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Bear With Me

Page 2

by Vanessa Devereaux

  As he took his second bite, he sensed he was being watched and knew it was Hannah’s son. He turned to see Sam still sitting on the piano stool staring at him. He was a good looking boy, but without even interacting with the child and by the vacant stare, Bear knew something was obviously wrong with him.

  Bear pulled out the chair beside him and tapped it with his palm before signaling for Sam to come join him. At first he thought the kid was going to ignore him, but finally he walked over and slid his butt onto the seat.

  “You had supper yet, Sam?”

  Sam shook his head.

  Bear cut off a piece of the sandwich and slid it to one side of the plate before placing it between him and Sam. Sam stared at it and then back up at Bear.

  “Go ahead dig in,” said Bear, taking the lead and getting back to eating his sandwich.

  Sam’s hand curled around the bread. He picked it up and soon he was munching away.

  “Salmon’s real good. My favorite,” said Bear. “You ever go fishing for salmon?”

  Sam shook his head before helping himself to a French fry.

  “You like these as well. Me too,” said Bear, pushing some more French fries Sam’s way. “You want some coleslaw too?”

  Sam shook his head quickly from side to side, making Bear laugh. “Yeah, I wasn’t one for eating my vegetables when I was your age. I think vegetables, especially cabbage, are an acquired taste.”

  Boy, this was strange. He couldn’t remember when he’d been in a one side conversation before.

  “Sam, what are you doing?”

  Hannah had returned to the dining room without him realizing it. “You can’t disturb customers while they’re eating and you certainly can’t eat their meals.”

  She looked like the blood had drained from her face and was clearly upset about her son’s behavior, so Bear needed to clarify the situation. Without giving it a second thought, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Her skin was soft, her hand, well it felt like it was made just for his. While his was your typical Kodiak bear shifter, big and wide, hers was delicate and narrow. He just about stopped himself from pulling it up to his mouth and kissing it.

  “It’s okay, Hannah. I invited him to come sit with me, and I also offered the food to him.”

  “Mama’s mad with me,” said Sam. “She’s mad with me.”

  He began rocking backwards and forwards on the chair.

  Hannah knelt beside him, throwing her arms around him. She kissed the top of his head and hugged him. “Mama’s not angry. Bear’s explained what happened and I’m happy that you took him up on his offer of sitting with him. That was the polite thing to do.”

  A tear slid down her face and he could tell that she was a devoted mother. Not all mothers with special need children had the patience. He’d seen it all too often as a doctor.

  “It’s sort of lonely eating on your own,” said Bear.

  That was true. He wasn’t saying it just to make Hannah feel good about her son eating half of his meal. Dining solo sucked and always had, but what was a single bear to do? Eating dinner on your lap in front of the TV had never had much appeal to him, but he’d focused on his career instead of finding a good woman. Now he could have his pick of them and he realized he’d rather be alone.

  “At least have this meal on the house. I mean my son’s eaten half of it,” said Hannah.

  “No, certainly not because you have a living to make,” said Bear.

  “Well then at least come back and eat with us again and that one can be on the house.”

  “Only on one condition and that’s Sam eats with me again. And how about Mom joining us too?”

  Sam looked up at Hannah as if he was seeking her approval.

  “Are you sure?” asked Hannah.

  “It’s the only way you’ll get me in here for that free meal.” Bear winked at Sam.

  Hannah flicked some stray tendrils of hair from Sam’s eyes. “Okay, I think we can do that.”

  “The salmon was really good by the way,” said Bear. “And believe me I know salmon.”

  “Glad you liked it. Would you like to see the dessert menu?” asked Hannah, taking his plate away.

  “I’m in the mood for some ice cream, you have any of that?”

  “We do have rocky road.”

  “Hey, another one of my favorites. I’ll have one of those and two spoons because Sam’s going to keep me company and help me eat it.”

  Bear looked up at Hannah and winked at her. She nodded.

  “Okay, I’ll be right back with that.”

  He watched her walk away, turning back to see Sam watching him. It was almost as if the kid knew what he was thinking and that Bear found his mother attractive and was thinking about pursuing her. However, that was crazy, not that minds couldn’t be read, but as far as he knew only certain shifters could do it.

  Sam blinked several times in quick succession, another key indicter that he was reading Bear’s mind.

  Bear bit his bottom lip, Sam copied him. The kid was fascinating him. In fact, he was looking forward to getting to know him just as much as he was Sam’s mother.

  Chapter Two

  Hannah peeked out from behind the wall that divided the kitchen and dining area, watching as her son and Bear sharing the ice cream. Bear was doing all the talking, but she could tell Sam was showing some interest. That was a huge step for him. She wondered what Sam found so captivating about this man. He captivated her too but definitely not for the same reasons as her son. She smiled. Second time she’d done that this evening and both times since Bear had first walked into the café.

  It was almost as if Sam was hanging on his every word. Sam held up his hand like he was finally communicating with another human being. Had she found a miracle in this man? She leaned back against the wall. She was used to setbacks in her life, so she wouldn’t get her hopes up only to be let down by someone again. He was probably being polite by letting Sam hang out and eat with him.

  Had Sam just smiled? Or was she so excited that she imagined her son was finally like other boys his age? Bear laughed and Sam raised his hand up again like he was doing sign language. Sam never did anything like this with her, but maybe he’d reached a turning point and it took a stranger, a man, to do it. Finally deciding she’d spied on them enough, she headed back into the dining area.

  “How was the ice cream?” she asked.

  “Super delicious. Right, Sam?” asked Bear.

  Sam held up his hand, flexing his fingers. It was the first time she’d seen him make that gesture. She didn’t know what he meant, but at least he wasn’t just sitting there staring into space.

  “He liked it,” said Bear. “And your son’s decided he’d like to catch the salmon as well as eat it so I’m taking both of you fishing on the weekend.”

  “I’m not sure I can get someone to cover for me here,” said Hannah.

  “I can arrange it, so yes you can.”

  She smiled. Third time tonight. Bear was bossy, but if this was going to help Sam in some small way, he could be as domineering as he liked.

  “Okay, Sam. I have to be running along now, but I’ll be seeing you again soon. Nice meeting and spending time with you, buddy.”

  Sam did his rapid blinking thing and then stood and walked toward the kitchen.

  “Thank you for doing that,” said Hannah.

  “My pleasure and I think he’s a great kid.”

  “Lots of people don’t know how to act around him.”

  “Then that’s their problem and not Sam’s,” said Bear getting out his wallet. “That’s what I always tell patients.”


  “Yeah, I’m a doctor at the new local hospital.”

  A doctor. Maybe he was their miracle man after all.

  “You specialize in children?”

  “Nope, before they get to that stage. I’m in Gyn/OB.”

  She swallowed. The thought of having him examine her suddenly made her pussy pull. How did women ma
nage to have him as their doctor without showing signs of severe arousal?

  “How much do I owe for the meal?”

  “Nope, I really think this needs to be on the house.”

  He winked at her, making her heart miss a beat. “In that case you’ll let me bring along a picnic lunch when we go fishing.” He raised his finger and wagged it at her. “And no I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Okay, doctor.”

  He stood and she walked him to the door.

  “How about I swing by about 1 p.m. on Saturday, and don’t worry about fishing equipment because I have everything.”

  She nodded. “Have a good night.”

  “You too.”

  She watched as he walked to his car and got inside. She turned back and headed to the kitchen where Sam had a wooden spoon and was pretending to fish with it. He’d never been fishing, but yet he knew exactly what you did. Bear had made an impression on Sam.

  And yes, he’d made a memorable first impression on her too.

  Chapter Three

  Bear yawned as he made his way to his bedroom. On the drive home all he’d thought about was Hannah and her son. Well actually more Hannah than Sam. She was cute and curvy, and yes, he reminded himself, she hadn’t thrown herself at him the minute he’d walked through her café door. Hell, she hadn’t even fluttered her eyelids or flirted with him.

  Bears loved the chase and loved chasing things. And he’d been in the mood to do some of that, well, maybe not chase anything but at least run. He’d arranged to go with Aiden Renner first thing tomorrow morning. He knew the guy was uptight and on edge about his pending fatherhood. Bear knew why. It wasn’t so much he was going to be a dad but rather father to a hybrid child, which meant just about anything could be wrong with it. They had no standards to go on for what would be normal or if anything should be a warning sign. He knew how the guy felt and in all honesty, Bear was nervous about being the doctor who would bring the baby into the world.

  Bear headed to the shower and started to strip off his clothes. Babies. He’d delivered his fair share of them, but he’d never really thought seriously enough about settling down and having some of his own. He’d put himself through medical school, working two jobs to do it without having to get deep into debt. After that he’d immersed himself in his career which had left him little time for a social life.

  He reached into the shower stall and turned on the water. He thought of Sam again. Something was obviously not right with him and Bear had already taken it upon himself to figure out what and if he could help, even in some small way.

  Stripping off his boxers, he climbed into the stall and let the warm water pulsate against his chest. It was Hannah he thought of this time. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and could see her face and the golden locks cascading over her shoulders.

  He pressed the pump on the soap dispenser and filled his palm with suds. He worked it over his shoulders, onto his chest, down his belly, and while still thinking of the gorgeous single mom, his hand glided back and forth over his cock.

  Despite all the women throwing themselves at him, he hadn’t felt the need to jerk off in what seemed like forever, but Hannah had made him suddenly aware that he hadn’t had sex in almost a year. He rested his forehead against the tiles in the stall, seeing her face and her body all while his hand moved at such a fast speed that his release, his reward, was imminent.

  Bear curled his toes up and then down, crying out as his climax took control of his body, also shaking it, and making him tingle from head to toe. Damn that had felt good, but it would feel even better with his dick buried deep inside a woman.



  Hannah closed the book, seeing that Sam had fallen asleep somewhere between the fifth and sixth chapter. Sometimes she worried that he was maybe too big for a bedtime story time, but he seemed to come alive as she shared these make believe stories with him. Something in his eyes always told her he found joy in hearing her voice and listening to the adventures of the characters on the pages.

  Placing the book on the bookshelf by his bed, she turned back to face him, leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek. She’d always told herself that she wouldn’t bring a child into the world because of her own upbringing, but then she’d discovered she was pregnant and alone. Sam touched his head and his nose twitched, making her smile. He might not have been planned, but she loved him more than words could ever describe. They were all one another had in this big sometimes scary world. She couldn’t think about life without him now, even though some days were downright tough on both of them.

  Hannah stood, flicked off the light, and tiptoed out of the room. She yawned. It had been a long day at the café and she was dead on her feet. She’d snuggle down in her bed and read before turning in for the night.

  She walked to her room and left the door open as she always did just in case Sam needed her. Most of the time he slept through the night, but sometimes when he woke, it was almost like he became disorientated about where he was at and she’d wake up to find him curled up beside her.

  Stripping off, she remembered what she’d witnessed at the café. Sam and Bear interacting. Maybe that’s what her son needed. A man around. However, she’d sworn off those eight years ago, but if it helped her son maybe she’d have to bite the bullet.

  Hannah got under the blankets, scolding herself for pretending her interest in Bear was purely for her son’s welfare. She found Bear gorgeous, those big eyes, the wide shoulders, and those powerful looking legs.

  She was rubbing her clit and hadn’t realized it until she started to feel a stirring in her pussy. Pulling her hand away, she reprimanded herself for the second time in the last few minutes.

  But damn, it felt so good. Self-pleasuring and thinking about Bear was doubly devilish.

  She pulled out her paperback book from the drawer in the cabinet beside the bed and opened it to the page she’d dog-eared.

  Why she read romances she didn’t know. Things always worked out for the characters in the books. Prince Charming always seemed to save the day. Hers hadn’t arrived yet. Maybe he never would.

  She felt her pussy pulling again, luring her to touch her clit again. She’d bought herself a vibrator last year but had then been too scared to use it just in case the buzzing noise woke Sam. New noises sometimes scared him and other times they fascinated so she’d be mortified if he ever found it in her bedside drawer.

  However, right now this was an itch she had to scratch. Might as well get it over and done with. While continuing to read, she pushed her hand under the covers, her finger quickly finding her clit again. She rubbed it, trying to read but she could no longer see words, but Bear’s face on each page.

  Sliding down farther in the bed, Hannah put her mouth around the top of the sheet, feeling and knowing she was going to come any time now. She didn’t want Sam to hear her cry out or for Sam to wake thinking something was wrong with her.

  She pressed her butt into the mattress and raised her hips up.

  Yes, wow, oh so good.

  Hannah took a deep breath and relaxed, realizing she’d enjoyed her orgasm even more than she’d imagined. She hadn’t had sex since the night she’d conceived Sam. Not that she hadn’t the opportunity, but after the wild one night fling that had produced him, she’d decided her best option was to become celibate.

  Hannah looked up at the ceiling. She’d learned her lesson the hardest way. No more one night stands and if she ever had sex again, she would make sure he wore a rubber every time he entered her.

  She was still feeling the wonderful effects of that self-imposed climax. She liked sex, always had, but would she ever be ready to venture back into the having sex pool?

  Chapter Four

  Bear stretched his hamstrings while he waited for Aiden to arrive. There was a slight chill to the air but besides that it was the perfect morning for a run. He turned when he heard the sound of tires on the gravel parking area and saw Aiden pulling h
is car into the space next to his own. He smiled when he glanced in the back seat and saw the car seat already in place for the baby. He and Charlotte were going to make great parents and in a way he was downright envious of the child because it was going to be spoiled rotten.

  Aiden got out and walked over to him just as another person pulled their car into the lot.

  “Shit, means we can’t shift before we run,” said Aiden.

  Bear nodded to the man and a boy who looked like he could be the man’s son as they too stretched, readying for their run. No one was more disappointed than Bear about not being able to run in his bear form. After last night’s jerking off episode he’d felt sexually pent up all night and still ready for a good fuck when he’d gotten out of bed. He could have called any of the women who had given him their number and had sex, but that wasn’t how he wanted to scratch this itch. He wanted Hannah, but that would only be after he wooed and pursued her in true bear fashion.

  “Come on let’s just run as is,” said Aiden, tapping him on the arm.

  They took off at a steady pace.

  “How’s Charlotte?” asked Bear.

  “Tired, I left her in bed. She’s having trouble sleeping because her stomach’s getting in the way and she’s always been a belly sleeper.”

  “I don’t think it will be for much longer. When I examined her she looked just about ready to give birth, so I’m guessing something’s going to happen in the next couple of days.”

  “Everything’s going to be okay, isn’t it?”

  “Sure it is. She’s in great health and there’s every indication the baby’s fine.”

  “I just keep thinking what if we’ve produced something freakish. What if we can never take our baby out in public?”

  “Aiden, stop worrying, will you? Enjoy the last few days of her pregnancy. Little One is going to be beautiful.”

  “Little One,” said Aiden laughing. “Don’t suppose you’d tell me what we’re having?”

  “That would be breaking doctor-patient confidentiality.”

  “Okay, I accept that. Hey, did you hear about Nick Pearson?” asked Aiden as they picked up speed.


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