Miss-Fortunate Reality

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Miss-Fortunate Reality Page 1

by Hicks, I. M.



  I.M. Hicks

  Copyright © 2013 I.M. Hicks

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1492142611

  ISBN-13: 978-1492142614


  To my beautiful husband Craig.





  Chapter One



  Chapter Two

  Pg #19


  Chapter Three

  Pg #30


  Chapter Four

  Pg #38


  Chapter Five

  Pg #65


  Chapter Six

  Pg #81


  Chapter Seven

  Pg #95


  Chapter Eight

  Pg #109


  Chapter Nine

  Pg #121










  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Pg #150

  Pg #163

  Pg #185

  Pg #196

  Pg #211

  Pg #221

  Pg #230

  Pg #243

  Pg #250


  I would like to thank Craig Hicks for his wonderful support and patience and a big thank you to the music that inspired me: Garbage, Massive Attack, and Portishead.


  It took me a while to get out of the office tonight. Found every excuse to stay a little longer because I knew as soon as I stepped out of the lobby I would be officially on vacation for a week.

  I’d be ok with it if it was just a job, but I am the CEO of a multi-million dollar fashion house that I single handedly started over eight years ago in my little apartment downtown Toronto. So leaving for vacation feels like I’m abandoning my child, if I had one.

  Some days I still can’t believe I am where I am in life. Only thirty three years old and worth a few million. I have a beautiful office in a high rise in the heart of downtown Toronto, a corner office overlooking the CN Tower, a town car and a driver that takes me from and to where ever I want, an assistant, a large staff, a beautiful home, and all the things that little girls dream off.

  On the flipside, my life comes with a few challenges. As a well-known fashion mogul and married to the CEO of one of the largest investment companies, privacy is always a challenge and I value it greatly. Everywhere I go, I encounter media, or aspiring fans that want to know about my next collection, which retailer will be carrying my less stellar mass marketed clothing or what was my inspiration behind the dress that a certain celebrity wore to an event.

  Still, I try not let those things get to my head. I try to keep my feet flat on the ground and try to live a normal life as much as I possibly can. My life prior to this was simple, less than average even. Raised by my mother on one income, I was for the lack of a better word, poor. My father disappeared when I was very young, vanished out of lives leaving my mother to raise my younger brother and me all by herself. Luckily for us, my father bought my mother a home when they got married, the neighborhood was already on the decline but we had a lot of land for a property in Toronto. It was tough as the years went by to keep up with the house repairs, so my mother worked two sometimes three jobs to keep us stay afloat. I began working as soon as I was legally able to and helped my mother with bills as well as kept my brother out of trouble, which was a job in itself. Not sure if it was the lack of father figure, but he began to show signs of narcissistic behavior at a very young age. The older he got the worse he became, to the point I couldn’t stand him. My brother and I are three years apart but by the time I was 16 and he was 13 we looked like twins. Like our mother, we were naturally thin, we inherited our father’s straight dark brown hair and my mother’s green eyes and her chiseled angular features. The only difference was our height, I stopped growing at 5’8” and he was tall like my father and stretched to 6’3” by the time he turned 15. My brother become impossibly self-absorbed as he got older and had a bad reputation in school and in our neighborhood for being a ladies man. He often went after the unattainable women, especially those who had boyfriends, it was a game to him and he enjoyed the thrill until he got what he wanted. Then he would casually let the girl know he was no longer interested. He was jealous of me because I was able to make and keep friends even though he often created drama. He would do things like listen into my phone conversations and then black mail me to get something he wanted or he felt he was entitled to like money, or alcohol. Needless to say I had a difficult time loving him.

  As we got older we barely spoke to each other and after our mother died and a very ugly fight between us during the funeral we had no reason to speak to each other again. I let go of him and decided to go on with my life without him.

  I was twenty four attending my last year of college at Ryerson University when I met my beautiful husband. I took a class in business administration and he was my professor at the time. I was an eager student and sat at the front of the class. He noticed me as soon as he walked into the classroom, and it was hard not to notice him. He was in his mid-30’s at the time, tall, dark hair, handsome, mesmerizing blue eyes, brilliant smile and a body for sin. I remember the first thing I looked at was his hand, no wedding ring. So naturally, I, like many other girls in the class began to pay attention, never missed a class, never late, and any extracurricular activities that involved him, I was there.

  One day before class I left my dorm a little earlier than usual and went to the Starbucks close to the campus. We had a mid-term exam that day and I needed to cram in as much information as possible. Being in fashion school was hard and left little time for anything else. Around the same time I was working hard on a mini collection I had to design and make for mid-term, so I put everything else in the back burner. I was sitting at the coffee shop reading through the material intensely buried in my textbook completely oblivious as to who or what was around me. “I’ll call in sick if you need an extra few days to study” said the deep sexy male voice sitting on the leather couch next to me. To my surprise, there he was, my secret crush, that wasn’t really a crush, as far as I was concerned he was unattainable, he was my professor after all, he was beautiful to look at, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could have a chance with such a gorgeous man. “Don’t tease, I’d take you up on that offer if you were serious” I replied smiling at him “You think I’m bluffing?” he asked, his eyes darkened. My heart skipped a beat. “C’mon why would you do that?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t blushing. He took out his cell phone and dialed “Hello Evelyn, this is Robert Mason, course code BA201, 9am class, postpone mid-term exam until further notice, a water pipe burst in my condo, won’t make it in this morning, but I will be there for my 5 o’clock class, thank you” he said keeping his eyes on mine the entire time and hung up. I swallowed. “Wow, just like that?” I asked innocently, he smiled and leaned forward to the point he was about five inches away from my face “Just like that” his voice and breath beautiful just like the rest of him. “Why?” I asked feeling a bit overwhelmed by him and his power “I know how hard you fashion students work, I had no idea until I talked to the Dean the other day, the amount of work is out of this worl
d and you are very talented Alexandra, I saw some of your work in the display case, I must say it’s quite impressive, beautiful and impossibly fresh, like you” he began “So did you finish your design project?” he asked leaning back on the couch, his blue eyes piercing. I was speechless and weak at knees. “Yes I did” I was stunned, excited and scared all the same time and all I could think about was how much was this going to cost me. So I closed my book, put it in my bag, drank the last bit of my cold coffee and smiled. “Well if there’s no class this morning, then I’m going back to bed, thank you for this, I’m sure I would have failed, I don’t do so well cramming material, the extra days will help tremendously” I said putting the bag over my shoulder and got up to leave “Would you like to have lunch with me? After your nap of course” he asked. I sat back down looking at him thinking of what to say, but he knew exactly what I was thinking. “There are no rules that say we can’t have lunch together Alexandra” “There’s this great little Bistro on King, quiet, private tables, food is out of this world. I won’t take no for an answer, you owe me and the class that much, you know this means I will have to schedule that test out of class time.” He said, his voice cocky. “Alright, I’ll go with you” I replied shyly “Good, I will pick you up at noon, what’s your room number?” he asked sounding very forward “You don’t know which dorm I’m in and I don’t think picking me up from the dorm is a good idea” I remarked. “You’re in the ILLC aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but” I protested.

  “I will pick you up Alexandra”

  I inhaled “Ok this is creepy, what is this? How do you know where I live?”

  “No need to get defensive, I saw you walking toward the ILLC one day so I just assumed”

  “You realize you’re a professor, and I’m a student and how this will look?” I asked.

  “I never said I was a professor, I teach the class and only for this year, I’m merely giving back to the community, I own a financial firm, and take Mondays and Wednesdays off for a few hours to get out of the office, there are no rules against me taking a beautiful girl out for lunch or wanting more than that”

  he began “I want to take you out for lunch and get to know you better Alexandra, perhaps take you out for dinner later this week and perhaps accompany me to a gala this weekend” he said “You can just call me Alex, everyone does” I replied. Alexandra sounded so formal that I always used the short form.

  He smiled and leaned in closely again “I want to make love to Alexandra not Alex” he said his eyes fixed on mine. Holy shit, did he just say that?

  All I could think was how forward and cocky he was being, and as much as it annoyed me, I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to be with him, he exuded sex and he was dominant, nothing like the shy boys I was used to, he was a man, and he wanted me.

  I decided to play along and smiled “320” I replied “I will see you at noon” I said, got up and left.

  I slept with him after our second date, he was sexually charged, crazy in bed as I was, and beautiful over and under his clothes. But I was afraid of getting hurt so I took my time. I didn’t call him and showed him no signs of neediness and I wasn’t. I took it as a causal relationship but deep down I knew he was in for the long haul. He told me he loved me first, and as the weeks grew into months, he wanted to be with me all the time. The day I graduated, he asked me to marry him and I happily accepted and shortly after that we moved in together. We were both driven individuals, hungry for success and money. He was already successful and offered to help me with my own start up but I refused, I let him show me the ropes and went on my own. A month after my 26th birthday we were married and I was happy.

  I decided kids were not a good idea so early in my career and he obliged, he wanted children but he wanted it to be on my own terms. When I turned thirty I told him I was ready. We tried for a while with no results and after some tests, I was told I had no viable eggs and the chance of us having children was next to impossible. So we decided to scrap the idea, now three years later, we’re still career driven, still in love but childless. We had briefly discussed the idea of adopting but we couldn’t agree, he wanted it and I didn’t. I wanted a child of my own and I felt I owed Robert that much. It never seemed to bother him I was inadequate. It was quite the opposite actually, we enjoyed time together, travelling, friends, parties and just living our exceptional lives.

  So after a very busy season I’m taking a much needed week off, which I was already regretting because as soon as my driver picked me up from the building, I missed it. I missed the control. Ever since I started my venture I made sure I knew what was going on in every facet of the company, not leaving one stone unturned. Robert often criticized me over this, and I know he was essentially right, but I’m not the type to let others take over.

  To make matters worse, Robert had to go to London on a business trip for a few days so I would be alone this week, which was fine after giving it some thought because it meant I could spend some time with my childhood best friend, Pamela.

  Pamela was happily married and had three beautiful kids of her own. She lived in the east end of Toronto, stay at home mom and her husband Marc was an accountant. Marc worked in the city for his small family business, whom was deemed to remain small due to the fact that his older brother Daniel who ran the business refused to make it grow. And Marc would never leave his side despite all the times Robert and I had spoken to him. So naturally Pamela and Marc barely made ends meet.

  “Take me to Pam’s place today Phillip” I said as I got in the town car “Certainly Mrs. Mason” he obliged.

  As my car pulled up to Pam’s place, I couldn’t help feeling jealous, her life although nothing like mine was full. Her front yard was so full of life and mess with toys scattered all over, a stroller sitting by the front porch, a soccer ball on the steps, a Barbie getting wet from the sprinkler. The house itself was small and simple, simple as their lives were. But she had it all.

  As I was touching up my makeup and slipping my Manolos back on, I caught a glimpse of her youngest daughter running in the front yard and Marc running after her just wearing his shorts and no shoes, caught up with her, picked her up and twirled her as she giggled. Marc was a beautiful man, he had always been fit. Pam had told me he’d started working out again but I had no idea just how much. His skin was perfectly tanned to a golden hue, sweat glistened off his body and his muscles beautifully defined all over. Pam and Marc met in our final year of high school. I introduced them and they’ve been together ever since. They had their first son Sam at 22 and were married a year later.

  I was stunned just sitting in the car looking at this beautiful creature before me, then he turned to look me or the car, probably the car since my windows were so darkly tinted. Phillip came around to open my door but Marc stopped him and did it himself “Well this is a surprise” he said, his smile warm and his brown eyes staring down at me as I was trying not to drool. I smiled, grabbed my handbag “Is my sister home?” I asked as I got out of the car trying to find my footing in the grass wearing these goddam stilettos, Marc held my hand and let go when I was safely on the walkway “Of course, just getting dinner ready, you should have told us you were coming, I would have cleaned up around here” he said running his fingers over his gorgeous blond hair making his pectorals and arm muscles flex slightly. “I’m only staying for few minutes, just wanted to talk to her about when we could get together next week” I said taking my sunglasses off and winked at him. “Can’t get over how big Lucy is getting, she looks just like you” I said petting Lucy’s perfectly blond curly hair, she was only three and was a spitting image of her father. “Yeah, she’s a handful, but go on in, she’s just in the kitchen” he said.

  I was a little nervous, I hadn’t seen Pam in over three months, she usually got pissed me when I was absent for so long, but this is what my life was like now, so the extent of our friendship was texting or the quick five minute phone call but it had been weeks since we last spoke. �
��Is she mad at me?” I asked Marc before I made my way to the house.

  “Pam hasn’t been herself lately Alex, she’s upset over her weight and Tommy barely sleeps at night, she’s going nuts, I can’t guarantee what kind of mood she’ll be in” he said, his face looked tired and almost sad. “You ok?” I asked “Yeah, I’m doing what I can, money is tight, my brother cut back my hours and coming home to her being the way she is, it’s hard you know” he said looking into my eyes. “Jesus Marc, you could have told me. I told you long time ago, both of you, I can help you if you need it” I reprimanded. “Alex, I can’t do that, I appreciate it but it’s not your responsibility, this is my problem” he said sounding peeved. “I’m not a stranger, I’m not asking for anything in return, she’s like my sister and you know that” I protested “Alex, just stop, it’s not going to happen” he said sternly “You’re so f’n stubborn” I spit back, Marc walked away with Lucy in his arms.

  I inhaled and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds of screaming kids, a dog barking and some cursing from my dear friend, the door opens. My first impression of her was astonishment. She gained at least over forty pounds, she was always thin, and when we were younger we were able to wear each other’s clothes and no one would be the wiser. Her wavy dirty blond hair was messy and straggly, with no shine to it, and her eyes were dark and tired. “Hi Pam!” I said offering her a big smile, she was not happy. “What are you doing here Alex” she said, her voice tired and annoyed. “I came to see you honey, it’s been months, but I’m holidays for the next week” I said but she just looked at me stolid. “Can I come in?” I asked my voice breaking, she was mad at me, maybe even furious. She raised her eyebrows and opened the door wider, I came in and hugged her but she did not hug me back. “I’m sorry Pam, I know it’s been a long time” I whispered. “Uh hu” she replied. Just then Marc walked in the house “You ladies ok?” he asked smiling back at me, I looked back at Pam “Listen, Robert is gone for the rest of the week, I don’t have to go home just yet, why don’t I order us some dinner and we can sit down and talk, what do you say?” I asked looking at both of them. “What exactly do you want to talk about Alex?” said Pam her voice volatile. “Pam, you need a night off, let me do this for you, please” I replied. “Fuck you” she said and walked away back to the kitchen.


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