex."

  He sighed and threw himself down among the cushions. "I just want things to be like they were before."

  Lee settled beside him. "I know, Mate. But we knew it would happen. I... This would have been easier if I'd died, you know? I thought I would."

  He growled and pushed Lee down, straddling him. "NO! I thought you were dead and it was awful."

  Lee met his eyes. "I came home to you. All I could see was you."

  "I thought I'd killed you. I had to face Diego thinking I'd killed you." He lowered his head, leaning to rest his head on Lee's shoulder. "I was so scared," he admitted, whispering. "I'm still scared, Lee."

  "I know." Lee wrapped around him, purring, holding him and easing his soul like no one else could. "But you did it. You did your duty. My brave, beautiful Mate. My Heart. I lived because I could not do without you."

  He purred. "My Mate."

  "Yes. Yours." Lee nuzzled him, snuggling close. "We will find our way, kit. We mate for life, yes?"

  He chuckled. "Call me that again."

  "My kit. My Mate."

  He nodded. "Yours, Lee."

  He brought their lips together, the kiss slow and soft. Lee snuggled close, purring and pliant, warm in his arms. He whimpered, body shaking. It had been too long since they'd come together like this, he'd come too close to losing it. Lee's hands were in his hair, on his skin, the sweet mouth moving over his face, his mouth.

  "Oh, Mate, Mate. Love you." He slid his own hands over Lee's skin, so warm and soft and hard muscles and good.

  "Love you. Oh... Oh, I thought I'd lost this. Touch me. Mate." The words were whispered, his Mate needing him.

  He pushed Lee down into the cushions, following his Mate down, mouths fused together. Lee's hunger met his own, tongue pressing deep, then backing off and letting him in, meeting him as an equal.

  He growled into Lee's mouth, tongue diving in as he ground their dicks together. Lee's hands were everywhere, petting and stroking and driving him mad. He whimpered and purred, growled and moaned, driving their hips together as sensations slammed through him.

  "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrex! Need! Mate!" Lee gasped, eyes rolling.

  He nodded, pushing a hand between them and wrapping their pricks together, pulling hard. "Mate. Mine."

  "Yours." Lee arched, throat bared for him, his mark obvious on the smooth skin.

  He wrapped his lips around Lee's skin, his Mate's heartbeat pulsing beneath his tongue. He let his teeth sink into the skin, sucking hard to pull up a new mark. Lee cried out, the sound of need slamming through him, sweeter and sharper than he remembered, pure.

  "Oh, Mate! Mate!" With a roar, he came, spilling his seed on his Mate's belly, marking Lee with the scent of their pleasure.

  Lee whimpered, groaned as more heat joined his, as their need scented the room. He gave Lee's neck one last suck and kissed the skin that held his mark and then brought their mouths together again. The kiss was sweet and went on and on, their purrs and rumbles shared between them.

  At last he morphed, kisses turning to licks, to scenting as he rubbed his cheeks against Lee. His Mate. His.

  Lee shifted, rumbling for him, bright eyes watching him, loving him.

  That was better.

  That was his Lee.

  He gently nipped Lee's nose and then settled, tail wrapping around his Mate. Lee nuzzled close, eyes closed, one paw gently rolling against his belly.

  The weight of responsibility was heavy, but he had this, he had Lee. That made it worth it.

  ~Chapter Eleven~

  Lee wiped off the bar, put the glasses away, not hurrying, just working with the slow steady rhythm he'd found as he healed.

  He was spending longer and longer hours here, giving Rex a chance to lead, to be Alpha. It was hard for all of them -- but what had been done could not be undone. Rex was younger, stronger. Rex had taken out Diego. He had... not. So, he was giving the Pride what they needed, time with the new Alpha, time to restructure, time to settle.

  Still, he was lonely and his heart yearned to just go home and stay for days and days, surround himself with good Pride smells, good food. His Mate.

  He let the music keep playing as he went to do the night's deposit, curling into his chair and counting as he hummed along.

  He thought he heard the sound of an engine revving hard, then it came again, out in the alley. Lee tilted his head, listening, sniffing. That was definitely an engine revving, a motorcycle. The sound came one more time and then cut out.

  Someone was out there.

  He locked the money away without a thought, rumbling softly, before going to the back door and opening it, meeting whoever it was directly.

  There he was, leaning against a bike, dressed head to toe in tight, black leather.

  He purred, eyes traveling over the fine form, nostrils flaring as the scent of his Mate. "Rex."

  "Lee." His mate stood and slowly stalked toward him. Oh. He watched, rumbling softly, eyes burning in his head as he drank in his Mate, his beautiful Rex. "You've been hiding from me."

  "I have not. You know where I've been." Hiding was really a strong word. Really.

  "You haven't been home where you belong. Haven't been with the Pride for days."

  "I've come in a few times. You all need time. You need it, the Pride needs it. I'm just giving you some room to breathe." He offered Rex a wry grin. "It's not like it's common, changing Alpha males and having them both stick around..."

  "I need you," Rex growled, eyes hot on his.

  "I'm yours. I'm not going anywhere." He stepped forward, rumbling, refusing to back down.

  "Nowhere but home." Rex growled, the sound deep, necessary.

  Then Rex leapt at him, slamming him against the wall as his Mate's mouth took his. His world spun a minute, his lips parting immediately, need slamming over him, almost hurting. Rex tore at his clothes, baring his skin, fingernails clawing at him. He arched, roaring, body jerking beneath Rex's touch.

  "Mine," growled Rex, mouth going to his throat, biting, pulling up a mark.

  "Fuck!" He pulled back, hands pushing through Rex's hair. "Yours! Mate!"

  Rex grabbed his thighs and pulled him up so he was straddling his Mate's body. "Want you."


  Lee stiffened, pushed back. Not like this. It had been too long. Too many years. Not out here in an alley. "Mate. Not like this."

  Rex's lip curled and he was dropped, Rex backing away with a growl.

  Lee met Rex's eyes. "Don't, kit. I haven't... been mounted in years, and then only once. I just..."

  His words trailed off. Just what? Just needed time? Care? Just needed to be twenty years younger and in his prime?

  Rex's nostrils flared, he kept backing away. "If I stay, I'll take you."

  Still growling, Rex turned and got on his bike, revving the engine, eyes never leaving his. Then Rex was gone.


  Lee went back into the bar, locking the door, and pulled the deposit back out.

  It was a long time before he noticed the radio station had gone to static, the music over.


  Rex rode all

  He just went, letting the beast lead him. If he'd stayed with Lee he would have taken his lover, right there up against the wall.

  It had surprised him. Shocked him. The way the beast had risen, had demanded he have his due as Alpha. Scared him.

  He could have hurt Lee. If he'd stayed he would have.

  Dawn saw him back at the house where the Pride lived. His Pride. The beast inside him was more than willing to be Alpha, to fight to keep the title. He wasn't willing to hurt Lee though. So he'd stopped at the drug store. Picked up stuff. They would go at their own pace and he wouldn't hurt Lee and it would be good.

  He slipped in, rubbing cheeks with Chris who was standing guard duty at the door and then headed for his nest of cushions, hoping Lee had decided to come home tonight.

  He found his Mate, curled tight in the windowsill, tail draped over closed eyes. He purred softly, hands digging into Lee's fur. So beautiful his mate, strong and virile. Lee's eyes popped open, searching his face for a heartbeat before the soft purr answered his own, muscles rippling.

  "Mate," he murmured. He rubbed his cheeks against Lee's, the soft fur like silk against his skin. His jaw was licked, Lee's tongue rough and hot, dragging on his skin. He chuckled. "Love you, Mate."

  Lee morphed slowly, sitting on the windowsill, black hair tousled. "Love you."

  He stood between Lee's legs, hands sliding over his mate's warm shoulders.

  The low rumbling purr never faltered, Lee's eyelids drooping, eyes blinking slowly. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrex."

  "Lee." He brought their mouths together, tasting the purr from the inside. Oh, his Mate tasted hot, salty and dark and rich and wanton. Lee opened easily, fingers stroking through his hair, petting him. He pulled Lee close, his Mate's bare skin hot against his leathers. No resistance, no worry -- his Mate melted against him, all long muscles and pure heat.

  "I want to make love to you," he murmured. "Make my claim as your Alpha. As your Mate."

  Bright green eyes met his own, quiet, warm. "Trust you, Mate. Love me."

  He purred, the sound sliding into a growl of possession, of need. Lee's lips covered his, strong and sure. His. Only his. "I'll need your help. You'll show me what to do, right?"

  "We'll be fine." Lee nuzzled, whispering low. "You'll touch me and I'll need you and I'll wear your mark deep inside."

  "Lee..." He purred, taking Lee's hands and tugging him from the windowsill to their nest of cushions.

  They settled together, his leathers pushed away, Lee's mouth and hands warm and sure on his body. So different from earlier, the need held no anger, no fury, only a sliding sensuality that threatened to drown him. He almost wished that Lee was going to take him, but his body knew what it wanted, what they both needed and he pushed Lee onto his back, mouth moving over warm skin, hands sliding, finding the places that made Lee moan for him.

  "Rrrrrrrrrex... " Lee arched, rocking up into his body, rubbing slow, cock hard and hot against his belly.

  "Oh, love you, Mate. Love you." He reached over for the lube. "It's time now, isn't it?"

  Lee nodded. "It's time."

  He got his fingers all slick and slid them behind Lee's balls, moaning at the heat and the silk slide of skin. Lee hissed softly, legs parting, hips tilting with a jerk. He pulled back, eyes going to Lee's. "Mate?"

  "Rex. Love. Don't stop." Lee panted, eyes shining up at him.

  He nodded and bent to kiss Lee, lips clinging to his Mate's before his fingers slid back down below Lee's balls, searching. Lee's hole was tight and hot, Lee moving slowly against his finger, just barely pressing. The need grew stronger.

  "Don't let me hurt you," he whispered, pushing one finger in.

  "You won't." Lee moaned, muscles rippling around his fingers. "Just love me. Make me yours, Mate."

  His. He could do that.

  He pushed a second finger in, stretching slowly, carefully. Lee's face was buried in his shoulder, body beginning to move, to ride his fingers, Lee gripping his shoulders.

  Rex purred, growled. Need and want were chasing him, sharp hunger nipping at his heels. The beast demanded he take Lee, take him now, take him hard, let no one have any doubt he was the Alpha. He knew he didn't need that though, knew all he needed was Lee and whatever time it took for them to love each other. He kept his fingers moving, stretching, going until Lee was moving easily on them. His Mate was beautiful, eyes wide open, the rumbling purrs vibrating the long, strong body. Lee's cock was full, dark, clear drops sliding from the slit and dropping onto his belly.

  He didn't ask this time, just let his fingers slide from Lee's body and pushed his cock in. Lee was tight -- tighter than anything he could imagine, anything he had imagined, a burning grip around him, holding him, squeezing him. He stopped, panting, whimpering. "Okay?"

  Lee's eyes rolled, sweat sheening his Mate. "F...full. Full of you. Of you, Mate."

  He nodded. "Yes. Full of me. Mine. Mate."

  He pushed the rest of the way in, cock throbbing. It was so good. So very good.

  "Yours." The whisper was trembling, almost lost, but the hands on him were sure, encouraging, loving him.

  "Mine," he whispered, taking a long kiss. "Tell me when I can move."

  He needed to move, was desperate to, but he wouldn't hurt Lee.

  "Love... love you." Lee moaned softly. "Now, kit. Love me. Make me your own."

  "You already are." He withdrew partway, Lee's body holding him tight, dragging against his flesh the entire way, and then pushed in again. It made him roar it felt so good.

  "Beautiful." One of Lee's hands slid over his belly, petting him.

  He whimpered, moving again. "Oh, Lee... Lee... Mate."

  "Yes. Yours." Those eyes were so serious, so focused, almost a caress of their own.

  He bent, bringing their mouths together, tongue sliding into Lee's as his cock slid back into Lee's body. Lee's hands tangled in his hair, holding them together, the kiss growing wild, toothy, edged with hunger. It pushed him on and he began to move faster, thrusting harder, body on fire. His Mate held him, stayed with him, met every push with a low cry. Harder and harder he moved, sinking so deep he couldn't tell where he ended and Lee began. He held Lee's eyes, watching his own pleasure playing there.

  "Love you. Mate." Lee arched, cock a brand against his belly.

  He grabbed it with one hand, pumping in time with his thrusts. "Now, Lee!" he called out. "Now!"

  Lee roared, heat spraying between them, throat arched and offered. It was pure instinct driven need that found him biting down hard on that beautiful throat, adding another mark to those already there. Then he was coming, cock milked by Lee's body as he roared.

  Strong, warm arms held him, his Mate there for him in this as in all else. "Oh, Mate. Mine. Love you."

  He couldn't find words, so he didn't try, just nuzzled into Lee's neck, licking at his marks. Lee petted him, stroking long and slow as that low purr wrapped around him.

  He whimpered as he slipped out of Lee, staying close.

  Green eyes met his, watching closely. "I am yours.'

  He purred. "As I am yours."

  He settled against Lee, petting and purring. Lee relaxed, nuzzling his throat, teeth sharp as Lee marked him, claiming him again. "Yes. As you are mine."

  He threw one leg possessively over Lee, hand on his Mate's belly. Yes. His.


  Lee woke up slowly, aching gently in muscles that hadn't been stretched in years. He uncurled, heading for the roof, stretching himself lazily as he walked. Lee kept waiting for the sadness to hit him, the sorrow of losing his role made firm by the claiming. The sensation of Rex within him had been good, rich -- the act one of love. He leapt up onto a low box, grooming himself, enjoying the sun. He stopped worrying, stopped thinking, just allowed the beast to be. It was a good feeling.

  He could feel Rex's presence come up behind him, his Mate's mouth closing over the back of his neck for a moment before Rex began to clean him, tongue grooming. He purred, panting
and nuzzling into his Mate's flank, inhaling that good musk. Rex's purrs answered, his Mate's tail sliding over him. They curled together, tongues and paws touching. Their scents mingled until they smelled the same in his nose -- he was Rex and Rex was him and they were Mate. Pride.

  Rex slowly morphed, lying draped over him, fingers sliding into his fur. Lee purred louder, enjoying a nice long scratch before shifting, moving into Rex's arms. "Mate."


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