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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Page 202

by William Shirer

  Stumme, General, 920

  Stumpff, Gen. Hans-Juergen, 775

  Sturmabteilung, see S.A.

  Stuttgart, 1031

  Styria, 350

  Sudeten Free Corps, 387, 388

  Sudetenland, 358–61, 363, 365, 381fn., 382–83, 385–87, 392–95, 397, 398, 402–4, 406, 408, 410, 416–17, 421, 422, 425–28, 439, 444, 469, 476, 530, 543, 598, 657, 692, 693, 904; early Hitler designs on, 41, 84, 333, 359; never part of Germany, 358, 385fn.; Nazi agitation in, 359–60, 363, 383–84, 387–88; Runciman mission on, 376–77, 386–88; cession demanded by Britain, France, 389, 390, 402, 4, 16–17; Hitler’s “last territorial claim,” 397, 429, 454

  Suez Canal, 757, 768, 813, 817, 827, 828, 829, 913

  Sukhinichi, 869

  Sundlo, Col. Konrad, 676, 701

  Susloparov, Gen. Ivan, 1139

  swastika, 43, 44, 240

  Sweden, 400, 561, 674, 675, 681, 682, 696, 704fn., 711fn., 747, 750, 808, 810, 811, 1072

  Switzerland, 324, 359, 531, 563, 590, 648–49, 691, 896, 1017, 1018, 1024, 1025, 1033, 1072

  Sword, Colonel, 466fn.

  synthetics, 282, 301, 1098

  Syria, 473, 813

  Tallinn, 630, 794

  Tannenberg, 228, 530, 562, 760

  Tansill, Charles C, 303fn.

  Taranto, 818fn.

  Tass, 525, 844

  Tauroggen, Convention of, 1015

  Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 1002fn.

  Taylor, Telford, 32fn., 378fn., 732fn., 738

  Teddy’s Perspiration Powder, 19

  Tegernsee, 166, 221, 1129fn.

  Teleki, Count Paul, 507–8

  Televaag, 993

  Tempelhof Field, 202

  Terboven, Josef, 220, 709fn.

  Teriberka, 667

  Terneuzen, 728

  Tesch, Bruno, 972

  Tesch & Stabenow, 972

  Teschen, 377, 388, 421, 458

  Teutonic Knights, 83, 255

  Texas (U.S. battleship), 880

  Thadden, Elisabeth von, 1025

  Thaelmann, Ernst, 157–59

  Thailand, 886, 892

  Thames river, 763, 768

  Theresienstadt, 991

  Thiele, Gen. Fritz, 1057, 1059, 1072

  Thirty Years’ War, 91–92

  Thoma, Gen. Wilhelm Ritter von, 920

  Thomas, Gen. Georg, 259, 413fn., 488–89, 497, 517–18, 530, 559–60, 644, 649, 659, 667fn., 693, 799

  Thompson, Dorothy, 1016

  Thomsen, Hans, 471fn., 684–85, 686fn., 747–50, 894fn., 896–97

  Thorkelson, Congressman, 748

  “Thousand-Year Reich,” 5, 230, 916, 1139

  Thuengen, General Freiherr von, 1035, 1061, 1073

  Thuringia, 65, 148, 173, 176, 375

  Thyssen, Fritz, 134, 144, 145, 146, 176, 190, 206, 261, 263

  Tiergarten, Berlin, 5, 1065, 1102fn., 1117, 1118, 1120, 1129, 1133

  Tilburg, 722

  Timoshenko, Marshal Semën K., 854, 856–57, 864

  Tippeiskirch, Werner von, 427, 802, 803, 839, 868

  Tirpitz, Grand Adm. Alfred von, 288, 373, 1043fn.

  Tirpitz (Ger. battleship), 467

  Tiso, Monsignor, 440, 441, 442

  Tobruk, 827, 911

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 103

  Todt, Doctor, 378, 515fn.

  Togo, Shigenori, 886–87, 889, 891, 893fn.

  Tojo, Gen. Hideki, 885

  Tokyo, 877, 878

  Tolischus, Otto D., 101fn.

  Tomaschek, Rudolphe, 250

  Topf, I. A., & Sons, 971

  Torgau, 1106

  Torgler, Ernst, 170, 193–94

  Toscanini, Arturo, 333

  Total War (Ludendorff), 259

  Toulon, 740, 821, 924–25

  Toussaint, Col. Rudolf, 363, 401

  Toynbee, Arnold, 504fn., 632fn.

  Toyoda, Admiral, 878fn., 884, 885

  trade unions, 34, 134, 153, 155, 157, 160, 165, 172, 174, 180, 185, 186, 201–3, 231, 263, 267, 373; see also labor, German

  “Transport Exercise Stettin,” 462

  Transport Ministry, 497

  Trans-Siberian Railway, 799fn., 878

  Transylvania, 800

  Traunstein, 34

  Treblinka, 272, 967, 968–69, 975, 977, 978

  Treitschke, Heinrich von, 95, 97, 99

  Tresckow, Maj. Gen. Henning von,-905, 1018–19, 1020–21, 1022, 1026, 1029, 1035, 1042–43, 1049, 1052, 1074

  Tresckow, Erika von, 1035

  Trevor-Roper, H. R., 1111, 1129fn., 1131fn.

  Trier, 291fn., 1092

  Trieste, 1005

  Tripartite (Three-Power) Pact, 803, 805, 808, 823, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 884, 885, 889, 890, 894, 900

  Tripoli, 821, 914, 922

  Tripolitania, 827

  Tromsö, 708, 709

  Trondheim, 681, 696, 701, 707, 708, 710, 721, 752

  Troost, Professor, 156

  Trotha, Admiral Adolf von, 253

  Trott zu Solz Adam von, 558, 1018, 1047, 1072fn,

  Truppenamt, 62, 285fn.

  Tsaritsyn, 917fn.

  Tschirschky, Baron, 348fn.

  Tuebingen, University of, 1031–32

  Tuka, Dr. Vojtech, 359, 439–40, 449

  Tula, 863, 864

  Tunisia, 740, 746, 924, 925, 995, 996, 1029

  Turin, 740fn., 995

  Turkey, 530, 805, 806, 808, 809, 813, 1026

  Turkish Straits, 804, 807–10

  Tyrol, 337fn., 350, 353, 1005, 1072, 1074

  U-30 (Ger. submarine). 622, 637–38

  U-47, 646

  U-110, 638fn.

  U-253, 880

  U-boats, are under Navy, German

  Udet, Gen. Ernst, 903fn.

  Ukraine, 627, 628, 632, 798, 811, 822, 832, 851, 853, 856–57, 858, 859, 916, 919, 939, 959, 961, 965, 1001, 1048fn.

  Ullstein, House of, 245, 246

  Ulm, 139–42, 1031

  Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy, 999

  Union of Revolutionary National Socialists, 147–48

  United Press, 802

  United States, 117, 266, 684fn., 685, 688, 735, 737, 750, 753, 768, 802, 854fn., 923–24, 1095fn., 1099; war aid to Britain, France, 367, 400, 521fn., 605fn., 658, 666, 685, 771, 815fn., 818, 874, 879–84, 898; anti-Hitler conspirators’ contact with, 373, 1042; peace efforts of, 400, 469–75, 683; sentiment against Nazi excesses, 433; isolationist and pro-German influence in, 436fn.; possible entry into war, 508fn., 518, 554, 645, 684–85, 798, 804, 805, 813, 820–22, 827, 850, 874–75, 877–80; nationals of, on Athenia, 622, 637; Nazi propaganda, sabotage in, 684–85, 747–50, 871, 872; German preparations for war with, 853, 873, 879, 887, 888–91; relations with U.S.S.R., 842–43, 1011, 1033, 1098; Hitler’s ignorance about, 871, 875fn.; belligerent action in Atlantic, 880–83; takes over Iceland for British, 881; Japanese negotiations, war on U.S., 883–96, 900–1, 1007; Italy declares war on, 889–91, 900; war with Germany, 894–902, 904, 910, 915, 952, 954–55, 1138–39; ship losses in Atlantic, 913

  U.S. Army, 684, 750fn., 769fn., 854fn., 887, 954–55; in Ardennes, 1092, 1093, 1095; in Austria, 918fn., 1072, 1074; in France, 1033, 1038, 1076, 1080, 1090; in Germany, 1089, 1102, 1105–7, 1109, 1112, 1115, 1141; in Italy, 956, 1002; in N. Africa, 1029; Malmédy massacre, 954, 1095fn.

  U.S. Army, Air Force, 1008–9, 1025fn., 1040, 1071, 1100

  U.S. Army units:


  First, 1086, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1092–93, 1105

  Third, 1076, 1085, 1086, 1089, 1090, 1093, 1101, 1107

  Fifth, 1002

  Seventh, 983, 1086, 1101, 1107

  Ninth, 1088, 1089, 1105


  2nd Armored, 1093

  4th Infantry, 1085

  9th Armored, 1101

  69th Infantry, 1106

  101st Airborne, 1093

  U.S. Army Air Corps Reserve, 827fn.

  U.S. Navy, 872, 873, 877fn., 879, 880–83, 887, 892, 895, 898, 901, 913

U.S. Office of Strategic Services, 1018

  U.S. State Department, 295, 493fn., 555fn., 684, 842–43, 895fn., 896–97

  U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 943

  U.S. War Council, 887

  United States of Europe, 1032

  United Steel Works, 144, 190

  Untermenschen, 937

  Ural Mts., 942

  Urbays, Juozas, 461

  Urfahr, 14

  USCHLA (Untersuchung-und-Schlichtungs-Ausschuss, Committee for Investigation and Settlement), 122, 221

  Uruguay, 669–70

  U.S.S.R., see Soviet Union

  Utrecht, 721

  Uxkull-Gyllenbrand, Countess von, 1028

  V-bombs (V-l, V-2), 1009fn., 1037, 1040, 1098–99

  Vachell, Group Captain, 466fn.

  Vaernes, 701

  Valenciennes, 728

  “Valkyrie,” 1033–35, 1046, 1054, 1057, 1058, 1060

  Vansittart, Sir Robert, 360, 380

  Vatican, 201, 234, 648–49, 693, 716, 719, 750, 995, 999, 1023fn., 1024

  Venice, 217, 845, 1005

  Venlo, 519fn., 653–55

  Ventotene, 1003

  Verdun, 726, 1075, 1077, 1086

  Vermehren, Erich, 1026

  Vermeil, Edmond, 105

  Vernichtungslager (extermination camps), 664–65, 967–74

  Verona, 509, 845fn., 1005

  Versailles Treaty, 32, 34, 41, 57–60, 63, 137, 142, 152–53, 186–87, 209, 211, 212, 231, 357fn., 458, 462, 473, 475, 604, 615fn., 635, 641; Hitler’s repudiation of, 281–86, 289, 299, 372

  Vian, Capt. Philip, 679

  Vichy, 923, 924

  Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 353, 554fn., 996–99, 1002fn., 1003, 1004fn., 1005fn.

  Victoria, Queen of England, 373

  Viebahn, Gen. Max von, 335

  Vienna, 8, 9, 132, 275, 304, 322–23, 325fn., 340–41, 343, 349–53, 800–1, 823, 1004; Hitler’s youth in, 15–28, 31, 37; Dollfuss murder in, 279–80; Hitler enters after Anschluss, 347–48; anti-Nazi coup plans for, 1034, 1064; occupied by Red Army, 1106, 1107

  Vilna, 534, 967

  Vinnitsa, 916, 919

  Vire river, 1038

  Vishinsky, Andrei, 794, 1070

  Vistula river, 497, 532, 541, 626, 629, 631, 663, 1033, 1085, 1090, 1096, 1097

  Vladivostok, 876, 877, 878, 883, 886

  Voegler, Albert, 144, 190

  Voelkischer Beobachter, 46, 49, 66, 85, 109, 118, 121, 122, 129, 139, 140, 149, 154, 158, 208, 220, 246, 320, 343, 564, 638, 642, 653, 658fn.

  Voelkisch movement, 123

  Vogt, General, 253

  Volga river, 811, 859, 860, 909, 914, 916–17, 918, 919, 926, 939, 942, 1006

  Volksdeutsche, 546, 630, 663–64, 665

  Volksgericht, see People’s Court

  Volkssturm, 1123, 1130

  Volkswagen, 266–67

  Vologda, 870

  Vormann, General von, 550fn.

  Voronezh, 915

  Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment E., 503, 504, 533–38, 541–42, 854

  Voss, Admiral, 1121

  Vossische Zeitung, 245

  Vyazma, 859

  Vyborg, 1085

  Wachenfeld, see under Berchtesgaden

  Wagner, Adolf, 221, 230

  Wagner, Cosima, 105

  Wagner, Gen. Eduard, 660–61, 1030, 1049, 1058, 1065, 1074

  Wagner, Eva, 105

  Wagner, Friedelind, 279

  Wagner, Richard, 15, 76, 97, 101–5

  Wagner, Siegfried, 101–2

  Wagner, Walter, 1123

  Wagner, Winifred, 101, 131, 132

  Wahnfried, 101–2, 105

  Waldeck, Prince, 984fn.

  “Waldsee,” 969

  Waldtrudering, 121

  Waldviertel, 7

  Wales, 763

  Wallenberg, Jakob, 1017, 1018, 1026

  Wallenberg, Marcus, 1017

  Wanderer, The (Goebbels), 124

  Wangenheim, Lieutenant von, 313–14

  Wannsee, 965, 1047, 1048

  War, Ministry of, 285fn., 318

  war debts, see reparations

  War veterans: Germans, 38, 39, 42, 72, 154, 214; French, 281

  Warburg, Professor, 250

  Warburton-Lee, Capt. B.A.W., 707

  Warlimont, Col. Walter, 758, 797, 799

  Warsaw, 355, 504, 550fn., 597, 600, 626, 627, 629, 631, 639, 640, 769, 937, 944, 968, 973–79, 1085, 1097

  Warspite (Br. battleship), 707

  Wasp (U.S. carrier), 213

  Wasserman, Jakob, 241

  Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald, 818fn.

  Wavre, 724

  Webb, Beatrice, 784

  Weber, Christian. 49, 221, 1121

  Wecke, Major, 183

  Wednesday Club, 373

  “Week of the Broken Glass,” 430–35

  Wehrle, Father Herman, 1060fn.

  Wehrmacht, Hitler’s restoration of, 190, 285fn.; anti-Nazi plotters’ plan for, 1035, 1054, 1058, 1065, 1069

  Wehrpolitische Amt of the S.A., 120

  Wehrwirtschaft (war economy), 259

  Weidling, General, 1130

  Weimar, 56, 57, 100, 173

  Weimar Republic, see Germany, Republic of

  Weinbacher, Karl, 972

  Weissler, Doctor, 238

  Weissmann, Doctor, 1071

  Weizmann, Chaim, 784

  Weizsaecker, Baron Ernst von, 462, 470–71, 510fn., 546fn., 550fn., 553, 554, 561, 637–38, 643, 652, 665fn., 685fn., 686, 687, 884; and anti-Hitler plot, 381–82, 591, 648–49, 715, 1023; in negotiations on Czechosl., 360, 364, 415, 421, 437, 444, 451–53; in Russian negotiations, 479–80, 491–93, 495, 500, 501, 505, 513, 521, 528, 543fn., 667; in peace negotiations on Polish crisis, 587, 588, 591, 595fn., 599, 605, 617

  Welczeck, Count Johannes von, 430, 502

  Welke, Ehm, 246

  Welles, Sumner, 521fn., 683, 685–88, 689–90, 843

  Wells, H.G., 241, 784

  Wells, Otto, 198–99

  Wenck, General, 1120–21, 1129, 1130

  Wendt, Lieutenant, 139–42

  “Werewolf,” 916

  Weseruebung (“Weser Exercise”), 673–712

  Wessel, Horst, 147

  West, Rebecca, 784

  Westarp, Count von, 56

  Westphal, Gen. Siegfried, 1001

  Westphalia, 220; Peace of, 91–92, 644

  West Prussia, 944, 1097

  West Wall, 295, 367, 368, 370, 378, 469, 486, 492, 498, 510, 515fn., 516, 590, 725

  Weygand, Gen. Maxime, 502, 728, 730, 737, 738, 744–46, 923

  Wheeler-Bennett, John W., 31fn., 55fn., 225fn., 380fn., 389fn., 390fn., 403

  White, Case, 466–69, 488, 497, 550fn., 556, 589, 597, 600fn.

  White Book of the Purge, The, 223

  White Rose Letters, 1022–23


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