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Brent Acuff - Undead Nation 01

Page 16

by Outbreak

  "Shut up, Sam," Alex remarked under his breath.

  "What? We've done well considering that we've got nothing more that a few business men and farmers, none with any military training..."

  "Shut up, Sam." This time Alex did not even try to be discreet. He was furious with the man, not just for belching out their strategic weaknesses and assets, but for not having a clue to realize what he was giving away.

  The commander chuckled again. "Boys, boys. I can understand completely both of your views. You just want," and the commander indicated Alex with a wave of his cigar, "to keep all those under your protection safe from the unknown. And you," the commander now indicated Sam, "just want someone with the discipline, training, and firepower to step in and do it right. Gentlemen, I'm a military man through and through. I can understand both of your wants." At this, Lt. Col. Hill put a hand on Sam's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Why don't we all go inside and talk it over. My men out here will take care of those monsters that are about to come calling at your door and I promise not a one will set foot here in your walls until we've sorted this all out. Sound good to everyone?" The commander looked to everyone in their little circle waiting for them all to agree.

  "I vote no," Alex said, stone faced and unmoving.

  "Sam and I say yes, and since you don't get a vote..." Charles began.

  "I have strategic command of this stronghold. My command overturns yours." Alex fixed Charles with a glare that could have killed. Liam stepped in front of Alex, breaking the stare.

  "Maybe we should just go in and talk," Liam said quietly. "What harm could it do? Really?" Liam searched his friends eyes, hoping that he had made a difference in his mind.

  "When you let the wolves into the sheep's pen, even just one..." Alex remarked.

  "We need help from someone, and maybe this is it. Maybe not, but we should at least sit down and talk it through." Liam's eyes were pleading. He too wanted someone to step in and take over.

  "You're going to regret this," Alex told his friend. "Before the night is over, I promise you, you'll regret this."


  Promises, promises, promises. That was all that Alex heard from commander and they all sounded too good to be true. The colonists were promised the protection of the American military with all the food and amenities that they had been used to before the outbreak and more. Not one request was made of the colonists, not one requirement, other than to let the military convoy in the perimeter walls to set up a secure base of operations. It was Christmas morning and they were all kids.

  Alex stood away from the rest of the group, arms folded and eyes burning a hole through the lieutenant colonel. Sam and Charles could not wait to head outside and open the gates; fortunately Liam was a little more skeptical.

  "I'm not sure I understand everything here, colonel," Liam began.

  "That's lieutenant colonel," Hill corrected.

  "Excuse me, lieutenant colonel," Liam groaned. "What you are telling us is that, we just have to open the gates, you'll come in and we are done? We don't have to do anything else. That's it?" Liam looked doubtful of everything the commander had said. "This all sounds too good to be true, to me."

  "And me," Alex spoke up from the corner of the room. "But then again, I've said that from the very beginning, haven't I?"

  "Gentlemen, the American government understands completely the great distress and sacrifices that its citizens have made in these times, and wish to not burden those citizens any further. You have done your country a great service. Let us do the rest."

  Pops of gunfire began outside the farmhouse, most likely from the military as it began engaging the zombies that had been alerted to the colony when the military convoy rolled in. All talking stopped in the room for a moment as the members of the colony tensed in response to the gunfire. Another chuckle from the lieutenant colonel.

  "Gentlemen, it is obvious that you have suffered a terrible tragedy over these last few weeks." The commanders smile broadened, a little too much. "Let the army take care of this for you."

  Gunfire continued outside, becoming heavier by the second. Heavier and closer, and soon accompanied by screams. Alex and Liam's eyes met and each man raced to see what was happening outside. Before either of them could reach the door, it exploded inwards, slamming into Liam and throwing him backwards. Alex stopped immediately, the barrel of a Browning .45 High Power denting the center of his forehead. Command Sergeant Major Matthew Cuzman stared down the sites of the pistol at Alex.

  From behind him, Alex heard the voice of Lt. Col. Hill. "This could have been easier, gentlemen. This could have all been easier."


  "I'm offering you a way out, gentlemen." Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Hill circled the men in the room, the former governing council of the New Hope colony. Sam and Charles were nearly in tears, visibly shaking with fear and shame. They had welcomed this man in, and now their friends and family were being held hostage. Alex and Liam, on the other hand, fumed with anger and rage.

  "Your family and friends will be taken good care of here in your, what was it called," Hill asked, looking to his NCO for the answer.

  "New Hope," Sgt. Maj. Cuzman offered in a low, monotone voice.

  "That's right, New Hope." That chuckle again. "Cute." Hill stopped circling the men and turned to face them head on. "You gentlemen have done very well for yourselves here. So much so that I find myself in need of your services." Hill eyed Alex and knelt in front of him. "Especially you."

  Crying and feet scuffing the floor drew everyone's attention to the door that led in to the sleeping areas of the farmhouse. A soldier dressed in full combat BDUs entered through the door dragging a screaming woman with him. A young girl shuffled forward in front of the soldier, silently crying. It was Morgan and Gemma.

  Alex moved to get up when Sgt. Maj. Cuzman struck him in the stomach dropping him to the floor. "Alex," Morgan screamed and was immediately silenced when the soldier placed a hand over her shoulder and muscled her still.

  The commander grabbed Alex's chin and forced him to look up. "Your wife and little girl are safe. All thanks to you. And now you are going to make sure that my wife and little girl are safe." Confusion clouded Alex's face as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "Come on, you can grasp this, can't you? Do you really think that cock-sucker of a president would let me take two companies of his good American soldiers into harm's way so that one measly commander of his, a man who has devoted his entire life to the service of his country, who has sacrificed time, and time again," the commander's voice was raising in pitch, becoming more frantic and menacing with every word, "could get his loved ones back, do you?"

  Realization dawned on Alex and he looked to his wife and daughter across the room. A moment passed before he spoke. "I get weapons, supplies and the men of my choosing," he said and turned back to stare the commander in the eyes.

  Commander Hill smiled, his eyes creasing with the fun he was having at this moment. "Anything, sir. Anything you want."




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