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Worlds Apart

Page 14

by Isis Brown

  “I can’t help but notice I’m here in my underwear, and you’ve still got all this on,” She said before reaching for the button on the slacks Layla still wore. Layla stood still while Sasha undressed her. As Layla stepped out of her slacks, Sasha lowered herself quickly to her knees, placing kisses on Layla’s stomach.

  “I wanted to do this so bad the night of Halloween,” Sasha said in-between kisses and nibbling on the skin by Layla’s belly button. “You in that sexy fucking costume.”

  Layla inhaled quickly and tried to stand still as Sasha hooked her fingers into the waistband of Layla’s underwear.

  “May I?” Sasha asked, looking up at Layla.

  “God yes,” Layla said, as she watched Sasha slide them down before Layla stepped out of them, too.

  Standing up, Sasha made quick work of the only thing Layla still had on, her bra. After tossing it aside, she guided Layla towards the bed. Layla slid back, leaning against the headboard.

  Sasha stood at the edge of the bed a moment, before sliding her underwear off, and climbed onto the bed, making her way to Layla.

  Watching Sasha climb her way over to her, Layla was sure she had never seen anything so sexy before in her entire life. When Layla started to make her way to Sasha, Sasha stopped her.

  “Don’t move.”

  Layla did as she was told.

  Sasha climbed on top of Layla, straddling her hips. Layla groaned feeling Sasha’s wetness against her pelvis. Sasha started slowly grinding her hips into Layla, putting her hands on either side of her face as she brought their lips together again. There was nothing languid about their pace now. Sasha slid her tongue into Layla’s mouth, and Layla eagerly reciprocated as her hands slid onto Sasha’s hips, desperate to increase the friction of their bodies.

  Breaking their kiss, Layla slid one hand up Sasha’s back and into her hair, pulling her head back to afford her the space to kiss along her jawline and neck, down to Sasha’s breasts. She pulled a hard nipple into her mouth, pinching it between her lips and grazing it with the tip of her teeth.

  Sasha let out a strangled moan, putting her hands on Layla’s shoulders to steady herself.

  She slid the hand on Sasha’s waist down in between her legs and waited for Sasha to grant her access. Sasha immediately raised herself off Layla’s hips, holding herself up so Layla could slide her hand in between them. Layla released Sasha’s nipple from her mouth and looked at Sasha, making sure they were on the same page.

  Sasha looped her hands around Layla’s neck and whispered on to her lips, “Touch me.”

  Layla responded immediately, by allowing her fingertips to slide back and forth through Sasha’s wetness, circling her center and dipping two fingers ever so slightly into her opening.

  Sasha lowered herself onto Layla’s fingers and released a low moan as she started rocking back and forth. Layla lowered her hand from Sasha’s hair to her waist as they started moving together. Layla claimed Sasha’s mouth as their pace increased, sliding her tongue into her mouth as she dug her nails into her waist, loving the feel of her fingers buried deep inside Sasha. They moved like this for a while, until Sasha broke their kiss and leaned her head back, frantically pushing her hips forward, her breath shaky.

  Sensing that Sasha was on the brink, Layla started pushing her thumb where Sasha needed it most, letting their movement vary the pressure to allow her orgasm to continue building. Sasha’s eyes were closed, her hips undulating onto her hand. The sight of her enamored Layla. She dipped her head forward and ran the tip of her tongue from her collar bone to her earlobe. Taking it between her teeth, she whispered, “Come for me.”

  Sasha tensed her grip on Layla’s shoulders, and Layla pressed hard onto Sasha’s clit. Sasha cried out, lowering her head onto Layla’s shoulder as the tremors moved through her body. Layla kept her fingers where they were, reveling in the feel of Sasha’s body contracting around them.

  When Sasha came down, her breath evening out, she lifted her head from Layla’s shoulder, before pressing their lips together for a sweet kiss. “That felt really good,” she said against her lips, kissing her again. “Now, I’m dying to taste you.” Sasha gingerly raised herself off Layla’s hips and fingers, sliding down to sit back on her heels near the foot of the bed, eyeing Layla hungrily.

  She reached out, hooking her arms around Layla’s knees, and pulled her forward so she was no longer leaning back against the headboard and instead she was laying on her back, legs slightly apart.

  “Damn, you are stronger than you look,” Layla laughed, surprised she was moved so easily. Sasha lowered herself between Layla’s legs, running her tongue along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

  “What can I say? I’m very motivated.”

  All joking stopped once Sasha lowered her mouth to Layla and swirled her tongue around Layla’s most sensitive spot. Layla’s back arched off the bed, and she released a long sigh.

  Sasha took her time exploring Layla’s center, sliding her tongue in and out. Layla’s hips were moving involuntarily, trying to create more friction, desperate to orgasm. Her head pushing back into the pillow, her hands pulling on the sheets, Layla tried to be patient, but her body’s need kept betraying her.

  Sasha pulled back, a smile on her lips as she raised her fingers to Layla’s opening. Layla snapped her eyes open, confused at the loss of contact. Once they made eye contact, Sasha slipped two fingers inside of Layla in one smooth thrust. Layla released a loud guttural moan as she closed her eyes again, but Sasha had other ideas.

  “I want you to look at me while I make you come,” Sasha commanded, as she started working her fingers in and out of Layla, curving her fingertips inside.

  Layla did her best to keep her eyes open, but once Sasha lowered her mouth back to Layla again, her eyes closed involuntarily. Sasha sucked at her clit hard and pulled her mouth away again.

  “I meant what I said Layla.”

  Layla grunted in frustration, feeling wound up tight but not finding any relief. She opened her eyes again and watched as Sasha smirked, before lowering her head. Keeping her eyes on Sasha, she watched as Sasha got back to work, lifting her higher and higher. Layla had to admit it was extremely erotic to watch Sasha please her, as Sasha watched the pleasure play out all over her face.

  Rewarding Layla, Sasha sucked her sensitive spot fully into her mouth and curled her fingers inside her again. Layla arched her back and shattered as the climax washed over her. The pleasure went on and on as Sasha kept just the right pace and pressure to give her the release she had wanted so badly.

  “Oh my God,” Layla said breathlessly, running her hands over her face willing herself to come down.

  Sasha slowly extricated herself from Layla as she slid up her body before laying down next to her, propping herself up on her elbow.

  “Okay, you are looking entirely too smug,” Layla laughed, turning to lay on her side, facing Sasha.

  “That was fun,” Sasha said, running her fingertips along Layla’s arm.

  “It was. You know, for someone who says I’m bossy, you sure are bossy in the bedroom.”

  Sasha erupted in a throaty laugh that Layla found extremely erotic.

  “Did that bother you? Letting someone else have control for a while?” Sasha said as she sucked on a fingertip that was inside Layla moments ago.

  Layla groaned. “How is it you are this sexy? Just all of the time? I just had one of the best orgasms of my life, and you do that and I am ready to go all over again.”

  “I would love to, but I’ve got to be at work in,” she peeked at the clock on the nightstand, “five and a half hours.”

  “You know no one is going to be at work tomorrow given how hard they were going at the election party, right? I already told Mary I’m not going in tomorrow. Let’s do this all day instead.”

  Sasha gently pushed Layla on her back and climbed on top of her, their lips inches apart.

  “I want you to hear me when I say, I would like nothing more than to st
ay here with you and keep doing this all day,” she said as she rolled her hips into Layla.

  “But duty calls, I get it. Go get ‘em, tiger,” Layla said, as she pulled Sasha down for a quick kiss before releasing her.

  Sasha got out of bed and collected her things, putting them on slowly while Layla ogled her from the bed. Sasha bent down and gave Layla a quick peck on the lips.

  “See you soon?” Sasha asked.

  “Yes,” Layla answered.

  With that, Sasha let herself out, and Layla stretched out in her bed, falling asleep for the first time in weeks without looking at her phone trying to catch a glimpse of Isabel.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Isabel finally got back to her trailer after a long day of filming, with plans to meet up with her co-star Kelly in an hour for dinner and a night on the town. After changing into her clothes, she sat down at the small table to catch up with life back home, sipping on a cup of coffee she grabbed from the service table. She had a quick 3-way phone conversation with Penny and Toni, then face-timed with her Mom and Ramsey before checking her social media.

  She scrolled through most posts, liking some but bypassing most, until she saw an update from the Re-Elect Mayor Mary Woods Facebook page that she followed months ago, back when she and Layla were still dating.

  Isabel couldn’t help herself; she started scrolling through the photos hoping to catch a glimpse of Layla. She didn’t recognize people in most of the photos, then her heart sank at a photo of the Mayor with someone Isabel didn’t recognize, but clear as day behind them in the photo were Layla and Sasha. Sasha was gripping Layla’s arm and saying something that must have been funny since Layla’s head was tilted slightly back and she was laughing. Isabel felt like she had just been punched in the stomach. She knew looking at the photo that most other people would find innocent, that there was something more going on between them. That there always had been.

  She stared at the photo for a few seconds longer, before continuing to scroll. She found a photo of Layla with Mayor Woods, with Layla beaming in a smile that reached her eyes, a smile she remembered well.

  She often wondered how Layla was doing. If she had moved on already and if she was happy. Looking at the photos, it appeared that she had. In that moment, Isabel was flooded with emotion. She felt insignificant, forgotten. Before she knew it, the tears falling so hard she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

  She was pulled out of her misery by Kelly knocking on her trailer door.

  “Isabel? You in there? Let’s go. The car is at the front of the lot.”

  Isabel stood up, trying to compose herself as she wiped away her tears and looked at herself in a mirror. Her eyes were puffy, and she looked like shit.

  “Yeah, just one second. I’ll be right out.”

  She looked around her trailer, trying to find something to help her look human again. Her eyes landed on a hideous pair of sunglasses that she kept by her bed, a reminder of happier times. She cursed herself for being such a glutton for punishment, as she put them on and ran out of the trailer.

  “What are those?” Kelly asked, laughing.

  “They are my hipster glasses, and you will show them respect,” Isabel countered, trying to rally her mood.

  “You’re lucky you’re gorgeous. What are you in the mood for tonight?”

  Isabel smiled and looped her arm through Kelly’s on the way to the car. “I don’t care; just take me away.”

  “Roger that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Layla walked into the Mexican restaurant where she was meeting Marco for lunch. He had already snagged them a table and waved her over.

  “Hey handsome,” she said as she gave him a quick hug.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Look at you, Miss pep in your step.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Layla conjured her most innocent look.

  They sat down and perused the menu before settling on their items and ordering.

  “Okay, spill,” Marco ordered, dipping his chip into the bowl of salsa.

  Layla sighed. “Good Lord, is it that obvious?”

  Marco raised his eyebrow.

  “Fine. Sasha and I slept together.”

  “I KNEW IT!” Marco yelled, making nearby customers in the restaurant turn and look at them. “Sorry!” he said, raising his arm apologetically.

  “Knew what exactly?” Layla asked, resting her hand on her chin as if she was getting ready for story time.

  “I called that shit from a mile away months ago, remember? And you were all ‘nooooo Marco, you big dummy, I don’t shit where I eat like you because I’m soooo sophisticated,’” he said, his voice high pretending to be her and laughing. “Go on, tell me I was right. I need to hear this.”

  Rolling her eyes, Layla acquiesced.

  “You were right. Congratulations. I guess that old saying is true; even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

  Marco narrowed his eyes at her as he took a sip of water.

  “So, how was it?”

  “Absolutely not telling you that,” Layla said, as she scooped a bunch of salsa on a chip and took a bite. “Mmm, hot.”

  “The salsa or the sex?” Marco asked.

  “Yes,” Layla responded.

  Marco laughed. “So how is this going to work, with you two working together as often as you do?”

  “We are just going to keep it casual. You know Sasha. The last thing she wants is a relationship, and I’m still getting over this whole Isabel thing. It’s perfect.”

  “Famous last words.”

  Layla glared at him. “That said, we are also keeping it quiet because we don’t want anyone at work knowing about our private lives. So don’t say anything.”

  Marco shifted in his seat.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, what about Elliott? He asks about you a lot, and I know it’s awkward because he is one of Isabel’s best friends. I don’t want to lie to him, but I get it’s no one’s business. Also, oh my God, Isabel is going to shit herself when she finds out. She always kind of thought you two had a thing.”

  Layla frowned. “Yeah, she did, but nothing ever happened when Isabel and I were together. So, I am not going to feel guilty about this,” Isabel said, her voice higher than she meant it to be.

  “Whoa, I never said you should feel guilty. Wait, do you feel guilty?”

  Layla sighed. “Sorry for snapping. Yeah, a little.”

  “Well fuck that. You wouldn’t be seeing Sasha if Isabel wouldn’t have fucked up and kissed someone else in the first place. So. No feeling guilty.”

  “You’re right. Now tell my heart and subconscious that and I will be good to go.”

  “Girl. I can’t ever get you to listen to me. You’re sure as hell not going to start now.”

  “Twice a day, Marco. Twice a day.”


  After getting home from the gym, Layla made herself a quick salad for dinner and curled up on the couch to catch up on the email she didn’t get around to during the day. Once she was done, she decided to send Sasha a text.

  Hey Sasha, had lunch with Marco today and told him, just thought you should know.

  Hey you :) How did he take it?

  He was more concerned with telling me how he saw that coming from a mile away than anything else, but you know Marco, he loves you, so he is good with it.

  Good. How’s your day been?

  Quiet. People are in a bit of a hiatus with election week over. Yours?

  Long, still at the office.

  Damn girl, it’s past 8.

  Mhm, I wish I was at your place instead.

  The invitation is always open.

  Don’t tempt me. No, wait. Do. What are you wearing?

  Layla sent her a photo of herself, wearing a loose tank top and running shorts, her pajamas for the night. She made sure her face wasn’t in it. She’d seen enough political careers derailed for less.

  Mm. When do I get to see you?

  You tell me. />
  I don’t think I’ll get out of here at a decent hour tonight, but tomorrow?

  Count on it. Go save the world.

  I’ll do my best.


  Layla was sitting at her desk, on the phone with another department when her assistant knocked twice and let herself in, dropping a sticky note on her desk that said, “Sasha is here.” Layla motioned to let her in as she continued her phone conversation.

  Sasha walked in, looking impeccable in what had to be a tailored gray suit with a rose-colored shirt. Her hair was curled and fell effortlessly down her back. She looked incredible. Layla didn’t even try to hide her appreciation, mouthing the word “wow” which had Sasha exaggeratedly blowing on her fingernails and buffing them on her jacket.

  Layla wrapped up her phone call then leaned back in her chair, a smile tugging at her lips. “My God woman, are you trying to kill me?”

  “This old thing?” Sasha joked as she hung up her blazer on the back of the door before sitting down on the couch instead of the chairs by the desk.

  “Why are you all the way over there?” Sasha pouted, tapping the empty seat next to her on the couch.

  “I’m a little concerned about my ability to be professional with you in that suit. All I want to do is rip it off you.”

  “I have to admit I do enjoy the way you’re looking at me right now. That said, I am here on business.”

  “Do tell,” Layla said, distracting herself by taking a sip of water from her water bottle.

  “We are announcing our latest lawsuit this afternoon, and the AG has assigned me to be the lead on it. I’ve got to have our solicitor general ready to go by yesterday, and I think I’ve maybe slept 10 hours in 3 days.”

  Layla stood up and moved around her desk, sitting next to Sasha on the couch.

  “Shit. How can I help?”

  “You can’t really, I just was in the building since the AG was briefing the Mayor and Governor, so I thought I would take the excuse to pop in. I know I said maybe we could see each other tonight, but that depends on how this press conference goes.”


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