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In the Shadow of Darkness

Page 15

by Nicole Stiling

  Yeah, right. You don’t like to hurt me. But instead of saying anything, Angeline just nodded.

  “Okay, honey. I’ll go out for a while. Don’t be sad. There’ll be many more Charlottes along the way, believe me. Remember Roger back in Mount Pleasant? I liked him a lot. He really did it for me, if you know what I mean. But hey, Rogers are a dime a dozen. So are Charlottes. You just need to remember to keep your heart out of things, and you’ll be fine. See you in a bit.” Kathryn blew her a kiss and took her handbag from the kitchen counter.

  Angeline watched her leave with a mixture of derision and dread. She stared out the window until she saw the boat float away from the dock, swaying gently in the no-wake zone. She couldn’t really ask Charlotte to leave. That wasn’t an option. But if she didn’t, Angeline feared for her safety. She slammed the side of her fist onto the kitchen table and yelled “fuck” angrily.

  Charlotte opened the bedroom door and leaned on the door frame. “What happened?” she asked quietly.

  “She’s just irrational. Maybe a little psychotic. I don’t know.” Angeline wasn’t sure exactly how much to share with Charlotte. She didn’t want to cause her unnecessary panic. Or maybe it was necessary to get Charlotte to understand the danger she was in. Angeline hadn’t been in that kind of situation with Kathryn before. She’d never actually cared for a woman beyond one night.

  “Of course she’s irrational and psychotic. You’re just figuring that out now? I’ve known that since the day she invited me to your home in Charleston,” Charlotte said, an amused smile playing at her lips. “What did she say? She wants us to leave? Is she finally tired of playing third wheel?”

  Angeline sighed. “Something like that. She wants us to leave. Me and her. Apparently, the trio thing isn’t working for her anymore.”

  “Excuse me?” Charlotte said, storming into the kitchen. “You told her to piss off, right? Where is she, anyway?”

  “She went out on the boat. She’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Good. At least she can’t use her stupid vampire ears to eavesdrop. Did you tell her we’d be happy to pack up and go? I can be ready in an hour.”

  “It’s not that easy, Char,” Angeline said, sitting at the table. She covered her face with her hands and rubbed them up and down vigorously. “She won’t just let me go. Kathryn would rather see me dead than happy without her. If you’re not gone by the time she comes back, I’m afraid she’ll try to hurt you.” She paused, closing her eyes. “No, not hurt you. She’ll kill you. I don’t know what to do. I’m no match for her, Charlotte. She’s physically stronger than me in every way possible.”

  Charlotte walked over to Angeline and rubbed her shoulders gently. She kissed the top of her head. “Then we’ll just vanish. If we take the Buick, we could be in Vermont in just over an hour. We’ll find a remote place to camp out for the day, and then we’ll hit the road at sundown. Think about it. We’d be in Canada in no time. She’ll never find us there.”

  It sounded good. Better than good. It sounded fucking amazing. Angeline covered Charlotte’s hand with her own, trying to decide if that plan would even work. Kathryn’s senses were heightened, more so than Angeline’s, but if they had an hour lead time, she couldn’t possibly track them that way. Right? She’d have to resort to old-fashioned methods like phone calls and driving. Extreme speed was great in small bursts, but it certainly didn’t last for a hundred miles. Once they were in rural Canada, it would be hard for a bloodhound to pick up their trail, never mind an enraged vampire.

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” Angeline asked, standing to face Charlotte. “Before we met, you were a city girl. If I’m going to run from her, I’ll need to stay hidden for a long time. A long time. Years. You really think you’ll be happy living in some hovel we’ll have to build ourselves, out in the middle of nowhere?”

  Charlotte held Angeline’s face. “If that hovel has you inside it, I’ll be happy there.” She kissed Angeline lightly on the lips, and then drew her in for a hug. Angeline held on to her tightly, sure of her feelings for Charlotte but unsure if they were making the right decision. If Kathryn found them, she’d kill them both without hesitation.

  “Come on. Let’s go throw a few things together and hit the road. I could use a Vermont cheddar omelet for breakfast.” Charlotte kissed Angeline again before disappearing into the bedroom.

  Angeline breathed deeply. She looked out the window to see if she could spot Kathryn’s boat, or any sign of her on the horizon. The sun wouldn’t be up for a few hours still, so they had some time to put distance between them and Averill Park. Resolve strengthened, Angeline met Charlotte in the bedroom and began stuffing clothes into a duffel bag. She went into the bathroom and took all of her toiletries from the shelf. Angeline was almost giddy with excitement. She’d accepted her lot in life, as Kathryn’s companion, and she’d even found slivers of happiness here and there, but the idea of total freedom was so very enticing.

  “Should I take some food? I suppose I can grab something at a gas station once we hit the Vermont border.” Charlotte plucked a sleeve of crackers from the cabinet and added it to her handbag. “Can you fit my rollers into your bag? Mine’s totally full.”

  “Really?” Angeline asked, smiling. “We’re running for our lives and you’re worried about hair curlers?”

  “Being a fugitive is not an excuse for unkempt hair, my darling. Shove them in.”

  Angeline picked up both of their bags and brought them out to the Buick. She checked the lake again for any sign of Kathryn, but the water was still and silent. No sign of a boat cruising back toward their dock.

  “Don’t forget the playing cards!” Angeline yelled toward the house. She slipped the key into the engine to let it warm up for a few minutes. She blew into her hands to warm them up, the September wind unforgiving on such a cold night.

  Would she miss Kathryn? Maybe a little. They had, after all, spent the better part of two decades together. There were weeks where they’d barely say two words to each other, and other times they’d hit the town, dance, laugh, drink, and have a wonderful time together. Those times didn’t make up for Kathryn’s possessiveness or mean streak, but there was still a tinge of nostalgia there.

  Angeline looked impatiently toward the house. What was taking her so long? She wondered if Charlotte understood the gravity of the situation. If Kathryn came back and found them packed and heading off without her, she would be enraged. Angeline wasn’t sure exactly how pissed she would be, but she didn’t want to find out. If Angeline hadn’t wanted to keep quiet, she would have beeped the horn. She checked the gas gauge and was happy she’d filled it just the other day. They had plenty to get them to Vermont.

  Finally, the porch door swung open. Angeline turned to see if Charlotte needed any help, but instead was greeted by a wild-eyed Kathryn.

  “Going somewhere?” Kathryn asked, wiping blood from her bottom lip.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fog Hollow, Massachusetts, current day

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Angeline asked, standing in front of her refrigerator. “I don’t have much. Some orange juice and some Sprite.”

  “No, I’m okay,” Megan said, browsing Angeline’s massive bookshelf. She had everything from the classics of Shakespeare and Tolstoy to the autobiography of Cyndi Lauper. It was obviously custom built, as it took up an entire wall.

  “I like to read,” Angeline said, startling Megan by coming up behind her. “I’ve had a lot of time on my hands over the years.”

  Megan nodded. “I can imagine. You have quite the array of tastes,” she said, nodding playfully to a book about Miss Piggy.

  “I do. For a while there, I was having ten to twelve books a month shipped to my PO box. That was in my recluse phase, I think. They add up quick. Hey, I found a couple of beers in my crisper. Any interest?” she asked, handing Megan a Coors Light.

  “Definitely,” Megan said, downing a huge gulp. “Mmm. I needed that. So what do we d
o now?”

  Angeline shrugged. “I can take you home in a few minutes if you want. Or, you know, you could stay until sundown. I’m sure you’re tired too. Is Merlin okay by himself?”

  Megan felt a twinge in her stomach. Had Angeline just asked her to sleep over? Even if she meant it platonically, it still sent a surge of excitement through Megan’s body. “Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’s an independent guy. I left plenty of food and water, and the radio is set to golden oldies, so he’s probably enjoying the solitude. I am pretty tired, now that you mention it.” The last time Megan had pulled an all-nighter was during Bush Jr.’s first term. She yawned at the thought of it.

  “Good. Do you want to sit down for a few minutes and finish our drinks? I could use a minute to unwind.” Angeline motioned toward the leather couch, situated below an exposed beam.

  Megan sat against one of the arms, her body sinking into the plush fabric. “Ooh, I like this. How did you find this little slice of heaven, anyway?”

  “It was advertised in the newspaper as a wooded getaway house, probably for people who live in the city to escape to. Once I saw the pictures, I fell in love. I made an offer over the phone, paid the guy with a bank check, and voilà. Home sweet home.” Angeline kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on the coffee table.

  “Wow. I went through a lot more paperwork for my house.” Megan laughed. Her smile faded as she thought about the body in the morgue. “So, tell me. Do you really think you’re being hunted by another vampire?”

  “That’s my guess,” Angeline said, sighing heavily. “I don’t know what other kind of message a drained body could possibly send. Either they want to drive me away from this town or they want to hurt me. I can’t imagine what else it could be.”

  “Do you know many other vampires? Any that would have a reason to be pissed off at you? Or that might want to take your spot in Fog Hollow?” Megan asked, cricking her neck back and forth. She wondered if the tension was manifesting itself in her muscles.

  “No. The few that I’ve met along the way have only been acquaintances at best. I’ve kept my distance from nearly…everyone. Here, turn around,” Angeline said, making a spin motion with her finger.

  Confused, Megan turned her body and felt Angeline’s fingers push into the muscles above her shoulders. She nearly collapsed at the instant relief they provided. “Oh, you don’t have to do that. But if you don’t stop, I won’t be mad.”

  Angeline chuckled. “I don’t mind. I just have to stay on my toes. Vampires can usually sense one another in close proximity, although it’s not all that hard to cover up the triggers. Cover yourself in pine scent and walk softly and that does the job fairly well. Usually only newish vampires walk around brazenly.”

  Megan was listening, but the way Angeline was working her shoulders was elevating her to a new plane of existence. Megan stifled a gasp when Angeline pulled the neck of her sweater back so she could touch her skin directly. Megan closed her eyes, telling herself that Angeline was just being nice. She knew Megan’s neck hurt, and she was being helpful.

  “You smell like vanilla,” Angeline said, nearly in a whisper.

  “I know.”

  Angeline’s hands stopped moving, and Megan had to refrain from telling her to keep going. She was about to fix the neckline on her shirt and turn around, but Angeline’s fingers trailed up from Megan’s shoulder to the nape of her neck. She traced circles around the sensitive flesh of Megan’s collarbone and the space beneath her ear. Megan shivered involuntarily at her touch.

  Her eyes still closed, Megan felt Angeline pull closer, so close that she could feel her chest against her back. Instead of fingers, Megan felt soft lips caress the shell of her ear. Her heart sped up and pounded heavily against her chest. Angeline was touching her, and there was no mistaking her intentions. But why? She’d made it clear that they shouldn’t explore that side of a relationship, it just wouldn’t work. But the more Angeline’s tongue caressed Megan’s skin, the more coherent thought abandoned her. She couldn’t take it anymore. Megan turned and saw Angeline’s eyes level with hers. They were full of want. Angeline reached out and grabbed her gently by her hair, tightening her hand into a fist. She nudged Megan forward, their lips meeting in a burst of energy. It started out gentle and tender, but quickly turned desperate and unforgiving.

  Instead of putting the brakes on and asking what the hell was going on, as she knew she should have, Megan’s entire body responded to the kiss and she felt as though she were perched on the edge of a cliff, teetering on loose soil. Her hands tangled in Angeline’s waves, pulling her closer, so close that they could melt into one.

  Angeline pushed Megan back against the couch, where her head rested against the plush armrest. Megan groaned as Angeline molded herself to every one of Megan’s curves, their bodies touching in every place imaginable. Angeline’s lips trailed from Megan’s lips to her neck, to her collarbone. Megan held her breath for what she envisioned would come next, but Angeline pulled away suddenly. She jumped off the couch as though something had burned her.

  “What’s wrong?” Megan asked nervously, sitting up.

  “I’m sorry,” Angeline said. She threw her head back and raked her fingers through her hair. “I never should have done that. I know I’m sending you mixed signals—”

  Rage surged through Megan’s veins. She bolted off the couch and stood face-to-face with Angeline. “Mixed signals? Are you fucking serious?”

  Angeline looked taken aback. “I know, I was totally out of line. I’m sorry, really I am.”

  “No, fuck that, Angeline. Fuck you.” Megan pressed her finger against Angeline’s chest. “Why are you like this? You obviously want me as much as I want you, but you’re a complete coward. Because we’re different? You know what? Lots of people come from lots of different backgrounds and they’re able to make it work. Would this be unconventional? Yes, of course! But I’m willing to give it a try, because I like you, and I’m attracted to you, physically and emotionally, and I want to see where this goes. But you. You just want to walk away and say, ‘oh I can’t, I’m tortured and sad,’ but you won’t tell me why. I’ve loved once and can never love again? That’s bullshit, Angeline. Bull. Shit.”

  Angeline stood there, her mouth agape. If she were being honest, Megan was a little surprised by her own outburst. But that didn’t lessen the truth of anything that had come out of her mouth. She was angry and excited and turned on and fuming all at the same time. Angeline’s unwillingness to explore their potential, when she clearly wanted to, was infuriating.

  “I like you, Megan, I really, really like you, and that scares the hell out of me. It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt this way about someone, and I can’t do it again. I just can’t. Where are you going?”

  Megan grabbed her jacket from where it was draped over one of Angeline’s chairs. “Why not?”

  “Why not what?”

  “Why can’t you do it again? Tell me. Help me understand.”

  Angeline drew in a breath but said nothing. She closed her eyes.

  “That’s what I thought,” Megan said. “If you decide that you want to act like a grown-up and have a real conversation, you know how to find me.”

  She fought tears, because the last thing she wanted to do was cry. Not now, not now. Before she got very far, Megan felt herself thrust against the natural wood of the wall next to Angeline’s bookcase. Her feet dangled as she hung suspended in air.

  Angeline stared at her, her eyes glowing and her teeth sharp and pointed. Megan could feel the emotion dripping from Angeline’s pores. She held Megan tightly by the shoulders. Megan trembled, though the pit of fear that swirled in her stomach wasn’t as strong as it probably should have been. She won’t hurt me.

  “I’m a monster, Megan. I’m not some hometown girl with a secret or a mysterious stranger that turns out to be a princess. I am a monster. I feed on human blood and I’ve killed more people in my time on this earth than you’ve dreamed about. Doesn’t
matter if it was because I wanted to, or because I had to, or because someone else made me do it. If you think I’m some fairy tale villain with a heart of gold, you are sorely mistaken. I’m a killer, Megan. A killer. And being anywhere near me is dangerous.”

  Megan swallowed as she saw Angeline’s eyes well up. It was hard to reconcile what was happening. She was being pinned to a wall by a woman who could rip her throat out as easily as she could shake her hand. But the sadness, the humanity, in Angeline’s eyes drowned out any fear she might have had.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” Megan whispered.

  “You should be, damn it! You need to be! Be afraid of me!” Angeline yelled, her voice gravelly and broken.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” Megan repeated. Angeline set her down gently and cried out in frustration. Megan cupped Angeline’s face and looked into her shining eyes. Her teeth had retracted. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Angeline leaned forward and kissed Megan, hard and furious. Megan kissed her back openly, silently pleading with her to know how much she’d meant what she’d said. She wasn’t afraid of her. She didn’t know if it had something to do with their blood bond, if it even worked like that, but for some inexplicable reason, she didn’t fear the enigmatic vampire that continued to invade her every sense. She wanted Angeline, all of her, and she was willing to risk everything for just the possibility.

  Angeline slid her hands down the back of Megan’s thighs and lifted her like she was weightless. Megan wrapped her legs around Angeline’s middle, while keeping contact with her lips. She was pretty sure she’d never been this aroused in her entire life.

  The light that bathed the cabin in a soft glow seemed to fade in and out as Angeline carried Megan to her bedroom, where she laid her gently on the fuzzy black comforter. Megan grasped the back of Angeline’s neck, pulling her down on top of her. She was afraid that if she let her go, Angeline would disappear, and Megan would wake up to find this had all been a dream. She couldn’t bear to chance it. Angeline parted Megan’s thighs with her knee, opening them enough that she could slip between them, their bodies fitting together like they’d been waiting centuries to discover that one piece of the puzzle that would complete their own abstraction. Angeline leaned down and kissed Megan again, softer this time, as though she were requesting entry instead of demanding it.


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