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Unicorn Truth (Valentine Pride Book 3)

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by Laura Greenwood

  "Anybody home?" Kerry's voice rang out from the other side of the front door. Hannah recognized it and began kicking harder. I scooped her up so she could watch her daddies walk inside.

  "Hey, guys," I said with a smile, offering a kiss to each of them as they came in. Kerry carried a bag full of sodas, Cas the pizzas, and Levon a bag with tissue paper inside. It looked like a gift.

  "For you," Levon said, giving me a particularly firm kiss.

  I had a surprise for them as well, but it could wait until after dinner.

  "Another one?" I said, peeking into the bag.

  "Oh, my gosh!" I handed Hannah off to Levon and pulled out the box. It was a new camera, the latest model of the brand I liked the best. "This is amazing," I exclaimed. "How did you know?"

  "We've been arguing about what to get you for a push present since long before Hannah was born. Finally, we decided to check into the age of your camera and found out it was over five years old." Cas beamed at me. "Then, we found out that they were coming out with a new model. That's why you didn't get it when Hannah was born." He turned toward the kitchen.

  Levon walked toward Kerry so he could give Hannah a kiss. "Yeah, we felt so guilty that we didn't have something for you as soon as she was born."

  "I've never even heard of a push present!" I didn't even look at them as I followed them into the next room. My eyes were totally on the box, reading about all the features.

  "We hadn't either," Kerry said as he pulled out cups. "But you know we read those baby books."

  They'd read more baby books than I had. Of course, they were human books, but Kerry said most of the information applied.

  I nodded at them, still reading about my new camera.

  "There was a chapter in one of them about the history of the push present, and we got it in our heads. We really wanted to get you one."

  "But you've given me so many!" I began opening the box, smiling at my generous mates. "This is by far the best."

  They looked at each other in confusion. Hannah chose that moment to let out a huge scream, scaring all of us. Kerry took her from Levon and felt her belly. "She's got some gas. I'll work her belly."

  Normally, I would've insisted on taking her so they could eat, but my camera completely distracted me. I spread out on the table, leaving them just enough room to eat, and began to play with it.

  They took care of everything, getting Hannah's gas drops, exercising her legs so the poots came out, and changing her diaper. They didn't interrupt me until it was time for her to eat. I nursed her in the living room while they kicked back and watched a movie about a ninja. The whole time she fed, I took pictures of her and them, delighted.

  When the movie was over, Hannah was totally asleep. I carried her to her room and slid her into her sleep sack. Turning on her white-noise maker and the baby monitor, I tiptoed out and peeked into each bedroom until I found my guys.

  Cas and Levon were kicked back in Cas's room. "Where's Kerry?" I asked.

  "April texted him while you were laying Hannah down," Levon said. "Ms. Edwards just went into labor."

  "Awww, good. I know she was miserable and ready to go already." I'd checked on her a few days before. She was already a week overdue.

  "He'll miss the surprise then," I said sadly, giving two of my mates big eyes.

  "What surprise?" Cas asked, narrowing his eyes at me. "I know you're not pregnant again."

  "No, you have to have sex to get pregnant. I just wanted you to know that I'm ready."

  Levon and Cas looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "Ready for what?" Levon asked.

  Blushing, I tried to tell them what I meant without actually using the words. I pursed my lips and widened my eyes.

  "Are you okay?" Cas asked, looking at me like I'd grown a second head.

  For Pete's sake. Could they have been denser?

  I'd changed into a new nightie a few hours before, and wearing it under my clothes all day had really gotten me into the mood. I'd combed the internet for it, having it delivered to April. She'd brought it to me today, so when I'd first laid Hannah down for her nap I'd gone into my bedroom and locked the door, exploring my body in and out, feeling to see if anything still felt sore or tender. I'd finally, finally stopped bleeding the week before, and I'd been having extremely horny moments all week.

  Instead of coming out and saying it, I slowly unbuttoned my top, showing the nighty inch by sensuous inch.

  They caught on fast, then.

  "Are you sure?" Cas asked as he gripped the blanket. His pajama pants tented when I didn't answer. Instead, I unbuttoned another button, showing off the soft black lace. Levon sat up straighter, leaning forward to watch me.

  I took my time. We'd waited six weeks, and I wanted it to be amazing. We probably could've gone sooner, but damn it, childbirth had freaking hurt. I didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize my healing.

  But it was time.

  The scent of my desire must've reached them at the same time, because their nostrils flared in unison as I slipped the shirt off of my shoulders and let it fall to the floor, exposing the nighty top fully. It had a sheer bra, my plump breasts filling it out and spilling out over the top. I'd ordered the cup size from pre-breastfeeding, not thinking about the fact that my breasts were bigger now, even when emptied of their milk.

  Slipping my pants down, the nighty slid down and covered the teeny-tiny scrap of fabric that served as panties. From the underside of the bra down, it fell in soft waves, hiding the pooch that was my stomach now.

  I'd begun including sit-ups in my daily workout. I knew it was normal and to be expected, but I didn't have to like it.

  Cas swung his legs around the side of the bed and stood, walking over to me.

  "Are you ready?" I asked him, teasing him a bit.

  "I love you," he said, grabbing me and pulling me close as his lips trapped mine.

  Oh, yeah. He was ready.

  Chapter Three

  A small giggle escaped me. I hadn't intended it to, but there was something about this situation that made me feel like a girl on her wedding night. Not that I'd have one of those. It wasn't the shifter way.

  "Did you have anything specific in mind?" Levon asked, stripping off his shirt, even as he spoke.

  I bit my lip and looked at the floor. "Just be careful?" I asked them as I looked back up at them, trusting them to care for me.

  Cas nodded. "We know. Kerry lectured us on what it would be like after Hannah's birth."

  "Are you sure you want to do this without him?" Levon asked.

  Was I? A small part of me was guilty that my third mate wasn't here right now. I wanted him just as much as the other two. But he'd understand. As much as I'd have preferred him to be here, I needed to do this now, or else I'd chicken out and it might be days before I plucked up the courage to try again.

  A low growl sounded in the back of Cas' throat. He'd stop if I told him that was what I wanted, but he wouldn't like it.

  "Yes. I'll see him when he gets home." So long as I wasn't too sore. But I could always do other things for him if I was.

  Indecision warred in their expressions. Clearly, they were torn about what to do. I could sympathize. In some ways, I felt the same.

  Deciding it was the only way to show them how serious I was, I lifted the hem of my nighty and drew it over my head. There was something ironic about how expensive lingerie was for how little time it was worn. But it had done the job. It had shown my mates that I was ready again, and had the bonus of making me feel sexy.

  The two of them stared at my body, awe and appreciation in their eyes. Suddenly, the effects of childbirth on my body didn't matter at all. Under their gaze, I felt beautiful.

  "Well, are you going to do anything?" I asked when neither of them made a move.

  "You're amazing," Levon whispered.

  A blush spread across my face. Ten months wasn't long enough to get used to their compliments.

  Cas stepped forward, his body heat
radiating from him and warming my skin. Or maybe that was just the desire spreading through me. I wanted them so badly, it almost hurt.

  "Kiss me," he demanded softly.

  I smiled and closed my eyes, rising onto my tiptoes and pressing a gentle kiss against his lips. He kissed me back instantly, pressing a little firmer than I had. His hand slipped around and rested on the small of my back, pulling my body so it was flush with his. His hard cock brushed against my lower stomach, not at all hidden by the pajama pants.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to deepen the kiss yet again.

  Moments later, Levon stepped up behind me, pressing himself against my back. Now Cas's wasn't the only hard cock I felt against me. There was no doubt the two of them were just as ready for me as I was for them.

  I broke away from the kiss and pressed back into my other mate. I really wanted to feel them both against me. After all, I wasn't just Cas's mate. I was equally his, and Levon's, and Kerry's. I'd never imagined that I would share my heart in three ways. Four, if I counted Hannah, though my love for her was vastly different.

  "Let's get her onto the bed," Levon suggested.

  "I think that's an excellent idea," Cas agreed. "Leola?"

  I nodded eagerly and the two of them peeled away from me, allowing me to hop up onto the bed.

  "I think it's time to lose the panties," Cas growled as he shed his own clothes.

  Without needing to be asked twice, I hooked my fingers around the band of my panties and pulled them down slowly, wriggling a bit more than I needed to for their benefit, then throwing the tiny bit of fabric on the floor. I'd pick them up later. Now was for making the most of my mates.

  I crooked my finger and urged them to come closer. Both took my invitation without hesitation. Every movement revealed the predator inside them. They knew how to stalk their prey, and right now, that was me. I couldn't wait for them to put their skills to other uses.

  Cas reached the bed first, of course, and got onto all fours, climbing up towards me. His naked body hovered over mine, only increasing my anticipation. With every moment that passed, I became more and more certain that I'd made the right decision in this being the time to be with them again.

  "Are you sure about this?" he checked.

  I nodded. "Very."

  "We can stop any time you want." There was a pained note in his voice that told me all I needed to know. He didn't want to stop, but for me, he would. It still amazed me how lucky I was to have the mates I did. Especially when they went completely against their nature to check I was comfortable at times like this.

  "I know." I reached up and cupped his cheek, a surprisingly tender moment given our nakedness and the hard cock pressed between us. "But I want you. Both of you. Tonight." And Kerry later, but voicing the last thought would just remind the three of us that my other mate was missing.

  "Good." He leaned down and captured my lips with his, kissing me softly, every movement of his lips telling me just how much he loved me. How much he cared and cherished me. Not that I doubted it.

  I never questioned how they felt, it was so obvious in the way they acted around me, and around Hannah. The way they got me gifts. The way they'd invited me into their home and made sure I knew it was mine too.

  They were everything I'd ever dreamed of and more, even if our mating had been unexpected.

  "Are the two of you planning on letting me in on the action?" Levon joked from his position at the side of the bed.

  Cas pulled back, a deep chuckle sounding in his throat. "Just claiming my role as alpha." He winked.

  A small giggle escaped me. We all knew Cas would never pull rank over his friends unless he had to. It wasn't in his nature. He wasn't one of those men who became alpha for the power. He'd earned the right to call himself that, and spent every day making sure his people still thought that.

  "Maybe you should suck Levon's cock," he suggested to me.

  Desire washed through me at the words, settling into my groin with shooting tingles. No doubt it did to them too.

  Cas backed off slightly, and I maneuvered myself so I was on my hands and knees. It was no accident that my ass was up in the air in Cas’s face.

  Levon saw what I was doing, and stood again, presenting his hard cock to me. I licked my lips, looking forward to doing what he wanted. It seemed like so long since we'd been together, even if it really wasn't. We'd had sex the day before Hannah had been born, and that really wasn't long enough ago for us to feel cheated of time in bed.

  I looked up at him, making sure my eyes were wide and innocent. They liked it when I did that. Something about the predator thing.

  His cock twitched, only proving me right in my assessment.

  Without waiting for him to say anything, I leaned in and took him in my mouth. Levon groaned, his fingers threading through my hair and giving it a light tug.

  Satisfaction filled me. This was the easiest way to tell that he was enjoying himself. And I wanted to prolong that as much as possible.

  The bed shifted behind me, and Cas' hands smoothed up my legs, coming teasingly close to my center, but not enough to actually give me the release I craved.

  "Patience, Leola," he cautioned after I wiggled my ass at him, trying to get him to go further with what he was doing. I hadn't encouraged them to bed me again just so they could tease me. I wanted more. No, needed more.

  I murmured an unintelligible request for more around Levon's cock.

  Cas chuckled, his hot breath hitting the skin of my back. If he didn't do something soon, I was going to stop sucking on Levon's cock and teach Cas a lesson on how to treat a lady. A very horny lady.

  As if he could sense my thoughts, Cas' fingers slipped inwards, brushing against my core. I moaned loudly, the sound vibrating around Levon and getting a groan from him. This was one of the many perks of having three mates. One that a woman with one would never be able to experience, bless their hearts.

  "More," I gargled, unable to make the word get out. He seemed to understand though, and his finger dipped inside me.

  My eyes fluttered closed, giving in to the pleasure of feeling someone inside me. He was gentle, more so than normal. No doubt he was still thinking about the potential damage childbirth had done to me. I was grateful for it. The soreness had passed, but I had no doubt things weren't back to normal yet. I still needed some time.

  Lips trailed kisses down the inside of my thigh, each one sending a bolt of desire through me.

  He seemed to grow bored with the teasing, and his breath moved closer to where I wanted it. His tongue darted out, and he traced my entrance with it.

  A shudder traveled down my spine, followed by a light hair tug from Levon.

  Right, I shouldn't forget about him. I pressed my tongue against the underside of his cock. His hands tightened in my hair again, but not to get my attention, this time, it was because of how much pleasure he was feeling. Pride swelled through me. I hadn't lost my touch.

  A second finger entered me, making me feel fuller than I'd have thought possible. Their cocks were going to make me feel like I was new again. Luckily, that was just what I wanted. All the books said I’d be as good as before Hannah’s birth, but until I felt Cas’s fingers inside me, I hadn’t totally believed it.

  His mouth followed. I wasn't sure what position he had to be in to reach everything, but the moment his tongue flicked against my clit, I almost lost it. Touching myself in the shower could never compare to how it felt to have one of my mates do it. The three of them must have magic in their veins. Either that or they just happened to teach the shifters what they should be doing before they got to their matings. I wasn't sure how I felt about that latter one, so I pretended it was the magic fingers explantation.

  I writhed between the two of them, pleasure coiling in my stomach and begging for release. I did my best to hold it back. Letting go this early would be a waste.

  Cas curled his fingers up inside me and I gasped, pulling back from Levon's cock.
The man behind me chuckled, clearly pleased with himself. I guessed he had good reason to be, but it wasn't fair to poor Levon who had thought he was going to get off.

  "If you're not careful, I'll demand you switch with me," Levon teased.

  "Maybe I'd like that," Cas returned, but he didn't move from his position between my legs. It was almost as if he wanted to wind me up tighter.

  "No one moves," I insisted. The last thing I wanted was to change how things were going. I wanted to feel Levon's cock in my mouth, while Cas made me scream. The vibrations of that would send Levon over the edge. Even the thought of what was to come only served to turn me on more.

  I could feel Cas' smile against my skin. "As you command it." He pressed his fingers deeper inside me and flicked his tongue back against my clit. I moaned again, trying to reach out for Levon's cock. If he wanted me to suck it again, then he was going to have to help me.

  Reaching up, I pulled and pushed on Levon's hips, showing him what I needed him to do. All I could focus on was the extreme pleasure coursing through my abdomen thanks to Cas's fingers.

  Levon got the picture and began to slowly move his hips as I adjusted my jaw and lips to accommodate him taking the lead.

  Now I was able to give minimal focus to what my mouth did, and all my energy went into the orgasm building thanks to my skilled mate.

  He read my body like a damn book. Every time he moved his fingers in a way that was extra pleasurable, I would do something or make a noise that told him to do it again. I wasn't even sure how my reactions helped him, but he sure was, because far too soon, I fell off the side of the damn cliff, my orgasm washing over me. I hadn't realized quite how much I'd missed our mammoth lovemaking sessions until I got them back.

  When my orgasm waned, Levon's built. My attention moved to him as his hips thrust more erratically. He pushed farther and farther down my throat, forcing me to relax or I'd gag on his head.

  "Leola," he moaned. "I love you." With his words, he came in my mouth, slowing his movements as hot liquid filled my throat. I swallowed, high on the ability to give him such an amazing orgasm.


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