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Phantasie Page 4

by Kit Tunstall

  A hearty laugh issued from Ian. “Very good, pet. That was exactly the right answer.” He caressed her leg. “Put your foot on the bench again.”

  Serena propped up her leg, widening her thighs. Her breath came in short pants as he pressed his mouth to her pussy. His tongue sketched her slit, moving across her smooth lips before pausing to flick against her clit. She cried out at the pleasure, and her hands found purchase in his hair. She thrust her hips against him, bringing his mouth more fully against her.

  His tongue snaked inside her, running the length of her pussy from clit to opening. He paused to delve inside her, and Serena arched her back. Her legs trembled as his tongue swept up her again, pausing to outline her clit before trailing across the hood. “Oh, Ian, I can’t stand this.”

  He withdrew enough to speak, and his breath washed over her wet pussy. “Yes, you can, pet.” Then he swooped forward and sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Serena’s knees refused to support her. Her foot slipped from the bench, and she fell against him. Ian’s hands supported her, but he withdrew his head. She bit back her objection, eyeing him with trepidation as he steadied her before getting to his feet. He didn’t speak, and his silence unnerved her. She lowered her head. “Have I done something wrong, Master?”

  “No. Come, pet.” Ian shut off the water and took her hand, leading her from the shower. Serena reached for a towel, but he pulled her away, toward the Jacuzzi. “Stand here.” He positioned her near the lip of the tub while he stepped down and started the faucets. Then he handed her a plastic pillow. “Lie down with your ass on the lip. Put this under your head.”

  Excitement swirled in her when she realized he was going to finish what he had started. Serena stepped down into the tub, onto the bench. She aligned her buttocks at the edge and lay back, propping the pillow under her. Water droplets clung to her skin, and the cool air in the room caused her to shiver. She could feel her nipples hardening to the point of pain, and she whimpered when Ian tweaked one.

  “Are you cold, pet?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Ian chuckled. “You won’t be for long. Spread your legs.”

  Serena heard him turn off the faucets seconds before the jets kicked on. The hot, bubbly water caressed her calves and feet as she parted her thighs. She closed her eyes and bit on her tongue to keep from crying out when Ian settled himself between her thighs. A small cry tore from her as his tongue sought out her clit, circling it with rough strokes, eliciting a combination of pleasure and pain.

  She arched her hips as he sucked her clit into his mouth. The pleasure was almost too much too bear, especially when he relaxed the suction and flicked tiny swipes across the bud. Her thrusts became frantic as Ian’s finger plunged inside her, spreading her dew. She balled her hands into fists, and her nails dug half-moons into her palms. He pushed in as far as the digit would go before wiggling his finger. At the same time, he began sucking her clit again. The dual pleasure was more than Serena could accept, and she tried to pull away.

  He held her steady, continuing to thrust his finger inside her, though he lifted his head to look at her. “Don’t move, pet.”

  She shook her head, causing the pillow to slip away. “It’s too much.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  She hesitated. “A little.”

  His voice lowered to a whisper. “Does it make the pleasure more intense?”

  Serena’s eyes widened. “Ye-yes.”

  He didn’t respond, except to return his mouth to her pussy. He increased his pressure on her clit as his finger drove into her more quickly. Serena writhed against him, feeling so many conflicting sensations she didn’t know how she remained conscious.

  The orgasm crashed over her like a tsunami, accelerating her heartbeat, and making her pussy spasm forcefully. She cried out with pleasure, forcing her hips up to meet his mouth. Convulsions racked her body, and the pleasure seemed to go on forever, even after he pulled away.

  Before she had a chance to even catch her breath, he was lifting her into the tub with him, pulling her astride his lap. Serena’s glazed eyes met his as he drove his cock inside her. She wrapped her arms around him, using him for support. The pleasure swept over her again, and she soon matched his rhythm. She leaned against him, laying her cheek on his shoulder. Her eyes widened when she saw the opened foil packet on the floor by the tub. She wondered how long her orgasm had consumed her.

  “Pet, your pussy is driving me…” He trailed off, driving his hips upward violently, filling her completely. “Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head. “If I weren’t so relaxed, it probably would.” She ground herself against him, pushing down as he thrust upward. Ian gripped her buttocks, pulling her against him with enough force to almost hurt, but the frantic pace he set only increased her pleasure. She tightened her arms around his neck as his cock spasmed inside her, and she felt the warmth of his ejaculation through the latex barrier. Serena gyrated her hips, bringing on another orgasm, though not as intense as the previous.

  He kept their bodies fused for several minutes before he pushed her away gently. “I’m getting hard again.”

  Her eyes darted to his cock in the bubbling water, but she wasn’t able to see it clearly. “Yes, Master.”

  “As much as I’d love to bury my cock to the hilt inside you, we don’t have time.”

  Serena frowned. “Why not?”

  “We have dinner reservations, pet.” His smile was ambiguous. “We have to prepare you.”

  Serena groaned. “Dinner reservations. Oh no! I forgot all about meeting Regan for dinner.”

  He frowned. “Who’s that?” Ian’s eyes narrowed. “A man?”

  “I met her on the plane. She’s staying here too.” Serena shrugged. “We made plans to have dinner together.”

  “You’ll cancel those plans.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “This isn’t in the sexual area. I don’t have to obey you.”

  His lips parted in more of a snarl than a smile. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but tonight is all about sex. I’ll call the front desk and leave a message for your friend. I need to speak with Johan anyway. Do you know her last name?”

  She gave him a sulky glare as she mumbled, “Regan Delaney.” She watched him climb from the tub, glaring at his back as he padded to the phone on the wall. She listened to his one-sided conversation, tuning out most of it, until she heard him tell the person on the other end of the line to send up the rest of his luggage.

  When he turned back to her, she asked, “What luggage?” She tried to dismiss the panicky sensation building inside her. What did he have planned next?

  He shrugged. “I couldn’t unpack, in case you saw my clothes in the closet. I didn’t want to tip you off to my presence. I brought the trunk up with me for mini-games, but the essentials—like clothes—are in my luggage.” He took a robe from the hook on the back of the door. “Get out, pet. We don’t have all night for you to laze in the Jacuzzi.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled with anger as she got out of the tub and marched to the door to retrieve a robe. His hand on her arm caused her to pause. “What?”

  “You’re slipping, pet. You haven’t called me Master when addressing me, and you’re not jumping to obey my commands.” He tilted his head. “Yes, I think a little reinforcement may be in order.”

  She shook her head. “There’s no need—”

  “Shh.” He pressed his fingers to her lips. “Bend over and hold your ankles, pet.”

  Her eyes widened. “No.”

  A hint of anger darkened Ian’s eyes. “What did I tell you about that word?”

  “I—” She broke off as he pushed her forward. She reluctantly grasped her ankles, knowing it was better to just get it over with, whatever he intended. It soon became obvious, as his hand smacked against her buttocks with a resounding crack. She cried out with shock, but the second cry came from pain, as he hit the same area again. “Please, Ian—”

  “Master,” he corr
ected, spanking her again, on the other cheek this time.

  Tears came to her eyes, and she didn’t know if humiliation or pain prompted them. How could he be so tender one moment and such a brute the next? “Please, Master.”

  He smacked her again. “Try it without the sarcasm, pet.”

  “Please stop, Master. I’ve been reminded of my place.” The words humbled her, but more discomfiting was the note of pleasure she heard in her tone. She couldn’t deny the way her pussy had gotten wet again as his hand punished her flesh. She shied away from the thought, not liking what it said about her.

  He pulled her up and kissed her gently on the mouth. “That’s a good pet. Now, dry your body,” he touched her eyebrow, ”and don’t forget those pretty eyes. Meet me in the bedroom in five minutes.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Chapter 3

  Serena had considered dawdling in the bathroom for longer than five minutes, but decided not to risk punishment again. Her ass still stung from his hand on it, even as her pussy yearned for his cock.

  When she entered the bedroom, she found Ian wearing nothing but a pair of black silk briefs, hanging clothes in the closet from a suitcase. An unopened garment bag lay at the foot of the bed. He didn’t look up from his task when he said, “Take off the robe.”

  With a small grimace, Serena unbelted the robe and let it fall to the floor. She knelt to pick it up and draped it over the back of a chair. Then she stood there, waiting for him to make his next move.

  “Would you please help me, pet?”

  She frowned at the polite request, until she realized unpacking didn’t fall under her duties. “Sure…Master.”

  “Would you hang the items in the garment bag?”

  Serena walked forward and unzipped the leather bag, feeling a little strange unpacking in the nude. She lifted out the first few articles of clothes, mostly shirts and pants, with a suit jacket.

  Ian looked up from his trip to the dresser. “Leave out the charcoal jacket and pants, please.”

  She nodded and carried the rest to the closet. When she returned for the rest of the clothes, she found Ian closing his suitcase. She pulled out the other garments, and her hand stilled when she saw the dress.

  “Leave that out too. You’ll be wearing it tonight.”

  Serena eyed the leather dress, barely biting back a refusal. It looked skintight, and the only way in—or out—was through the zipper extending up the front of the black mini. She licked her lips. “Master, I don’t think I can wear this.”

  “You aren’t required to think tonight. Leave it out.”

  She dropped the dress on the bed and turned away, sticking out her tongue at his brusque command. She didn’t have the shape for that dress, and he would soon realize it. She took the rest of the clothes to the closet before returning to the bedroom. She looked around for her cases before remembering she had left them in the living room, where the bellhop dropped them by the door. She started to fetch them.

  “Where are you going?”

  She paused in mid-step. “I left my luggage in the living room.”

  “It’s in the corner.” He pointed to the far corner of the room. “I carried it in.”

  “Thanks.” She noticed her tone didn’t sound very grateful, but he made no comment. Serena turned to her case, but his voice stopped her again.

  “You don’t need anything out of there.”

  She lifted a brow. “My makeup and perfume are in the small case. Not to mention underwear.”

  He nodded. “Fetch your cosmetics, but leave the underwear.”

  She took a step before halting and whipping around. “Excuse me?”

  “No underwear tonight, pet.” He met her eyes. “Is there a problem with that?” He opened his hand slowly before closing it with equally careful movements. “Perhaps you feel the urge to argue?”

  She swallowed her refusal and walked to her carryon case, having no desire for another spanking so soon. Her bottom still tingled. She removed her cosmetics bag, but left the larger case zipped.

  “Come to me.”

  She turned around to find him holding the harness from earlier. Her eyes widened. “You don’t mean for me to wear that…Master.”

  He gave her a small smile. “Of course I do. Now come to me.”

  With a heavy sigh, Serena walked over to him, dropping the bag on the bed before standing before him. She eyed the complicated device uncertainly. “What do I do?”

  “I’ll put it on for you. Lift your hair.”

  Serena swept her damp curls into a messy knot and held it with a free hand. A curious sensation seized her as he fasted the collar around her neck, putting the buckle at the back. Part of her resented being tagged like Auggie, but a darker part of her reveled in the leather cupping her neck.

  “Fetching,” Ian commented. He picked up the section of golden rope next. “It’s velvet. Thin and sensuous, yet painful, if required. Keep your hair up. I need to attach a section at the back.”

  Serena tilted her head forward as he moved behind her. She frowned when she caught sight of a bead attached roughly to the middle of the rope. It was an inch or two wide, but smooth and round. Light gleamed off its amber color. She swallowed nervously, wondering what purpose it served.

  Ian’s hands played against her neck before moving down her back. Serena could feel the rope hanging down her back, and her eyes widened when he slipped it through her buttocks. His hand fed it through her thighs, and she realized what the bead was for as it nestled into her pussy, just below her clit. “Ian…Master…I—”

  “Shh, pet.” Ian brought the rope up her front and secured it through the small loop, adjusting the excess to ensure the bead stayed in place in her pussy. He lifted the golden chain with a leather cuff attached to one end. “I’m going to put this on for just a minute, but you’ll be without the leash during dinner.”

  She licked her lips. “What does it do, Master?”

  He smiled. “I’ll show you. First, we clip it to the rope of your harness, through this catch at the back of the loop.” As he spoke, his fingers fastened the chain to the collar. Then he attached the cuff to his hand.

  She raised a brow, intrigued despite her precarious position. “So, it keeps me near you?”

  “Exactly. Try to walk away from me.”

  Serena took a step.

  “Oh, pet, go slowly. I don’t want you hurt.”

  She frowned at the strange warning and took a few more steps, sighing with pleasure at the friction the bead induced, until she felt the rope tauten.

  “Take one more step.”

  She did, and a dull pain shot through her anus and pussy as the rope dug into her. She immediately stepped back and turned around, giving him a look of censure. “That isn’t necessary, you know.”

  Ian shook his head. “It is, pet. As you said, it keeps you near me.” He pulled gently on the leash, forcing her to walk back to him. Ian cupped her naked breast. “You look beautiful like this, pet. You won’t always be able to wear the leash, and you can’t bathe in the harness, but you aren’t to take this off. Ever.” He touched the collar. “It marks you as mine. Do you understand?”

  She licked her lips, summoning a jerky nod.

  His gaze was full of approval as he rolled her nipple in his fingers before doing the same to the other one. “Let me take off the leash.” He unclipped it in one smooth motion, and then reached for the dress.

  Serena touched the velvet harness. “Um, shouldn’t I take this off too, Master?”

  “No, there’s no need, pet.” He handled the dress delicately, unzipping it and pulling it from the hanger. “Hold out your arms.”

  Serena did as he requested, conflicted by the way he treated her. The leash struck her as bordering on degrading, but his touch was so gentle as he slipped the sleeveless sheath over her that she trembled. She stayed still as he zipped the dress up the front, and she was surprised at how sexy it felt to have the leather hug her curves. She looked down, alar
med at the amount of cleavage spilling from the low neckline.

  “Come look in the mirror.” He led her by the hand to the cheval glass in the corner. “Look how exotic you are, pet. Every man will want to unzip that dress.” He put his mouth against her ear. “Every woman will envy your hourglass shape. And you’ll belong to me.”

  She looked like a different person. The dress molded her meager curves until she appeared almost voluptuous. The collar and parts of the harness that showed looked simply like an intricate piece of decoration. No one would realize what it was. The lines of the harness were so thin they were virtually invisible. “It’s…” She trailed off, shaking her head. She couldn’t find the right words.

  “Exquisite.” He pressed a kiss just below her ear before leading her back to the bed and pushing her down, before he knelt on the floor.

  Serena sat still as he rolled black thigh-highs up her legs, held in place with lace cuffs. The short skirt of the dress left several inches of her legs bare between the hem and the garter. Her eyes widened when he produced stiletto heels from a box on the bed. “I don’t think I can walk in those, Master.”

  “You’ll learn.” His fingers were gentle as he pushed her feet into the shoes, pausing to caress her ankle before returning her foot to the carpet and repeating the process. He rose to his feet. “You have ten minutes to finish getting ready.”

  Serena scooped up the cosmetics bag and took hesitant steps into the bathroom, cautious of the high heels. Darts of pleasure shot through her, emanating from her clit, as it rubbed against the bead. She could feel moisture leaking down her thighs and knew the bead would keep her in a constant state of arousal.

  Excitement burned in her as she tried to imagine what Ian had planned for tonight. So far, her sentence had been a study in contrasts. She wondered whether dinner would be about pleasure or pain. Both prospects excited her.


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