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Worlds Apart

Page 7

by Isis Brown

  Isabel raised her hands to Layla’s waist and pulled her down until her mouth connected with Layla’s center, tasting and teasing Layla until she shuddered above her.

  “You have the best ideas,” Layla said, still breathless, as she crawled back down to lay next to Isabel.

  “Don’t I?”

  “Truly brilliant,” Layla yelled in her terrible British accent.

  Isabel groaned and grabbed a pillow from the bed and smacked Layla with it again, before laying her head on Layla’s chest. Layla affectionately swept her fingers through Isabel’s hair, lulling them both to sleep.


  “I have a request,” Isabel said, as they finished cleaning up after breakfast.

  “What’s up?”

  Isabel went to the bedroom quickly and emerged holding The Kite Runner before sitting down on the couch and patting the space beside her. Layla sat down as Isabel handed her the book.

  “Will you read it to me? Promise I won’t fall asleep this time.”

  “I can’t help but notice there were no promises about the drool, but fine let’s go with it. Should I start at the beginning?”

  Isabel glared at her. “Yes, please. I picked it up to start reading it a few times, but it just didn’t feel right reading it to myself.”

  “I have truly spoiled you.”

  “Mhm,” Isabel responded as she laid her head in Layla’s lap.

  “Created a monster.”

  Layla exaggeratedly cleared her throat, then began reading the story she loved so much.

  A few chapters in Layla’s phone rang. “Sorry babe. Normally I wouldn’t get this, but it’s my boss. If she’s calling on a Sunday, it’s important.”

  “Of course, don’t worry. Do you need privacy?”

  “No stay right where you are,” Layla said, running her fingers through Isabel’s hair as she picked up her phone.

  “Good morning,” Layla said, cradling her phone between her shoulder and ear. Mayor Woods filled Layla in quickly, her voice stressed, about the emergent issue. She was rounding up her senior-level staff for an emergency meeting. “Okay, I can be there in an hour, but I have an out of town guest with me. I’ll pop her into my office.”

  Layla hung up the phone, still playing with Isabel’s hair.

  “So. How would you like to meet the Mayor of Portland?”


  After a quick shower, Layla and Isabel hopped into Layla’s car and drove to City Hall. Layla used her employee badge to head up to the secure area of the Mayor’s office suite, where she greeted the staff that was there and headed right into the Mayor’s office.

  Isabel didn’t know what to expect and followed Layla quietly, as she moved quickly throughout the office greeting people. Isabel tried to take in the scenery, but City Hall looked like a maze once they got into the office space and she didn’t want to get lost.

  Once they went into the Mayor’s office, Layla was bombarded with staff who gave her pieces of paper and went back to milling about on their phones. Layla slowed down for a moment and looked back to Isabel, grabbing her hand and leading her forward towards the Mayor who was seated at her desk. Upon seeing Layla, the Mayor stood up with a look of relief on her face as she quickly smiled at Layla and looked at Isabel expectantly.

  “Mayor Woods, this is my friend Isabel. Isabel, this is Mayor Mary Woods.”

  Mayor Woods stretched out her hand and offered Isabel a warm smile. “Pleasure to meet you Isabel, apologies we are meeting when things are a little tense.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you, Mayor Woods. I’ve heard a lot of great things about you from Layla.”

  “Please, call me Mary. Any friend of Layla’s is a friend of mine.”

  “Will do,” Isabel said, smiling, and looking over at Layla.

  “I’m going to get her situated in my office, and I will be right back.”

  Layla walked Isabel into her office. “Okay, make yourself comfortable, I’ll be back as soon as I can. If you get super bored, remote for the TV is in the left-hand drawer.” She said as she nodded towards her desk before quickly exiting the office.

  Isabel walked around Layla’s space, taking in the frames on the wall of her degrees, progressive city ordinances and photos with family and prominent people most of which she had to read the captions to know who they were. It was nice to get a feel for what Layla’s world was like since it was so different from her own.

  After she had seen everything, Isabel sat down on the couch and watched a small group of people whiz by and join the meeting that was beginning in the large conference room. This group was different from the people she had already seen, as they were all formally dressed and looking like they were on a mission. Isabel couldn’t help but notice one of the women was undeniably stunning, and that woman went straight to Layla as everyone said their hellos.

  Isabel knew she should mind her own business and not watch the meeting, but she felt like she wasn’t really eavesdropping since she couldn’t hear them and would respect their privacy if she could. Isabel watched as the gorgeous woman sat down next to Layla, and how when pieces of paper were passed out to the group, Layla grabbed one for herself, passed the stack to the gorgeous woman who passed them all down, opting to share Layla’s paper, and much to Isabel’s irritation, Layla’s personal space. Isabel felt the tug of jealousy, and she tried to reel it in. Most of the time they had spent together had been either one on one or with their closest friends. Seeing Layla in her world, surrounded by people Isabel didn’t know, was a rude awakening that as much as they shared themselves with each other, they lived two completely separate lives.

  Isabel sat down and checked her social media feeds to distract herself. She started responding to friends and fans alike, and when she finally couldn’t take it anymore, she looked back to the meeting. Layla was standing, making what looked like a very passionate argument. Isabel was struck by how stunning Layla was, and how everyone seemed to be nodding in agreement, including the gorgeous mystery woman who was looking at Layla with a sense of admiration, and maybe attraction, that Isabel could completely relate to and got immediately possessive over.

  As the meeting ended, Isabel watched everyone gather their things and walk out of the room with only Layla and the mystery woman remaining. They exchanged a few words before the mystery woman grabbed and squeezed Layla’s hand as they both started walking out of the conference room.

  Isabel quickly sat back down on the couch and picked up her phone, trying to act nonchalant as they made their way inside Layla’s office. As they stepped inside the mystery woman seemed surprised to find someone else there, but she recovered quickly.

  “Hey, Isabel. This is Sasha. Sasha, this is Isabel.” Layla turned to Isabel. “Sasha is the Deputy Attorney General; we work together a lot. Usually on really amazing things. Not today, unfortunately.”

  “Talk about an understatement,” Sasha exhaled with a sad smile, before sticking out her hand to shake Isabel’s. Isabel took Sasha’s hand in hers and took a good look at Sasha up close, and wow. Sasha was tall, with gorgeous smooth dark skin, beautiful dark brown eyes, and a radiant smile.

  “Nice to meet you, Sasha. Sorry today sucks.”

  Isabel immediately regretted saying it. Really? Sucks? You’re meeting a gorgeous and brilliant woman, probably ivy league educated and the best word you could come up with was ‘sucks’? She thought.

  “Truer words babe,” Layla said, throwing Isabel a lifeline.

  “Well I should head out,” Sasha said, then turned to Isabel. “I don’t know if you heard what happened in there, but this bossy - excuse me - this Chief of Staff with excellent leadership qualities just gave us all a to-do list a mile long.” She playfully elbowed Layla before winking at Isabel and showing herself out.

  Layla plopped down exaggeratedly on her chair before lowering her head in her hands.

  “This FUCKING presidential administration is going to be the death of me.”

  Isabel walked over
to Layla, leaned back against her desk and lightly ran her hand over Layla’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” Isabel asked although she felt that in Layla’s world, there was little a Canadian actress could do to make an impact.

  Layla leaned back in her chair, took Isabel’s hand, and kissed her palm several times before looking up at her with watery eyes.

  “Let’s go home?”

  Isabel nodded and pushed herself off the desk. She reached a hand out for Layla to take it when she was ready. Isabel didn’t let go of Layla’s hand the entire ride back to Layla’s apartment.


  Isabel and Layla picked up food on the way back, while Layla explained the new Presidential Executive Order that was making her life a living hell. Over dinner, she continued to explain the way that state and city agencies worked to protect the most vulnerable residents, which is why they had the emergency meeting today.

  “I knew what you did was high stakes, but understanding what happens behind the scenes is something else. I’m sorry this is happening. I wish it weren’t under these circumstances, but I liked seeing your office today. Now when we have those late-night phone calls, I can picture you in your office, wearing a power suit. And stilettos. Hot. Okay, I’m getting distracted.”

  Laughing, Layla took the dishes into the kitchen and rinsed them off before putting them in the dishwasher. “I’m not sure who you are picturing, but I don’t wear stilettos.”

  “You don’t? Hmm. I must be thinking about my other girlfriend.”

  Layla dried her hands and leaned back against the sink, with her eyebrow raised and a smirk on her lips.

  “What?” Isabel said, looking up from her phone.


  “Oh God. Did I say that?”

  Layla smiled. “You did.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean- it just slipped out. I’m not saying that’s what we are or need to be.”

  Layla tilted her head. “So you don’t want to be my girlfriend?”

  Isabel opened her mouth to say something then closed it. Opened it again, then sighed loudly.

  Layla laughed and walked over to Isabel, bringing her into a hug and kissing the top of her head.

  “Okay, listen up. I adore you, Isabel. I would be happy to be your girlfriend today, and I would be happy to wait until you feel ready for that, if you ever are. No rush, no pressure. Right?”

  Isabel took a second to think about Layla, their growing relationship, and the tinge of jealousy she felt when she met Sasha. Contemplating all of those things and her desire to stake her claim, she pulled out of Layla’s embrace.

  “No, this is what I want. I want to be your girlfriend. But. Long Distance?”

  “It’s definitely not ideal,” Layla replied, heading to the couch, Isabel not far behind her.

  Isabel sat on the couch next to Layla, and Layla slid her feet into Isabel’s lap.

  “Okay, let’s talk details,” Layla said. “When you say girlfriend, does that mean monogamous or…” she let her sentence trail off.

  “Yes? I guess I just assumed we would be monogamous. Do you not want that? Wait, are you currently sleeping with someone else?” Isabel asked as she thought of Sasha, noticing her voice had gone up an octave. She started massaging Layla’s feet to give herself something to do.

  “No, Isabel, I just want to be clear. I am not sleeping with anyone, besides you, and I can do monogamy.” She took a moment before speaking again. “I am just a little worried. Your star is rising, and you’re such a hot commodity. You’re going to be traveling a lot, working with and meeting a ton of new people. Do you really want to be tied down right now?”

  “Ooh, is tying me up an option? I could be into that,” Isabel said, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Be serious!” Layla admonished, a grin tugging at her lips.

  “I am serious. Please don’t do that thing where you make decisions for me based on what you think is best.”

  “Fine, fine,” Layla said exaggeratedly as she threw her hands up in defeat. “I’ll be the monogamous girlfriend of a beautiful and talented actress and be the envy of the internet.”

  “That’s what I thought. Now, whatever shall we do tonight, girlfriend of mine?” Isabel asked, slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

  “Oh I don’t know, but I did hear this rumor about you, on Tumblr-dot-com-forward-slash-obsessive-fan-forward-slash-please-keep-taking-your-shirt-off-dot-html, I think, of you wanting to be tied up? I’m sure I’ve got a scarf around here somewhere.”

  Isabel laughed, and without another word stood up off the couch, slid her shirt off her shoulders and tossed it at Layla.

  Not needing another hint, Layla followed Isabel into the bedroom, grabbed a scarf from her closet, and then went straight to bed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Months went by with Isabel and Layla finding their groove in their long-distance relationship. They would facetime on the phone almost every night, and visit as often as they could which turned out to be every other weekend or so. Layla was raking in the miles on her airline account and taking every opportunity for a 3-day weekend she could manage with her crazy work schedule.

  Layla was working late into the evening in the office when her phone rang, and she smiled to see it was Isabel face-timing her on the other end, from what appeared to be her hotel room.

  “Hey! You made it to LA! How was your flight?”

  “Good! Ended up on a fight with a bunch of people also heading down to the streaming festival so we had a great time. Took a lot of photos, did impromptu video interviews, it was great.”

  “Sounds fun. Tell me about the next couple of days.”

  Isabel filled Layla in on her plans for the gathering, which consisted of a bunch of interviews with YouTube personalities, some panels with her co-stars, lots of photo ops and autographs with fans of the web series that catapulted her into fame. Isabel was excited to see her co-stars again from the hit that launched all of their careers and eager to do the fan contact that always made her feel like she was making a difference in people’s lives. There were always so many stories from fans who talked about how their show made them feel like they belonged, and it was so key to why representation mattered so much.

  “What an amazing way to connect with your fans. I’m excited for them, and also a little jealous.” Layla said.


  “Yes. They get to see you, and I don’t,” Layla offered her best pout to the camera.

  “You can see me now.”

  “It’s not the same, and you know it.”

  “Well, what if I do you one better?”

  “How would you do that, exactly?” Layla asked skeptically.

  Isabel propped up her phone using the kickstand on her phone case and proceeded to give Layla a striptease that jolted her awake. Layla groaned as she felt the heat spread to her core, remembering that Isabel would stop by Portland on her way back to Vancouver in two days. At least she had the visual of the sexiest striptease to keep her mind occupied until then.

  Maybe Layla could do this long-distance thing, after all, she thought to herself.


  Isabel was finalizing the touches on her makeup when she was startled by loud pounding on the door to her hotel room. She opened the door to her castmates from the web series that started it all. Two of her co-stars, Elijah and Parker, ran into her room, and Elijah picked Isabel up and spun her around in circles in a happy reunion.

  “Great to see you both too,” Isabel said, laughing.

  They caught up over lunch before their panel, and Isabel was shocked when they were led to a conference room that was full of hundreds of people who had come to hear them talk about their show. She wondered how on earth their tiny show got so big, and how this many people were still interested in it even though it had concluded around a year ago. The hour flew by when they talked about their favorite scenes, the behind the scenes dynamic
s, and Isabel had a lovely time being reunited with her talented and charismatic co-stars answering the questions of the fans during the Q&A section. She was sad when it ended but promised the fans she looked forward to continuing to connect with them during the photo ops and autograph times lined up for the next two days.

  The next portion of her day involved some back to back interviews with YouTube personalities and LGBTQ themed publications. Isabel was a bit nervous once she saw the number of interviews she had to do by herself, instead of alongside her co-stars. She started to feel the anxiety build, knowing the limelight was going to only be on her, without someone else there to take up some of the attention.

  She took a deep breath and walked into her first video interview with Virginia Rodriguez, who had millions of subscribers and as far as Isabel was concerned, was far more famous than she was at this point in her career.

  She walked onto the set and saw Virginia posing for a set of selfies, then furiously typing away at her phone before setting it down on the table and looking up at Isabel. Virginia was a larger than life personality, with short curly hair dyed hot pink at the tips. Isabel had seen a few of her videos in passing. Virginia made her living documenting her life on YouTube and had become someone who reviewed movies, TV shows, and was moving into other advertisements and branding. Isabel was intimidated by her.

  “Sorry about that, trying to get my hashtag trending for the convention,” Virginia said, not getting up from her seat on the couch. Isabel slowly walked over to the couch and sat down.

  “I’m Virginia, and you are…”

  “Isabel Martin.”

  “Oh, right. From that show everyone was talking about last year. What was the name of it again?”

  “The Word,” Isabel said.

  “What is?” Asked Virginia.

  “The name of the show” Isabel replied, trying to keep her irritation in check. She didn’t care that Virginia didn’t know the show, but she wondered why the hell she was even doing this interview if the host of the channel wasn’t at all interested in it.

  Virginia took a second to really look at Isabel, eyes trailing her whole body. Isabel shifted, feeling uncomfortable like she was on display. “Oh yeah, I recognize you. Hmm,” She said as she slowly drug her lower lip between her teeth, looking contemplative. “Okay, let’s get started shall we?”


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