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Control: Dangerous Desire (Contemporary Submissive Romance)

Page 2

by Jordan, Lucia

  "Nicole." The way he said her name—it was like a sinful, sexual caress.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat as she thought of something to say to him. Thanks for the spanking, my ass doesn’t hurt anymore, just didn't seem appropriate. "What're you doing here?" Oh yeah, that was a lot better. Christ, she was such an idiot sometimes. He squatted down in front of her, his hands resting on her thighs, and his eyes bore into hers. His tongue licked over his bottom lip and she was mesmerized by the sight; by the memory of how good it had felt to be with him last night.

  "I came here hoping to see you again," he said.

  Her eyes widened. "You did?" That should not have excited her as much as it did.

  Logan nodded. There was a predatory hunger in his eyes unlike anything she'd ever seen before. He pushed his hands up her thighs and then pulled them back down to her knees. "I want you to come home with me again, Nicole."

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say yes. God, how she wanted to, but it somehow seemed wrong to have sex with him again when she still hadn't mourned the end of her engagement. Shouldn't she take some time, get over Josh, and then start looking for a new relationship? Then again, Alyssa had a point earlier when she'd said there was no better way to get rid of Josh than to hook up with someone else. Could it really be that simple? "I don't know…" she said hesitantly.

  "Didn't you have fun last night?" he asked with a smile.

  "Yes, I had a lot of fun, it was great. It's just—"

  "Then let's go." Logan stood and extended his hand to her.

  Nicole stared at his proffered hand for a moment before her gaze drifted toward his crotch, which was eye level with her. His erection was unmistakable. So was her growing desire to be with him again. She drew a shaky breath and stood. Logan smiled arrogantly. "No kinky shit tonight, got it?" Nicole said, pointing her finger in his face.

  He put his arm around her waist and then allowed his hand to drift down to her ass. "But I thought you liked it when I spanked you?" His hand drew back and he smacked her firmly on the buttocks.

  She jumped even though deep in her core she was becoming aroused. "Do you want me to come home with you or not?" She tried to make her voice sound intimidating but it came out more like a plea.

  "Oh, you're coming home with me, Nicole and I'm going to fuck you until you beg for me to stop. Then I'm going to fuck you a little more."

  The tone of his voice had changed, deepened, the same way it had last night when he'd told her to get on all fours. "Is that your Dom voice?" she asked before she could stop herself.

  He smiled. "Yes."

  "I like it." She saw Alyssa from the corner of her eye and Nicole waved to her in an attempt to let her know she was leaving. Alyssa smiled and gave her thumbs up.

  "Do you?" Logan led her out a side door and toward the parking lot. Each step closer they got to his car, the harder her heart would beat.

  "Yeah. It's sexy." Logan stopped at his car, unlocked the passenger's door and opened it for her. She got in and waited for him to get in on the driver's side. He started the engine and sped out of the parking lot so fast she clutched the door handle for dear life. "Do you use that voice often?"

  "Only when I'm with a sub," he said, keeping his gaze focused on the road.

  Nicole had so many questions about him and the lifestyle. She knew if she didn't ask them now, she probably wouldn't get a chance to ask later. "Do you have a lot of subs?"

  He slowly turned toward her and smiled. "It doesn't work like that, sweetheart."

  "So, how does it work?"

  "A Dom, or Master, only ever has one submissive at a time. It's a serious, committed relationship between two people. There are rules and boundaries that must be followed at all times or else the relationship won't work." He paused as if contemplating his next thought. "Why are you so interested anyway? Do you want to become my submissive?"

  "What? No! Of course not, I was just curious." She was mortified by the idea of being under the rule of a man—especially a man she knew nothing about. Her whole life she'd been under the control of men: her father, her uncle, her first boyfriend, her boss, Josh…no, she would never submit to another man every again.

  "Is it that horrible of an idea to be my sub?" Logan pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. He made no move to get out and neither did she.

  Oh great, I hurt his feelings. Man, I'm on a roll this week. "That's not what I said."

  "What would you say if I told you I wanted to make you my submissive?" He reached across the console and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.

  Her throat was dry again. "Uh, I—I don't know. I guess I'd ask what exactly it meant to be your sub?"

  "For starters, you wouldn't be allowed to sleep with anyone but me." Logan smiled.

  She swallowed tightly. "What else?"

  "You'd have to attend to my every need and desire. A good submissive makes sure her Master is well taken care of, both in and out of the bedroom."

  "So, I'd have to wait on you hand and foot?" That didn’t sound like much fun. Why would she agree to that when she could just hook up with him every now and then?

  "That depends." He dragged his hand down her cheek and across her jaw.

  "On what?"

  "You." His finger trailed down her throat toward her cleavage.

  "Me?" That didn't make much sense. If she was supposed to submit to him then how did she have any say in anything? "I don't understand."

  "There are levels of Dominate/submissive relationships. Some are twenty-four seven, while others are more occasional. I'm willing to leave that detail up to you." The pad of his thumb brushed over her lips and she couldn't stop herself from kissing his finger. "C'mon," he said, getting out of the car.

  Nicole got out and met him at the front of the car. He led her inside and straight up to his bedroom. Her stomach fluttered and her palms began to sweat. She had a feeling she was getting in way over her head, yet she couldn't bring herself to leave. "I want more details, Logan. What kinds of things are you going to expect from me?"

  He stood before her and crossed his arms over his massive chest. "Are you considering my offer?"

  "I'm not considering anything until I have more information." And therein was her biggest problem: she lived her life by the facts. She had a really hard time just letting go and doing what felt good at the moment.

  "Okay." He cleared his throat. "You will address me as Sir. You will not speak unless spoken to. When I enter a room, you will present for me, and you will not address me until I have acknowledged you."

  "Present?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  "Yes. That means you will kneel tall on both knees, shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind your back, breasts out, head down, and eyes averted. Each and every time you come into contact with me, you must present yourself." He was using that tone again.

  "You mean like this, Sir?" Nicole dropped to her knees and presented herself as he'd described. She didn't know why she did, but if felt strangely empowering.

  Logan appeared to be frozen in place. She was dying to look up at him, to sneak a glance at the expression on his face, but she didn't. For some inexplicable reason, she wanted to please him. Was that part of being a submissive? If she agreed to be his sub she knew it was required to please him, but was the overwhelming desire to want to part of it as well? Or was she just an odd duck?

  "You will do as I say without question. If you don't, you will be punished."

  Punished? Her ears burned hot. What kind of punishment? Another spanking? That really didn't seem like a punishment to her—not when she enjoyed it so much.

  "If you do well and please me, you will be rewarded," he continued.

  Now that sounded like fun and she had to refrain from smiling at the thoughts that went through her mind. Her arms started to cramp and her knees began to hurt. She wondered how long he was going to make her stay like this.

  "I have one rule that is non-negotiable, Nicole." He
crouched in front of her and put his finger under her chin, tilting her head. "You must not lie to me. Ever. Nod if you understand." She nodded. "Good." He stood and she blew out the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "Consider tonight a trial run, shall we?"

  She remained stoic, unsure if she was supposed to nod or speak.

  "When I ask you a question, I expect an answer." His voice bordered on shouting.

  "Yes, Sir," she said.

  "Very good." He walked around her as if she were an expensive car he was inspecting from every angle. "God, seeing you like that makes my dick so fucking hard."

  Behind her, she heard the sound of Logan's zipper. She hoped he would put his dick in her mouth. She wanted to taste him, to hear his moans of approval as she sucked on him until he came in her mouth.

  "Stand up," he ordered. "Remove your clothes. One piece at a time. Fold them and put them on the foot of the bed."

  That was odd, but she didn't question him. Although, she was curious to know how he'd punish her. Taking off her shirt she folded it neatly and put in on the foot of the bed as instructed. Next were her bra, then her socks, jeans, and finally her panties. Logan caressed her ass and then gave it a hard whack. She let out a startled scream.

  Logan snaked his hand around her waist and dipped his finger down to her clit, giving it a delicious little rub that made her moan. "Hmm, that's what I thought," he said, his voice low at her ear.

  What did that mean? She realized he was naked. When did he get undressed, she wondered.

  "You like getting spanked, don't you?" He circled her clit with rapid movements.

  "Yes," she moaned.

  He squeezed her clit hard enough to make her yelp. "Yes, what?"

  "Yes, Sir." Okay, so he wasn't kidding about the punishment, but it still wasn't much of a punishment because it felt good.

  "Good girl." Logan lifted her right leg and put her foot on the bed. Then he put his palm flat on that spot between her shoulder blades and gently pushed her forward so that she was bent over in front of him. "Grab your ankle."

  Nicole's heart thudded loudly in her ears as she took hold of her ankle. It wasn't a very comfortable position, but she was so eager for him that she had no desire to complain.

  "Very nice," he said rubbing his hands over the rounded globes of her ass before parting her cheeks and easing his cock into her throbbing pussy. "Ahh, fuck," he groaned drawing out each word as he slowly pushed all the way into her.

  When he fucked her last night it had felt good, but right now, it felt incredible. The position he had her in, even though it was awkward, was perfect because the head of his cock hit that special spot each time he plunged into her. "Oh my god," she chanted as her body tensed and her pussy clenched around him.

  "You want to come already don't you?" he asked, his thrusts hard and relentless.

  "Yes, please…" She moaned and then realized she'd forgotten to add Sir. Oh god if he stopped now she'd die. "Sir," she said as an afterthought. "Please, Sir, I need to come." Nicole had never begged for release before. She'd never had to, nor had it ever been good enough that she wanted to, but she was quickly realizing that everything with Logan was different and better.

  "Not yet, sweetheart," Logan whispered. He gripped her shoulders and pulled her up so that her back was pressed to his front. His hand clutched her jaw and turned her face toward him.

  The look in his eyes stole her breath. It was the most intense, lust-filled, feral look she'd ever seen and it ratcheted her need to come to an unmanageable level. A sobering realization washed over her in that moment. She was the reason he had that look in his eyes. It was her and her ability to please him that made him look at her like that. And she wanted more. She wanted him to look at her like that all the time. Logan rotated his hips and she lost it. "Yes!" she screamed and closed her eyes.

  "Look at me," he demanded. "I want to watch your eyes when you come."

  Nicole forced her eyes open. One look into his dark eyes and there was no stopping it. The force of her orgasm nearly made her pass out. Her body trembled uncontrollably and if it hadn't been for him holding her, she would've slumped to the floor.

  "Holy fuck, Nicole." He drove into her with one final hard push and then he jerked his cock swelling to an epic size before he came hot and heavy. "Oh my god," he said on a sigh as he pulled out of her.

  She was grateful when he put her foot back on the floor. Her body ached from being in such an awkward position for so long. She stretched.

  "Get up on the bed and relax," he said.

  Nicole didn't argue. She got on the bed and laid down, a sigh escaping her lips when her head hit the pillow. Logan climbed up and lay beside her. They were both silent for several moments. She licked her lips and asked, "Will it always be like that?"

  Logan rolled onto his side and settled on an elbow. "Not always. Sometimes it'll be better."

  "Better?" She didn't try to hide her shock. How the hell could it get better than that?

  He smiled. "Yes." Logan put his hand on her stomach. The small gesture made her heart race. "I'll push you, Nicole. I'll ask you to do things you've never done before, but I promise you they'll be good. You'll enjoy them."

  "What if I don't want to do certain things?"

  "If you decide to be my sub, that is something we will discuss. We can both set limits of what we're willing to do and not do. Once those are in place, neither of us is allowed to violate them."

  Nicole nodded. She didn't know what he meant by limits, but she figured she'd find out soon enough.

  "This type of relationship is based on mutual trust and respect. And some fantastic sex," he said with a laugh.

  "So, I do pretty much everything you ask without question, which sounds great for you, but what does a sub get out of it? Except for the fantastic sex," she said with a smile.

  "A good Dom will take care of his sub. He will protect her, take care of her, and respect her. It's probably one of the safest relationships a woman can be in."

  "Take care of her? How?"

  He shrugged lazily. "That depends on the Dom and sub. Me? I like to spoil my subs." He smiled. "It's more than just sex with me. I enjoy talking to my subs, taking them out, buying them things."

  "Sounds like a normal boyfriend, girlfriend relationship."

  "Boyfriends and girlfriends aren't governed by the rules that a Dom and sub are. It's completely different."

  "Okay." Her mind was spinning. She still had so many questions. "What happens if you want me to do something I don't agree with?"

  "That's why we have safe words. If you feel that a situation is getting out of hand, you simply say the safe word and everything stops. Then we can talk about whatever the issue is."

  She nodded. It was good to know she had an emergency brake should she need it.

  "So, there's only one question left," Logan said with a smile. "Will you be my submissive, Nicole?"

  She drew a shaky breath and hoped she wasn't about to make the biggest mistake of her life. "Yes," she whispered.

  "Yeah?" he said with that same disbelieving cocked brow he'd given her the night they'd met.

  Nicole caught her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded. She couldn't believe she'd just agreed to give control of herself over to a man she barely knew.

  Logan broke into a smile. "Then let's discuss the rules, shall we?"

  The tone of his voice told her it wasn't a question, but a demand. Before she could respond, her cell phone rang. It was probably Alyssa calling to check in on her. Nicole started to get out of bed when Logan stopped her. She looked at his hand on her wrist.

  "Don't answer that, Nicole." He was using his Dom voice again. "When you're with me, you're mine. I don't tolerate interruptions."

  Her jaw dropped. Was he serious? One look at his face told her that he was. She composed herself and said, "I understand, Sir, but I left my friend at the bar. She's probably calling to make sure I'm okay."

  "You'll always be okay when you're
with me. I told you that." He loosened his hold on her. "You can check to see who it is, but do not answer the phone." There was a clear warning in his tone.

  "Thank you, Sir." Nicole rummaged in her purse. By the time she found her cell phone it had stopped ringing. She checked the call log and the color drained from her face. It was Josh, her fiancé. What the hell did he want? And what was she going to tell Logan. Oh, god! She'd rushed out of her apartment so damn fast she never really told Josh it was over, that the wedding was off. He had to know, didn't he? Realization quickly sunk in: She'd royally fucked up this time. And now she had to find a way to explain everything. Nicole swallowed the lump in her throat and slowly turned around to face Logan.


  The COMPLETE SERIES is now available

  Book 1 – Dangerous Desires

  Nicole was looking for one passion filled night of meaningless sex to make her feel better about her life. She gets that and a whole lot more.

  Book 2 – Color Of Love

  Nicole confesses the truth to Logan about why she's in the city and her recent past with Josh. Although he's upset, Logan continues to be her Dom and they spend a blissful few weeks together—until Logan disappears for a couple of days without any explanation. Nicole is paranoid that he's with another woman. When Logan shows up at her door, she can't stop herself from voicing her fears. An argument ensues and Nicole demands that Logan leave. He does and Nicole is crushed knowing that she'll probably never see him again.

  Book 3 – Mighty Love

  It's been almost two weeks since Nicole has seen or spoken to Logan. She's miserable without him, but can't bring herself to call him for fear that he might reject her. Plus, with Josh showing up unannounced, she's been a little preoccupied dealing with him. An unexpected run-in with Logan at the grocery store has Nicole questioning her motives and her life in general. Over dinner she tells Josh once and for all that it's over. Josh refuses to take no for an answer and he gets physical with her. Luckily, Logan arrives in time to save her.

  Book 4 – Now And Forever

  Logan has demanded that Nicole dominate him for one night, to show her just how far he's willing to go to be with her. Nicole is terrified and refuses. But Logan convinces her, and they embark on a night of passion that forever changes their relationship. Confessions are made, secrets are shared, and a new relationship is formed.


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