The Night Shadow
Page 1
The Night
Book 1
William J. Gaskins
iUniverse, Inc.
Copyright © 2011 by William J. Gaskins
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Dedication and Acknowledgments
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Dedication and Acknowledgments
I dedicate this book to my father, Robert Gaskins Sr. You are a true soldier and hero. Thank you for your service to our great nation. You are an amazing father, friend, leader and supporter.
I would like to thank God for giving me an amazing imagination, although it has gotten me into trouble at times. I hope this book provides enjoyment to its readers and I look forward to contributing to this world’s most favorite past time…reading.
I would also like to thank my friends and family that have supported me along the way. Nancy Gaskins, you are truly a motivational figure in my life. Special thanks go to my wife Stephanie Gaskins for always supporting me in any idea I have. All of my friends, there are too many to name, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The wind was blowing awfully eerie on that cold October morning, a slight fog blowing out of the sides of the wood line onto the flight line where we waited. Every time I have ever left it was no big deal, sun was shining, maybe a slight mist, but nothing just creepy. Plain unnatural is what it was. We were all anxious to see our families one last time before we left to execute this mission.
The families were huddled up on the far side of the flight line behind some yellow tape. The scene was always the same; it just gets easier every time you see it. Well, easier for me and harder for my wife. No matter how many times you leave your family. There is always a pit inside of your stomach. Aching and nagging, like a hunger you just can’t stop. To the right of the Dependents was all of our gear, laid out in nice rows of three, ten to each row. Thirty of us were leaving, and I guarantee you there won’t be thirty packs on the way home. Someone will be looking for that special somebody that just won’t be there. One of us will not make it home alive, but this was a reality that all of us have faced…and accepted.
It’s easy to say that you’re willing to die for your country. Anyone can say it. Gung ho kids, teenagers, idiots…any one can say the words and go through the training. But when you’re down range and the rounds are flying, you’ve lost three of your friends…that’s when you can say the words and mean it. Not a lot of people are cut out for this type of work. It’s tough, rough and downright dirty sometimes. But we do it for the families. The loved ones back home. So maybe our children won’t have to come and face the demons that we face today. I look down at my watch…it was time.
I took my last tough guy breath and walked my men over to see their wives for possibly the last time. This was the hardest part, the questions, the unanswered queries that just spout out from all angles. We have to do our best and maintain our bearing. If you break down then they break down, and then there is chaos. The truth is that this time, we didn’t even know where we were going. I was the only one that had the main briefing, and all I received from it was this would be an “out of this world experience like I have never seen”. And I’ve seen some pretty outlandish crazy scenarios in my time, so this should be interesting.
I reached my wife first, who was surprisingly calm, which always makes me uneasy. If she freaks out, I get upset and tell her it’s no big deal, and become irritated. If she is calm then I freak out because it makes me feel like she wants me to go. There really is no winning. Stephanie was a beautiful girl, the woman of my dreams and I had known that since the second I met her. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, funny as hell and tougher than I was. “Will, you know you could tell me where you’re going just this one time, you can always trust me. I just have a bad feeling about this one, that’s all.” she whispered in my ear, as small tears began welling up underneath those gorgeous doe eyes.
“Baby, I honestly don’t know this time. We’re going where they send us, then they will send us home. Forever and always baby, and this is the last time. You’ll always be my Stephy. And I will always think of you, and be faithful to you. That’s too easy. Just promise me you will always wait on me,” I said to her, staring straight into her eyes and holding her by those small hips. “Forever and always baby, you’re the love of my life.” She kissed me softly and walked away without looking back. It was the ritual goodbye. It was easiest for all of us, and I had to be tough for my men.
“Men, it’s time! Load ‘em up!” I yelled out as I started walking towards our gear. Just like I had done a hundred times before, we grabbed our gear, and began to walk down the flight line with our hats in our pockets, trying like hell not to look back. Once on the plane, we settled in with our weapons in our laps and turned in for some sleep. We had no idea where we were headed but it was a waste of precious sleep wondering about it. We’ll find out when we get there.
I felt the plane descending only after a mere hour in the air. This wasn’t right at all. We hadn’t even left the states yet. I opened up the sun shade to my right and let out a small sigh of confusion which got every ones attention. What I saw a few hundred feet below us blew my mind. Huge planes lined the runway, three of them in all. Another plane looked like a cargo ship of some nature, now I was definitely wondering where in the hell we were going. Once on the ground we were busy looking into cargo bins and connex’s. Weapons and ammo galore, was the gist of what we saw. Wherever we were headed, we were headed there w
ith enough fire power to wipe out an entire country. Stopped in front of the first massive plane, my men and I stared up and then it hit us. “NASA” was painted over the back wing of this plane. This was no plane. It was a damn space shuttle.
Chapter One
“A worthy adversary”
The day that I met Boe I could never forget. The rain had finally ceased and the wind died down. The sun that had been hiding for days finally decided to peak its little head through the dense canopy of heavy wood line that I now call my haven. I had been tracking him for days now, which seemed like weeks. I won’t lie; initially it was food that interested me. That is until I saw him in battle. And the way he handled himself with such grace, speed and agility. He reminded me a lot of myself back in my prime. He had thick strong muscles that raged up past his shoulders, dried blood matted his short black hair and eyes… blue eyes that had such loyalty and hurt embedded deep inside. That’s what stopped me from killing him in the first place.
So fierce and majestic, yet he was also kind, gentle and caring, all at the same time. That soft look in his eyes made me go from tracking him…to wanting him with me. I needed someone, a companion or a friend. And I could tell so did he. Both of us were alone out here, and being alone was no fun and dangerous. So there we were, both of us staring at one another. Not breathing for fear that the other would make the first move. We stood for what seemed like an hour. I held the most upright ridiculous pose to try and show him how bad ass I was, and I had to chuckle to myself because he was doing the same.
I made the first move. A friendly face is all that I needed…someone to talk to, to hold to show affection. Survival instincts kick in every time I have an encounter. Up until this time, this instinct has saved my life and I have been the victor, not the victim, if you know what I mean.
I slowly dropped to my knees and laid my knife on the ground before me. I took a chunk of bear meat from my cargo pocket and laid it down as a peace offering. I had been tracking him for two weeks now, watching his every move. The way he fought, the way he ate. Even the way he watched his back. Everything he did was a direct replica of me to the T. I had been waiting for two weeks for the right moment to do a proper introduction. I was hoping that when that time came he would trust me, and not try to tear me to shreds and eat me. I needed this.
He was roughly twenty meters in front of me now. If he attacked me at this point, I would be helpless and would surely die. I could imagine Stephanie being so pissed at me if she found out I died this way and not by the hands of a true enemy. But this was different. Boe walked up to me, passed up the peace offering and walked no more than two inches from my face. Looking at his features, he had to have mostly Lab in his bloodline. Maybe even a tinge of Pit Bull, judging by his square head and massive jaw line.
Now I stood toe to toe with this beast. The smell of his rancid breath was hot and wet on my face, but not in a menacing way. It kind of reminded me of that time I came home from being outside the wire for three months and my dogs Spook and Gunner came running up to me, pummeling me with affection. All that excitement always made me feel guilty. If they only knew the lives that I had taken while out on missions, they probably would have not been so receptive.
Boe walked around me twice…smelling, sniffing, and judging me with every breath. Then walked twenty meters away and looked back at me as if to say, “You coming ass hole?” I chuckled and nodded. This was a lot smoother of an introduction than I expected. I took the lead, walked about ten minutes north, and looked back. Sure enough, he was no more than three feet behind me. It had appeared that I had finally found a trustworthy friend.
I had snaked our path back towards where I had been camping out the past six months. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t leaving behind any clues that might help me along my journey. Maybe I missed a house, nestled into the wood line. Maybe that person knew of the direction in which I needed to travel. I wasn’t on any time constraints to say the least, so time was the only thing I really had going for me… a lot of time.
My hair was long by this point, a dirty blonde that flowed just short of my ears. Completely out of regulations but to be quite honest with you, I could care less about the damn regulations. My eyes were blue, and according to local folklore, my eyes could be seen even through the darkest of nights. I am half waiting for a story that says I can see through walls. I have scars that range anywhere from car accidents to war wounds. A scar tells a lot about a man, but a man doesn’t tell a lot about his scars.
I wore a pair of ACU digital pants with tan boots, un-bloused at the bottom. A tan t-shirt with the sleeves cut off covered my tattered chest. The only thing from home that I brought was a black bandana that I now wore around my head. It helped to keep the branches from cutting my forehead as I ran through the woods. It was comfortable, yet effective. A long bowie knife was sheathed on my left hip, just next to my pistol with the last round of ammo that I own. That round is reserved for me, if the worse comes to pass. To be quite honest with you, I don’t think that i have what it takes to really off myself. I guess we will see when the time comes.
It had been roughly six months since the base had been over ran. Six months to a normal man back home felt like ten years to a man like me living in the brush trying to survive. With that being said, time is irrelevant.
Chapter Two
“What is…and is to come”
We had walked for around three hours before I decided to take a break and relax for a minute. My hunger pains were becoming too apparent to ignore, and I was slightly frustrated at the fact that I knew I had not missed a single house. There was nothing out here. I laid down resting my back against a solid fat tree that appeared to be an oak of some kind. Pulling some jerky from my pack, I split up the pieces and threw some at Boe, who still seemed a little stand offish.
We had seen it coming but of course the mission was far more valuable than our lives. My men and I were expendable and we knew that. Soldiers are always expendable… it’s pretty much a given. I’m glad I made my boys write their farewell letters to their loved ones. Every mission posed the threat that this one could really be “the” final good bye, and we all knew it. My letter however, was not a good bye letter to my beautiful wife. It was more of a hold on letter. A wait for me note if you will. I’ll be damned if I pull a “Cast Away,” Tom Hanks scenario where I’m gone for three years, she thinks I’m dead, remarries, and I come home to nothing. Not happening to this guy, I watch movies, I know how this stuff works out.
I knew the chances of returning to earth any time soon was slim next to zero. But I was going to do it, and my wife Stephanie, knew I could pull it off. I always pull it off somehow, someway. I remember talking her into letting me do this job, a two year commitment for $400 grand a year, totally nontaxable. I would be crazy not to take the offer. With the amount of training my men and i had, it was a no-brainer… easy money. This mission was considered by most to be a suicide mission, but now a days…what wasn’t.
I even got to choose my own crew, which was a major plus. My men came from prior missions. All of us were former soldiers, and I chose a soldier from each one of my campaigns. Either I saved his life or he saved mine. We considered one another as true brothers. I had fought in many countries with these men; Africa, Yugoslavia, Russia, Bolivia and many others I can’t remember or I’m unable to reveal. I had five men total; Tony, Billy, Josh, Rich and Skills.
I had deployed out to Russia with Tony about ten years ago. He was about five foot nothing but built like a brick shit house. We were on a security detail for some rich guy. He needed to be in a hot spot for about a week and needed protection while he was there. It was my first job and I was clearly a rookie. It didn’t take more than three days for shit to hit the fan and the guy we were protecting took a sniper round to the head. We had six guys on the team and after the last round was fired, Tony and I were all that remained. We spent four weeks sneaking thr
ough the rough and cold terrain of Northern Russia trying to find a way home. Tony had saved my life many occasions along that trip. We finally managed to stow away on a ship headed for Africa. We figured it was better to sweat to death instead of freeze. Once in Africa, Tony used one of his contacts to get us to Mexico. Once inside Mexico, it was a free for all sprint across the border in a stolen broken down orange Ford Fiesta. I barely made it home, but somehow I managed. By the time I got back home, the Feds had already told the wife that I was dead, and had held funeral services. What fun. i hope at least it was a nice casket.
Billy and I went on a mission together in Yugoslavia. Nothing much happened until we were coming home, and got mixed into a ring of drug dealers that were being held up in customs. We were arrested at the Airport and Billy devised a plan to help us escape unnoticed. Clearly it worked. Billy was built like me, just a tad bit smaller, super funny and very handy with devising schemes on the spot, good schemes. He was definitely a useful person to have in the tool box.
Josh, Rich and Skills were a trio of their own. There are no words to describe any of them except for Skills…he had skills. The guy could do anything; he could shoot anything, drive anything, and kill anything. Just name it, and Skills could do it. Josh and Rich were just two crazy individuals that never back down to anything. I have been in countless altercations where we were overwhelmed. Outnumbered and out gunned these boys always kept up the fight. They were crazy to say the least. These were all men I would die for on any given day.
America had found a planet and called it Secton. Don’t ask me why but that is what they called it. It was identical in every way to earth, same ecosystem, animals, plants, atmosphere, and language. Except for the fact that Secton had two suns and two moons that were always out at once it seemed like, both of our planets were very similar. The other major difference was that the people there were more primitive, huge, very violent, and content with their lives.