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Page 32

by Brock Deskins

  “Conner, what are you saying?” Bertram asked.

  “You had best still your tongue, sah,” Rastus warned, his voice low and threatening.

  Conner knew the truth now. He knew everything. “Jareen wrote in his journal that he had concocted a poison that perfectly mimicked an illness. That’s how he had killed Auberon. That is how you killed your brother.”

  Bertram’s eyes danced between the two men. “Uncle, tell him that’s not true. You would have never harmed Asher. Uncle?”

  Rastus and Conner’s duel began with locked eyes, an exchange that levied an accusation, a confession, and the promise of retribution. Conner’s hand released its hold on the glass and gripped the pistol’s handle hidden inside his vest. The weapon cleared its holster at the same time the tumbler struck the desktop with the sound of a death knell.

  Somehow, Rastus was faster. A pistol appeared in his hand almost as if conjured there by magic. He ratcheted back the hammer as Conner extended his arm, his smallish, double-barreled pistol aimed at his chest. A light stroke of the duke’s finger against the trigger was all it took to unleash fire, smoke, and death.

  A red rose of blood bloomed across the white shirt beneath Conner’s charcoal grey, pin-striped vest. He never heard the shot. His last thought was of his daughter, his final vision the image of his wife, holding out her arms, welcoming him back into her embrace, and he died with a smile on his face.

  “Uncle! What…?” Bertram sputtered, desperate to make sense of what just happened.

  “You saw him!” Rastus exclaimed. “He drew a weapon on me. I had no choice.”

  Bertram stared down at his friend as he tried to unravel his twisted thoughts. He plucked the tumbler from the desk and held it up to the light, the evidence staring back at him.

  “It was you,” Bertram said, his voice hoarse. “You murdered his family.”

  “He left me no choice.”

  “Killing him back then would have been a mercy!”

  Rastus wagged his head back and forth. “That would have created too many problems. Besides, Conner, like you, like me, is a man of destiny. I would have risked the wrath of the fates had I done so.”

  “His daughter shared his blood. Was she not part of the fates as well?”

  “Children die all the time. The risk was much smaller.”

  “He was right, wasn’t he? Asher’s illness was no mere happenstance. You killed him too.”

  Rastus stared down at the desktop, refusing to meet his nephew’s gaze.

  “How many people’s blood is on your hands?” Bertram shouted. “How many people have you murdered so that you could sit the throne?”

  “It was necessary for the greater good.”

  Bertram stabbed a finger at Conner’s corpse. “A great man lies dead on your floor! Your own brother, dead by your hand!”

  “How many brothers would have crawled beneath the city and never returned had Asher gotten the war he so desperately wanted?” Rastus shouted back. “It is so easy to judge when you have no responsibility other than to yourself! The lives of tens of thousands rest on my shoulders, and you dare condemn me for three deaths? This is what I have been trying to teach you all these years. Had Conner succeeded just now, what would have happened? Tell me! You know so much. Tell me!”

  Bertram glared back at his uncle, matching his fury. “He would have gotten justice.”

  “Justice? There is no justice! There is order and there is chaos, and somewhere in the middle we all try to survive! Had he succeeded, Esmerelda would have gotten her wish and this city would have torn itself apart, and those Necrophages would come to fight over the scraps!”

  “Do you even care? Is there a shred of the man I thought you were living somewhere in that callous heart?”

  “Do not speak to me of caring and callous hearts, boy. I loved my brother, and I mourn his death every day. It is the price I was willing to pay to keep this city and my people safe.”

  “Is that how you justify it?”

  “I need not justify anything. Our actions are bound by fate. Fate is a wheel that never stops turning. Some people are the cart, bearing the load that is heaped upon it. Others are the road, ground beneath it as it turns. People like you, me, the Rey and Victore bloodlines, we’re the spokes. We are what keeps the wheel from collapsing, and no matter how fast or slow it turns, all the spokes eventually come back around. Jareen, me. Quinlan, Conner,” Rastus said as he circled his finger in the air. “So I ask you, would you be part of the wheel, or would you rather be the road?”

  Bertram looked back down at Conner’s body. “I know nothing of wheels and roads and fate, but I do know justice, and I will be the one to deliver it. For Conner, for your brother, and for everyone who deserves better than you.”

  Rastus was already reaching into his desk drawer when Bertram looked back, pulling another pistol from its depths as the inquisitor grabbed at his. “Don’t do it, son. Please.”

  Bertram’s knuckles were white around his pistol’s grip, his teeth clenched so tightly his jaw muscles bulged and writhed. “Will you kill me too, Uncle?”

  “You know I will. We can both survive this. It is not too late.”

  Bertram cast his friend one last look, his head swiveling back to glare balefully at his uncle. “It is for you.”

  Bertram’s gun barely cleared its holster before Rastus fired once more. The shot tore into Bertram’s right shoulder, shattering bone and striking him with enough force to send his pistol flying from his hand and knocking him to the floor.

  Rastus touched the button that deactivated the silencing runes. “Guards!”

  The door burst open almost before the duke finished the word. “What happened?” one asked.

  Rastus swallowed the lump in his throat. “My nephew tried to assassinate me. He fooled Sah Conner into believing Duchess Esmerelda Dushane was behind it, but his story fell apart. When it did, he attacked me. I would be dead now had it not been for Sah Conner throwing himself in front of me. Quickly, get my nephew to the physicians, but keep him under constant guard and do not allow him to speak to anyone. He is certain to have conspirators within the palace. We must keep this a secret until we ferret them out.”

  “What about this man?” a guard asked, nodding at Conner’s corpse.

  “I will deliver the news of his death to his niece myself. He is a hero, and we shall give him a hero’s funeral.”


  Tears streamed down Kiera’s face and fell upon the freshly churned earth. Through bleary eyes, she read the names on the twin tombstones: Conner Rey. Sabrina Rey. Lilliana Rey. A smoldering anger for the infant buried with her mother burned in her heart; a little girl no one knew, no one loved, who did not even get her real name on a tombstone. That was what her life was worth to these people. The people who thought they could destroy families without consequence. They were wrong.

  Kiera did not bother to look up at the sound of someone approaching behind her. She knew who it was by the sound of boots scraping against the dirt, the shape of the shadow stretching out across the ground, and the faint scent of cheap whiskey carried on the wind.

  “They killed him again, Mr. Cleary. This time, there is no happy ending. Just an ending.”

  “He got to meet his daughter. His last days were some of the happiest of his life,” Cleary rumbled.

  “It’s not fair.”

  “Life never is. Death even less so.”

  “I won’t let this go,” Kiera promised.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from his daughter. What does my little nightbird plan on doing?”

  Kiera shook her head. “The nightbird is dead.” She laid the white porcelain mask belonging to the girl everyone knew as Felicity upon the fresh grave and donned Conner’s black mourning mask. “There is only the mourningbird, and I will hunt down those responsible if it takes me the rest of my life.”

  The End

  Stormbearer, Empire of Masks book 4 (2018)

  Light p
oured in, shattering the blackness that was Russel’s world. Top Hat’s promise of being let out of the trunk once he was aboard the airship had not come to pass. He had no idea how long the journey had been, but he guessed close to two days.

  Russel breathed in the fresh air, catching the sweet yet putrid scent of the stale urine soaked into his trousers and the box’s interior. He swiveled his head around, taking in his surroundings. He was still on the airship, but it had landed in the middle of what appeared to be a small mine that had once sported a smelting and construction operation.

  Ramshackle buildings surrounded by a relatively new wall dotted the otherwise bleak landscape. Several men with muskets manned the walls and patrolled the interior. Russel looked out over the wall from his vantage point on the airship’s deck, but he could see nothing but rock and sand in every direction.

  “Welcome to your new home, boy,” the airship captain said. “Best not disappoint your new master, or it will be your grave.”


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  The Sorcerer’s Path is an epic fantasy series.

  The Sorcerer’s Ascension: Torn from a life of comfort and luxury, his family destroyed by political intrigues and aspirations, a young boy must quickly grow into a man before the deadly streets of Southport devour him. Follow Azerick through a page-turning adventure that pits him against thieves, thugs, murderers, and men of power that will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

  Azerick must fight just to survive, but for him survival is not enough. A hunger to avenge the wrongs committed against him burns deep within. But that is not all that lies within the young man. There is a power waiting to be unleashed that may be the key to achieving the justice and security he seeks—if it does not destroy him first.

  The Sorcerer’s Torment: Azerick flees The Academy but quickly falls prey to powerful beings that use his skills and power for their own amusement. What these creatures do not understand is the power of the young sorcerer’s will and the lengths he will go to for vengeance. Despite becoming a prisoner, Azerick finds his first true love, but can he keep it?

  The Sorcerer’s Legacy: Azerick has found himself a home and tries to settle down. He takes on an apprentice and tries to put all the death and desire for vengeance behind him. But when the Rook finds him, Azerick is once again pulled back into Ulric’s schemes. Knowing that all he has worked toward and everyone close to him is in danger as long as these schemes are ongoing; Azerick decides to put an end to it, once and for all.

  The Sorcerer’s Vengeance: After narrowly avoiding being killed in his own bed by the land’s most feared assassin, Azerick leaves his school behind to find out who sent him and to put an end to the threat once and for all. Azerick’s search will take him to the very pits of the abyss and back to unleash hellish fury upon those that threaten him.

  The Sorcerer’s Scourge: With the siege broken and Ulric dead, Azerick can finally relax, study his magic, and run his school in peace. Unfortunately, Jarvin’s reign is far from uncontested and the true usurper decides to make his move. Jarvin escapes with help from an unlikely source—a vampire named Landrin who still clings tenaciously to his own humanity. While Azerick and a large force from North Haven race to save the king in exile, evil forces are preparing to unleash a nightmare upon the kingdom that may well destroy them all.

  The Sorcerer’s Abyss: Now the master of the Fifth Circle of the abyss, Azerick is challenged by another demon lord for supremacy. Azerick must face this threat as well as his innermost demons, all the while searching for a way to escape his hellish prison.

  Ellyssa fears she is going insane as she plagued by nightmares of her capture and enslavement. Deciding the key to saving herself lies in the total destruction of the object of her fears, she embarks on a crusade to find and kill the slaver, Captain Jake, and eradicate the slave trade.

  Ellyssa’s nightmares and battles spill out onto the streets of North Haven and gains the attention of The Academy. Fearing Azerick’s school is turning out rogue wizards, The Academy decides to hunt down and destroy the rogue and place the school within their control.

  The Sorcerer’s Return: Azerick has come back from the abyss in order to try to unite all the races against the return of the old gods who seek to destroy them and subjugate the few they allow to survive a brutal purging. However, fighting ancient gods may be the least of his troubles as he battles to save a fractured kingdom, a brilliant son traveling a dark path, and the splintered soul of his own humanity.

  The Sorcerer’s Destiny: Brutally purged of his demonic influence, Azerick continues the struggle of uniting the kingdom to face the coming of the Scions, ancient gods banished by the mortal races during the Great Revolution two thousand years ago. The fallen gods’ prison is crumbling, and Azerick is powerless to stop them from breaking free and enacting their cataclysmic vengeance upon the world.

  The humans must ally with the other races in a final battle against impossible odds while their entire world crumbles to the ground and is trod beneath the feet of an unstoppable foe. How can they set aside their distrust of each other when they fear the very person trying to save them?

  The Sorcerer’s Rebirth (coming): Azerick has spent the past twenty years trapped in the body of the demon lord Klaraxis and imprisoned in the abyss. As the demon prince of the fifth circle and consort to the dark goddess Sharrellan, his cage is a gilded one to be certain, but not all is well in the abyss. Despised for his human heritage and perceived usurping of the former abyssal lord, Azerick struggles to keep a hold on his contentious rule in order to keep the other dark denizens from consuming his soul and obliterating his existence.

  While on one of his many visits to Sharrellan’s abyssal kingdom, a powerful explosion shatters his otherwise boring routine. When the smoke and dust settles, the goddess is nowhere to be found. Fearing that the demons finally found a way to remove the greatest obstacle to destroying Azerick once and for all, the sorcerer must find his paramour and free her from their clutches before they can exact their revenge upon him.

  Back in Valeria, life has been a struggle for most of those who survived the brutal war waged between man, gods, and monsters. For everyone but Azerick’s son Daebian that is. Daebian and his crew, along with Azerick’s former apprentice Ellyssa, have spent the years sailing out across the sea. Settling on a sparsely inhabited island, Daebian has enjoyed a tranquil life as the people’s governor, but that is about to change when an army from a faraway land called The Order arrives and demands fealty, not just from the inhabitants of Daebian’s island but the entire world.

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  Shrouds of Darkness: Leo Malone has been a vampire for the better part of the twentieth century. Once a prominent Sherriff (vampire cop), he now earns his living as a private eye and occasional bodyguard for anyone that requires some serious protection. Leo is hired by the daughter of a mob accountant who has gone missing.

  The fact that her father is also a werewolf has Leo following a trail of grisly murders that will lead h
im through a web of intrigue and conspiracy involving his fellow vampires and the local werewolves that make New York their home, all the while trying to keep one particularly determined cop off his back and himself out of jail. Leo is not some pretty-boy vampire that all the girls ogle over, but a hard-eyed, remorseless killing machine who does not take crap from anyone.

  Blood Conspiracy: While dealing with the aftermath of the failed vampire council coup, Leo discovers that the modified Cure has fallen into the hands of a black ops government project designed to create vampiric super soldiers. When the inevitable happens, the off-book Homeland Security operation forcefully enlists Leo to help them resolve the situation. Worse yet, he has to work not only with an antagonistic werewolf named Meat, he is reunited with his hated creator, Lesile.

  Primacy of Darkness: Jack the Ripper, sadistic madman of old London, once thought long dead, has returned to New York in an effort to quench his thirst for blood and mayhem. When the city’s vampire enclave finds itself insufficient to deal with a madman of Jack’s caliber, Vincent, the enclave head, enlists Leo Malone to put the maniac down before he reveals the existence of vampires as he throws the city into the throes of chaos and terror. Leo soon finds that Jack is not the only monster with which he must contend. A ghost from his past has also seemingly crawled from its grave and seeks to put an end to him and the rest of his kind.

  The Transcended Chronicles is the story of an outlandish young man as he goes from being a troublesome youth to one of the kingdom’s greatest secret agents. Blessed (or cursed) with an amazing ability to both fight and abuse his body with every conceivable vice known to man, Garran Holt is either the kingdom’s greatest hero or its biggest embarrassment.

  The Miscreant: Garran Holt is a troubled young man. Unable to tolerate his self-destructive ways, his mother sells him into indentured servitude as part of a work crew building King Remiel’s new trade road. When mercenaries sent to disrupt the road’s construction attack his work camp, Garran discovers an inner power capable of turning him into a warrior of unparalleled ability. When the leader of his work crew recognizes Garran as being one of the transcended (a fighter able to slip into the swifter currents of time), he is trained as an agent, one of the kingdom’s elite spies. Crude, abrasive, and deeply committed to destroying himself with drugs, alcohol, and debauchery, Garran might be the kingdom’s only hope against falling to The Guild, the powerful trade cartel bent on becoming the true and undisputed power in the land.


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