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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Page 195

by William Shirer

  Florence, Italy, 815, 816

  Flossenburg, 1073

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 741–43

  Fodor, M.W.,784fn.

  Foerster, Wolfgang, 317

  “folkish state,” 88–90

  Folklore Museum, Berlin, 1044

  Forbes, Sir George Ogilvie, 574, 584–85, 592, 601, 614, 639, 648

  Ford, Henry, 149, 267

  Ford Motor Co., 907

  Foreign Ministers’ Conference, Moscow, 1033

  Foreign Office, German, 302, 310, 335, 365, 386, 387, 433, 438–40, 451–52, 454, 469, 488–89, 498fn., 507, 546, 562, 571fn., 595fn., 599, 683fn., 685fn., 719, 748–50, 874–75, 880, 893, 896, 897fn.; Hitler tightens control of, names Ribbentrop head of, 318–19, 324; subsidizes Sudeten Nazis, 359; anti-Hitler plotters in, 380fn., 381, 405; prods Hungary on Slovakia, 429; negotiations with U.S.S.R., 476–77, 479–80, 491, 492, 500, 525, 528, 543fn., 631fn., 667, 668, 804, 807, 840; and Baltic States, 495; see also Ribbentrop; Weizsaecker

  Fornebu, 703, 704

  Forster, Albert, 499

  Forster, E. M., 784

  Four-Year Plan, 262, 265, 275, 300, 310

  France, 84, 224, 286, 287, 294, 299–302, 373, 400, 461, 469, 470, 529, 530, 562, 675, 714; relations with pre-Hitler Germany, 58, 61, 63, 82, 95, 209, 211, 212; opposes German rearmament, 283, 284, 288–89; pact with Russia, 285, 290–91; and Rhineland remilitarization, 291–95, 327; policy on Spanish war, 297–99, 301; opposition to Anschluss, 280, 296, 324, 327, 330, 334fn., 344, 346, 353; prewar relations with Italy, 290, 297–99, 301, 426, 603, 604–7, 687, 690–91; correlation of policy with British, 283, 288–89, 384, 386–87, 389, 398, 402, 403, 436, 461, 469, 608–12, 675; German war plans against, 303, 306, 307, 309, 414, 484–88, 498, 500, 508, 531, 566–68, 590, 591–92; appeasement of Hitler on Czechosl., 354, 360–62, 364–68, 370, 375, 376, 378–94, 396–98, 400–5, 408–10, 414–27 passim, 439, 443, 448, 450–53; pact with Germany, 436–37; supports Poland against Germany, 454, 457, 460, 465, 468, 509, 510, 515–17, 526, 537, 543, 544, 549–50, 553–54, 558, 561, 568, 569, 579, 586–87, 591–92, 596, 600, 602, 604–12, 634; policy on Soviet collective-security bid, 477, 479, 480, 482, 489–90, 494–96, 502–6, 513, 521, 533–38, 541–43; declaration of war on Germany, 616–18; at war, 621, 622, 632, 634, 635–36, 644–46, 651, 658, 666, 669, 671, 672, 689; German “peace” proposals, 639–43, 734; Battle of, 716, 720, 722, 728, 734, 737, 827, 850, 877; collapse, 738–41; German occupation, 759, 775, 821, 922, 923, 924, 943, 945, 956–57, 965, 969, 993, 999, 1009, 1031, 1033, 1036, 1037, 1047, 1060, 1064, 1085; Vichy govt., 806, 813, 815, 817, 850, 921, 923–24; Allied invasion and second Battle of, 1036–42, 1043, 1047, 1076, 1085, 1086, 1099, 1139; see also French Air Force; French Army; French Navy

  Franck, James, 250

  Franco, Gen. Francisco, 297, 299, 419, 529, 787, 791, 812, 814, 817, 819, 872

  Franco–German armistice (1940), 740–47, 758, 759, 793, 794, 821, 852, 924, 1139

  François-Poncet, André, 5, 164, 171, 175, 198, 224, 290, 291, 292, 310fn., 318, 408–9, 416, 425–26, 435, 604

  Franco–Italian armistice (1940), 741, 743–44, 746

  Franco-Polish Military Convention (May 19, 1939), 634

  Franco–Prussian War, 736

  Frank, Hans, 122, 140, 148, 268–69, 276, 661–63, 938, 944, 947, 975, 1143

  Frank, Karl Hermann, 383, 448–49

  Frankfurt, 195, 1089, 1102

  Frankfurter, Felix, 897fn.

  Frankfurter Zeitung, 32fn., 218, 245, 256

  Franz Josef, Emperor, 24

  Frascati, Italy, 1001

  Frauenfeld, Alfred, 279

  Frederick the Great, 90, 169, 197, 245, 530, 532, 906, 1086, 1108–9

  Frederick III, King in Prussia, 93

  Free French, 744

  Freidin, Seymour, 852fn., 912fn.

  Freikorps (“free corps”), 33, 34, 38, 42, 43, 53, 55, 66, 150

  Freisler, Roland, 269, 1023, 1025fn., 1070–71, 1076

  French Air Force, 609, 737–39

  French Army, 425–27, 533, 535–36, 542, 554, 568, 609, 617, 1086; mobilization of, 610, 618, 634; Battle of France, 633, 635, 672, 718, 720, 722–24, 726–28, 730, 731, 736–38; in Norway, 708; repulses Italians, 740

  French Army High Command, 728, 740fn., 785

  French Army (Free French), 983, 1085, 1101, 1139

  French Army (North African), 923

  French colonies, 768

  French Foreign Legion, 708

  French Navy, 609, 740, 744–45, 817, 821, 924–25

  French North Africa, 745, 814

  French Yellow Book, 452fn., 543fn., 584fn., 605fn., 607, 617

  French West Africa, 879, 880

  Freud, Sigmund, 241, 784

  Frick, Wilhelm, 68, 144, 146, 148, 167, 170, 171, 173, 176, 181, 184, 200, 201, 219, 238, 247, 271, 275, 347, 498, 1143

  Fricke, Rear Adm. Kurt, 637, 759

  Friedeburg, Adm. Hans von, 1138, 1139

  Friedrich Karl, Prince of Hesse, 666fn.

  Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 52, 146, 153, 157, 159, 197, 907

  Frisch, Rittmeister von, 317, 354

  Fritsch, Gen. Frh. Werner von, 214–15, 219, 305, 308–10, 313–20, 323, 332, 354–56, 366, 373, 374, 414, 435, 488, 1026, 1035

  Fritzsche, Hans, 1143

  Fromm, Gen. Friedrich, 649, 1019, 1030, 1035, 1044–45, 1047, 1053, 1058–61, 1064, 1066–68, 1073, 1076, 1082

  Fuehrerhaus, Munich, 415, 418, 740

  Fuehrerprinzip (leadership principle), 46, 84, 89

  Fuka, 920, 921

  Fuller, Gen. J. F. C, 633, 634, 818fn.

  Funk, Walther, 142–45, 167, 171, 261, 311, 320, 497, 973–74, 1142–43

  Furtwaengler, Wilhelm, 242

  Fuschl, 509, 514, 521, 786, 790, 872

  Gabeik, Josef, 991

  Galen, Count, 239

  Galicia, 534

  Galland, Adolf, 776

  Gamelin, Gen. Maurice, 292–93, 425, 534, 609, 610, 634, 635, 717, 724, 726, 728

  Garbo, Greta, 156

  Garda, Lake, 1005

  Gauguin, Paul, 244

  Gaus, Friedrich, 491, 492, 540fn., 706fn.

  Gdynia, 572, 582, 589

  Gebhardt, Dr. Karl, 979fn.

  Geheimer Kabinettsrat, see Secret Cabinet Council

  Gehlin, General, 1096

  Gembloux gap, 724

  General Motors Corp., 686fn.

  Geneva Convention, 946–47, 951, 955, 1100

  Geneva Disarmament Conference, 183, 204, 210, 211

  Genoa, 740fn., 956

  George VI, King of England, 344, 787–88, 815fn., 835

  George, Stefan, 1028, 1029

  Gera, 217, 218, 219

  Gercke, Col. Rudolf, 498

  German Air Force, see Luftwaffe

  German Army, see Army, German; Army, German, units; Army General Staff; Army High Command

  German Broadcasting Co., see Reich Broadcasting Corp.

  German Christians’ Faith Movement, 235, 236, 237, 239

  German colonies, 302, 305, 641, 746, 836

  German Evangelical Church, 1017

  German Fighting League for the Breaking of Interest Slavery, 35

  German Fighting Union, see Deutscher Kampfbund

  Germania, 218

  German National People’s Party (Nationalists), 56, 118, 138, 154, 155, 157, 159, 166, 170, 172, 173, 180, 181, 186, 189, 194, 195–96, 198, 201, 237

  German Naval Register, 550–51, 556

  German Navy, see Navy, German

  German Officers’ League, 220

  German People’s Party (formerly National Liberals), 56, 186, 201

  German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, 631, 632, 639

  German Workers’ Party, 35–41, 50

  Germany, defeat of, in World War I, 29–32, 53

  Germany, First Reich, 90–91

  Germany, history, 90–97

  Germany, Republic of (1918–33), 3, 4, 31, 42, 43, 52–64 91, 95, 112, 11
8, 121, 137, 150–56, 162, 163, 165, 171, 175, 200, 251, 268, 458, 494, 714, 1081, 1109; armed rebellions against, 33–34, 54–55, 60, 65–75 (see also Beer Hall Putsch; Kapp putsch); reparations problem, 51, 58, 61, 64, 112, 117, 136, 137, 152, 154, 943; birth of, 52–56; Weimar Constitution, 55–57; 60, 61, 78, 126, 137, 153, 229, 241, 268, 274; economic problems, 61–63, 112, 117, 135–36, 152–53; Reichstag elections, 137–38; 165, 171, 189, 195; 1932 presidential elections, 153, 155, 158–60; ends with Hitler’s accession, 183, 213; responsibility for death of, 185–87; churches’ opposition to, 235–37, 268

  Germany, Second Reich (1871–1918), 91, 95, 96, 98, 109, 197, 251

  Gerothwohl, Prof. M. A., 112fn.

  Gersdorff, Colonel Frh. von, 1021, 1022, 1027

  Gessler, Otto, 64, 65fn., 66

  Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret State Police), 192–93, 222, 231, 276, 294fn., 518–19, 520fn., 653, 655, 656, 703, 782fn., 784, 785, 923, 991, 1023; Himmler named chief of, 215, 216; harassment of churches, 235, 237–39; establishment of, 270–71, 273; Fritsch frameup, 317, 354, 355, 373; in Austria, 348fn., 351–53; and anti-Hitler conspirators, 380fn., 430, 848fn., 906, 1003, 1016, 1024–26, 1031, 1034, 1036, 1044, 1048, 1053, 1063, 1069, 1070, 1072–75, 1077, 1079, 1080; terror in Poland, 660, 663; execution of Russian POWS, 953; Jewish Office, 963, 978

  Gibbs, Sir Philip, 784

  Gibraltar, 757, 768, 813, 814, 817, 819, 921–22

  Gide, André, 241

  Gieseking, Walter, 242

  Giesler, Paul, 1023

  Gilbert, Felix, 1003fn., 1014fn.

  Giraud, Gen. Henri, 718, 722, 923

  Gisevius, Hans Bernd, 192–93, 316fn., 373–74, 40S, 407–8, 411, 412, 517, 558–60, 596, 650, 655fn., 1018, 1033

  Gissinger, Theodor, 12–13


  Glaesemer, Col. Wolfgang, 1065

  Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund von, 328, 335, 338, 339

  Glasgow (Br. cruiser), 708

  Glasl-Hoerer, Anna, 8

  Gleiwitz, 518–20, 595, 599, 601

  Gluecks, Richard, 664

  Gneisenau, Field Marshal Count August Neithardt von, 1028, 1081

  Gneisenau, Germany, 992

  Gneisenau (Ger. battle cruiser), 281, 711, 914

  Gobineau, Count Joseph Arthur de, 103–4, 106

  Godesberg, 220, 391–96, 397, 404, 407, 416, 417, 421, 425, 426, 619

  Goebbels, Magda, 483fn., 1111, 1113, 1123, 1133, 1136, 1137

  Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 4, 5, 146, 155–73, 176–80, 182, 184, 189–93, 614, 837, 866, 910fn., 995–96, 998–1005, 1008–9, 1010–11, 1012, 1061, 1087, 1100, 1102fn., 1143; biographical sketch, 123–29; supports radical Nazi faction, 126–27, 143, 205, 215, 220; party propaganda chief, 147, 148; Reichstag fire, 191–93; Propaganda Minister, 196–98, 202, 204, 218, 227, 233, 241–48, 275, 281, 294fn., 319fn., 343, 347, 363, 387, 396, 398, 443–44, 563–64, 593–94, 638, 646 653, 669fn., 671, 725, 739fn., 778, 780, 860, 1002, 1033fn., 1105–6; role in Roehm purge, 220, 221; book burning, control of arts and letters, 241–48; persecution of Jews, 430, 432–33, 991; target of anti-Hitler plotters, 1034, 1062–64, 1066, 1069–71, 1117; last days, 1108–13, 1122, 1123, 1126–28, 1133–38

  Goerdeler, Carl, 372–73, 374, 382, 517, 558, 650, 652, 659, 670, 693–94, 715, 846fn., 848fn., 904, 907, 908, 1013fn., 1014, 1016–17, 1018, 1023, 1024, 1026, 1030–31, 1032, 1035, 1036, 1042–43, 1044, 1046–48, 1072

  Goerdeler, Fritz, 1072fn.

  Goering, Carin von Kantzow (nee Baroness Fock), 49, 146

  Goering, Hermann, 4, SI, 118, 145, 146, 168, 173, 176, 180–83, 188–90, 194–95, 218, 232, 233, 270, 271, 282, 297, 300, 303fn., 319, 469–70, 530, 531, 560, 613, 671, 672, 683, 686–87, 813, 834–35, 837, 871, 879, 923, 1000, 1008, 1079, 1091, 1098, 1099, 1127; background, 49; in Beer Hall Putsch, 68–69, 73–75; drug addiction, 146; in Reichstag, 162, 170–71, 196, 472; heads Prussian police and govt., 184, 191, 200, 201, 204, 216; and Reichstag fire, 192–94; “Hitler is the law,” 203, 268; military rank, 215, 318, 754fn.; opposes Roehm, brings about purge, 215–17, 219–23, 225; anti-Jewish program, 236, 430–35; economic dictator of Reich, 260–61, 275, 310–11; Nazification of courts, 268–70; animosity toward Ribbentrop, 298, 483, 1056; meetings with Mussolini, 301, 469–70, 478–79; 909, 910; in on war preparations, 305, 484, 497–98, 515fn., 516–17, 557; and Blomberg-Fritsch affair, 312–17, 320–21, 354; role in Anschluss, 335, 338–40, 342–44, 346, 347; role in Czechosl. annexation, 365, 383, 396, 404, 415, 437–38, 439fn., 440, 444, 446–47; dealings with Russia, 476–79, 528, 667; “Call me Meier,” 517fn.; last-minute peace talks with British, 569–72, 574, 576–77, 583–85, 588–89, 591–92, 614, 640; named by Hitler as his successor, 599; and invasion of Poland, 600, 601; Norway campaign, 673, 676, 682, 696, 710; target of conspirators, 670, 1021, 1034, 1035, 1045, 1051, 1117; western offensive and Battle of Britain, 719, 722, 731–33, 737, 742, 759, 766fn., 770, 772, 774–78, 781, 783; invasion and occupation of Russia, 799, 832–34, 854fn., 926, 930–31, 941, 942; bombing of Belgrade, 824, 826; “New Order” atrocities, 941–42, 945, 946, 951, 955, 964, 965, 985; successorship to Hitler, 1108; accused of treason, ousted, arrest ordered, 1118–19, 1122, 1126–28, 1130, 1134; in Nuremberg dock, 1142

  Goerlitz, Walter, 933

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 97, 99, 243

  Golden Badge of Honor, 373

  Goltz, General Count Ruediger von der, 680

  Gorki, U.S.S.R., 870

  Gort, Lord, 724, 730, 731, 735

  Goudsmit, Prof. Samuel, 1099fn.

  Goy, Jean, 281

  Graf Spee (Ger. battleship), 518, 520, 636, 646, 669–70, 678–80

  Graebe, Hermann, 961–62

  Graefe, Albrecht von, 123

  Graf, Ulrich, 49, 68, 73, 122

  Grandi, Dino, 996–97

  Gran Sasso d’Italia, 1003

  Grassmann, Peter, 202

  Gravelines, 728, 731

  Gravesend, 763, 768

  Graz, 333

  Graziani, Marshai Rodolfo, 817, 818fn., 819

  Great Britain, see Britain

  Grebbe-Peei Line, 721–22

  Greece, 469, 808, 815, 816, 817, 818, 820, 821, 823, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 839, 841, 842, 875, 969, 975fn., 993, 1006

  Green, Case (Fall Gruen), 303, 356, 357, 360–63, 365, 367, 378, 392fn., 393, 399, 429, 714

  Greenwood, Arthur, 611

  Greer (U.S. destroyer), 882

  Greim, Gen. Robert Ritter von, 1118–19, 1120, 1122

  Greiner, Josef, 19fn., 27

  Grey, Sir Edward, 385

  Groener, Gen. Wilhelm, 53–55, 58–59, 139, 142, 150–51, 155, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 174

  Groscurth, Col. Hans, 650

  Grosz, George, 244

  Grozny, 909, 914, 916, 928

  Gruene Post, 246

  Gruhn, Erna (Frau Blomberg), 311–14

  Grynszpan, Herschel, 430

  Grzesinski, Albert C, 60

  Guariglia, Ambassador, 608

  Gudbrandsdal, 706, 708

  Guderian, Gen. Heinz, 348, 625, 626, 717, 724, 726, 728, 731, 855, 856, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 903fn, 1080–82, 1091, 1096–97, 1098, 1103

  Guernica, 297

  Guertner, Franz, 75, 118, 164

  Gumbel, E. I., 251

  “Guns before Butter,” 231

  Gunther, John, 784fn.

  Gustav V. King of Sweden, 400, 711fn., 747, 750–51

  Gutkelch, Doctor, 948

  Guttenberg, Karl Ludwig Frh. von, 374

  Guzzoni, Gen. Alfredo, 821

  gypsies, medical experiments on, 979

  Haakon VII, King of Norway, 696, 698, 703–6, 708, 709, 729

  Haber, Fritz, 250


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