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Always Means Forever

Page 20

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Bridget met his gaze, losing herself beneath his intense stare. Bridget could feel her heartbeat quickening, the organ beating fiercely in her chest. The sensation was overwhelming, drawing the breath from her body, and she gasped, every nerve ending from the top of her head to her toes trembling with joy. In all her lifetime she could never have dreamed a moment as perfect as that one. “I love you with all my heart, Darwin,” she said, her eyes brimming with joy, her whole face radiant.

  “You are so beautiful,” Darwin whispered, leaning as he tenderly kissed her on the lips. His touch was a soft, feathery brushing of his flesh against hers, his lips moving gently.

  For the first time Bridget noticed the soft jazz playing over the sound system, a seductive saxophone blowing into the room. The tones were sultry and inviting and she found herself being mesmerized by Darwin’s touch and the promises that danced against her skin. As if fueled by her own desire, a surge of yearning suddenly swept through Darwin’s being as he crushed her mouth with his own, intensifying the kiss. Easing his tongue past her lips and the line of her teeth, he danced in the moist cavity, caressing her tongue with his own.

  Time seemed to stop. Without realizing it the two of them moved down against the carpeted floor as Darwin eased his body above hers. Bridget was totally overwhelmed by the blissful pressure of the man’s mouth, his touch pure, sensual ecstasy. Moaning quietly, Bridget pushed herself even more firmly against him, blending her body into his as she returned the embrace.

  The sensations sweeping through them both were overwhelming. Bridget’s nipples had suddenly hardened and she knew that they were clearly outlined against the fabric of her cotton top. They strained unbearably against the material of her bra, aching to be released. Warmth was spreading like ivy through her groin, the familiar tingling sensation spreading through her torso and into her limbs.

  Darwin stroked her hair and her shoulders, one hand moving down the curve of Bridget’s back to the line of her waist as he pulled her even closer. They both groaned, and again, tilting her head back so she could see him, Bridget stared into his eyes. Darwin moved his mouth back to her lips, tasting how exquisite she was as he sucked the breath from her.

  Bridget gasped, breathless, as she moaned his name over and over again against his mouth. As she pressed her nose into his neck and inhaled the delicious scent of his cologne mingling with his desire, she heard herself whimpering ecstatically. Her mouth drew a slow trail across his throat to his earlobe, lingering as her tongue caressed the curve of his ear and the single diamond stud that pierced his lobe.

  Darwin could feel Bridget moving against him as she slowly rotated her hips, grinding her pelvis up and into his body. The heat in the room was suddenly consuming, the wealth of it burning from somewhere deep in both their midsections and radiating flames through every nerve ending. Bridget moaned his name again, warm breath blowing against his mouth as she opened herself to him.

  He pulled at her clothes, suddenly desperate to feel her naked flesh warm against his own. The buttons on her white cotton blouse popped as he pulled anxiously at the material to expose a lace bra that contrasted nicely against her dark complexion. His hands danced against the fabric, his fingers gently caressing the protrusion of nipple that seemed to be begging for his attention. He caressed her slowly, his palms gliding like silk over the smooth slopes and hollows of her back, his fingers skimming and fondling her lightly as he explored.

  Darwin stared down at her, his gaze dancing with hers. There was an urgency that neither could deny as he pulled at the zipper to her slacks and pushed the fabric down over her hips. Bridget lifted her buttocks from the floor and Darwin boldly caressed and held the smooth swell of her buttocks in his palms, moving his hands over the rounded flesh as he kneaded her with his fingers. A white thong snaked against the deep crevice between her butt cheeks and Darwin pulled hurriedly at the thin string, ripping the garment away from her. Bridget groaned and without a thought, opened her thighs to him, a shiver of sensual excitement shooting through her as he suddenly encountered silken, moist heat.

  Rising only slightly, Darwin pulled at his own clothing, tossing his dress shirt into the corner before releasing himself from his pants. Bridget’s small hands moved over his chest, gliding down to his belly button, and on to the waistband of his pants. She pulled at his belt, fumbling with his zipper, and her insistence moved him to grin widely. Darwin pushed his denim jeans and his briefs down to his ankles, then shifted slightly so he could kick them off one foot and then the other. His heart raced as he moved back against her, her breasts pressed tight against his chest.

  Bridget wrapped the length of her legs around his buttocks, her heels pressed into the back of his thighs. Darwin immediately felt a deliciously soft warmth and smoothness against his pelvis, the lips of her sex pressing against his maleness. The intimate heat and wetness made his head spin and he groaned loudly, unable to contain himself. “Oh, how I want you,” he cried, his words dancing with the music that billowed through the room.

  Bridget stared up in complete awe, tears burning against the back of her eyelids. Their eyes met and held, Darwin’s gaze a sweet caress that was too comforting for her to express. The woman reached forward and gently cupped her hands around his face, her fingers burning against the curve of his cheeks. She brushed her thumbs over the hard line of his jaw, tracing the tips of her index fingers over his eyelids and the profile of his face.

  When he dropped his mouth back to hers, Bridget lost complete control. For some time she writhed and rubbed herself boldly against his body as he devoured her breasts, suckling the nipples and surrounding swell hungrily.

  Bridget groaned, her breathing coming in short, harsh gasps.

  Darwin moved with her, relishing the urgency, the intoxicating need that was consuming them both. He rolled his hips, sliding and pressing himself against her. He nibbled like a starving man at her neck and shoulders, growling as he marveled as the sweet taste of her skin. In unison, they pressed and rubbed each other with a slow, sensual, undulating rhythm.

  “Oh!” Bridget gasped, throwing her head back. “I’m on fire,” she moaned into his chest.

  She clutched his back, her nails raking the length of his broad shoulders and up and down his torso. Control was lost completely as she strained for release. Darwin’s hands burned with each touch, the imprint of his fingers skating over every inch of her flesh. His lips were still locked with hers and she could feel her mouth swelling full from the attention.

  Darwin’s breath blew hot against her ear as she pressed her face into his neck, sucking against his Adam’s apple. “That’s it, baby,” he urged, continuing to move with her. He stared down at her, moved by the expression of lust that painted her face. “Don’t stop. Oh, yes!” he encouraged as he rocked harder and faster against her, matching her rhythm. Both glistened with perspiration, sweat pouring in streams between them.

  Bridget could feel her orgasm coming. She closed her eyes tightly, curving herself even closer against him as she writhed beneath him. With a small, gasping cry she froze. Her body suddenly tensed, her hips jerking uncontrollably as short, tense shivers ravaged her body. Darwin continued to move against her, moving her to climax as he held her tightly. She quivered in his arms and with a final shudder seemed to collapse beneath him.

  Still lying against her, Darwin lay still, limply stretched out on top of her, then he slid his body over to his side and lay down beside her. Tears spilled over his cheeks, his own swell of emotion peaking. Every muscle and nerve ending in his body had wanted to perform, but performance had once again failed him. He cried, shaking with frustration, and Bridget pulled him closer, wrapping all of herself around him. She pressed her lips against his cheek, murmuring softly. She whispered into his ear, her tone caressing.

  “Hold me,” she said softly. “And just let me hold you.”

  Darwin nodded his head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered back, tightening the grip he had around her.

Don’t you dare. You have nothing to be sorry for,” Bridget said. “If I can spend the rest of my life just falling asleep and waking up in your arms, then I will know what it means to have found heaven on earth. I couldn’t ask for anything more because you are absolutely amazing. I love you so much. The rest doesn’t matter. We’ll work through it.”

  Darwin nodded. “I know. And I know things won’t always be this way. I’ll get my mojo back.”

  She smiled. “And I know that. And then I can make you feel as wonderful as you make me feel.”

  “Just being with you makes me feel incredible.” Darwin laid his head against hers, pressing his cheek next to her cheek. He marveled at what an exquisite creature she was. Bridget admired the ring on her hand, the symbol of the future she would share with a man who brought her more joy than she could have ever imagined. She smiled as he spooned his body against hers.

  Reaching for the throw that rested on the arm of the sofa, Darwin wrapped the cover around their naked bodies. Together they lay content, staring toward the image of Soul Mates propped against the sofa’s cushions, and outside, the full moon shimmered down over them.

  Chapter 20

  When Bridget opened her eyes it took a moment for her to adjust to her surroundings, realizing that she was in Darwin’s bed, the morning sun streaming in through his large windows. She swiped at the sleep that was threatening to hold her hostage, shifting her body against the warmth of the mattress. As she took a deep inhale, the sweet aroma of baking apples, cinnamon, nutmeg and rich butter teased her nostrils. She was reminded of the apple pies her mother used to bake for her father and a wide grin pulled at the muscles in her face. She lifted her hand to stare at the exquisite diamond that adorned her finger, remembering in vivid detail the previous evening’s pleasure and the man’s proposal.

  She jumped, startled for just a brief second when Biscuit moved against the pillow beside her, leaning to lick Bridget’s face. She giggled, pulling the pup to her chest as she rubbed the dog’s belly.

  “Good morning, Biscuit,” Bridget cooed. “What’s that daddy of yours up to?”

  Biscuit’s tail wagged eagerly, excited by the attention.

  Pulling herself up and out of the bed, Bridget moved into the man’s bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. After freshening up, she searched his bureau drawer for a T-shirt, slipping the white cotton garment over her naked body, then with Biscuit at her heels, headed down the hall to search out Darwin.

  The man was standing in front of an opened refrigerator door when she and Biscuit stepped into the room. His expression lightened as he grinned widely. “It’s about time, sleepyhead! I was beginning to think you were going to sleep the day away,” Darwin said jokingly. He pulled a stick of butter and a container of heavy cream into his hands. He was closing the appliance door as Bridget moved to his side.

  “It’s all your fault,” Bridget responded, leaning to kiss his cheek. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. How’s it my fault?”

  “You know what you did to me last night,” she said, color flushing her face. “And you did it over and over and over again. I don’t know what got into you.”

  Darwin’s grin widened. “I did, didn’t I?” he said, blowing breath against his fingernails and then brushing his fingers back and forth across the breast pocket of his shirt. “A brother got skills,” he said with a deep chuckle.

  Bridget rolled her eyes skyward. “I don’t know if brother was all that now,” she said coyly.

  Darwin wrapped his arms around her. “Ouch! You hear that, Biscuit?” he asked, leaning to stare down toward the animal sitting at his feet.

  Biscuit yipped, her tail wagging back and forth.

  Darwin turned back to Bridget. “Just cut a brother down, why don’t you!”

  Bridget giggled. “Can’t let that big head of yours swell too much now.”

  She pressed her lips to his, her mouth gliding against his mouth. He tasted like coffee with sugar and cream, a sprinkle of sweet painting his mouth. Bridget was suddenly hungry.

  “What smells so good?” she asked, leaning to peer into the closed oven.

  “Apple strudel. Something new I wanted to try. As soon as I whip up a batch of butter cream frosting and fry a few slices of bacon we can eat. And your coffee is on the counter. It should still be hot.”

  Bridget smiled. “What time do you have to be at the station?” she queried as she reached for her mug.

  “I don’t. I took the day off. We have a lot to do today.”

  Bridget eyed him curiously as she savored her first sip of morning brew.

  “Planning a wedding in one week won’t be easy,” Darwin mused, catching her gaze.

  “One week? You’re kidding, right?”

  Darwin shook his head. “Nope. Sunday is my birthday and I thought that would be a perfect day to get married.”

  “But that’s so soon,” Bridget exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. “Are you sure you want us to get married so soon?”

  Darwin took a seat on the bar stool beside her, spinning so that they were face to face. He pulled her hands into his.

  “Bridget, I have never been so sure about anything as I am this.” His expression was suddenly serious. “Woman, you have a hold on my heart that I can’t begin to explain. If I don’t know anything else, I know that you, Bridget Hinton, will wear my name well. I can’t imagine any other woman who could be Mrs. Darwin Tolliver. The sooner I make that happen, the sooner I’m going to feel like my life is complete.”

  A tear trickled down Bridget’s cheek. “I love you,” she whispered, pressing her forehead to his.

  “I love you, too,” Darwin said as he hugged her tightly.

  He held her, neither saying a word, and then he jumped suddenly as if he’d been stung by something.

  “My strudel!” he cried out, rushing to the oven as he slipped a padded oven mitt onto his hand. “I’m about to burn our breakfast!”

  The rest of the morning rushed by. Both were anxious for a brief moment of downtime when Darwin suggested they take a bag lunch to Kubota Garden. Maneuvering through midday traffic, he stopped to pick up roast beef, cheese and a thick loaf of French bread, a pasta salad and two tumblers of lemonade from a small sandwich shop in a corner of Seattle Bridget had never experienced before. From there, the man drove north on Martin Luther King, Jr. Way to Ryan Avenue. One left and two right turns put him on 55th Avenue and into the Kubota Gardens parking lot.

  As they stepped out of the car both knew they couldn’t have picked a more perfect day. The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, the air was warm and the sun looked as if it had been positioned expressly to shine down over them.

  Kubota Gardens was an astonishing twenty acres of hills and valleys owned by the city of Seattle and maintained by the department of parks and recreation. The gardens featured a bevy of streams, waterfalls, ponds, rock outcroppings and an exceptionally rich and mature collection of plant life. The place was a magnificent sanctuary with significant cultural and historical ties to the community.

  Hand in hand the two walked past the bronze sliding entry gate, pausing briefly at the overlook to take in the expanse of the impressive plantings. Flora bloomed abundantly, spatterings of bold, bright color punctuating a deep-green canvas. The setting was serene and tranquil and both could feel a calm washing over their spirits.

  “I’d forgotten just how beautiful it is here,” Bridget said, her eyes skating over the landscape.

  “It’s one of my favorite spots to run to and hide when I need a break,” Darwin said softly.

  “Darwin, I hope you don’t ever feel you have to hide from me,” Bridget said as she squeezed his hand.

  “I might be hiding with you, baby. But I will never, ever hide from you.”

  She nodded. “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  Continuing along the paths, they made their way to the Japanese garden, the most traditional part of the garden with its spring-
fed pond and stones that dated back some twelve thousand years left from the last glacier. Bridget paused for just a quick minute but Darwin continued to pull her along beside him. He didn’t stop until they reached an area called Fera Fera Forest. He guided her to a stone bench that sat beneath a large cedar tree surrounded by a wealth of blue hydrangea in full bloom.

  “Oh, my,” Bridget gasped as she took in the view. Her gaze met his and the two stood staring at each other until Darwin leaned in to kiss her mouth. Making themselves comfortable, the two ate in silence, neither needing to speak. The food disappeared quickly and then both settled back against the bench, Bridget resting her head against Darwin’s chest.

  They cuddled against each other, lost in the ambience of the outdoors. Around them birds chirped joyously in the tall trees and the scent of fresh, clean air danced with the perfumed aromas of the flowers in full bloom and the warm rays of the summer sun.

  The quiet was suddenly breached by a child’s high-pitched laugh, the toddler running past them as he chased after a butterfly. The little boy’s parents were right behind him, both smiling at his antics as they walked side by side. The couple smiled and tossed Darwin and Bridget a quick wave as they continued on their stroll.

  For reasons she couldn’t begin to explain Bridget felt herself tense, her body stiffening anxiously against Darwin’s. The motion didn’t go unnoticed.

  “What’s wrong?” Darwin asked, his voice seeming to echo in the warm breeze.

  Bridget shrugged her shoulders, her gaze still following behind the little boy and his family.

  Darwin persisted. “Something’s wrong, Bridget. Tell me.”

  “Do you think you might miss out on moments like that if you marry me?” She tossed him a quick glance before turning to stare out into the distance.


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