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Phantasie Page 5

by Kit Tunstall

  Chapter 4

  There were three restaurants in Castle Phantasie, and Ian had chosen the smallest, Intim, with its dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. Serena had been aware of a murmur sweeping the small crowd from the moment she and Ian entered the restaurant. Even now, seated at their table, she could feel eyes on her. How much she enjoyed the experience surprised her.

  “What will you have, pet?” Ian asked as he set aside his menu.

  Her brow furrowed. “Whatever you want?”

  He lifted her hand from the table and brought it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her palm. “You should choose your own preferences.” His voice lowered. “There is only one area where I ask for submission.”

  She swallowed down the butterflies trying to fly up her throat, stirred awake by the gentle touch of his lips. “Okay, I’ll have the stuffed pheasant.”

  Their server arrived seconds later, as if he had been summoned by Serena’s statement. He spoke to them in slow, broken English. Serena didn’t particularly notice his accent. She was more taken by his sparkling green eyes and short black hair. Beautiful had never been appropriate to describe a man before, but his picture could have been in the dictionary as an example.

  Serena watched with fascination as Ian switched to fluent German to order their meal. When the server had left, she said, “I didn’t know you spoke German.”

  He sipped the wine served to them by the steward when they sat down. “I knew it well enough from college, but befriending Johan has sharpened my skills.”

  She bypassed the wine in favor of the ice water. “He’s the hotel owner, right?”

  Ian nodded.

  “How did you meet?”

  Ian looked around their table before leaning closer. “Johan and I met online, in a certain type of chat room.”

  Her eyes widened. “He’s a Dom too?”

  Ian shook his head. “Johan prefers to submit.”

  She looked down at her glass. “Have you two…?”

  He laughed. “No. We’re just friends. We only met in person for the first time last year, but we have weekly voice chats.”

  “I see.” She shook her head. “Not really. I don’t know what any of that means. I’m clueless about computers.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t respond as the server returned with a basket of bread.

  Serena glanced down shyly as the server inclined his head in her direction. She hadn’t missed the way his eyes lingered on her breasts before she looked away.

  Once he had left again, Ian asked, “Do you find Konrad attractive?”

  “Who’s Konrad?”

  “Didn’t you hear his introduction?”

  Serena lifted a shoulder.

  “Hmm, not paying attention, right?” He seemed as though he were trying to sound amused, but there was a thread of anger in his tone.

  She nodded. “He’s very attractive.”

  “Yes.” Ian sipped his wine as he eyed her with disturbing intensity. “Yes,” he said again before trailing into a silence that remained unbroken until Konrad returned with their appetizer.

  Serena reached for a piece of the artichoke as Ian began conversing with their server. He spoke the language with what seemed like the ease of a native, and the boy punctuated the conversation with eager nods and occurrences of, “Ja, Herr.”

  She looked up at the eager note in the boy’s voice, disconcerted to find him openly staring at her cleavage. “What’s going on?”

  Ian ignored her question, instead keeping his attention on Konrad, asking him something else.

  Konrad nodded enthusiastically. Serena’s eyes widened when she saw his cock getting hard in his black pants. “Ja, Herr.” Konrad looked around the tables, and then gestured to them before speaking again.

  Serena took Ian’s hand when he held it out, and she got up from her seat, following them through the restaurant, away from the entrance, aware of the bead sliding in the folds of her wet pussy. “What’s going on?”

  “I asked him if he liked your breasts. He said yes. I asked if he wanted to see them without the dress.” Ian smiled down at her. “He jumped at the chance and is now leading us to a back room.”

  She shook her head. “No, Ian, you can’t make me do this.”

  He frowned at her, continuing to pull her along. “Do you want to utter the safe word?”

  She licked her lips. “No, but—”

  “Shh, pet. I promise you’ll enjoy this.”

  She subsided into silence as they entered double doors and turned down a hallway, moving past another set of doors that led to the kitchen. They passed two more doors before Konrad stopped and fished a key from his pocket, speaking rapidly.

  She looked to Ian for translation.

  “He said this is the break room. No one will bother us until the dinner rush ends.”

  Nerves twisted her stomach into knots as she followed Ian and the boy into the break room. She stood awkwardly under Konrad’s ravenous expression.

  “Unzip your dress, pet.”

  With trembling fingers, Serena unzipped the leather dress and pulled it open. A feeble smile found its way to her lips when she saw Konrad’s eyes darken. It was gratifying to see the surge of desire in his eyes.

  Ian spoke again, and Konrad nodded, licking his lips.

  He walked behind Serena, putting his arm around her waist. “He’s going to suck your nipples.”

  She whimpered, but didn’t give voice to her protest. She leaned against Ian as the boy approached, crouching down so his mouth was level with her breasts. She closed her eyes as he took a hardened peak into his mouth. He lacked Ian’s skill, but his rough tongue on her nipple caused her pussy to clench.

  “Do you like this, pet?”

  “Yes,” she said with a gasp as Konrad bit her lightly. He cupped her other breast and twisted the nipple with gentle tugs. The flashes of pain added to her pleasure, and Serena squirmed.

  Ian said something, and the man’s eyes widened. Konrad moved his head, and his gaze settled lower. His eyes widened further, and the note of eagerness in his tone was impossible to miss, despite the language barrier.

  Ian bent his head to whisper in her ear. “I told him to touch your shaved pussy. I want him to see how smooth you are.”

  “Please, Master, don’t—”

  Ian caressed her arms. “I think you will enjoy it, and I know I’ll enjoy seeing his hand down there.” He tilted his head. “In fact…yes, that would prove…” He trailed off and nodded to Konrad, before speaking again.

  Konrad’s eyes got huge, and he nodded sharply. “Ja, Herr.”

  “What’s happening?” Serena asked.

  “I want to see him lick you. Part your legs, pet.”

  Panic welled in her, and she thought about pulling away. To have Konrad touch her breasts was strange enough, but to have him eat her out? She didn’t know if she could handle that.

  He must have sensed her panic, because Ian said, “If you don’t enjoy it, tell me.”

  “You mean use the safe word.” She couldn’t hide a trace of bitterness. She hadn’t known he planned anything like this when she signed the contract. She might have had second thoughts if she had. It was one thing to let Ian have free reign of her body, when she had wanted that for so long. It was quite another to let a stranger embrace her so intimately.

  “No. Just tell me you don’t like it, and I’ll end it.”

  “O-okay.” She took a deep breath, preparing herself as Konrad knelt on his knees and grasped her thighs, caressing the lace of the thigh-highs. He said something as he touched the harness, moving aside the bead. She didn’t know what he said, but he seemed excited by the sight.

  She closed her eyes as his tongue shyly touched her smooth flesh. He didn’t flirt with the lips, but instead went directly to her clit. His strokes were broad and quick, but it still felt nice. Serena squirmed as moisture flooded her. She kept her eyes closed, disconcerted by how quickly her body reacted to his clumsy s
trokes. An ache built in her pussy, and she began thrusting against his tongue, even as she cringed inside at her actions.

  “That’s it, pet. Give into your instincts. Any tongue will do, won’t it?” Ian’s voice sounded encouraging, but his words gave Serena pause.

  Konrad’s tongue became more eager, and he thrust it inside her, before sweeping downward.

  Serena’s eyes snapped open as he tongued her anus. She turned her head to meet Ian’s darkened gaze, unable to hide her uncertainty. “Ian…”

  “Do you want me to stop him?”

  She hesitated, surprised to find the sensation enjoyable. Her sphincter tightened as his tongue invaded her, but her pussy spasmed with pleasure. “I don’t know. I’ve never…” She trailed off as his tongue left her anus to return to her pussy. Juices dribbled down her legs, and he licked them away eagerly before delving deep into her opening again. Serena gasped as his tongue speared her pussy. How could she respond to him when she felt as though she were dying inside?

  She gasped again when Ian cupped her breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. He leaned her against him to support her weight, and then reached between her thighs to circle her clit with his other hand. Konrad’s tongue continued to thrust inside her, and Serena squirmed at the combined pleasure. Ian rotated his thumb against her clit, applying just enough pain to incite an orgasm.

  “Come, pet. Come now. Show me how much you like his mouth on your pussy.” There was a trace of anger in his tone.

  His permission released the floodgates. Despite her internal feelings and the sense that something wasn’t right with Ian’s reaction, her body insisted on release. She cried out, and he clapped his hand over her mouth, holding her against him as the climax ravaged her. She could smell her dew on his fingers, and Serena’s senses responded by heightening her orgasm. Her body convulsed with pleasure, and she gave herself up to it, relying on Ian to support her.

  When she was able to stand, albeit shakily, she eyed Konrad impassively, at a loss for what to say. Should she thank him, or should she turn to Ian and hit him as hard as she could? How could he stand to watch another man do that to her?

  Konrad said something to her shyly before turning to Ian. He seemed nervous when he spoke.

  Ian’s expression tightened, and he shook his head sharply. His response was harsh, even in the guttural language.

  Konrad ducked his head. His hand pulled at the crotch of his pants, obviously trying to relieve the discomfort.

  “What did he ask?”

  “He wants to fuck you.” He must have felt her tense, because his voice took on a soothing note. “Relax, pet. I told him no. But would you like to put on a show for him?”

  She stared at him with confusion.

  “Do you want him to watch while I fuck you?”

  Her eyes widened at the thought, and she cocked her head, considering. Part of her found the thought exciting, but she hesitated, remembering his touch with a mixture of shame and pleasure. She shot a glance at the boy, noting his obvious pain. “Would he be masturbating?”

  “Unless he’s shy or stupid,” he said with a grin.

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure.” Why did she insist on focusing on what Ian would want? Her brain urged her to get the hell out while she still could, even as her pussy spasmed at a mental image of fucking in front of the young man.

  Ian nodded. “Okay. I’ll make the choice.” He looked at Konrad, reeling off something.

  Konrad’s eyes shone with excitement, and he nodded vigorously.

  Serena knew Ian’s choice when he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the sofa in the otherwise utilitarian employee room. He didn’t even take off her dress as he laid her on the couch, with her buttocks on the edge, and her upper body cramped against the contours of the sofa.

  He removed protection from his pocket and sheathed his cock before plunging inside her. Serena closed her eyes and arched against him, enjoying the fullness that accompanied his possession. She put her arms on his back and urged him to go deeper into her pussy. She could feel Konrad’s eyes on her and heard him unzip his pants. His presence increased her arousal, and her pussy flooded around Ian’s cock.

  “Watch him, pet.”

  She obeyed Ian’s dictate and opened her eyes, turning her head in Konrad’s direction. He was furiously stroking his cock, as his eyes remained glued to where their bodies had fused. His face was bright red, and he was grunting with the effort.

  It made her want to giggle for some reason, and she turned away, locking eyes with Ian as he thrust inside her over and over. He alternated between shallow and deep thrusts, going fast one moment, and slowing down the next. When Konrad cried out with his orgasm and shot his gism on the floor, Ian was still going strong.

  Serena’s pussy contracted around him as he drove deep inside her, and she thrust upward. A second orgasm washed over her, making her pussy clench around his cock. She heard Ian groan. The cords in his neck stiffened right before his cock spasmed, and his warmth spread through the condom. He collapsed on top of her, pressing a kiss to her forehead before holding her in his arms.

  Her racing heart gradually slowed, and she realized Konrad was still with them. He had crawled forward and laid his head on the arm of the sofa. She moved a hand from Ian’s back to stroke his hair, much as she would have Auggie’s fur, and resisted the urge to tell him he had been a good boy.

  With a sigh, Ian withdrew from her, standing up and closing his pants. “You can dress now, pet.”

  She got up on shaky feet, surprised when she almost fell on the high heels. She had grown accustomed to them, or so she had thought. Ian’s hand steadied her, and she fumbled with the dress’s zipper, using that as an excuse to avoid his gaze.

  Konrad had gotten to his feet, and he was shaking Ian’s hand, thanking him profusely.

  Ian nodded, and then whispered something to the boy before Konrad nodded in return and left them.

  “What did you say?” Serena asked as Ian came to her to straighten the harness to fall midway between her breasts. She ran a hand through her hair to restore order once he stepped away.

  “I told him this is one of those stories everyone brags about, but I warned him not to repeat it. I told him Johan was a friend of mine, and it would get back to me.” He shrugged. “His silence isn’t much to ask in exchange for tasting your pussy.”

  She made a non-committal sound, not anxious to speak to him. She was still aching at this new mental image of herself as a wanton creature that could respond to anyone. She followed him to the door of the break room without speaking. The bead caused almost unbearable friction against her still-sensitive clit. It was another reminder of the prurient activities she had engaged in during the last few minutes. She reached for the handle as he stepped aside, but his hand on the door stopped her. She looked up.

  “Did you like it?”

  She nodded. “He wasn’t as good as you, but it was definitely enjoyable.” She said the words smoothly, even as she questioned the truth of them. Had it been pleasurable? She couldn’t deny she had been aroused by Konrad’s touch, followed by his voyeuristic eyes on them, but she didn’t know if she could get past what she had done. What she had become, all for Ian.

  Perhaps the incident wouldn’t have affected her so deeply if she knew Ian loved her, and it had all been for pleasure. However, she knew he didn’t love her, and she didn’t know what had motivated him to bring another man into their relationship. She couldn’t reconcile what she had done with what she had always believed about herself.

  His eyes were serious as he leaned closer to her. “I’m glad you liked it, but I want to remind you this only happens with my permission.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand.” Was he telling her what she thought he was? Did he really think any man would do for her? Did he really think she was the kind of woman who would balance multiple lovers? What an idiot he could be, considering she had been a virgin until he fucked her.

touched her collar. “You belong to me. If I choose to share you, that’s one thing. It’s another for you to cheat me.”

  As if she would deliberately seek out such a scenario again, after her mixed feelings from this encounter. Anger and the need to appease him warred inside her. “I only belong to you until Sunday.”

  Ian’s mouth tightened. “Fine. Until then, you’re mine, and I expect you to act like you are.”

  “It was your idea to let another man touch me.”

  “Yes, but he didn’t fuck you, did he?” Ian’s hand moved between her thighs in a lightning-quick move, and he thrust a finger inside her. “This is my pussy. You gave it to me. I trust you’ve read enough about dominant/submissive relationships to know what that means.”

  She nodded. “I’m giving you total control of that aspect of my life…until Sunday.” Her lip curled. “Just don’t expect me to trust you.”

  He snorted. “Why would I expect that? I can’t trust you.” With that, Ian moved his hand from between her thighs to open the door. He turned down the hallway, not waiting for her to catch up. He bypassed the dining room and headed straight for the lobby, apparently having lost his appetite—or maybe just his desire to eat with her.

  Chapter 5

  By the time they reached their suite, Serena had caught up with Ian. She swept past him to enter, anxious to remove the dress and shower. The door slammed behind him, and she cried out as he jerked her into his arms, pressing her buttocks against his cock. He was hard again. How could he want her after the words they had exchanged?

  He spun her around and slammed his mouth on hers. This kiss was pure punishment, but Serena jerked with surprise when her pussy moistened as his tongue invaded her mouth. She was as angry as him, and maybe more so. She threaded her fingers into his hair, tugging him forcefully closer. As she did so, she moved forward, pushing against him until momentum tipped him back. His back hit the door with a thud, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Ian clenched her buttocks and pulled her lower body closer to his. His cock thrust against her stomach, and Serena shifted impatiently. His fingers tightened, digging into her skin painfully through the leather. She pulled his hair to get him to lift his head. When he did so, he loosened his grip. His eyes burned into hers, sizzling with anger.


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