The Art of Hiding
Page 17
“Oh, really?” He held up a small rhinestone butterfly hairpin, dangling it from his fingers.
Without thinking, Kelly’s hand flew to her hair where the pin had been. With her cheeks stinging, she realized her mistake too late. But she still tried to bluff. “How do you know that isn’t from the other night?”
He gave a gruff laugh. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I’m dead serious.”
He ran his gaze over her body. “Because I remember every single inch of you from that night, and this was not in your hair.” His words were slow and deliberate.
“You’re being paranoid.”
“I don’t think so.”
She shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
He stared at her in silence.
She glanced over at him. “Would you mind not staring?”
“Does it bug you?”
“You know what bugs me? People going through my stuff.”
She set her chin in a stubborn line. “So what if I was in your room?” she snapped, losing her patience. “This is my home, and I can go where I choose.”
His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. “I don’t think it’s customary for roommates to go through each other’s belongings.”
Kelly felt stung at his impersonal description of their relationship. “Oh, I see. Well, is it customary for you to have sex with your roommates?” She chuffed. “Secretaries, roommates, I guess it’s all the same to you, right? You can just screw them all and there are no consequences.”
His face hardened and his lips thinned.
“And like I said, I live here too, and I can go where ever I want in my house.”
“Technically this is not your house. It’s only because I took pity on you, that you even have anywhere to live.”
“Oh, really?”
She jerked to her feet. “I don’t want or need your pity.” She pushed golden red tendrils of hair from her face. “Where do you come off acting holier than thou? The way you use people makes me sick.”
He stood very still, and his mouth was tight. “What the hell does that mean?”
Icy contempt flashed in her blue eyes. “I’ll tell you one thing; I know a lot more about why you’re here than you want me to.”
As he studied her, a faint flush crept up his chiseled features. “What exactly do you think you know?”
She took a step towards him, her hands clenched at her side. “I know that you came here to write a book about me. I know that you’re a phony, lying rat. I know that you will use whatever means and whoever you choose to get what you want,” she spat out the words contemptuously.
He stood there with his muscles bunched, and his jaw clenched. From his thunderous expression, it was obvious he was battling to control his temper. “Kelly, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? I’m pretty sure I have the lying rat part right.”
“By snooping around, instead of coming to me, you only have a small part of the picture.”
“It’s a doozy all the same.”
“Why didn’t you approach me so we could be open with each other?” He seemed to struggle with holding his temper.
“Oh my God.” She widened her eyes. “Are you seriously asking me why I wasn’t more up front with you?” Her voice was incredulous. “Do you even begin to hear how ridiculous that is coming from someone as sneaky and despicable as you?”
His nostrils flared in anger. “I’m warning you, Kelly, calm down and let me explain.”
She gave him a hostile glare. “Or what? Will you put mean things in your book about me?”
“Sit down and let me talk to you in a civilized manner.”
“Go to hell, you disgust me.” She went to push past him and was halted by his iron grip on her wrist.
“I need to talk to you, to explain.” His voice was hoarse.
She tried twisting out of his grasp, her long hair spilling over her shoulders. She was desperate to get out of his hold, her skin burned where he held her. She was fighting herself as much as him in her desire to escape. Part of her wanted to stay where she was, to feel his hands on her, but her pride said runaway fast. “Let me go Peter, you’re hurting me.”
He instantly released her. “I don’t want to hurt you…” His voice was uneven.
She stumbled back slightly off balance. Looking up at him she clenched her jaw to stifle a sob in her throat. Her cheeks were pink, and she was panting slightly. “I’m sorry that I ever met you. That I ever trusted you.”
An uncertainty crept into his expression. “I don’t believe you mean that, you’re just angry. Kelly, as I keep telling you, you don’t know the whole story.”
“Now you’re going to tell me the truth? At least I finally understand why you didn’t want to tell me about your work. I hope I didn’t cramp your style too much.”
“Don’t you understand what an awkward position I was in? I couldn’t just blurt out the truth to you. You’d have demanded I leave.”
“You’re damned right I would have.”
“Kelly I swear to you, I had no idea when I rented this cottage, that you were the same person I’d come here to find.” He sounded resigned.
“Oh please. Isn’t that just a little too coincidental?” Her voice was bitter.
“If you will remember, you were supposed to move in with Stephen. I couldn’t possibly have orchestrated your break up, and this living arrangement. I’m not a mind reader.”
“Wasn’t it your idea to send Constance in to interview and seduce Stephen?” Her voice was accusing.
“I most certainly did not send Constance in to seduce anybody.” His angry voice swung over her. “My God, you can’t think that of me?”
He looked hurt and outraged. When she tried to speak, her voice wavered. “I don’t know what to think about you. That’s what Stephen told me. Constance was just acting on your orders.”
He had a furious expression that was unfamiliar to her. “That bitch. What the hell is she up too?” He raked his hand through his hair. “No wonder you think so little of me. Kelly, I can’t fight rumors. I don’t know what you’ve been told, so I can’t fight it.” He sounded tired. “I can tell you this; I’d never seduce, or have Constance seduce, people to get information. That’s disgusting. I also don’t pay people for information. I only talk to people if they are willing to talk to me. I don’t bribe them.”
He sounded so sincere, she felt herself being drawn in by him. But he had still lied to her about what he was here for. He had intended to write about her without her knowledge. He’d come here to disrupt her safe little world.
“You came here with the intention of writing a book about me, right?” She watched him warily.
He lowered his eyes. “Yes I did… but.” He held up a hand as Kelly started to speak. “Once I got to know you, and learned about why you had come here, I didn’t want to write the book. I thought it might put you in danger.” His expression was as soft as a caress. “I didn’t know the extent of Robert’s violence toward you. I’d just done some basic research, and there wasn’t a lot of information about why or how you disappeared. Or at least, I didn’t have a lot of that type of information when I took on this assignment. That’s why I came here, Kelly, to find some answers.”
Her heart jumped at the heat in his eyes. “Well if you decided you didn’t want to write the book, why are you still here?” she asked breathlessly.
His gaze roamed her tense face, and his eyes softened. Her legs felt shaky, and she sat down quickly on the sofa. He walked slowly toward her, and her pulse jangled at the look in his eyes. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back onto the couch. “Don’t you know why I’m still here, Kelly?”
He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. His kiss was urgent and exploratory. She was shocked at her own eager response to the touch of his lips. She moaned, pressing her breasts against him as she lifted up to feel his mouth
more fully. His lips seared a path from her mouth down her neck, to her shoulders. He recaptured her mouth, his kiss more demanding this time. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips.
A little voice whispered not to trust him, he could be fooling her. How did she know what he said was true? She pulled her mouth away from his, catching her breath. “Peter, stop…” She pressed her hands against his broad chest, at the same time feeling shivers of desire at touching his skin.
“No Kelly… let me make love to you…” His voice was husky, his words lost against her lips, “Just because you want me… not for revenge against Stephen.”
“That wasn’t why I slept with you.”
“Do you promise?” His voice was hoarse. “You don’t love Stephen?”
She slipped her hands under his shirt, massaging the warm skin of his back. Her soft curves molding to the hard contours of his lean body. “Stephen who?” she whispered.
“Oh, god, Kelly.” His large hand tugged urgently at her clothes, seeking out every inch of her, slipping her skirt up around her thighs, gently tugging at her bra to expose her rounded, creamy breasts. He ripped off her panties and tossed them to the ground. Shivers of delight followed his touch. His hot hands guided her slender hips to his, and his knee nudged her thighs open, seconds before his hard shaft pressed into her; claiming her as only a male could do. He sank his manhood into her soft flesh, groaning as he whispered her name.
Waves of ecstasy throbbed through her, and the pleasure was pure and explosive. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out, as Peter groaned on top of her, kissing her neck gently. He captured her nipples between his teeth, and he nibbled softly on the hard nubs, causing her to hiss with delight.
She held on tight as he rocked his hips, the delicious friction inside of her almost making her cry. “Peter,” she whispered. “I need you.”
“Yes. Let me have you.” He kissed her, as he thrust deeper, his touch so tender, she felt treasured. Worshiped. He slipped his hands under her, as she gripped him with her thighs, and he flexed his hips faster.
She couldn’t speak or breathe it felt so good. No one had ever taken her like this. There wasn’t an inch of her that didn’t feel touched by his lovemaking. She felt adored as he rolled his hips, coaxing her climax into an explosion of raw pleasure.
She arched her back, as her body contracted, and heat flashed through her. “Oh, god.” She clutched him as shivers of ecstasy ravaged her, and she shuddered with her release. Her insides quivered and contracted with delight.
He groaned, and came too, his body jerking and quaking inside her. “Kelly. Kelly.” His voice shook. “Trust me.”
Her muscles were weak and limp as they finished their lovemaking. The weight of his body on hers felt intimate and perfect. She didn’t ever want him to move. She wanted to lie tangled in his arms for the rest of her life.
She didn’t want to think about whether or not he was who he said he was. She simply wanted to bask in the afterglow of their coupling. For now he was hers, and they were joined physically and emotionally
Chapter Eleven
Kelly opened her eyes, and it took a moment to register where she was. She was lying on her living room couch, legs intertwined with Peter’s, her head rested on his muscled chest, rising and falling with the steady rhythm of his breathing. One of his tanned arms lay possessively across her waist, holding her firmly against him.
She gasped as she remembered the night before, warmth creeping into her cheeks. So much for putting him in his place, she grimaced. If anything, he’d once again gotten the upper hand. She should get up and dress before he woke, she told herself. But she didn’t want to move from his warm embrace. She took a deep breath of his clean male scent, rubbing her soft cheek against his rough chest. He stirred, and she held her breath.
“Good morning.” His voice was soft, and husky from sleep.
She peeked up at him from under her dark lashes, her cheeks pink. “We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”
“Why?” He stroked her soft hair, holding one end of a long strand and tweaking the tip of her nose with it.
She smiled, and pushed herself away from him slightly, reaching over and grabbing her blouse and skirt, trying unsuccessfully to cover herself with her slender arms. He sat up eyeing her admiringly as she struggled to pull her shirt over her head. “Come back here.” His eyes looked dangerous.
She hopped up quickly sliding her skirt on, “No way.” She felt shy around him, had anything really been settled last night? What was she doing jumping into bed with him again? Had she no self- discipline at all?
His eyes narrowed. “Kelly what’s wrong?” He pushed himself up onto one elbow, inspecting her face.
“Why does this keep happening?” Her voice sounded high pitched and confused.
“Well, I know why I keep doing it. I can’t speak for you.” A smile played around his lips.
Kelly twisted her hands, standing over him. “Peter, this is serious. I’m serious.” His smile widened, “Really.”
“Okay, fine have it your way. It was awful, and you need to stop taking advantage of me.”
“I don’t know that anything was solved last night.”
Peter stood up and Kelly forced herself to look away with pink cheeks while he pulled on his clothes. “What is it we need to solve?”
“I don’t think you grasp the situation. I can’t just keep making love to you like some pathetic fool, when for all I know you’re lying to me and using me.” She sounded exasperated, eyeing him warily.
He stood up and caught her frantic hands in his calmly. “Let’s make some coffee and sit down and discuss this like two rational adults.”
Her pulse quickened at his touch, and she nodded agreeably. “Alright, that sounds better.”
Once the coffee was made, and poured, they stood in the kitchen. Peter leaned against the counter, holding his cup, and studying her serious pale face. “What do you want to tackle first?”
She blew on her hot coffee, taking a cautious sip. “First and most importantly; are you still writing the book?”
He bit his lip and paused for what seemed an eternity. “Yes.”
“What?” Kelly felt the blood leaving her face. “But… but you said you had decided not to.”
“No. I said I didn’t want to write the book. I didn’t say I wasn’t going to write the book.”
Kelly glared at him setting her cup down abruptly. “I knew it. You lied to me so you could get me in bed.”
“As I recall, we didn’t even make it past the couch.” He smiled at her blush, and quickly interjected. “And I didn’t lie to you.”
“I must have a different definition of truth than you.” Her tone was cool.
“Look I have to write the book. I’m under contract. But I plan on keeping your whereabouts a complete secret. Nobody will have any idea where you actually are.”
“How are you going to do that?” She sounded doubting. “Too many people know I’m here already. You, Constance, and even your editor.”
“Constance and I are the only ones who actually know who you are, well, actually my publisher is three, but he’s a friend of mine. I know he’ll keep a secret if asked too.”
“Constance is not exactly fond of me. She’d be only too happy to cause me problems.”
He grinned. “True. She can’t stand you. But Constance isn’t evil. She’s just selfish. She wouldn’t do anything that would actually physically harm someone. From what I have been able to gather, that’s exactly what Robert would do.” His voice was suddenly very sober.
“I don’t trust this plan. Please, Peter, can’t you just not write the book? There must be hundreds of other more intriguing people you could write about.”
“No one could possibly be more intriguing to me than you, Kelly. However, I’m afraid it really is out of my hands. Like I said, I have a contract, and at this point, it’s about money for the publishing house.”
“I see, it’s bu
siness.” Her voice was icy. “What was last night, a little last minute research?”
He flinched at the tone of her voice. “Don’t act childish Kelly. I’ll see to it that you’re safe.”
“How? Your work here is just about finished. Isn’t it time you were on your way? I’m sure you have your next ‘research’ victim lined up already.”
“What are you implying?” His eyes narrowed.
“Come on Peter, I’m not naïve enough to think that I’m the first ‘subject’ you’ve researched so… thoroughly.” Her voice was intentionally taunting.
He reached out and caught her wrist in his hard grasp. “Stop talking like an idiot.”
She twisted out of his hold rubbing her arm where his fingers had been. “Who’s acting childish now?”
“You’re the most infuriating woman I’ve ever been involved with.” His mouth was set in an angry line.
“High praise indeed. I’m sure there have been plenty,” she shot back as she marched toward her room.
She showered trying to erase last night from her memory. She was sunk. That was all there was to it. If the book was published, and she knew it would be, she’d have to leave here and find a new haven. She couldn’t trust other people to keep her secret. That was way too dangerous.
Peter was gone by the time she emerged from her room. The pale skin under her eyes was dark, showing signs of strain. She’d also lost weight from all the stress of the last month.
She forced herself to choke down a piece of toast and jam. Then she put on her smock and went into her studio. Placing a large canvas on the easel, she poured out the acrylic colors of choice, and began painting her series for the Blue Lion Hotel. Enough was enough. It was time to buckle down. If she did need to leave town, she was going to need money to do it. The sum the Blue Lion Hotel was paying for these paintings would be more than enough to set her up somewhere else.
Her heart sank at the thought of leaving her little home, and her friend Gayle. She could never have gotten through all these years without her loyal friend, and Fred would certainly be disappointed to see her leave. Try as she might, she also couldn’t ignore the lump in her throat at the thought of never seeing Peter again.