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Patch Up

Page 26

by Stephanie Witter

  I scream again, his touch hurting me around my wrists imprisoned in his hand while the other one is hurting me both physically and mentally. I can feel his erection against my hip; feel him move against me, taking an animalistic pleasure in hearing me scream and begging him to stop while touching me and rubbing himself against me faster and faster.

  “Get your hands up! Now!” a male voice yells with authority, breaking the fog obscuring my thoughts and stopping my deafening screams.

  Sean releases me suddenly and kneels with his hands up next to his head. Relief sweeps through me, my sobs shaking me so violently that I curl up against the pain. I hide my bare chest with shaking arms and pull up my legs. This simple move makes the pain between my thighs flare, causing me to sob uncontrollably, rocking back and forth.

  “Miss, do you hear me?” a female officer asks me as she puts a warm blanket over me, hiding my naked body from the eyes of the other officers. They are all males and currently taking charge of an angry and naked Sean, who’s saying profanities about me, putting everything on my back. Only this time I know he’s wrong. It’s not my fault that he’s an abusive psychopath. It’s not my fault if he’s so fucked up in the head he needs to own me and do whatever he feels like doing to me. This time I know there’s nothing left in him to be saved.

  I nod to the woman and sit up, pulling the blanket tightly around me. I can’t look at her face; I don’t want to see pity in her eyes. I’m not ready to face the looks of the others, but I’m ready to know how they found me so fast because Sean should have raped me before they got here. I know it. I’m not sure why I need to know this or why it is so important right now, but it is. For me it is important to know and understand why they are here. “How did you find me?” I ask, my voice raw from all my screams and loud sobs. It hurts to talk. It hurts to just realize what happened and how it could have been way worse. It hurts to know I should have done something before it went so awry. It hurts to have these people witness this.

  “Your boyfriend, Duke Ashdown. He called your parents for them to attest that you were pursued by your abusive ex-boyfriend. It speeds the delay as we usually wait before looking for an adult,” she says, helping me to stand up and supporting most of my weight as my legs don’t cooperate. “However, before we talk about what happened we need to bring you to the hospital.”

  I wince at the pain I feel everywhere and not only where Sean hit me. My head is pounding and I know I’ve got a concussion. This is far worse than I’m used to, though. “My parents? They’re here?” I don’t want them to see me like this. They can’t see me like this.

  “No, Skye, but they’re on their way. Duke is outside though. I’m sure you want to see him as much as he needs to see you,” she tells me with a soft smile in her voice. She’s trying to ease my nerves.

  I look up and see her smile falter. I know I must look bad with all the blood and the bruises Sean gave me, but what I don’t expect is there is not a hint of pity. All I see is compassion and it warms me. I hold my head higher and take a deep breath. I’m not going to hide because I have nothing to hide. I shouldn’t be the one ashamed, and I know Duke doesn’t want me to. I close the blanket tighter around me, making sure I’m safely covered. I’m not ready to tell Duke what Sean did; I’m not ready to see Duke’s pain once he knows Sean was about to rape me.

  I limp against her but finally leave the building, and Duke’s voice makes me walk faster.

  “Fuck! You’ve got the bastard so why can’t I go see my girlfriend? I need to know if she’s okay! Fuck, let me go!”

  “Duke,” I say, my voice is raw and hard to hear, but it’s my voice and he recognizes it immediately.

  He looks past the young officer and his dark eyes lock on my face. They widen and glisten. I really must look as bad as I feel. He winces and pushes away from the officer, who lets him pass. Duke runs to me but stops a breath from my injured body. I’m still leaning against the female officer, my legs more wobbly now that Duke is here in front of me. Fresh tears fall.

  “Thank you,” I mutter between my sobs. The officer releases me into the security of Duke’s arms. His body doesn’t feel dangerous and threatening like Sean felt moments ago. Duke’s embrace feels like home. “You saved me,” I mumble against his chest where his heart is beating loudly. It’s really over this time.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he whispers to me, his voice broken. “I heard you scream.”

  I tighten my arms around his narrow waist and shake my head against his chest. “Never. I told you you’d never lose me. Hush now.”

  “But I almost did.” He kisses the top of my head. “You can’t imagine what it was like to believe I’d lose you, too.” He’s shaking against me, his muscles moving against my cheek as he’s trying to keep a hold on his emotions. “It was like I died, Skye. It would have killed me.”

  I kiss the place where his heart is beating under his deep green shirt, now tainted by my blood. “I don’t think you grasp how much you mean to me. You won’t lose me because you’re the one who gives me the strength to fight.” And it’s the truth. I fought Sean. If I’d acted like I did before knowing Duke, he’d have had enough time to rape me and maybe even kill me. I fought him, and even though I wasn’t able to free myself, it gave the police enough time to come and rescue me before Sean was able to steal another part of me.

  “Oh God. Skye!”

  Duke releases me with a start and goes to my left to support my weight. I see Kate in Derek’s arms, crying. Her make-up is ruined by her tears, her light green eyes are bloodshot, and she is shaking like a leaf. Derek is pale and although he’s not as expressive as Kate, I can see how scared he is. All my friends are here and my parents will be with me soon.

  “I’m fine.” I’m careful to keep the blanket around me so as not to show my ruined clothes. They don’t need to know the extent of what happened in there. I’ll tell them later, but they don’t need more on their plate right now.

  Derek’s mouth drops open and Kate cries harder. Duke’s arm tightens around me and I whimper almost imperceptibly but enough for him to realize. He apologizes with a cringe. “Don’t try to make light of what’s happened to you. I don’t want you to play it cool when I know you’re in shock. Don’t shut me out again.” His dark expressive eyes are pleading, begging me and telling me how much he needs me.

  I shake my head and smile at him as I see officers indicating in my direction to the paramedics. “I’m not, but I don’t want you all to freak out. In the end, he only had time to just hit me.” Sort of.

  “Just? What—”

  “Excuse me, miss, but we need to check your injuries. We have to drive you to the hospital before you can give your statement to the officers,” a middle-aged man interrupts Duke with a reassuring smile.

  I look at the ambulance and sigh. As I nod, Duke walks me to it without a word, followed by a crying Kate and a mute Derek. We’re all shaken up, but I have yet to grasp everything that’s happened.

  * * *

  Once at the hospital, I don’t get a second alone with my friends. Several doctors check my injuries, making a report to testify that I hadn’t been raped but was sexually assaulted. The same police officer that gave me the blanket took several pictures of all my injuries. Even if I had to be naked in front of a woman it was difficult and added to my humiliation. Letting someone I don’t even know see the extent of my injuries on my breasts darkened by bruises already deep purple and my thighs where Sean’s nails pierced my skin ... it was really hard and made me feel lonely, weak, and broken. I cried but said nothing. I had to do this to be over Sean. I had to do this for me and for other women that could be his victims in the future. And I had to do this for my friends and family. I want to show them that I can be strong with all of this and that I’m not ready to cease all fight. I’m a survivor. Now I know it. And I realize I should have done this sooner instead of acting like I could just forget him and go on with my life.

  I’m alone in a barren room with
an IV in my arm. The sky is less dark as the minutes flow and I begin to feel tired. I know my parents are outside talking with the officer in charge of this case and Duke, Kate, and Derek must be with them. At least I know I won’t have to talk about what Sean did to me. The officer will do it for me.

  I snuggle deeper into the firm pillow. I miss my pillow, my bed, and my clothes. I adjust the thin blanket over my body only covered with the hospital cloth. I should close my eyes and let the sleep win, but I’m afraid of the nightmares. I used to have nightmares every night because of Sean and he never did as much as he did tonight. I don’t know how I’ll heal from all of this, but I do need to talk with a psychologist. I can’t risk losing the life I was building before my abduction and only professional help will be able to do it.

  It’s difficult to breathe, like I have something heavy on my chest, but I know it’s just the shock after everything. I’m aware of what happened and what could have happened, but I’m not sure I realize completely. In a way, it’s like I’m looking through someone else’s eyes because I never thought something like this could happen to me. After all, every time we hear about a woman or teenager abducted or raped or both, we always think that it could never happen to us. But it can.


  I look at the door and meet my mother’s devastated eyes. She’s been crying for a long time; her eyes are so bloodshot and swollen. She tries to say something else, but only loud sobs escape her mouth.

  My father walks in after her, a reassuring hand on her thin, shaky shoulder. He’s more composed, but it’s like he aged ten years. His wrinkles are more visible, his cheeks are not his usual healthy pink, and his greyish-blue eyes have a hard time focusing on my face.

  I know what they’re seeing. I saw myself in a mirror half an hour ago after I insisted. A sweet, young nurse held a mirror in front of my beat up face and I had a hard time recognizing myself. I’m several shades of purple, blue, black, and even a hint of yellow. I’m not their Skye. I’m just a victim.

  “We came as soon as possible,” my father says, his voice weirdly feeble, something I’ve never heard from him. Even when I told him the truth about Sean he didn’t look weak.

  I nod and wince. God, even the slightest movement is painful despite the medication they gave me. “I know, and I’m glad to see you.” My voice is still raw from all the deafening screams that escaped me earlier.

  My mother cries harder and snuggles into my father’s chest. His eyes fog up. They know why my voice sounds like this. An apology almost escapes my lips but I keep quiet. I don’t have to excuse myself for Sean’s craziness. I know it, and now I need to act like it.

  “They told us that Sean didn’t ... that he didn’t have time to ... but ...” Hearing my father unable to finish a sentence is unsettling. He doesn’t look like a well-trained soldier; he just looks like a man facing one of his worst fears.

  “He didn’t.” I take a deep breath and ignore the pain shooting from my ribs. “I still don’t know why the police acted so fast. They should have waited since I’m not a minor.”

  My parents finally walk to my bed and both sit on one side, my mother’s sobs easing but she’s still clutching at my father’s arm. I smile at them and they both smile in return. We all know it’s a fake smile, but it’s good to try and it’s comforting, too.

  “We all have to thank Duke.” My mother’s tiny voice rings out in the calm room. She straightens the cover over me with a shaky hand.

  I frown and curse when it pulls at the three stiches just above my left eyebrow. It makes my dad smile and my mother purses her lips. Just these normal reactions at my cursing words make me feel better. “What did he do?”

  “After he waited for you for almost an hour and you didn’t answer your phone, he called Kate and your other friend ... uh, Derek?” At my nod, my mother resumes her explanation. “When Duke realized no one knew where you were, he thought immediately about Sean. He went to the police but they didn’t want to do anything because you’re an adult.” My mother’s voice breaks and a new round of tears fall on her face. I can’t imagine how awful it was for them when they received a call to tell them that I was missing.

  My father kisses the top of her head. “Then he told them about what Sean did to you and how he was still trying to approach you. When they still didn’t want to do anything, from what the officer told us he went ballistic.” Dad chuckles, but his eyes still look too sad for words. “Then he called the base and reached me. He was frantic and told me everything. I spoke to the officer and even pulled a few strings thanks to General Mason. Long story short, they hurried to look for you.”

  I glance down at my right hand where my knuckles are enveloped in white gauze. “But how did they find me? We were in a deserted neighborhood,” I mumble more for myself than my parents.

  My mother takes my injured hand in her shaky ones. Her fingers are cold. “A young dealer saw Sean taking you into the building. He hesitated to call the police but he finally did and with the description of the car, they knew it was Sean with you.”

  I nod and laugh. Both my parents’ exchange a worried look and it makes me laugh louder. I shake my head and compose myself. I’m freaking them out. And I’m freaking myself out, too. “Sorry, but it’s just so ... crazy. And I’m so tired.”

  “We understand, honey,” my mother says in a soothing voice. Hearing my mother talking to me like that makes it difficult to fight the tears threatening to pull me down. But I can’t. They have enough on their plate. “Sean’s parents are on their way, but we told them to stay away from you.”

  “Is his mother still with him?”

  My father nods, his expression darker. “You don’t have to worry about her. We will try to help her, but you don’t have to see her or think about it. You shouldn’t have to think about these people anymore.”

  I shrug. “I’ll always think about it. It’s a part of me and ignoring it won’t make it easier.” It would be ridiculous on my part to ignore the awful images of Sean naked above me, touching me, replaying in my head. I have to deal with them, not ignore them. It’d be worse.

  “We were so afraid, honey,” my father says, his eyes focused on the bed and not on me. He dries a tear falling from his eyes. “I never felt so afraid in my life.”

  I take both their hands and squeeze. It’s the only thing I know I can do without waking the pain in my aching body. “You know I love you both, right?”

  “We love you, too. You’re our baby girl,” my mother says between sobs, a small smile curving her lips.

  My father brings my hand to his lips and kisses it softly, like he used to do when I was five and told me I was his princess. God, I love them so much. I missed them. I smile, but it feels bittersweet.

  My parents both smile at me and walk to the door. Just as they leave, Duke bursts in. He doesn’t look happy to have to wait outside. I smile at his scowl that disappears as soon as his eyes land on me. Seriously, how could he look so happy to see me when I look like a human punching bag?

  “That took a long time. I know they wanted to have some privacy with you, but it was too damn long,” he says, walking to my bed and sitting on the edge, his hip against mine.

  Carefully, he brings a hand to my cheek and brushes my skin with his fingertips. I barely feel it but it’s good to feel his skin against mine. I wanted to see him so much when I was locked up in that building. No, I needed to see him.

  “I think you saved my life,” I whisper, not wanting to hear the raw sound of my voice that makes everybody wince, even me.

  He chuckles. “Maybe.” He shrugs and his eyes lose the happy light in them. They darken and this time I know it’s not because he’s thinking about Juliet. It’s because of me. “I could kill him, you know. I was never the violent type, even at my lowest. I drank too much, was overly reckless, and acted like a rebellious little shit, but I never fought. However, since you told me about this guy I’ve wanted to kill him.” His fists clench tight in his lap. “When
I think of him touching you—”

  “Hush, Duke.” I put my hands over his and force him to open them, entwining our fingers. “I’m fine.” I don’t want him to think about this. I don’t want him to be so disgusted that he won’t ever touch me again because Sean tainted me.

  “You’re not fine, Skye.”

  I cringe at his tone but I understand why he is so harsh. He’s still running high on his fear. “You’re right. I’m not, but I will be.” I shrug and lock my eyes with his. It’s hard to focus on something with my concussion and the raging headache, but I hold his gaze. “He’s out of my life and I’m building myself a new life, a future. I’ve got my parents, Kate, Derek, and you.” I exhale and hesitate. “I’ve got you, right?”

  “You got me the day you snapped at me in the psychology class,” he says in a laugh that shakes my bed. I join in but it’s cut short when my cracked ribs bring tears to my eyes. “That’s why it was so hard to acknowledge how I feel.” He cups my cheeks in his big hands, careful to not touch my bruises. “Nothing is going to be easy for us. We still have issues to heal from. Life, which can be a real pain in the ass, but I want you. We don’t know how long we will last or even if it’s a mistake, but I love you and I don’t want to ignore how much you mean to me. I don’t want to waste another minute away from you. Not anymore. Not ever.” He takes a deep breath, his eyes scrutinizing my battered face. “Hearing you scream when I was outside that building and not being able to do anything, not being able to get to you, was the worst thing for me. It’ll haunt me.”


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