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Zero's Heart (Lathar Mercenaries: Warborne Book 1)

Page 16

by Mina Carter

  Mills froze on the way to the door at the back of the lab, looking over his shoulder. “The shuttle you parked over the rise? Already gone, my friend, along with whoever was in it. Targeted missile strike took care of him as soon as you stepped inside the airlock. We knew you were coming.”

  Eris closed her eyes. Of course they did. The tracker. Even though the shuttle itself had some kind of stealth tech, they’d have been able to pick up the tracker on her as soon as she stepped out of it.

  “Yeah… right. You keep telling yourself that.” Sparky winked. “But if I were you, I’d watch over your shoulder for the next… oh, rest of your very short fucking life.”

  “Yeah, yeah…” Mills scoffed, pushing Eric ahead of him. Her twin turned and twisted, trying to keep her in sight as long as possible. But then they were gone, and it was just her, Sparky and their soon-to-be executioners.

  “Well,” Sparky drawled. “Since we’re alone now… any chance you guys’ll take any last requests? Good looking lads like you, I’m sure we can find something… fun to do.”

  Of all the things Eris had expected from the ex-con, it wasn’t for him to hit on the guys about to execute them.

  “For fuck’s sake, Sparky, have some fucking respect. Would you?” she hissed as the two troopers just laughed and stepped behind them.

  “You think I’m interested in these tossers?” he shot back, on his knees next to her. “Sheesh, you never heard of a distraction technique?”

  Hands behind her head, she closed her eyes. Shutting him out.

  This was it.

  Rather than the panic she thought she’d feel, she had a sense of calm and peace. Of finality. She’d done everything she could, and it still hadn’t been enough. They were out of weapons and out of options, so she let it go and let peace wash over her. In a couple of seconds nothing would matter anymore anyway; there was no point for her last moments to be filled with anger and frustration.

  So instead she let everything good about her life fill her mind—her military service, where she’d made a difference, the tiny connection with her brother, even forged as it was in the midst of fear and threat… Zero…

  Her breath caught on a gasp, a savage ache in the center of her chest.

  She would never see Zero again. Never hold him, never feel him hold her. Never see that cheeky smile of his.

  Never tell him she loved him…

  Fuck, when had that happened? She loved Zero. Loved the big, gruff cyborg with the name full of numbers and letters and the pain in the ass alpha hero bossiness.

  Kline cocked his weapon, the sound right by her ear. She steeled herself for the shot. Would she even hear it before the bullet tore through her brain, scrambling the delicate tissues and snuffing her life out in less than a heartbeat?

  A tear leaked down the side of her face as she waited for the inevitable.

  If she’d believed in any god, she’d pray… her only request just one more moment with Zero….


  The moon base on MD-892-A was utterly underwhelming.

  “Is that it?”

  The entire crew were crowded onto the bridge as they approached the moon listed in Eric’s information as the location of the lab. It looked like every other moon Zero had ever seen. Nothing special.

  Until a flare of bright light illuminated the edge, like a sunrise that was here one moment and gone the next.

  “Okay, what the hell was that?” T’Raal demanded, the main view screen focusing in on the flare. Whatever it was had been just over the horizon, so they couldn’t see anything now apart from rocks and more rocks.

  “Errrr… that was our combat shuttle,” Beauty informed them as the ship rounded the side of the moon and the rocks gave way to a blasted crater with edges like broken teeth.

  Zero’s heart stalled in his chest, his hands frozen on the flight controls. Eris and Sparky had been on that shuttle...

  “Scanning the remains. No biological matter detected. There was no one on board.”

  His heart restarted with a painful thump. Just the idea of Eris… gone like that. It shorted his onboard and biological systems in ways he’d never encountered before. It was painful and not convenient, not when it locked up his systems and didn’t allow him to think.

  Bringing them parallel with the surface, he swung the ship around. The lab was laid out in front of them, a spidery network of domes and leg-like corridors connecting them. There was no armoring, no defenses… he frowned, using his uplink to the Sprite to bring the scanners to bear.

  “The shot came from a ship on the other side of the base,” he recounted for the rest of the bridge crew. “Definitely combat-capable. Rail guns and point defense cannons. There’s a scientific vessel there as well, both attached to the base by boarding tubes.”

  “Okay. It looks like they’re getting ready to up and leave then. Chances are they know something’s up if they took out the shuttle. We need to get down there. Since we’re down a shuttle, it’ll have to be a suit drop. Beauty, Red… bridge duties. The rest of you, suit up.”

  “Hell yeah!” Zero handed off flight control to Beauty’s console. He was off the bridge almost before T’Raal had given the order. Sliding down the stair rails on his hands, his feet hit the deck of the staging area and he was half in his suit before the others piled in.

  They suited up with quick, economical movements. While the empire might only use power suits in extreme circumstances, they were par for the course for the Warborne. Why refuse to use an advantage because some outdated honor system forbade it? Especially when there were creatures like the Krin out there.

  “We go in hard and fast,” T’Raal ordered, his voice muffled for a second as he pulled his helmet on. A second later, his voice filtered over suit comms. “Technically, this is an act of war, so I don’t want anyone down there getting too good a look at us. Zero, can you block all the security cameras down there?”

  Zero nodded, doing up the last zips and latches on his suit, and then turned to check Fin’s. Giving his battle partner a thumbs up, he answered T’Raal as Fin returned the favor. No one went ex-atmosphere without double checks, even when they were on the clock. Not unless they wanted to suck cold, hard space.

  “As soon as we go boots down, I’ll jam everything and its mother,” he promised and then grinned. “And as for a good look… I can promise you, they won’t be looking at us.”

  “Good.” As usual when they went into action, T’Raal’s voice was clipped and professional. Zero hefted the heavy machine gun he preferred—in the suit he couldn’t use his arm-mounted gun rig—and turned to face the ramp.

  “Dropping ramp in three…” Beauty’s voice came over the comm. “Two… one… go!”

  They were already running before he finished talking, flinging themselves off the end of the ramp as the Sprite flew low and fast over the central part of the lab.

  A battle cry broke from Zero’s lips as they dropped like stones—armor-clad, heavily armed stones. Parting his feet, he brought his gun to bear as they crashed through the ceiling of the dome below.

  Shattered glass and the shriek of environmental alarms surrounded him. His visor was slapped by foliage for a second before he landed heavily in the dirt below.

  The rest of the Warborne hit the deck around him, plus one, heavier addition that made Skinny grin behind his helmet visor. “Too fucking right they aren’t gonna be looking at us!”

  “Stay quiet on comms,” T’Raal ordered. “Remember, we’re behind enemy lines and not supposed to be here. No one gets left behind to give them any evidence to start a war with. Zero, let’s go get your girl.”


  Eris tensed as the room exploded with blackness and gunfire. But where was the nothingness that was supposed to come after? Her breathing rasped in her ears, and her heart pounded in her throat…

  But she was still on her knees with the same bit of metal that had once been part of some sort of lab equipment digging into her skin. Wasn’t there supp
osed to be more bright lights, harps and whatnot?

  Two spotlights snapped on, and she winced, pulling her bound hands from behind her head to shield her eyes. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear those were the shoulder lights on a Scorperio…

  “Don’t go into the light!” Sparky warbled and then grinned as heavy footsteps brought Skinny and Zero into view from the darkness. Dressed in power suits like the ones she and Sparky had stolen, they both had their helmets down and wore matching grins.

  “Someone need a little backup?” Skinny asked as he stepped forward to cut her cuffs off.

  She gasped, scrambling to her feet. A second later, she slammed into Zero, almost taking him off his feet as she threw her arms around his neck. He rocked on his feet and smiled.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against hers.

  “Hey,” she managed, her throat thick and choked. He’d come for her. Even after their argument and her being mad at him, he’d come to find her. “Zero… listen, I’m so—”

  He shushed her up, finger against her lips as he pulled back to look down at her.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” His voice was soft, just between them but she was aware of the rest of the team listening in. And she didn’t care. Not one jot.

  “I was the one at fault. I see that now. I…” For the first time since she’d met him, he seemed to lose his innate self-confidence. He bit his lip, looking down for a second as if to collect his thoughts… or get them in order.

  Then he looked up and the expression in his eyes speared her to the core.

  “I should be apologizing… I am apologizing…” he corrected himself in a soft voice, cupping her face, his thumb brushing gently over her lips.

  “I’m sorry, Eris. I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have told you that you couldn’t come. I was scared of losing you. You… you’ve become too important to me. I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you. That’s why I tried to keep you on the ship. I thought if I protected you, kept you safe… I could… I mean… what I’m trying to say is.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. This is agony,” Sparky broke in. “What he’s trying to say is that he’s a fucking tit and he lo—”

  His words were cut off as Skinny wrapped a big arm around his neck and muffled him. The human squeaked, slapping at the bigger man’s arm and trying to free himself.

  “Sorry, bud, but some things a guy just has to say for himself.” Skinny nodded toward Zero to carry on.

  “He’s right.” Zero looked back at her, his expression tortured. “I was an utter idiot. I totally deserve it if you want nothing to do with me anymore. I just... “

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she murmured breathlessly. “Just tell me you love me and kiss me already!”

  The smile that broke over his lips rivaled the beauty of any sunrise.

  “Yes, ma’am, Chief Archer,” he whispered, gathering her closer against him. Bending his head, he brought his lips close enough so they breathed the same air before murmuring against them. “Eris… I love you.”

  And then he kissed her.

  It wasn’t like any kiss he’d given her before. It was soft and sweet, heartbreaking in its intensity—a promise and an apology and his heart poured into it all at the same time.

  A soft whimper broke from the back of her throat and she pressed closer, needing more. Needing his touch and his strength… and his love. He loved her and nothing else mattered.

  Breaking from the kiss breathlessly, she held him close. Looked up into his eyes and saw the rawness there. The insecurity and the need.

  “I love you, Zero.” Her words were a soft whisper but she knew he heard her. His eyes warmed with emotion and relief, his arms tightening around her. “You’re a big lug and you’re bossy, but I love you.”

  “Thank the gods,” he whispered. His voice was raw as he crushed her against his broad chest. Trembles ran through his big frame, and she stroked gentle fingertips over the short hair at the nape of his neck.

  “I thought I’d completely fucked up, and you wanted nothing more to do with me,” he admitted, his voice muffled against her neck. “Or that maybe you would forgive me but want nothing more than sex. Nothing serious.”

  She gave a soft chuckle. “Well, we can talk about sex later…”

  “Not the only people in the room,” Sparky managed to wriggle loose enough from Skinny’s hold to remark. “And, in case you guys hadn’t realized, we’re kind of in the middle of something right now? Like getting the fuck out of here…”

  Zero barked a short laugh as he let her go, keeping a hand around her waist as they faced the rest of the team. Warmth filled her as she realized they really had pulled out all the stops to come and rescue her and Sparky. Their own species wanted nothing more than to wipe them out of existence, but the aliens were on their side. She could work with that…

  “They have Eric,” she gasped, looking at Zero. “They have my brother. They were going to take him somewhere. We have to rescue him.”

  Zero smiled and turned her around. The spotlights had dimmed a little to reveal it was her Scorperio suit. A small pang of jealousy hit her as she flicked a glance up at the darkened visor. Who had they gotten to pilot her? It had to be Red. Although she was taller than Eris, she was the only one of the Warborne who would fit.

  “Thought you might need a little something…” Zero whispered by her ear and, as she watched, the front of the suit cracked open in a hiss of clamps and released air to reveal…

  Nothing. There was no one piloting it.

  “Huh?” she turned to find Zero watching her with a smile curving his lips. He tapped his temple. Her jaw dropped. He’d brought it down here for her. Shit, was there anything her man couldn’t do?

  “I do believe you’re improperly dressed,” T’Raal added. “But make it quick. Those shuttles were getting ready to leave.”

  She was out of the Latharian power suit in a heartbeat, Zero stuffing it into a backpack he carried. Slipping into her own suit again was like putting on a well-worn pair of sneakers, only better.

  “Welcome, Sergeant Archer,” it purred as she slid into the pilot’s sling. “Calibrating for your preferences. Please wait… preferences set.”

  “Thank you,” she replied in surprise. It appeared the upgrades Red had made weren’t just limited to the outer shell. She’d also done something to the operating system. It was faster and way more responsive than before.

  “You’re very welcome. Would you like me to engage upper torso systems?”

  Her lower body locked into place. She bit her lip as a prickle she’d never thought she would feel again raced along her limbs. The suit was interfacing with her neural implants, but the link was stronger and faster than anything she’d felt before.

  She closed her eyes as it hit her. She’d thought her life was over, that she was just a washed-up old veteran, drinking and reliving the glory days while in her cups. That her mother was right and no one would want her anymore unless she got herself fixed.

  She’d thought that, deep down, until Zero and the Warborne had come along. They’d made her realize she didn’t need fixing. She needed family. Not a white knight to come and save her, the role her mother had cast so many would-be suitors into, but someone who saw her as an equal.

  A partner. In love and life.

  With a smile, she opened her eyes and looked around. Zero smiled at her and Skinny gave her a thumbs up. Even Sparky grinned. Her heart overflowed. Her new family were all around her and that was all she needed.

  It would be all she would ever need.

  Checking her harness with practiced movements, she slid her arms into the arms of the suit. The clamps wrapped around her arms just above the elbow and then over her wrists as her hands closed around the controls.

  “Engage upper torso systems,” she confirmed. “Close unit and armor up. Go weapons hot.”

  The torso folded into place around her, heads-up display
live almost immediately.

  “Damn, girl,” she whistled as she saw the changes. “You’re looking good. Red did an awesome job with you. Remind me to thank her.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant. Weapons are hot and targeting systems are active.”

  Eris grinned as she rolled her shoulders and arms. The spotlights snapped off, and the guns on her shoulders rotated in their firing racks, the laser sights tracing a 360 on the walls of the ruined lab. Perfect.

  “Ready to rock and roll,” she told T’Raal as she turned, heading for the doorway. “Stay behind me and try to keep up.”

  Watching Eris go into combat fully suited up was awe-inspiring. Zero grinned as she barreled through the lab like she was an armored wrecking ball, using the heavy guns mounted on her shoulders and her suit itself. She took out walls and doors, keeping SO13 soldiers off them as they raced toward their objective.

  Zero checked the schematics of the base his onboard helpfully showed in the corner of his vision. He merged the feed with the heads-up display from his suit, cycling through covering the flanks and the rear with the rest of the team.

  Finally, they reached the last corner and Eris slowed, her hand signal making them all freeze. Then she chuckled, and strode forward, straight around the corner and into a hail of bullets.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Is that a… tank?”

  “Where the fuck did that come from?”

  Zero and the rest piled around the corners, taking position around Eris, weapons trained on the small group of SO13 soldiers, a human male in a lab coat in cuffs being dragged along with them.

  They froze and winced, squinting and trying to aim despite Eris’s spotlights blinding them. The Scorperio’s guns spat momentarily, and several of them swore as bullets tore through their weapons, yanking them from their grasp.

  Zero blinked, surprised and awed. He’d known the targeting system on the suit was excellent, but dayum… That was some next-level shooting and then some. He couldn’t help a sideways glance at Skinny and a proud grin. That was his girl.


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