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Page 44

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  "I still say you can't blame me for not scratching when you're doing... oh, that."

  He settled, tongue licking a pool of salt and need off Lynn's belly, then from the source.

  "Oh sweet Lord, Rishi..." Lynn whimpered, fingers wrapping tightly around his ruff. "Careful... teeth."

  Oh, right.

  He concentrated hard and became like a man, licking at Lynn's shaft.

  "Oh!" Lynn moaned, the tight grip in his hair softening, gentling. He curled around Lynn's leg, purring happily as he tasted the clear, sweet drops. "Oh, Rishi. So good."

  Yes. Rishi good.

  He let himself have a man-smile which made his face feel very very much different than a Real smile. "G-g-g-g-good."

  "Oh, yes, Rishi. Very good." Lynn's fingers moved through his hair. "I have an idea. Something that will be very good for both of us."

  Then Lynn began to shift around.

  He frowned, putting his man-paw on their Man. "No go away. Want."

  Lynn's hand slid along his shoulder. "I know, Rishi. But I want too. And I'm not going away -- I'm making it so we can both have." Lynn stroked him again. "Trust me."

  He didn't understand both having, but he understood Trust Me. That was like Love Me and Good Rishi. Right words. Malik and their Man words.

  Lynn started moving again, turning and pushing a bit and then suddenly their Man's shaft was hard and red and right in front of his mouth again, while his need was being taken into Lynn's mouth.

  He roared, fighting to keep his man form, shaking hard.

  Lynn hummed around his shaft, pulling him slowly in deeper.

  Their Man's hands were warm, soft on his thighs.

  The shock slid away and the scent of Lynn's want caught his nose, distracting him. He leaned in, licking and nuzzling, tasting.

  Lynn's hums got louder, vibrating around his own need. The hands on his thighs held him tighter.

  He let the hard flesh slide inside his mouth, sucking to pull out more man seed.

  Their Man whimpered around him and then began to suck hard, head bobbing up and down on his shaft.

  Shivers rocked him and he wanted, wanted so badly. Rishi called out, stretching beside his Lynn, hips cocking up.

  Lynn's hands pulled on his thighs, encouraging his movements.

  So strange, to mate like this.

  Strange, but good.

  Very good.

  Lynn started to move as well, hips pushing their Man's need in and out of his mouth. He sucked, pulling hard, his fingers rolling on Lynn's thigh.

  Suddenly Lynn's hands got so tight on his legs and then hot salt need was pushing down his throat from Lynn's cock. He took what he could, the rest spreading between them.

  Lynn kept sucking him, fingers slowly relaxing on his skin. Rishi licked and sucked at their Man, hips moving, pushing deep. Need. He needed. Lynn pet his skin, fingers gentle as their Man sucked him hard.

  Pleasure hunted him, bit his spine and shook him and he roared, spilling into their Man, caught. Lynn swallowed around his shaft, drinking down his pleasure.

  When their Man's mouth eased, he turned, licking at Lynn's lips, kissing, holding onto the man form. "L-l-l-love."

  Lynn's arms wrapped around his neck. "Oh, Rishi -- I love you, too."

  "Yes?" Rishi purred, nuzzled. "So good Man."

  "Yes, good Rishi." Lynn chuckled, the sound soft and husky. "So good."

  He licked his Lynn, landing heavy in their Man's lap before becoming Real and purring loud. So Good Rishi.

  Lynn seemed to agree, hands scratching him again. "Yes, Rishi. Such a good tiger. And man. Tiger-man."

  He purred, stretching long and happy, rolling so Lynn could scratch that spot under his chin, that itchy spot.

  Lynn was a good Man, he understood and scratched the itchy spot.

  Of course, it was only right, to scratch the itchy spot of the one who Hunted.

  One day, he would be as good as his Raj.

  Until then he would be So Good Rishi, One that was Loved.


  Malik woke from his nap, stretching and yawning, tail curling over his back. A quick, habitual survey of their home area told him that Rishi was nowhere to be seen, but Lynn was there, grinding small berries up to make ink.

  Their Man was very strange.

  Sweat stood out on Lynn's brow, and Malik decided it was time for his Man to have break, so he made his way over and stretched out on the ground next to Lynn, head coming to rest on one of Lynn's thighs.

  "Hullo, Malik." One of their Man's hands slid over his head, fingers scratching quickly behind his ears and then Lynn went back to his bowl.

  He had not made himself clear, obviously. Bunching his muscles, Malik gave the slightest push, working more firmly into Lynn's lap.

  "Malik! I'm making ink." Lynn tsked and shifted over so that he was again only resting his head on Lynn's thigh.

  A low growl escaped him. Stubborn Man. He did not want to spill Lynn's bowl, but it was time for Lynn to stop making smashed berries and pet him, or play, or possibly love. Malik rolled and put one big paw on Lynn's lap.

  Lynn chuckled this time. "Are you trying to tell me something, Malik?"

  Chuffing, he nuzzled Lynn's leg. Their Man was slow sometimes, but he caught on.

  Lynn laughed again. "Yes, I do believe you are trying to tell me something."

  Lynn set his bowl to the side, hands coming to dig into his fur.



  Malik puuuurrrrred, moving closer, crowding against Lynn. Good scratches made him very happy.

  Lynn set to scratching, murmuring to him the entire time. That made him move even closer, until he was climbing into Lynn's lap. But the tiger Malik was too heavy for the Man Lynn, so Malik found his own man inside and let him out, straddling Lynn's legs.

  "Oh! Malik..." Lynn's arms went around him and Lynn pressed their lips together in a real kiss.

  Lynn tasted good, spicy and sweet at the same time. Malik liked the taste, so much that he went looking for more, his tongue pushing deep into Lynn's mouth.

  Lynn whimpered softly, holding tight and falling back, bringing him down with their Man.

  Purrs sounded different in a man chest, but purr he did, letting his body rub along Lynn's. Lynn purred as well, pushing back against him, hands on his buttocks, pulling him down closer.

  "Lyyyynnnnn." The sweet skin of Lynn's throat called to him, and Malik bit it, claiming his man as he would his Rishi.

  "Malik!" Lynn arched, body bucking up against him.

  "My Man. Mine." Leaving the mark he'd made, Malik licked at Lynn's jaw, Lynn's chest. His Man wore no shirt, only the lower covering, and Malik could taste salt sweat and desire.

  Gasping, Lynn moved beneath his touch like the grasses moved with the wind. "Yours," Lynn murmured softly.

  He went searching for more good tastes, licking Lynn's belly, tearing at the cloth covering his Man's shaft.

  "Malik! I would have undone them for you." The words were reproachful, but the tone was not.

  There. Hot and hard, Lynn's shaft was in his hand, and Malik licked at it, ignoring the words in favor of the feel of the blood rushing under the soft, soft skin. Moans and whimpers replaced the words, Lynn pushing into his hand, hips moving insistently. Licking and sucking, Malik moved up and down Lynn's hardness, the scent making him dizzy. His Man was so good, so hot.

  "Oh, Malik..." Lynn's hands were in his hair, keeping him in place, encouraging each bob of his head.

  Searching for still more, Malik touched Lynn's soft sacs, sucking hard on Lynn's shaft, growling around the flesh in his mouth. A loud gasp and Lynn moved faster still, humping up into face with abandon. He encouraged Lynn with touches and moans and purrs and growls. He wanted his Man's pleasure, wanted to taste it.

  Lynn pushed into his mouth twice more and then jerked, crying out to the skies as his mouth was filled. There was what he wanted, and Malik swallowed Lynn down, licking to make sure there was noth
ing he missed.

  "Lyynnn. Good."

  Lynn purred, the sound almost as good as a tiger. "And so good Malik."

  "Mmmmm." Sliding up until he straddled Lynn again, Malik kissed his Man, sharing the taste in his mouth. Lynn made a happy noise and one of his Man's hands moved over his skin, finding his need and wrapped around it.

  Oh! The touch made his skin jump and twitch, and his shaft throbbed, making him push into Lynn's hand. A deep growl spilled from his lips, a sound of pure need.

  Lynn smiled up at him, tongue licking at his lips as Lynn's hand continued to move on him. The touched made his head feel dizzy, made his skin hot and tight. Malik growled and kissed Lynn hard and pushed and pushed, working toward completion.

  Lynn's free hand slid around to his front, pushing between them to tug on his man teats.

  "Lyyynnnn!" The name came out as a wail, his pleasure coming upon him as sudden as a summer rain, wet heat splashing from him onto Lynn. He panted, hips still moving in small pulses, lips on Lynn's skin. "Love."

  "Mmm... Malik. Love you." Lynn brought his hand up and began to lick it clean.

  "Mmmmm." Their man really was getting good at purring. Malik nuzzled, showing Lynn how pleased he was.

  It was time to bathe. And nap. And then maybe find Rishi and have some more loving.

  Then their Man could finish his ink.



  Wiggle wiggle.

  Lick. Nibblenibble. Lick.

  Stretch again.

  Claws in.




  Swish tail.


  Rishi blinked and headed down to the water.


  Were Hard Work.

  Very Hard.

  Their Man was lucky. Lynn only had two feet to remember how to work.

  And there was their Man, whistling, beating the man-coverings against a rock in the water.

  Silly Man. It was Too Early to be Beating.

  He growled and moved to take a drink from above the bubblies.



  Lynn looked over at him and smiled. "Good morning, Rishi. How is my so good Rishi today?"

  Tired. Grumpy. Thirsty. So Good. Yes. So Good.

  Happy to see his Lynn.

  A little hungry.

  Needing a scratch. Right There. By his ear.

  He plopped his head in Lynn's lap.


  By his ear.

  Lynn chuckled, hands leaving the silly man-coverings on their Wet Rock to bury in his fur. Oh yes, right there.

  Lynn gave good scratches.

  Rishi purrrrrrrrrrred and stretched, leaning hard into Lynn's body, claws rolling in the dirt.

  So Good.

  So Good Rishi.

  The whole time their Man talked to him, Lynn's words flowing like the water. "Did you have a good sleep, Rishi? Were you dreaming? You looked like you were dreaming when I got up."

  Mmm... Dreaming. Yes. Sleep Worlds. His Raj told him All about those. That they were Not Real, but may Be Real one day, so a good tiger Watched and Listened for Omens.

  Mostly, though? His Sleep World showed him Hunting and Loving.

  Lynn dropped a kiss on his nose and rubbed their cheeks together. "So good Rishi. Such a pretty tiger."

  He preened. Yes. He was a Fine Tiger.

  Not beautiful and strong and fine as his Raj, but Pretty.

  Pretty So Good Rishi

  Their Man said so.

  He nuzzled into Lynn's belly, purring hard, as he morphed. "P-p-p-p-p-p-p-pretty Man?"

  "Mmm. Yes, Rishi, you are a pretty man, as well." Lynn's scratching and petting turned into caresses, fingers gentle and good on his man-pelt.

  "Mmm... Llllynn pretty pretty man." He stretched and rubbed, happy.

  Lynn's smile grew closer and then their Man was kissing him, making his mouth full of the taste of Lynn.



  This was the best part of being a mans. Kissing. Tasting.

  It was So Good.

  Rishi nestled closer, purring happily.

  Their Man filled his mouth with whimpers and moans, hands moving on his man-skin.

  His own paws were clumsier, but Lynn didn't seem to mind, arching and offering him more and more. Lynn lay back, pulling him down to lie on top of their Man.

  They rubbed together, soft and warm in places, hard and hot in others. Good. He leaned down and nipped, taking Lynn's scent in. Lynn moaned, head tilting back to offer him a long, thin neck.

  His growl was possessivehungry, rumbling in his belly. "Good. gooooooooooood."

  "Yes. Good. So very good." Their Man moaned again, bucking up against him, sliding their hardness together.

  He licked once, then bit down, growling at the salt and sweet and man flavor.

  Lynn bucked again, crying out as heat spread between them.

  Oh. Good. Rishi licked his way down, purring loud, cleaning Lynn's belly with his tongue.

  Lynn's hands tangled in his hair, stroking and rubbing and puling as Lynn moved restlessly beneath his tongue.

  He licked until all the salt was gone, happy and nuzzling. Then he licked until the salt flavor started to come back.

  "Oh, Rishi. You make me hunger so... make me need."

  "Nnnneed. Need Lynn." He nibbled Lynn's thighs, Lynn's sacs. He liked Making Need. Lynn's legs spread for him, hips lifting, baring Lynn's entrance.

  "Mmm..." He shifted, licking and tasting, his need rubbing against his own belly, so Hard.

  "Oh, Rishi, yes. Please. Make me ready for you."

  He was shaking with Wanting, tongue pushing in, taking Lynn's hole. Crying out, Lynn tugged on his hair, encouraging him to continue. He spun Lynn, settling his Man on hands and knees, tongue moving faster, his entire body shaking and shuddering.

  Lynn pushed back against him. "More, Rishi, please! I beg you, now, Rishi, now."

  Rishi leapt, covering Lynn with his body. His teeth sank into Lynn's nape, hardness finding a home inside the soft heat of his Man.

  Lynn screamed, back arching. "Rishi!"

  A whimper followed, Lynn rocking, his Man pushing, rutting with him.

  They Mated and it was good, the air filled with growling and snarling and moaning. So Good.

  Lynn reached back, finding his hand and tugging, pulling it around to the hardness that grew from between Lynn's legs.

  He made a hole with his fingers, giving Lynn a hole to push into, their mating going full circle. Lynn's body tightened around him, squeezing his need.

  He groaned and jerked, pushing deep, spending in Lynn, eyes rolling as he roared.


  His Man.

  Lynn cried out his name to the sky as heat poured over his fingers.

  Rishi licked at the dark mark on Lynn's nape, purring low, nuzzling. Good man. So Good Lynn.

  "Love you, Rishi," murmured Lynn, their Man sinking to the ground.

  "Mmm... Lllllove. Llllove Lynn." He cuddled close, purring. "Llllove."

  "Mmm. Such a good Rishi. Such a lovely morning." Lynn kissed him softly and pushed closer, nuzzling.

  "Mmm... Mmmmorning." He chuffed, happy and sated, warm and lazy. "Mmmmmmorning, Love Lynn."

  He got another kiss. "Yes, Rishi. Morning. Love you."

  So good Rishi and so good Lynn.

  They would nap together now.

  After all, mornings were Very Hard Work.


  Crawl. Buzz. Flapflap. Crawl.

  Bugs were fun.

  Crunchy too.

  Especially the big blue ones with the pointy noses. Their wings were small and didn't get stuck in his teeth.

  Rishi stalked the shiny bug, nudging it with his nose when it stopped amusing him. He was so focused, so intent about what he was doing that Lynn's feet with their no-claw toes startled him, made him jump and roar.


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